• Published 8th Mar 2013
  • 15,783 Views, 1,635 Comments

The God Squad: Equestria's Most Wanted - defender2222

Season 2 sees Luna, Celestia, Tydal, Shining, Cadence and Chrysalis on the run and attempt to clear their good names. Needless to say, they are sidetrakced... alot

  • ...

Tydal vs. Tirek: If You Seek His Monument, Look Around You

“He died... Sssaving the city... No, that's not true... He sssaved the city, yes... But he died ssssaving me. I ssssaid, "I'm not worth it." He said, "Everyone's worth it."

-Clayface, Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?

Faith and… er… The God Squad: Equestria’s Most Wanted
Episode 43- Tydal vs. Tirek: If You Seek His Monument, Look Around You

Shining let out a sigh of relief, slowly rising back to his hooves as he felt strength and power return to his body. He had tried to watch the battle but the storm clouds that had gathered had blocked much of his view, the dark skies and thundering booms of lightning cutting through the air making it impossible to tell what was happening. All he could do was hope… hope that the mad god who was the source of his stress headaches and who annoyed him to no end and who he constantly fought with…

…his best friend…

…would save the day.

And then the clouds were driven away by rainbow light and his magic was returned. He turned, grinning as he saw his sister and one of her friends floating beside him, their manes in… utterly ridiculously mane cuts (not that he’d ever tell them that; Mama ain’t raised no fool!)… and grins on their faces as they passed through Canterlot, returning all that Tirek had stolen.

“Are you okay sir?” Wall Breaker asked. “Logic Point and I were watching everything from Princess Celestia’s Evil Villain-Proof Panic Room-“

“Wait, what?” Shining said, staring at the two. “If the princesses had… no, wait,” Shining held up a hoof. “I don’t want to know. Wall Breaker, I need you to gather the forces. While I assume my sister and her friends are saving the princesses we need to locate Lord Tydal, his student Sunset Shimmer, and Queen Chrysalis. They were headed to confront Tirek.”

“Shall I find them in conventional means or Pinkie Pie means?” Wall Breaker asked with a salute.

“Uh… the second?”

Wall Breaker nodded and tapped a door three times before opening it and causing Chrysalis and Sunset to tumble out. Shining considered questioning what he’d just seen but when he thought about his sister’s mane style cut and that all of Equestria had just been conquered by someone with two sets of ribcages he decided now was not the time for deep thoughts. Instead he rushed to the two and helped them out. “Hey… it’s okay!” He said with a grin. “Tirek is defeated any everyone has… their…” he trailed off, looking at the tear-stained faces of the two. “What happened?”


Twilight waved goodbye as the last of the Ponyville residents left the castle and began the trek back to their homes. The emerging of the new castle (which she hadn’t named yet by Spike wanted to call ‘The Technodrome’ for some odd reason) had been the spark to set off a town-wide party that delighted all and had Pinkie going into a party-induced bliss. Everyone, so thrilled to have returned to normal and knowing that the newest princess had saved the day, had gathered to sing and celebrate Tirek’s defeat and the victory achieved once more by the newly-minted Princess of Friendship.

But, after several hours, the townsfolk had decided to head back home, each of them quietly deciding that after such a stressful day the Princesses and their close friends deserved some rest. The last to leave were Applejack and Rarity’s families, all of whom promised to continue the festivities once the country mare and the fashionista got home.

That left Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Discord in the castle with the Mane 6 and Spike, all of them relaxing after a hectic few hours. They had sang and danced and ate and reveled in their victory and now all sat quietly by the thrones that had appeared in the castle, simply enjoying the quiet.

“…you know, it would be nice if we could end a season without a big giant crisis,” Pinkie said. “Like in season 1 with the Grand Galloping Gala!”

“…what are you talking about?” Spike said in confusion.

“You know, the Gala!” Pinkie said.

