//------------------------------// // Reunions // Story: Hope and Shadows // by dlazerous //------------------------------// Hope and Shadows Chapter 11 “Reunions.” By Steven Little My Little Pony © Hasbro While Reginald marched off to his inevitable fate, back in the dining room, three mares were conspiring. "Do you really think it will be as simple as that?" Sweetie Belle asked. "I know it will." Twilight said. "If we let Dusk know that you're performing at the Wine Club tonight and let slip that Tootsie Flute enjoys your music quite a bit, then he might just ask her out. However, if he seems hesitant, you say you were going to invite her anyway; then we get our friends together and make sure those two end up at the same table. Then we let your songs do the rest. Start with your thank you to Berry, move on to that song you want to do for Scoot and then, once the kids have been primed, go in for the kill with that last song." “Wow, you two sure have put a lot of thought into this.” Belle said with a smile. “We had to,” Twilight said. “Dusk has been on the look out for Luna’s meddling so we had to plan extra carefully.” "Our boy may be a little forgetful at times, but he’s not dumb. That being said, he won't expect a sneak attack from Twilight.” Luna said with a small giggle. “Now Sweetie Belle, do you have somepony to sing the male vocals for that last song, you usually have a guest performer sing it don't you?" Luna asked. "Yes, or if we can't get anyone on short notice, we have Blue Notes sing it. He's got a very powerful voice but I can get him to tone it down a bit." "Hello Mom, Mother, Belle." Dusk greeted them as he came in the door. "Hello dear how is your sister and Dinky today." Luna asked. "They're fine. Dinky's been taking it slow; she's still getting used to the new leg and Dawn is a wreck. She fusses over Dinky so. Every time Dinky trips or stumbles, Dawn kind of freaks out. Aunt Celestia is there now so I came home." "I should go see them too." Twilight said. "Only if you want to bring down Julian's wrath. He's one stallion in a house with three mares and his pregnant wife. I don't think more mares are going to help; besides I think Aunt Celestia can handle it. Oh, she told me you were performing tonight at the Wine Club. Is that true Belle?" "Yes, Berry Punch is opening the club to all ages. Garnet has a few of his deputies patrolling to make sure there's no underage drinking. But yeah, you're more than welcome to attend. Oh gee, look at the time. Princesses, thank you for helping me with the planning for the reception, I should really get going. I wanted to invite Tootsie Flute before I went home for my fitting for the wedding, I heard she's a pretty big fan." "I can extend your invitation for you if you'd like Belle. I wouldn't want your mother to become cross with you." Dusk offered. "Are you sure? I'd hate to be a bother?" Sweetie Belle said, pouting slightly. "It's no problem at all. I'll go right now and let her know; It's at eight thirty right?" "You got it, see you there!" She shouted as Dusk galloped out the door. "That was brilliant Belle, how did you come up with that so fast and so believably?" Twilight asked. "Well, some of it is true, I really do need to get going for my fitting. As for the rest of it, I suppose I've hung around you two way too much." She said as they all feel into a fit of giggles. =============================================================== Spike, Buttle and Reginald crossed the bridge on the southwest end of Ponyville, steadily approaching the Carousel Boutique. "So I take it this is where she works?" Reginald asked. "Yes, we live in the apartment above the shop. I know it's not what you're used to but it meets our needs, are you ready?" "Spike my boy, I don't think I could possibly be prepared for what lies on the other side of that door." "Well, let me feel out the situation and then I'll announce you. Ahh, here comes Sweetie Belle, she must have finished chatting with the Princesses." "You three haven't been waiting out here the entire time have you?" "No, just showing our guests around town a bit on our way home." Spike said, chewing on a piece of quartz he picked up from Berry Punch when he passed her wine bar. "Daddy, you're stalling, just go in and tell Mom that we have guests. I'll bring them in with me." Spike cautiously poked his reptilian head inside the shop. "Rarity, are you here?" He asked quietly, not wanting to wake her if she was napping. With a loud shout, Rarity tackled Spike so hard he fell backwards out the door and slid down the outside stairs with Rarity standing on top of him. "Spike Swift-talon! Where in Equestria have you been? You've had me worried half out of my wits! Garnet and Sweetie still need to