• Member Since 5th Oct, 2017
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


I'm just your average Brony. I love trains, I love history, I love writing stories, and I really, really love wolves! But most of all, I love writing my stories here for your enjoyment!


The RMS Queen Mary. At one time she was one of the most famous ocean liners in the world, being in service from 1936-1967, having carried 2,112,000 passengers over 3,792,227 miles, and serving in WW2 as a troopship, and even surviving nearly being capsized by a rogue wave in 1942. She'd seen so much during her career, but by 1967, passenger numbers were falling due to jet travel becoming widespread, operating costs were skyrocketing, and with heavy hearts, the Cunard Line announced that they were retiring the Queen Mary, but that her fate wouldn't be the scrapyard. Instead, she was going to be moored in the city of Long Beach, California as a hotel and floating museum. She left Southampton for the last time on October 31st, 1967, and reached Long Beach on December 9th, and after all of her passengers and crew had disembarked, the conversion work of preparing the ship to become a hotel and museum was about to begin, but the ship's Soul had other ideas

For the Soul of the Queen Mary had seen the future, and she knew what her ship's fate would be if she didn't act. She would be nearly wholly gutted below R-Deck, almost all of her machinery would be removed for a useless sea life museum that would close within 10 years, all of her 2nd Class, 3rd Class, and Crew Cabins, along with almost all spaces on these decks would be removed, and her new owners would run her ship into the ground, prioritizing profits over taking care of her, allowing her to fall into deplorable shape for decades. Not wanting this to be her ship's fate, the Queen Mary's Soul took control over the now empty, but still nearly fully-intact ship, fired up her boilers, engines, and other machinery, got her propellers spinning, and after yanking her ship clear of the dock she was moored to, damaging both it and the dock in the process, the Soul of the Queen Mary made for the wide open Pacific Ocean. Her destination? A place she'd heard whispered about during her ship's career; Equestria. A land of peace, harmony, Ponies, and hopefully in need of an ocean liner. With the owners, and various naval assets in hot pursuit of the fugitive ocean liner, the Queen Mary makes a desperate dash for the portal to Equestria, located in the Bermuda Triangle, her only hope of freedom.

This story is the result of an idea that I couldn't get out of my head after doing lengthy studies of the RMS Queen Mary, and noting that this site has a distinct lack of any stories related to the OG ocean liners that aren't the Titanic, so I decided to change that. This story would be rated "E", but due to a number of instances of the use of profanity throughout, it must be rated "T" instead. Other than this, I really hope that you enjoy this story, as well as its very unique twist-ending

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Steamboat to Nowhere

Following his arrival in Ponyville, Thomas awoke the next day, ready to continue on his way to Tall-Tale once he was all packed up, and while he received good news from Happy Storage World that his truck, trailer, everything in them, and a little bonus surprise were all ready and waiting for him, and his Family were relieved that he was ok following the steamboat accident, he receives bad news from Tall-Tale, and now no longer has a job waiting for him. Dejected, he contemplates what he's going to do next, when an old family friend reaches out to him, and says he wants to offer him a more permanent job. Intrigued, Thomas goes and meets the man, one Mr. Edward Strauss, at his home outside of Ponyville, and he offers Thomas a job in the Smokey Mountains in Western Equestria, near the town of Spirit Water Forest. After some deliberation, Thomas decides to accept the job, little knowing that he's about to embark on the journey of a lifetime

(This story picks up immediately after "Steamboat to Nowhere" leaves off, and will still contain some references to the horrors of Thomas's life while he was still addicted to drugs, and encounters with his demons, but nothing too explicit. Story will also contain some mild profanity, as well as a scene of senseless destruction caused by a drunk driver, but aside from this, it'll be pretty normal, almost wholesome. Also, the later parts of this story, and the ones that follow, will draw heavy inspiration from the lore of Great Wolf Lodge, the 2022 animated movie "The Great Wolf Pack: A Call to Adventure", and the sequel TV show, "Tales of the Great Wolf Pack". I would have tagged it as such, but no tags for these exist yet)

Chapters (3)

