• Member Since 5th Oct, 2017
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


I'm just your average Brony. I love trains, I love history, I love writing stories, and I really, really love wolves! But most of all, I love writing my stories here for your enjoyment!


The Mystery Continues (Part 4) · 10:59pm Last Wednesday

*The following comes from notes that fugitive First Mate Ronald "Ronnie" Archer jotted down in a notebook he stole while hiding from the "Project Britannica" Staff looking for him. It covers what seems to be at least several days of him being in hiding, but yet none of the entries are properly dated, simply saying "June, 2004" at the top of each page. The notebook was found on Pier 1 at our facility, sitting on top of a crate during the aftermath of the "Breakout Incident",

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The Mystery Continues (Part 3) · 9:06am Last Sunday

*The following is a recording of a phone message left on the answering machine of Philip and Joanne Archer, the Parents of fugitive First Mate Ronald "Ronnie" Archer, on September 4th, 20**, roughly one day after First Mate Archer escaped from the Project Britannica Facility*

*Button being pressed*


"You have.....1....new message."

*Button being pressed*


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The Mystery Deepens (Part 2) · 11:06am July 17th

The following is a tape recording of an interview between Dr *Classified*, of "Project Britannica", and First Mate Ronald "Ronnie" Archer of the tugboat SS Cape Storm, dated September 3rd, 20**. The following interview was the only time that First Mate Archer would ever speak on the matter of the "RGMS Griffonia", and what he, and the others saw while onboard the derelict ocean liner, both because he remained silent when interviewed for

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Mystery at Sea (Part 1) · 2:11am July 16th

From the log of ocean-going salvage tug SS Cape Storm, of the Orson Marine & Salvage Company, Jacksonville, Florida, found severely damaged by the US Coast Guard responding to their SOS off the coast of North Carolina on July 9th, 20**, with 4 surviving crewmen severely shaken, and injured. SS Cape Storm towed to Wilmington, NC, pending further investigation into the alleged "RGMS Griffonia Incident"

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Ideas for the Future · 11:13am June 15th

Hello Everypony, ScarFox9700 here,

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"Tale of 2 Big Boys Chapter 3 is finally done · 8:48am May 2nd

Hello Everypony, ScarFox9700 here,

I just wanted to let you all know that I finally finished, and posted the long-awaited Chapter 3 of "Tale of 2 Big Boys". My co-author Terry the Human and I worked really hard on it, so I hope that you all enjoy it

(And yes, before anyone asks, now that Chapter 3 is finished, I'll be working on Chapter 8 of "Texas: A Time to Fight!" now)

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Story Idea Pitch · 12:25pm February 25th

Hello Everyone, ScarFox9700 here,

I wanted to come here today to pitch a new idea for a story. This is one that may or may not ever come to fruition, but I wanted to write it down before I forgot it, and its many details. This story is set in an Anthro-Equestria

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A New Story, Part of Something Big · 8:58pm January 24th

Hello Everypony, ScarFox9700 here,

I just wanted to let you all know that my latest story, a sequel to "Steamboat to Nowhere", has just been released, and continues Thomas's story. I hope you all enjoy it

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A new story, but not a normal one · 8:36pm January 14th

Hello Everypony, ScarFox9700 here,

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Early Christmas Present to You All · 4:32pm Dec 22nd, 2023

Hello Everypony, ScarFox9700 here,

I just wanted to let you know that I have an early Christmas present for all of you. What is it you may ask? Well, if you're a fan of my story "Texas: A Time to Fight!" then you'll be happy to know that rather than taking a few years like last time, I finally finished Chapter 6 Part 2 in only 4 months, and just now published it. I really hope that you all enjoy it, and I'll be very eager to hear your thoughts about it.

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