• Member Since 14th Sep, 2014

Rescue Sunstreak

Rescue Sunstreak at your service.

Weedverse 14 stories
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When Sumac Apple started this day, he had but one Lemon. Life has plans to pluralise that.

An entry in the Weedverse.

Chapters (1)

How is a pony supposed to get any work done with an annoying balloonatic hanging about?

Why won't Pinkie Pie just go away?

Young Sumac must face a ballooning problem before it blows up in his face.

An entry in the Weedverse.

Chapters (3)

Sunburst too, is blind to much, but this doesn't stop him from being an excellent teacher. He lives a quiet life of excellence, unaware of his own greatness, blind to his own goodness. Teacher, friend, trusted advisor, lover, Sunburst is many things to many ponies.

Flurry Heart, his beloved student, tries his patience something awful.

An entry in the Weedverse.

Chapters (4)

Smirk, a young unicorn mare from Vanhoover, comes to Princess Celestia to ask a question.

A questionable question. The sort of question that gets one tossed out of society.

Of course, Princess Celestia has an answer.

An entry in the Weedverse.

Chapters (1)

Spike the Dragon, Princess Twilight Sparkle's Number One Assistant, takes it upon himself to save a pony.

He has no idea what he's in for.

Twilight is buried beneath her duties as a princess, an administrator, and as the head of a school. Sometimes, things get lost in the hectic shuffle, small, tiny, important things in desperate need of reassurance and comfort.

This is an entry in the Weedverse, but it is rather self-contained. It exists on a small, focused scale, a character drama between just a few souls.

Chapters (5)

"When the revolution comes, who will be the first against the gingerbread wall?"

Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, goes to Las Pegasus to attend the Great Equestrian Bake-Off. Being Twilight Sparkle, she can't have a pleasant trip, no. She finds herself in a convoluted mess of tribalism, government mandated fairness, a dying element of earth pony culture, and what just might be the remnants of the Great Equestrian Dream, a unity that might have never existed.

Left with no other choice, Twilight decides it is time to smash the system, forgetting that she is the system. Somehow, Twilight manages to lead a revolt against her own authority.

An entry in the Weedverse.

Chapters (38)

Shining Armor, a pony in dire need of vacation, faces immense challenge while doing so. Cadance didn't leave her work at home and being a father is a full time job. Can't a pony catch a break?

The answer is no. Definitely not.

An entry in the Weedverse.

Chapters (13)

Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's precocious student, wants to know why it can't be teatime all the time. Princess Celestia's response comes in the form of a story, The Tale of the Dark Empress of Teatime.

In this tale, Sunny Sunshine goes to pay the Dark Empress of Teatime a visit, and comes home a different pony.

Technically an entry in the Weedverse, but stands alone and takes place in pre-history.

Chapters (9)

Twilight Sparkle never knew just how much she wanted to adventure with her mentor. Until one day, that adventure is thrust upon her. Now, she can't wait for it to be over.

Like any seasoned adventurer, Princess Celestia forms a party of capable, credible threats. Shining Armor as the handsome tank, a damage sponge like no other. There is a grey vizard to do all of the morally objectionable stuff that Princess Celestia would never sully her hooves with. With the aid of Twilight's snark, Princess Celestia leads the way to recover Moon Rose, a foalnapped filly.

Together, they face the Fortress of Egress.

A doorway into the Weedverse.

Chapters (9)

Olfactography seemed like such a brilliant, world-changing idea. A nose-enabled camera that takes olfactographs. A little harmless science to wile away the day. Everything was fine, just fine, until there happened to be a malodorous development. Afterwards, things were most decidedly not fine.

Vinyl Scratch. Disc jockey. Musician. Wizard. Esteemed sound engineer.

Public menace.

Sumac Apple. Tinkerer. Curious colt. Apprentice. Co-conspirator. Accomplice.

Accessory to a crime.

A developing entry in the Weedverse.

Chapters (8)