• Member Since 5th Oct, 2017


I'm just your average Brony. I love trains, I love history, I love writing stories, and I really, really love wolves! But most of all, I love writing my stories here for your enjoyment!

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This story is a sequel to The Cuddlequest of Equestria: Turnabout is Fair Play

Today was supposed to be a normal day. Rainbow Dash could've been flying, dining, or even just napping. Instead, her sky was ripped asunder by alien energies, summoning forth a totally new enemy! It's time to get the girls, and save Equestria once more!


Chapters (1)

A ship nopony has heard about or seen shows up at the docks in Manehattan. When Celestia hears about this she asks the main 6 to investigate. While they're looking around, the ship comes to life and drives out on the sea with the mane 6 still onboard.

Chapters (4)

There are things older than princesses, than castles, than names, and than time. Some of them live in remote corners of the world, shuttered away in an inaccessible crevasse. Some take refuge below the sea, in cities older than minds can comprehend. Some sift among the stars and dance maddeningly against the backdrop of the crawling chaos.

Twilight Sparkle met one such thing in a small cottage outside of Canterlot.

Now, two hundred seventy-three years after the fact, she vividly recalls how that meeting went.

Cover art adapted from an Unsplash image.

Chapters (3)

Luna has been entrusted with running the kingdom while her sister, Celestia, is away on a diplomatic mission to Griffinstone. With the nocturnal alicorn having to switch to daytime and preside over the Day Court in order to solve small issues and trivial matters, it has been so far a quiet week for the younger alicorn.

That is, until in the middle of the night, the phone starts to ring.

Written and Edited by: Bronie312

Proofread by: Alex_, Contentgremlin, Player 4

"The Phone Call" is written for the A Thousand Words Contest III under the category of Drama

Chapters (1)

Why does Equestria need a guided missile cruiser?
What made the US Navy sell it so cheaply?
How could Princess Celestia think this was a good idea?
Learn the true story behind one of the most controversial - and secret - arms deals in history.

Chapters (14)

After missing an opportunity to perform in Manehatten, Octavia rides her usual train back to Ponyville in a dark mood. She tries to relax and simply nap or otherwise occupy herself until the train arrives at its destination, but some shady train operators claim that her ticket is invalid, and that Ponyville isn't one of the stops.
Octavia suspects a shakedown, and after being ejected from the train, she waits to defend herself from a possible mugging, but nothing comes. Instead, Octavia finds herself alone on the train platform, struggling to keep herself sane as she waits for the next train.

Chapters (3)

A human falls through the roof of Lyra and Bon Bon. Lyra wants to keep it and do testing on it. Bon Bon wants to throw it away. The dubbed "Jason" is terrified out of his wits.

Me making fun of HiE fics. I know that some are good, but most are just... meh.

Chapters (1)

Lyra and Bon Bon survive two horrifying nights of a terrifying supercell above their heads from a deadly tornado outbreak that has been going on in Equestria for days. After striking the house and a really big one striking the movie theater. The two can only hope for the best while these monster tornadoes rip apart everything in their path during this outbreak.

Inspired by two 1996 films.

A direct to TV film “Night of the Twisters”, and the blockbuster film “Twister”.

Chapters (2)

Fred Phelps, Shirley Phelps-Roper, and Jack Wu are Westboro Baptist Church members. One day, a magic tornado hits their church in Topeka, whisking them away to the colorful world of Equestria.

Now, with a highly-irritated Twilight Sparkle to guide them, they must make their way to Canterlot in the hopes that Princess Celestia will be able to send them home. Along the road, ponies try to teach them some valuable lessons about friendship. Will they listen and find hearts and brains, or will even Equestria fail to reform these wicked witches?

The plot, cover image font, and song parodies are shamelessly stolen from the Wizard of Oz.
Westboro in Equestria is now on TV Tropes!

Chapters (4)

After making a friend who is from another universe. You, and Rainbow Dash, chase deadly tornadoes along central Oklahoma. With the help of Rainbow Dash looking out for where they may strike thanks to your help teaching her. You and her may be in one of the best seasons of your life.

Chapters (1)