Applejack frowned. “I don’t think that’s what he-“

But Pinkie continued on as if she hadn’t been interrupted. “The last season ended nice enough with Twilight becoming a princess but that only happened because she goofed up a spell-“

“A spell Starswirl the Bearded couldn’t figure out,” Twilight muttered.

“-and the time before that invasion at Princess Cadence’s wedding. You know, the one led by that black bug pony… what was her name again?” Pinkie tapped her chin. “It is on the tip of my tongue… no one tell me, let me figure it out!” Pinkie thought long and hard. “It was… hmmm.”

The doors of the throne room slammed open and Shining hurried in, Sunset right behind him, and on the rear was-

“Chrysalis!” Luna called out.

“Hey! I wanted to figure it out!” Pinkie exclaimed before realizing who’d shown up. “Oh! Hiya! Did you come here for the party?”

Sunset stared at the gathered ponies in shock and disgust. “Party? Party!?! How dare you!” She lit up her horn but Shining stopped her.

“They don’t know,” he said softly.

“Shining?” Cadence said. She’d begun towards him, wanting to give him many hugs (of both foreleg and mouth variety) only to stop when she saw that his eyes were red from crying. “What… what is it?”

Discord, for his part, suddenly stopped smiling and sat down on the ground with a thud, not having the energy to even make a chair. “Oh no.”

“What?” Rainbow Dash asked. “What’s the big deal? We saved the day, everyone is safe… right?”

It was Celestia who spoke. “Where… where is Tydal?” She knew there was no way her brother would have remained at his Keep if she were in danger so he must have come to save the day only to be late... he was just late. That was all.

Sunset began to sob and Shining merely held her close, too emotional to speak. It fell to Chrysalis to utter the words.

“He fell.”

Luna took a step forward only to stop suddenly. “You… you mean he’s hurt, don’t you? He was injured? Have you taken him-“

“Princess,” Rarity said quietly, Fluttershy joining Sunset in crying when she realized what the changeling was getting at, “we saw him when we went to the Tree of Harmony. He… he stayed behind.”

“Behind?” Celestia said with growing fear.

“To hold the line, again Tirek,” Applejack murmured, removing her hat. She looked to Chrysalis. “He… did he…”

“He held the line,” Chrysalis whispered, her words nearly drowned out by the soft sobbing of Sunset Shimmer. “Till the bitter end.” Applejack dropped her gaze and placed her hat over her heart while Rainbow stopped flying and landed to the ground.

“No… no!” Luna screamed. “He… he didn’t! He couldn’t! Tirek… Tirek could never defeat him…”

“He could… with our magic,” Discord whispered, looking at his own hands. “We killed him.”

Celestia whipped around and raged. “Don’t you dare, Discord! Don’t you dare say that! I am in no mood for one of your tricks!”

“Princess Celestia,” Twilight said, startled by her mentor’s words.

“This is all some big gag, isn’t it? One of your pranks!” Her horn flared but Discord made no attempt to shield himself. “Tell me where he is! TELL ME!”

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight shouted, the alicorn of the sun stopped as reality came crashing back down upon her. “Please… Discord…” Twilight stopped speaking when her teacher turned around, everyone frozen by the look of utter pain and devastation upon her face. Cadence was hugging Luna, the two seeking solace with one another in their grief, now while even Spike blew his nose, wanting to claim that he had dust in his eye but feeling that wouldn’t be right. Even Pinkie was in tears, her mane deflating like a limp balloon. Twilight took a step forward and the soft click of her hoof seemed to be the trigger for Celestia as the white alicorn fell to the ground in an undignified heap, her mane falling to cover her face as she let out hiccuping gasps. Twilight stepped closer, her own vision blurring as she watched her mentor. “Are… are you okay?”

“Am I okay?” Celestia asked with a bitter little laugh. “No Twilight…” she looked up, her ethereal mane shifting so her beloved student could see the tears in her eyes, and in the smallest of voices said, “…my daddy is dead.”

No one said anything for a long time.