be fitted for the wedding Thursday. Did you hear me, Thursday! That's in two days! Jato, Honey and Scootaloo have already been here and gone!" Rarity looked up at Sweetie Belle and the other two ponies with her. "Sweetie Belle, please go inside. As long as you're here we can get your fitting done before the concert. And who are you two miscreants, my husband's drinking buddies, you must be because I can smell the quartz on his breath. Be off with you, this dragon isn't going out for a while so go find some bottle to crawl into." Reginald let out a loud laugh. "Well daughter, I don't recall you being this surly the last time I saw you pregnant but then I suppose all this rustic living has rubbed off on you and put a few edges on your refined sensibilities." "Father? What are you doing here? Where is mother? I though neither of you wanted to ever see me again." Rarity sputtered. "Your mother is most likely occupying a dungeon cell at the palace. It's a long story and I owe your children and your husband for revealing to me your mother's treachery. I am here to make up for the loss of precious time with you. I'm here to attend my grandchildren's wedding and if you'll let me I would like to be here for the birth of my newest grandchild." =============================================================== While Reginald was explaining the events of the last thirty years, Garnet approached the edge of the Everfree Forest. The entrance to the forest looked gloomy and foreboding as it always had but as soon as Garnet stepped a single hoof into the forest it seemed to get brighter. He continued to walk finding that the dirt path that used to lead through the forest was paved with cobblestones. The edges of the path were neat and trimmed giving a good twenty hoof clearance from the forest on both sides. As he traveled the path every now and then he would see a lamppost that looked like a small, twisted, leafless tree that had grown holding a glowing yellow crystal. Seeing as the paved road ran the same route Garnet was traveling he followed the path through the forest. The road did not twist and turn as he was told but rather moved in a series of straight lines. For a while Garnet was afraid he was going the wrong way when he came to a stone bridge crossing a wide gorge. Studying the structure, Garnet was soon satisfied that it was the exact same bridge Big Mac and Dinky had described. Crossing and continuing on the path, the purple unicorn was rewarded by the awe-inspiring sight of the restored Castle of the Pony Sisters. It was everything his two friends had described. As he approached the immense front doors he noticed that the building itself seemed to glow with a luminescent energy. Before he could knock on the door its opened on it's own. "Please come in." A voice called out, deep and emotionless. Garnet hesitantly walked through the doors and called out the darkness. "I am here to speak with Discord, is the master of this castle home?" "I am at home." Discord said, appearing behind the unicorn. "Are you here to arrest me? Has Celestia sent you to lock me up?" "Sir, I admit that I do not know what issues there are between you and the Princess but rest assured, I am here for my own reasons." Discord sat down in front of him with questioning eyes. "Then why have you come?" "I came to thank you for helping out my friends. You could have easily refused Dinky's request but you didn't and for that I am grateful." "How are they holding up?" He asked almost concerned. "Dawn is fine. The leg seems to work as well as her old one though she absolutely refuses to bleach the fur white to match the rest of her." He said chuckling. "Dinky on the other hand is still getting use to her mechanical leg but it seems to be working well." "Good. I'm glad that I could be of some assistance, even if only to show up Celestia." "Sir, may I ask a question?" "Only if you stop calling me sir. Discord or Kirin, one or the other." "Kirin then, I'm getting married in two days along with some dear friends of mine. I would be honored if you would attend." Garnet offered. "Why?" Discord inquired, not quite certain what the unicorns angle was. "Because I asked, does there have to be a reason?" Garnet said. "Like it or not you are a part of this community and while you may prefer your solitude here, more ponies will eventually seek you out and try to include you in the day to day events of our town. They can't really help it; it's just the way they are. Also, if you wanted to be by yourself why make a paved and well groomed path straight to the castle?" "I think I see what you mean. I am unused to social gatherings, normally when ponies see me they run in fear or I'm there to have some fun at their expense. This existence