Probably the best thing to happen in Discord's long life was finding the magic of friendship. As much as the old Chaos Lord might complain, without it he would never have found so many that were dear to his heart.
When that heart finds itself empty, he comes to the Princess to ask a favor: allow him the opportunity to bring friendship to other dark hearts. All she has to do is lend him a statue.
The rest is in his chaotic claws.
Featured on 10/18/19, 10/22/19 and 10/25/19!
Featured in Equestria Daily on 6/18/2020 and in their 40 Fanfics to Read for Villain Day on 11/12/2020!
Reviewed here by Javarod!
Also reviewed by PresentPerfect with the rating of Highly Recommended! And it also made the Top 10 of 2020!
Death tag - no horrible murder, just a few mentions and the natural consequences of time.