Finally Rainbow managed to ask, “Did… did he have a good death?” the others stared at her and she weakly shrugged. “I didn’t spend much time with him… only when he first woke up from the stone sleep… but he was a warrior. He wouldn’t have wanted to die in his bed or slowly bleeding out. He’s… he’s like me.” She couldn’t look at her friends as she said, “I don’t want to die old and feeble. I want to go out saving Equestria or pulling off an imposible stunt. He would have been the same way.”

Sunset was the one who answered. “He died… he died a hero.”

“I don’t want a hero,” Luna said. “I want my dad.”

Discord spoke after a few moments, looking almost puzzled. “I’ve never truly felt the world without him.” He reached out, as if stroking the threads of magic itself that connected all life. “This will reverberate throughout the world. Our family will grieve… and the fighting will begin.”

“The fighting?” Twilight asked in confusion from where she sat next to the mourning Celestia.

Chrysalis nodded ever so slightly. “He was one of the Elder Gods… the fifth oldest being in existence. The God of the Sea… of the Storms… of War… gods, demigods, and beings of power throughout the world will rally to claim his titles as his own. We have to be ready.”

Sunset hiccuped and angrily spat. “Can’t the vultures wait a day?”

“That’s not how it works,” Discord said. “We have to ensure his wishes are met… and that those that would seek to steal his birthright never succeed.”

Celestia refused to say a word so Luna was the one who spoke. “Merida must be told… she must take over as the Master of the Seven Seas. It is only right. For storms I suppose that will pass back to Fuzzy or one of his children.”

Shining nodded. “I suppose Polar could be the war god-“

“He’d want you to claim the mantle,” Sunset stated.

“R-really?” Shining asked, startled.

“Of course,” Discord said, for once sounding very old. “You were and shall ever be… his friend.”

Shining stood a bit straighter even as he blinked back tears. “Then I will fight to claim the title.” Cadence flashed him a watery smile, making it clear she would support him in his quest.

“We need to do something,” Celestia said at long last. “To honor him.” She looked down the hall but all sensed she was looking out farther than just the castle walls. “He saved us all and no one knows it. We celebrated and sang while the last of his magic lingered in the air. He deserves praise and song… he deserved to have all remember his name. For everypony to know that our freedom was paid with a heavy price.”

“A day of remembrance and grief,” Luna said firmly.

“Perhaps a statue,” Cadence said. “A monument.”

Sunset smiled. “Something to allow the world to know what he did.”

“No,” Shining said, shocking them all. Sunset whipped around, ready to yell at him, to tell him off, knowing that he and Tydal had always bickered and he was probably glad the Capricorn was gone despite what he’d just said minutes earlier… only to stop. Sunset could only look at Shining as he stared at them all, tears in his eyes. “He wouldn’t have wanted that. For all his boasting, for all his ego… he was a humble ruler… a humble hero. He would have laughed at a statue and bucked apart any monument that we’d have put up. He would have thought a holiday stupid and mocked those that came out of the woodwork proclaiming their love for him as mere yes-ponies looking to get in the good graces of the princesses.”

“We have to do something,” Luna exclaimed. “Something to show the world…”

“Yes,” Shining said. “We do. But he doesn’t need some stone statue or engraved metal plague on a pole.” He lowered his head and sniffed before forcing himself to look up again. “We will be his monument. He died saving this country… and I will not allow it to fall after what he gave up to buy us even one more day. We will continue on, we will grow stronger… and every breath we take will be a testament to his sacrifice. Let Equestria be his monument and every day we live free a testament to his sacrifice.”

Twilight smiled at that. “I… I think he would like that…”


“Twilight,” Celestia said weakly, “I don’t want to see anypony. I… I can’t deal with their smiles right now.”

“None of us can,” Luna said.

“I’ll answer,” Chrysalis said, hoping that, maybe, her appearance would scare whoever it was at the door away. But when she opened it she found herself pushed aside as the visitor stomped in.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle?” a grim stallion said as he entered the throneroom, looking to all like he owned the place. He was wearing a long trench coat that hid most his body and a fedora that covered his features, making him look rather sinister.