is boring, I crave excitement; is a little fun too much to ask?" "Well, if you want some fun, you should try hanging out with Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. Those two are notorious pranksters, I'm just happy it hasn't rubbed off on their kids." "You don't say?" Discord asked with a smirk. "I'm sure this is some sort of self punishment, I have a hard time dealing with their pranks as it is, adding you to the mix is most likely going to cause me no end of trouble." "Than why even suggest it?" He asked. "Because, when you see a friend having problems you do what you can to help, even if it causes you a little trouble down the road." "I wouldn't say we're friends Garnet, you barely know me. I'm practically a stranger." "Well, father always told me a stranger is just some pony you haven't made friends with yet." Garnet said smiling. "Your father has a interesting way with words. I've been meaning to speak with your parents concerning your mother's pregnancy but I might look bad to simply show up at your home without notice." "Well, Sweetie Belle is holding a small concert at the Wine Club in about an hour. All of our friends and their families will be there including my parents. You could speak with them after the concert and arrange for a time to meet." "Why after the concert?" He asked "If you're going to go at all, you should at least stay and listen to Belle. She has an amazing voice and unique style to her music that can be both sweet and loving one moment then loud and exhilarating the next. You should come; I think you'd enjoy it. Not all fun has to be derived from randomness and chaos." "I could use a little fun and since I promised I wouldn't cause problems, I might as well try it before I condemn it." Discord snapped his fingers and a collar with a red bow tie appeared around his neck. "Well my friend, shall we go?" =============================================================== The Wine Club was hopping with activity as everypony rushed to get to their seats. The club itself was not exceptionally large but was suitable for Berry Punch's needs. In the front was a stage where numerous acts would play to entertain customers. To the left along the wall was an extensive wine bar stocked with every type of wine a pony could imagine, most of which were made by Berry and her family. The rest of the rectangular floor was divided into a dance floor and patron seating but for this event, the entire area was packed. Tootsie arrived a bit late and found most of the seats taken. 'Why didn't I just ask Dusk to pick me up?' She chastised herself. She had a choice between sitting with Dusk, Apple Bloom, or Princess Celestia way in the back, next to Twilight and Luna. Tootsie rushed over to Dusk's table. "Would you mind if I joined you? There aren't many choices left." "Sure, have a seat. I love my family but Aunt Celestia can be intimidating. That and I think she picked the worst possible seat, next to my parents and all the way in the back." Dusk said smiling. "Something tells me she probably wants to remain as anonymous as possible. I think she gets tired of all the attention sometimes." Tootsie Flute said. "It's sad really, she has nopony to talk to in that big palace." "What are you talking about? She holds court everyday, dozens of ponies come to talk to her." Dusk said. "Yes, but that's work, that doesn't count. They're there to talk business, but when does she just get to talk to somepony about nothing important at all? I don't even want to guess the last time she just hung out with somepony." Tootsie said with a sigh. "It's just so sad." "Hey now, you're starting to sound like my parents." Dusk warned. "You really want to go down that path?" "No way, I'll leave that to your Mothers. They seem to enjoy it though." "I'm just glad they haven't started in on me. One of these days I swear they're going to start trying to hook me up with another pony." Dusk said, "Have your Mothers been nagging you again?" "You know what, it's really odd but ever since Dinky got out of the hospital, my parents haven't said more than two words about it. It's kind of creepy, like they found a pony and are just waiting to spring him or probably her on me. Actually, I saw your Mothers leaving my place early this morning, you don't think; they wouldn't..." Dusk looked back to his parents and saw Luna waving back to him with a big smile. "Yeah, I think they did." He said with a scowl. "I wish they'd stay out of my non-existent private life." "It can't be that bad, you don't know for sure if that's why they were there. Our mothers have been friends for a very long time, longer than either of us has been alive. Can you just sit here with me and enjoy tonight, you can be mad at them tomorrow." Dusk