• Member Since 12th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 26th, 2015

OC Beats

I have had little stupid ideas for short, or long, fanfics. I know my stories won't be the best, but hey, I have fun writting them. Now I do tend to stall sometimes. So please be patient. Thanks you.

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Hiatus Notice · 9:55pm Mar 14th, 2015

Hey everyone! OC Beats here! (Obviously)... Anyway, I'm here to let everyone know that I'm taking a LONG hiatus. As most of my followers will know, I haven't done a lot recently and it's due to school and just kind of losing interest in the fandom. :/ I'm ashamed because I don't know when (or if) this hiatus will pass. I'm sorry, but I just can't keep track with MLP anymore. Worse case sonario, I'll give my account away to a close friend or a close author I keep up with (if they want), but I

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Report OC Beats · 378 views · Story: Another Love Story ·
Comments ( 10 )
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Thank you for the watch, Tragedy. Have a follow in return! :twilightsmile:

Dawwww! *Snuggles* Hello Fluffle! :heart::pinkiehappy:


Sure! Thing. I'll read your stuff.:heart::derpytongue2:

  • Viewing 6 - 10 of 10
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