“Huh?” Twilight said, startled by the appearance of the strange male.

“Is your name Princess Twilight Sparkle?” he repeated gruffly.

“…yeah?” Twilight said nervously.

“I’ve got something for you…” he reached into his coat pocket and Celestia and Twilight’s horns lit up, ready for an attack… only for them to dim when they saw what he was holding. “A letter!”

Spike huffed. “A letter to her? That's impossible! I give her all her mail! Who the heck are you?”

“Pony Express,” the stallion said, removing his hat and wiping his brow while Twilight magically took the letter from him. “Actually a bunch of us at the office were hoping that you could shed a little light on the subject of that little item. You see, we've had this envelope in our possession for the past one thousand years.”

“A thousand years!” Twilight and her friends shouted in shock.

“I know,” the stallion stated with a laugh. “Legend states that Starswirl the Bearded himself appeared, glowing blue like a spectre, and gave it to us with explicit instructions that it be delivered to a purple alicorn answering to the name of Twilight Sparkle in this town, at this exact time, on this exact date. We had a little bet to see if you would actually be here.” He she let out laugh. “Looks like I lost.”

Sunset held up a hoof, still sniffing back tears. However, the revelation the Pony Express Carrier had said gave her something to focus on. “You… did say a thousand years, right?”

“One Thousand years, 2 months, 12 days to be precise.” He turned to Twilight and asked her to sign but Twilight, too befuddled by the whole situation, merely used her magic to open the ancient-looking letter. Her eyes scanned the letter, instantly falling to the signature:

‘Your father, your brother, your grandpa, your friend

-Lord Tydal’

“It’s from Tydal!” Twilight shouted.

“Daddy?” Luna whispered, rising onto shaking limbs. Shining’s eyes went wide and Celestia and Cadence looked at each other before rushing over. Chrysalis let out a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding and Discord floated above Twilgiht’s head as everyone gathered around to read over Twilight’s shoulder.

“Everypony, please… please give Twilight some room,” Celestia hiccuped. “Twilight… please…”

Twilight nodded and began to read. “'Dear Twilight, if my calculations are correct you shall receive this letter 4 hours after you and your friends defeated Tirek. I hope, in that time, you have freed the princesses, rescued Shining Armor, and located Chrysalis and Sunset Shimmer. I also hope you forgive Discord… he was taken in by lies and I hope you can forgive him’.” Discord sniffed, grabbing Luna’s hair and using it as a hanky. “’By now I imagine Chrysalis told you of my battle with Tirek. Please let me assure you that I am… alive and well’.”

“Thank the maker,” Shining whispered in relief.

Twilight continued. “’I have been living happily and quietly these past eight months in the year 535 AD. The magical blast that...’ 535! September 535!”

The Pony Express carrier, who’d been listening in, blinked in surprise as the ponies began to celebrate, their tears and mourning instantly forgotten with that news. “Whoa! Wait, princess! What's this all about?”

“He’s alive!” Luna screamed in joy.

“Tydal’s alive!” Chrysalis yelled to the heavens.

Sunset nodded, a huge grin on her face. “He’s trapped in Old Equestria but he’s alive!”

The entire group began to rush towards the door, leaving the confused mail carrier standing by the thrones in their wake. “Wait a minute, princess. You need help?”

Twilight turned, glancing at her friends, family, and mentors before shaking her head, a grin on her face.

“There is only one stallion that can help us now.”



“I’ll get it, Derpy!” Throwing up the door of his TARDIS the Doctor blinked at the sight of Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Spike, Celestia, Luna, Discord, Shining Armor, Cadence, Chrysalis, and Sunset all standing before him, watching him rather intently. “Uh… “

“By royal decree,” Celestia stated firmly, “we need you, the Doctor of Gallopfrey, to give us use of your TARDIS so that we might bring Lord Tydal back… to the future.”

“…great wickering stallions,” the Doctor said before passing out.