looked at Tootsie Flute and lost himself in her violet eyes. He smiled slightly as his features softened and the scowl left his face. "Sure, I'll be mad at them tomorrow." Garnet poked his head into the main room of the club looking around at the ponies inside. He noticed the various ponies sitting around the stage and the bar. Applejack and her family, along with Big Macintosh, Fluttershy and Chaser sat to the left. Scootaloo occupied a stool at the wine bar. Dusk, Dawn, Dinky and Apple Bloom occupied the front close to the stage. Pinkie's family and the Dashes had taken up the middle; Honey and Jato had a small table to themselves. Along the right wall sat Garnet’s own family with Reginald and Buttle also in attendance. In the back sat the rest of the royal family. Twilight Sparkle and Luna sat together with Celestia sitting at her own table just left of them. Garnet pulled his head back into the lobby. "Okay, good news, bad news, which do you want first?" "I'll take the good news first." Discord said. "Well, I lied, there is no good news Kirin. There's only one seat available for you and it's next to Princesses Celestia, Twilight and Luna." Garnet watched Discord start to sweat. "Hey, are you alright? It's okay. Celestia won't yell at you or anything, not with all those ponies around and certainly not with her sister and Twilight right there. She'll be the picture of politeness." "I don't know why I'm so apprehensive right now. I am Discord, Lord of Chaos and Disharmony. I can flip the world upside down if I so choose, so why is thought of sitting next to Celestia right now making me feel so nervous?" "I have no idea, I could hasten a guess but It would be presumptuous at best, arrogant at worst." Garnet offered. "Please do tell, presumptuous and arrogant I can handle." Discord said. "Well, from what I've gathered talking to my parents and Twilight, you and the Princess had some kind of a relationship at some point. When you emerged from the statue the first time, did you not say that you missed her?" "Yes, I did say that. I must congratulate you on your deductive skills, that event happened several years before you were born." Discord sighed. "Yes, we had a relationship though I know she'll never admit it today." "Could it be that you still have feelings for her? I don't pretend to know what happened between you two but even after a thousand or so years, feelings don't just go away." "I have always cared for her and probably always will but after what happened I don't know if there's any going back." "If you want, you can go, you don't have to go in there." Garnet said. "No, you were right, sooner or later I'm going to be dragged kicking and screaming into this community. All the ponies know me as Kirin so maybe this can be a new start." Garnet smiled as he and Kirin entered the main hall. There were a few muffled gasps but everpony kept their seat. Garnet walked up the stage and grabbed the microphone. "Good evening everypony, Sheriff Garnet here; now I know not all of you have met Kirin, but he really is nicer than he looks. He is my friend and is here as my personal guest." He said looking to each of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. "I would expect that you treat him as you would me. Now, I have something to take care of real quick then I'll be back to talk with you all again before we get the show started." Discord, or Kirin as many of the ponies knew him, walked toward the back of the room. As he walked past, many ponies would say hello or welcome him to town. Kirin had never met such welcoming faces in his life, each of them were smiling and talking to him in a genuine fashion. These ponies wore no masks to cover their feelings. Bolstered by the friendly faces he passed, Kirin walked right up to Celestia's table. "Good evening Princess Celestia." He said as sweetly as he could. "It was, what sort of mischief are you up to Discord?" She asked coldly. "You wound me Princess. I am here for the same reason the rest of you are. I was invited to attend this concert and, having nothing else to do, I accepted. Princess Twilight over there told me to stay on my best behavior and I am endeavoring to keep that promise. Seeing as the seat next to you is the only one available I have come to ask if you would mind if I joined you. No tricks, no sarcastic remarks, just a place to sit." Luna leaned over and whispered in her sister's ear. "Come on Tia give the guy a break. He's done no harm since he arrived. He has followed every provision and request we've made with him, it's time to show a little trust." "That's usually when thing start to go wrong." She whispered back. Celestia looked back at him, he was fidgeting slightly and she could detect a tiniest bead