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War. Noun. (1) : a state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state.

"Soldiers are always preparing to fight the previous war" is a saying that is common amongst those of military profession. Equestria has not seen a war on her own soil in several hundred years. As such, would she be prepared for when such a thing happens? Of course not.

Battling the griffons and the minotaurs has been a challenge due to lack of experience. Fortunately, her armies adapted and started to hold her own. That was, until Tirek returned and aided in the fight to defeat Equestria. To keep his friends safe, Discord successfully defeated Tirek and sealed him away. The cost of fighting Tirek? Dying. Knowing that he would die, Discord summoned several creatures to protect his friends. These creatures, never seen before in Equestria, are very familiar with the concept of war.

This world has experienced their second industrial revolution and Equestria is at war, a World War, the first this world has seen. Equestria and her citizens have a lot to learn if they want to see the end of this conflict with their culture and way of life preserved.

Author's Note: I have deployed so updates won't exactly be plentiful. I'll definitely try to put them out but I'm pretty busy. Also, if you comment on my story, showing an error, I appreciate it. If you point them out, I will fix it and then delete your comment so there's not too much spam in the comments.

Author's Note V2: Deployment is done.

Author's Note V3: Gearing up for the next deployment, busy again.

Author's Note V4: Not deploying with unit, got run over by a car while walking

Author's Note V5: Major health problems, not car related, Medically discharged now.

Chapters (61)

It's been seventeen years since the largest wedding in the history of Equestria, a leader and a hero steps out of the past to be reunited with her family and friends past. Luna is up to her old tricks again, encouraging relationships as she and the other protectors of Equestria prepare for an uncertain future that may cost them everything they hold dear.

New to the story, don't know what the heck is going on, then start the story right by going all the way back to the beginning with And Tootsie Flute Makes Three

Chapters (25)

After helping Spike and Rarity while the little dragon was cursed as a werepony, Princess Luna sets out to do all she can to help the other ponies that embodied the Elements of Harmony. On her journey, she finds friends she didn't realize she had and something more.

The story continues with Hope and Shadows

Don't know what the heck is going on? Then start to story right by going all the way back to the beginning with And Tootsie Flute Makes Three

Chapters (12)

It's been almost three months since Spike was cured of his werepony curse and things seem to be getting back to normal. Unbeknownst to him, however, Rarity has a surprise that will test his commitment to their relationship.

The story continues with Luna the Matchmaker

Don't know what the heck is going on? Then start to story right by going all the way back to the beginning with And Tootsie Flute Makes Three

Chapters (4)

Life is good for Lyra and Bonbon but something is missing. Bonbon wants more, she wants a foal and Lyra is faced with how to give the love of her life what she wants.

The story continues with Curse of the Werepony

Chapters (1)

An unfortunate turn of events finds Spike changed into an Earth pony. Rarity unintentionally crushed his heart and now she has to fight hard to win back his trust, his friendship, and maybe something more.

The story continues with Curse of the Werepony 2

Don't know what the heck is going on? Then start to story right by going all the way back to the beginning with And Tootsie Flute Makes Three

Chapters (4)

The Changelings have been defeated and Shining Armor and Princess Cadence have said their vows, but that still leaves the Mane Six and others with the issue of the strain on their friendships. And among all the guests present at the reception, a few of them are going to be suprised with what new relationships are formed.

A live reading by Alchemystudent is available here.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Families

Third in the Nuptialverse...

Twilight Sparkle has done much for Equestria. If it weren't for her, Equestria would be destroyed three times over by now.

So what happens when she has to leave? What happens when she and Spike are forced to depart from Equestria in order to fulfill their duties? And what happens when there's still important things at home to do?

Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash now have to get along without the one who leads them. All of Equestria is counting on them. Can they do it?

AU only post-season 2, since the basic idea for this fic was created long before it aired. Events similar to season 3 have happened, all of which will be revealed. Strongly recommended you read Post Nuptials and Families first.

Cover art by Concier

Chapters (28)

This story is a sequel to Direction

The Element of Magic has been stolen. Twilight has to venture through a magic mirror in order to get it back. On the other side, she finds a world filled with creatures she thought were legend, and yet they all wear familiar faces. Now, with the help of a local principal and a few helpful teens, she needs to track down Celestia's former student and get her Element back before it's too late.

The Nuptialverse's take on Equestria Girls. Happens simultaneously with Direction

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to Direction

A year ago, Scootaloo's parents were arrested, and Scootaloo was placed in Rainbow Dash's care. Now, she visits them for the first time, to say what's on her mind, even if it's hard.

A Nuptialverse story. Takes place during Direction.

Chapters (1)