On January 1st, 2024, after 96 years, the 1928 Disney cartoon, "Steamboat Willie" finally entered the Public Domain. While the rest of Equestria is busy celebrating the New Year, William "Willy" Brown, a local Human living in Ponyville, decided to celebrate this groundbreaking event by dressing up as "Steamboat Willie", and sailing his steamboat up and down the Applish River next to Ponyville, blowing its whistles, and reenacting the cartoon as best a single Human (and his pet cat Mickey) can. needless to say, the Ponies aren't the most impressed by his late-night antics

(Featured on 1/9/24?? Yay:yay:

Chapters (1)

Applejack is getting worried. His coltfriend, a talented Human engineer named Ashton "Ash" Casey has been acting strange lately. He's spending a lot of time at the scrapyard outside of Ponyville where he works, even outside of working hours. And even when he is home, he seems.....distant. Often muttering to himself, or jotting things down in a notebook he always carries with him. Applejack thinks it might be sleep-deprivation, but he can't shake the feeling that something else is going on. Ash seems to be working on some kind of project, which he calls "The Midland Experiment", but refuses to say anything else about it. Frustrated by his coltfriend's strange behavior, and obsession with his so-called "project", Applejack decides to go to the scrapyard late one afternoon to finally see for himself what's really going on, and when he sees it, all he can do is scream

WARNING!!! This story contains dark themes, horror elements, R63 Applejack (called "AJ" in the story), a scrapyard, a Human, a gay relationship, gay kissing, mentions of sex, partial nudity, and at least a few tense and frightening moments. Read at your own risk. Loosely inspired by "The Killdane Experiment", by "22Tesla"

This story also takes place in the same universe as "6 Old Gravel Cars", and "The Demon Line", but where it takes place in the Universe's timeline is left intentionally vague

Chapters (2)

In their free time, the CMC's often pay a visit to a particular Human in Ponyville who's a famous archivist. Why's he so famous? It's because in his in his massive basement, which is set up like a library, but for media instead of books, he keeps his vast collection of Human online video media in carefully-documented shelves and racks. Contained within his "Online Video Library", as he calls it is at least one physical copy of every YouTube video that could ever be found online, from the earliest days of the platform, to the Present Day. Many come to him wishing to see various videos, which he shows them, though for the sake of preserving his archive, no one is allowed to borrow anything, but are free to watch it on various screens and players located in the middle of the archive, and if a video is age-restricted, he asks to see ID first. He enjoys showing the Ponies of Equestria the videos he has, but for some reason, one video, labeled "Liminal Spaces but with Calm Nostalgic Music" is not available to be viewed, locked away inside a glass case. Many have asked him why this video was locked away, but he was hesitant to answer, saying only "It's a 'Cognitive Hazard' that gives painful memories." The CMC's decide to find out the truth behind the video being kept private, and learn a valuable life lesson in the process

This story is rated "E", and contains nostalgia, the CMC's, a Human, a few sad moments, discussions of Liminal Spaces, and general Slice of Life, as well as a valuable life lesson. This story also takes place within the same universe as "A Nostalgic Restaurant"

Chapters (1)

In 2024, it finally happened. Target, the big-name box-store, finally closed its last in-store restaurant, known to many as "The Target Cafe", but was officially known as "Food Avenue Express". For many years following their introduction in 1990, these little in-store restaurants served up countless meals of comfort food, and brought endless amounts of joy to countless people, but as the 2010's wore on, more and more of these cafes were closed, in favor of Starbucks, Pizza Hut Express, or a handful of other choices, none of which captured the same charm that the Food Avenue Express's had. The Covid-19 Pandemic saw almost all of them close for good, until by 2023, all that was left was the Target Cafe inside the Target in my hometown, but when Target closed that location following the construction of a brand-new Target across town, the last Food Avenue Express closed with it. Now with everything inside the old Target store being auctioned off, I saw an opportunity to save everything I could from the last Target Cafe, and bring it all to Equestria, where I hoped to finally fulfill my childhood dream of owning a real Food Avenue Express restaurant, free from Target's influence. And now that dream will become a reality

This story is very wholesome, and contains a lot of nostalgia. Story does contain minor language at times, but is rated "E" for "Everyone"

Chapters (2)