of sweat on his brow. "Fine Dis… Kirin you may sit here but no tricks. Tonight is for them and I don't want anything to go wrong." "You have my word Princess, that's always been good enough for you. I hope it still is." Kirin said. Celestia simply grunted softly in response. "You look nice tonight." "Thank you, and you look as ravishing as always." Garnet once again approached the stage and took the microphone. "Okay everypony, settle down. Now, while this establishment is a bar and not normally open to those ponies under eighteen, tonight everyone is legal to be here. At the request of Berry Punch, my new deputies will be patrolling around the room to make sure there is no underage drinking. So as long as we all can follow the rules we all can have a good time. Big sis, I think it's your turn now." He said handing the microphone up to his older sister. "Thanks baby bro. How's everypony doing tonight?" The crowed erupted in cheering. "All right, now while I'm retired from performing I'll still do the occasional set here and there so without further ado, Berry, this one's for you for letting us use your bar! Parents, you might want to cover the ears of your little ones for this." Sweetie Belle gave the signal to her band, many of whom originated from Ponyville. Blue Notes started strumming his guitar as the drums and Sweetie Belle dropped in on cue. Sweetie Belle strutted across the stage as she pushed her voice to higher volumes. Shaking her mane and tail, Belle worked the stage and the crowed like the seasoned professional she was. The whole time she was levitating a glass of wine without spilling a drop. Berry had jumped on the bar and was dancing around and rocking out along with Sweetie Belle. Everyone in the front and middle sections shouted "Raise your glass" with the song every time it came up. Rarity and Spike were wreathed in smiles, they were so proud of their little filly. Even Reginald and Buttle were tapping their hooves in time with the music. The music came to a crescendo and ended with the crowd's applause ringing in Sweetie Belle's ears. She downed the glass of wine in one swallow and tossed the glass toward the bar where Berry caught it deftly in her mouth without it breaking. Sweetie Belle whipped some sweat from her brow. "Wow, I haven't done that number in a while, I forgot how energetic it could be." There was a whistle and a catcall coming from the bar. "And you did that number great babe!" Scootaloo shouted. Still panting a little she took a drink of water from a stool next to her. "Okay, time to slow things down a bit. This next song is for somepony very close to me, somepony without whom I would not be the pony I am today. Scoots, I love you." Sweetie Belle began to sing first then the guitar, piano, and drums came in softly behind her. The music was light and soft, the complete opposite of what was played moments ago. Every eye in the bar was fixated at two points, Scootaloo at the bar and Sweetie Belle sitting at the edge of the stage, her back legs dangling in the air. As she sang, she seemed to be reaching out with her voice and speaking to the heart of everypony in the room but none so much as Celestia and Kirin. In the back of the room a waitress was moving from table to table taking orders when she finally reached the table where one of the rulers of Equestria sat. "Your majesty, is there anything I can get for you?" "Yes, a glass of dandelion wine would be delightful." Celestia said. "And you sir?" She asked. "No thank you, alcohol does not agree with me, some water would be fine." The waitress moved on and Kirin found Celestia looking at him. "What? Did you think I forgot what happened the last time I drank?" "No, I was quite certain you had remembered. I'm just.." She couldn't finish her thought. Luna saw what was going on and nudged Twilight. "Look what's going on next door." She whispered softly so only Twilight could hear. Discord had positioned a single talon over Celestia's lips to quiet her. Placing that claw over her left front hoof he squeezed it gently. "You were right, tonight is for them not for us. Whatever you have to say to me, whatever accusations and arguments we have for each other can wait. I'm not going anywhere and we have a lot of time to holler and shout at each other but let them have tonight without both of us ruining it." As the song began to wind down, Sweetie Belle had left the stage and was slowly walking toward Scootaloo. She continued to approach her lover until she held the last note of the song, right in front of the orange pegasus. "I love you." She said, kissing her ardently. The whole club erupted in cheers and whistles. Releasing Scootaloo from her kiss she reached over and downed the pegasi's drink. "If you wanted my drink, you could have just said so." Scoot said smiling at her. "Yes, but then I wouldn't have needed to sing for you and you know how much I love singing for you." Scootaloo lightly kissed the tip of Belle’s horn. "Go on, you have another set to do." Sweetie Belle returned to the stage with the faces of every unicorn in the room blushing wildly. