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"Just like in the stories, ponies keep their princesses in the tallest towers of the castle! I can't believe how dumb they are to tell everyone! First, I'll replace that princess getting married, then I'll... do cool stuff with the love I take, and then Equestria will be mine!"

A last-minute entry for the site-wide Dialogue Only Contest
Preread by: The Sleepless Beholder
Cover Art: Do You Swat It? by Techy Cutie @PonyTechy on Twitter

Now with a Russian translations! Available at FicBook, PonyFiction, and Tabun (Everypony.ru)!
Translation by: GORynytch
Editing and Proofreading: Mordaneus, Oil in Heat (AKA Gannibal Lector), Fogelman, and Taur00

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy's always felt more than a little different from the other foals her age, but it wasn't until recently that she came to terms with one of the reasons why that might be. Her best friend, Jet Stream, has always supported her, despite how different they are...but he's been acting a little weird lately. Fluttershy wants to believe it doesn't have anything to do with her, but she's the only thing that's changed recently. Is she going to have to choose between her true self and her only friend, or is there something else entirely going on?

This story contains transgender themes.

Chapters (1)

“Please look after my children.”

Pear Butter’s last words were spoken to the stranger who found their crash: the cruel, otherworldly siren named Adagio Dazzle, who sees in her death a golden opportunity.

What starts as a plan to raise willing minions for sustenance and protection goes… a little differently than Adagio had in mind.

Cover art by Uz Naimat!

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Mi Amore Influenza

Over the course of a week in the City-State of Cloudsdale, a frustrated Mi Amore Cadenza makes a series of bad choices that kind of make her into a monster.

Also, she becomes a dragon at some point.

(A continuation of the Cadance of Cloudsdale cycle.)

Chapters (6)

Sunset is a roving part-timer, and Adagio sings on Whotube for tips. The pair are never more than a month from eviction, so when a shady party center offers Sunset a holiday bonus to work Christmas Eve it’s both too good to refuse… and too good to be true.

Written for Incandesca for Jinglemas 2023!

Chapters (1)

It's been a long while since Applejack and her friends had a real night out, and Braeburn's newly-out cousin visiting town is a perfect excuse to get the girls back together and get rowdy at Ponyville's best (and only) gay/lesbian/non-denominationally-queer watering hole. There's just one problem: Braeburn wants to bring his new boyfriend along too. Also, his new boyfriend is a psychopathic dictator who tried to enslave the Crystal Empire twice and was extremely dead the last time Applejack saw him.

On second thought, that's two problems. Maybe more. Definitely a whole lot more.

My just-in-time entry for the M/M Shipping Contest III that got ever so slightly out of hand. Rated T for sexual themes, lots of booze, a couple of potty words, and Applejack being the disasteriest lesbian in Equestrian history.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to And I Hope You Die

The world has been at war for six years, and the conflict has almost reached its bitter end. One last push into enemy territory will win the war for the Alliance between Equestria and the Crystal Empire — but only if Flurry Heart and the forces she commands are willing to bear the cost, and Twilight Sparkle will allow them to bear it.

Artificer's Guildmaster Spike wasn't there when they made their decision, and it's too late to change what happened afterwards. All he can do now is piece together what led up to the fateful last days of the Second War, and do what little he can to protect the creatures who survived it.

A dual sequel to my short story "And I Hope You Die" and GaPJaxie's novel Around the World in 81 Days (And Other Problems Caused by Leap Years), written to be understandable for people who have read neither. My entry for the Imposing Sovereigns IV contest, using the prompt "Flurry Heart/Strength."

Chapters (18)

To the north, Queen Chrysalis' empire grows strong with conquest, industry, and fearsome new weapons.

To the south, Equestria sleeps.

But not Miss Harshwhinny. She is not a soldier, owns no factories, did not even know what a tank was before seeing a picture. She can learn, though, and she can see what is coming. And as the day of invasion draws near, she races against time to build for Equestria a weapon with a fighting chance.

(An Equestria at War fic.)

Now with a dramatic reading by Skijaramaz!

Chinese translation here!: https://fimtale.com/t/67031

Chapters (1)

When the leaves of the world burst into deep reds, oranges, and yellows, earth pony towns all over Equestria chase the cold winds away with Fall Weather Friends Day festivals. From budding relationships to old flames, relations of all kinds gather from across Equestria to enjoy the season, including a peculiar pair of bitter and sweet stallions.

The dichotomous couple intends to make the most of their visit to the friendship capital of the world, Ponyville, by seeing the sights, savoring the fun and festivities, and ignoring the terrified screams of the locals, all the while deepening their love for one another. As long as they have each other, nothing will be able to stand against their star-crossed love, both figuratively and literally.

Tied for second place in Bicyclette's M/M Shipping Contest III hosted by the M/M Shipping Contests! group
Edited by: TheAncientPolitzanian
Preread by: Jymbroni, Alchemik, Falkenlied, and Arkadios
Cover Art: Pop-Rocking OCs by pop @rockin_candies on Twitter
Inspired by Crooked Beetles' Good OC x Bad OC Thread on Twitter

Featured from 11/16/23 to 11/20/23. Thanks so much!

Chapters (1)

It's an interesting situation - it's not every day that you get to see the outcome of the road not taken, what might have been. As the married Applejack and Rainbow Dash talk to the dating Applejack and Rarity, they get a bit competitive over who made the better choice.

The other Rainbow Dash and Rarity think it was obviously them.

[A RariDash story that ate what started as a commission for Spamotron]

Chapters (1)