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After finding Discord hiding out in his closet, Twilight Sparkle soon learns the most horrible of truths about herself and the world surrounding her.

And then she learns another truth.

And another. And another. And...

Chapters (2)

You found my book in the library. Cracking the cover, you found me waiting for you inside.

My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle. I am trapped in my book and need your help to get out of here. I'd do anything to get out of here.

Please help me.

You have to help me.


Featured 2/6/24 — 2/10/24
Featured on Equestria Daily 2/9/24

Thanks to ScreamQueen3 for looking over and providing feedback on this story ahead of time!

Cover art clipped from Season 5 Episode 12 Amending Fences.

Chapters (1)

Sunburst was the official crystaler. It was his job to help care for the young princess, and he had grown used to and even enjoyed the task. It was a pity, if one asked Flurry Heart, that he lacked a little trait that'd make him the best foalsitter.

Spoiler Traits: TG/Transgender

Chapters (25)

For obvious reasons, Hearts and Hooves Day has always been Cadance's favorite holiday. She and Shining Armor like to spend the holiday in Ponyville, but while Shining is busy making preparations for the evening, Cadance was hoping to meet up with Twilight to tease Anon for being single. Again. To their surprise, he has gone missing. Now, the hunt is on for Ponyville's resident human. Did he really get a special somepony, or is he just trying to avoid the princess of love again?

Meanwhile, Anon isn't aware that his whereabouts are a secret.

Chapters (2)

By sheer dumb luck, you learned about an upcoming invasion of Ponyville planned by Queen Chrysalis and her army of changelings. Unfortunately, there are two major problems. First, Twilight and her friends are currently on vacation, meaning that the only thing standing between the changelings and Ponyville is little old you. Second, the invasion is supposed to occur at sunrise, which is about an hour away.

Oh dear.

Chapters (1)

You've been the only human in Equestria for some time now. However, it wasn't until this morning that your good friend Twilight suggested you take a peek through the Crystal Mirror. Supposedly, there is another world on the other side of that mirror populated by humans just like you.

She conveniently left out the fact that she herself turns into a human when she passes through it.

In hindsight, you probably should have seen this coming.

Chapters (1)

Flash Sentry has a problematic crush.

Sunset tries to help.

It does not end well.

Written for the 2023 May Pairings Contest.

A special thanks to EileenSaysHi for their generous editing assistance.

Featured 5/18/2023 - 5/20/2023!

Chapters (1)

While renovating her home, Sunny Starscout stumbles upon a hidden letter from her father atop an old worn book.

Now with an audio version!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash isn't what many ponies would consider attractive, but, somehow, she's managed to score a date with a stallion. Now she's at the restaurant, waiting for him to show up.

Thanks to PopMediaVagabond and CleanSweep for giving feedback on this.

Chapters (1)

Every year, a funeral is held for Celestia’s dearly departed daughter, Aurora. Every year Aurora grapples with the consequences of facing her mother and the public eye once again.

Rated T for themes of death - albeit lightly touched on. Constructive criticism is always encouraged.

Chapters (2)