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle knew that kissing a unicorns horn was a very intimate act but they didn't care. They'd been hiding their relationship from the public long enough and they didn't care who knew how much they loved each other. The night wore on and song after song filled the club as Sweetie Belle played some of her best-loved music for her friends, family and the ponies of Ponyville. It was time for the last song of the night. "All right everypony. I don't want tonight to end anymore than you but we have time for one more song. Lyra, where are you mare?" Lyra stood up from her table, trotted up to the stage and climbed the steps from the side. There was a quiet conversation between her; Belle and Blue Notes but it ended quickly when Blue gave his guitar to Lyra. "Be careful with her, she's been in my family for a long time." "Don't worry Blue, I'll treat it as if it were my own." Lyra said. Blue and Sweetie Belle stood at the end of the stage looking out over all the ponies gathered but two sets caught her eye immediately. "This song is dedicated to four ponies sort of and we hope you'll all enjoy it as much as me and Blue love singing it." Softly, Lyra began to strum the guitar playing a soft melody when Sweetie Belle began to sing equally as soft. At first she locked her eyes with Princess Celestia as if she was trying to awaken something in the ruler that had been long buried. There was a short pause in the singing, in the background, the guitar continued to play and the drums continued to lightly keep the beat. Sweetie Belle and Blues walked off the stage and sauntered up to Tootsie and Dusk. Belle sat behind Dusk while Blue Notes sat next to Tootsie Flute forcing them to stare at each other. Blue began singing at first; his voice was soft and resonate. Sweetie Belle dropped in on queue, her own melodic voice adding to the duet being sung between the two ponies. Even though both Tootsie Flute and Dusk knew they were not alone, neither could bear to take their gaze of each other. The whole room and the ponies in it seemed to disappear leaving them alone with the song being sung for them. Dusk watched as Tootsie's eyes began to shimmer and dance with unshed tears, never once taking her eyes away from his. A sudden large tear fell from her eye tracing a path down her left cheek. Dusk reached up taking her left cheek in his hoof. His horn dimly lit up as he spoke to Tootsie in her mind. 'Please don't cry. It kills me to see your eyes filled with tears,' 'Dusk. I know our parents set this up but I wanted you to know, this isn't all their doing. I've wanted this one perfect moment with you for so long. I've wanted to say I care for you, more than any other pony in my life.' 'I've had a crush on you ever since you came back from medical school. Garnet knew and many a time he tried to get me to talk to you but I was just a little kid back then. I was afraid you wouldn't like me. I was afraid if I said anything you'd reject me. I was content to be your friend but now, now I don't think I could live with that. Tootsie, I need you in my life. I want to be more than your friend. Can I be your coltfriend?' As the song ended with the last few strums of the guitar, Tootsie Flute practically leaped across the table and embraced Dusk, planting a deep passionate kiss on his lips. The crowed gave a standing ovation whether it was for Belle and Blue Notes or if it was for Tootsie Flute and Prince Dusk, no pony was quite certain. In the back of the club, Luna and Twilight congratulated each other on a job well done. The club was emptying quickly as ponies filtered out to their homes. Some stopped to talk to Belle or other members of the band. As the last of the ponies exited, Kirin stood up and bent into an exaggerated stretch. "Thank you all for a wonderful night. Garnet was right, that was fun. Twilight, Luna, a pleasure as always." Kirin took Celestia's left hoof in his claws and kissed it lightly. "Good bye Celest, my Princess." His voice was flat and impassive. Kirin turned and walked out of the club. Celestia looked to her sister for a moment and then to the door. Discord had never called her by that name, only somepony she thought she had lost many centuries ago. As she thought about it more, there was something so final in his voice almost depressing. A worry grew in her mind and she chased after him.