• Member Since 9th Apr, 2014
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  • EA Laughing Moon
    Luna is depressed for once again all of her hard work on the night sky goes unnoticed by anyone with a sigh she goes to take another of her hundredth walk of the Castle gardens when she hears a chuckle coming from above her.
    thirdgod · 1.3k words  ·  6  8 · 438 views
  • TThe Dark Sage
    How will the world of Equis deal with the self proclaim Dark Sage a master of dark magics wondering around will the ponies teach it that friendship is magic or are they all doomed to be consume by the darkness it commands
    thirdgod · 6.6k words  ·  58  8 · 2.5k views

Bored pics (Warning suggestive theme) · 6:52pm Jun 20th, 2014

as the title says i was bored early to day and found a couple of funny mlp pics done by Jay Naylor

Report thirdgod · 338 views ·
Comments ( 5 )
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thirdgod will ever update the dark sage?

hey excuse me sorry for bothering you but when is the next chapter of the dark sage?

Thanks for the watch :twilight smile: what drove you to such madness?

Also, thanks for the favorite on The Stolen Gem! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the follow! :twilightsmile:

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