• Member Since 14th Sep, 2014
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Rescue Sunstreak

Rescue Sunstreak at your service.

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Found 6 stories in 34ms

Total Words: 135,203
Estimated Reading: 9 hours

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This story is a sequel to Ranger

Can Lightning dust make it to Manehatten? Shane had put his trust in her, and she would not let him, or the Rangers down!

A short story done for EFNW 2019 Iron Author. No edit done and posted in the spirit of the event.

Chapters (1)

This was my entry to the EFNW 2018 Iron Author writing competition. As always with my short stories it is stand alone, however to know who the characters really are, you would be best served reading the main Ponyville Fire Department story.

It is Crash's big day, two years of training under Chief Sunstreak. This was his true desire, not just being a firefighter but to make the grade as Inspector. Could he pass the test, could he show he had what it took?

Chapters (1)

The Firewatch, long weeks living out of a tower in the middle of the forest with only your partner to talk to. This is the story of two Pegasus on the frontier between Equestria and Gryphonstone.

Be warned this is not edited, it is as I submitted it and I submit it here in the spurt of the Iron Author.

My entry into the NWEF Iron Author for 2017, had to hit 3 key words.


Finished in one hour 2 minutes. Didn't win, but I had a blast doing it and will try again next year.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Ponyville Fire Department

Long and hard work lay before the five. However they would do this, for Ponyville, for Luna, and for the memory of Archer.

Meanwhile Ponyville continues to grow, and with that. The chief of PVFD Station 1, Rescue Sunstreak, grows with it. He has to plan the future, no longer is ponyville a tiny little village, it is a true town now and its needs for first responders have grown with it.

With his husband at his side, and friends all around them. They will guide the new generation of firepony, to help them carry on the tradition of charging in when others run away.

Chapters (4)

What about all the little stories? Scoot and Rumble on a date, Dash and her coltfriend hanging out. Perhaps Ice reflecting on her life.

So many little stories to tell. This is a collection of them.

To my readers: You must read the main story up to chapter 28 before any of this will be understandable. They are not, nor ever will, be stand alone. However you don't have to read this story to get the main story. They will be little 'optional' side life adventures that don't affect the main story at all.

Chapters (1)

A look into the world of a firepony. Why is Rescue who he is? Why do firepony do what they do? What insane pony or birdy rushes into a place with nothing but an ax and a hose, when even angels fear tread? This is the story of it all, the why, the who, and the soul that pushes them to stand tall.

This story, the PVFD is dedicated to the hard working men and women of the worlds first responders. May whatever gods exist in the universe, watch over them as they rush to help us in our darkest moments without a thought for themselves.

Now edited by Thunderblast who I can not say thank you enough to.

Character list: List
Warning: Stallion on Stallion sex happens. You can find that at... Smexy stuff

Side stories found Here

*Arc 1* Chapters 1-10
*Arc 2* Chapters 11-20
*Arc 3* Chapters 21-37
*Arc 4* Chapters 38-47
*Arc 5* Chapters 48-???

Chapters (58)