Just about everypony in Equestria had heard the story. Every now and again, and always at around midnight, a phone call would be placed from the Greenhill Resort, a closed down resort between Ponyville and Canterlot, to the Ponyville Ambulance Company, a company based in a run-down, barely functioning garage that houses two ancient ambulances to arrange a pickup of a "patient(?)" (identity unknown) from there, and take them to the Old Hollow Hospital, a decommissioned hospital outside of Canterlot. Nopony knew why these runs were needed, where these supposed "patients" were coming from, who they even were, why they were at a closed down resort, why they were being taken to a decommissioned hospital, and who was making these calls at all. Some had asked those at the Ponyville Ambulance Company what was going on, but none of the 3 employees there said anything. Most thought it was because they were tight-lipped, but in reality, even they didn't know what was going on, but they knew that something shady was afoot. This is the story of one of the fabled "Midnight Runs", and the mystery surrounding it, told from the perspective of one of the ambulance drivers

(Story contains no direct horror elements, but is still a bit spooky, and surrounded by mystery. Rated "T" for these elements)

Chapters (1)

Model railroads. An amazing hobby, cherished by many for generations, Human and Pony alike. However, for one Human in Ponyville, Beau West, his basement model railroad holds a dark secret from a troubled past. One that's accidentally discovered by Rumble, a younger friend of his

(WARNING. This story contains dark themes, and is not for young children. Also, the character of Lightningroad is R63 Thunderlane in this story)

This story is also set in the same Universe as "6 Old Gravel Cars", though is not a direct sequel

Chapters (1)

In the Ponyville Railyard, towards the back, in a old siding by themselves, sit 6 old hopper cars filled with gray gravel. The cars are rusty, the letters on them having faded long ago. The cars have not been touched in ages, and seemingly serve no purpose. Scootaloo aims to find out why the cars are there, and what purpose they serve. Now she wishes that she'd left well enough alone, because when something has been abandoned, there's always a reason behind why it was........

(This is my first foray into the world of MLP horror stories, so hopefully this goes well)

Featured as of 5/4/22?!:pinkiegasp: Holy cow. Thank you everypony!:yay::pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Beyond the Express

Immediately following her dream of time travel, Twilight tells her husband Don all about the machine that she'd seen, and how she believed that it could be built. Don still doesn't fully believe her, but at her insistence, he contacts Jim Bender, the Chief Engineer of the Battleship Express, and tells him all about his wife's idea on how they could return to Earth. Jim is able to produce rudimentary blueprints, and now with the goal of returning to Earth long enough to see the end of WW6, the Crew of the Battleship Express get to work on the brand new machine.

In spite of shortcomings, failures to meet deadlines, and PLENTY of mechanical troubles, the rudimentary machine is FINALLY completed, before being placed inside of the old pillbox located on the front of the Big Boy 4009, just above the front cowcatcher. The device is then linked to DELCI, as well as the rest of the Big Boy's systems, and once the crew and the rest of Battalion 4009 are ready, they then try to return to Earth. However, something goes horribly wrong.

Due to a severe malfunction, the machine, dubbed "Oddball" not only fails to send the Battleship Express back to Earth, but it also sends them back to the Imperial War, before breaking down! However, all is not as lost as it seems. Seeing an opportunity to change the future by making it better, the crew make decisions that have IMMENSE consequences in the future. Unable to repair Oddball by themselves, the crew head back to the future, only to find that the future is not the same anymore!

They arrive back in Ponyville, but it's not the same Ponyville that they left. Sure, they ended the Imperial War with fewer casualties, ensured that King Danin and his followers died at Bryerton, and Leopard ensured that Sombra's spirit didn't escape from him, but at the cost of the ENTIRE 5 years of their lives after the Imperial War! Leopard never married Spitfire or Daring Do, and Dash seemingly broke up with him after a falling out. Alex was also asked to leave by Applejack, and he and Leopard were very sad. To make matters worse, once they arrived in this strange new future, Oddball breathed its last, before exploding, and burning to a crisp!

Now, trapped in a new and different future, the crew of the Battleship Express must figure out a way to fix the damage that they caused, and get their timeline back on track. However, this may not be possible. All actions have consequences, and sometimes, once something's broken, there's just no way to fix it.

This story is a Sequel to "Beyond the Express", and contains violence, language, combat scenes, time travel, the Battleship Express, and ANOTHER wild adventure! No sex this time, and no mentions of it either. Just another story of mine, a short one maybe, but one that is VITAL for what's coming next!

Chapters (6)