“Doc?” Derpy cried out, hurrying over and trying to wake him. “Doc! Doc!”


The God Squad: Equestria’s Mightiest Immortals

Episode 1: The Search for Tydal

Comments ( 36 )

_Jumps in the tardis, and begins to go after the mad fish-

And so ends The God Squad: Equestria's Most Wanted. Not with a bang, or a whimper... but with a TARDIS being taken to rescue a violent OC.

Just as the prophets foretold.

I will be taking a break to work on some other projects but soon I will begin Season 3: Equestria's Mightiest Immortals

"Realizing that there are threats to the world that not even 6 mares who tend to have more tea parties than magical adventures can handle, Princess Celestia has created a task for of the most powerful and insane beings in Equestria to protect the world. Now, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Shining, Tydal, Chrysalis, Discord, and Sunset Shimmer will travel the global, the universe, and even time itself to right wrongs, deal with the corrupt, and probably break just as many things as they fix.

From the strange marriage practices of Saddle Arabia to drinking contests with the Yaks, from hunting rogue changelings to find the plans for Flim and Flam's new Death Star, the ponies of Equestria can... well, not rest easy but at least lie in their beds trembling... knowing THE GOD SQUAD is out saving the world.

We hope.

ooh that sounds fun! time travel+crazy immortals=chaos!

Wow, this is heavy...


YOU MAGNIFICENT TROLL!!! Oh you got me GOOD with this one! Moreover, somehow that blast sent him into the past!?!? SHIT!! You really pulled that one outta...somewhere!!! Still, can't wait to see the insane antics continue in the next season!! Also...well, here's hoping since a TARDIS is involved, that the rules of Time from Doctor Who may also be applied.

Best of luck, and once again, DAMN fine head-check with that troll!! WELL DONE!!!

Going the "Back to the future" route. I've seen worse endings

I only have one thing to say:

Here's hoping that the next season is just as whacky, just as funny, and has an even stronger pull on the feels. Good luck and Well done!

I can imagine time travel hijinks with Starswirl.

(not that he’d ever tell them that; Mama ain’t raised no fool!)


“Are you okay sir?” Wall Breaker asked. “Logic Point and I were watching everything from Princess Celestia’s Evil Villain-Proof Panic Room-“

Of course.

“Shall I find them in conventional means or Pinkie Pie means?” Wall Breaker asked with a salute.


“…you know, it would be nice if we could end a season without a big giant crisis,” Pinkie said. “Like in season 1 with the Grand Galloping Gala!”

It would, wouldn't it?

Discord, for his part, suddenly stopped smiling and sat down on the ground with a thud, not having the energy to even make a chair. “Oh no.”

He figured it out.

“To hold the line, again Tirek,” Applejack murmured, removing her hat. She looked to Chrysalis. “He… did he…”

Yes. He held the line. He was the bravest OC I've ever seen.

“This is all some big gag, isn’t it? One of your pranks!” Her horn flared but Discord made no attempt to shield himself. “Tell me where he is! TELL ME!”

We're so used to seeing her be calm and serene or joking around, we forget Celestia has a temper much like all of us.

Finally Rainbow managed to ask, “Did… did he have a good death?” the others stared at her and she weakly shrugged. “I didn’t spend much time with him… only when he first woke up from the stone sleep… but he was a warrior. He wouldn’t have wanted to die in his bed or slowly bleeding out. He’s… he’s like me.” She couldn’t look at her friends as she said, “I don’t want to die old and feeble. I want to go out saving Equestria or pulling off an imposible stunt. He would have been the same way.”

He died a hero. He died holding the line.

Chrysalis nodded ever so slightly. “He was one of the Elder Gods… the fifth oldest being in existence. The God of the Sea… of the Storms… of War… gods, demigods, and beings of power throughout the world will rally to claim his titles as his own. We have to be ready.”
Sunset hiccuped and angrily spat. “Can’t the vultures wait a day?”

Nope. But they'd best hope they don't make Discord angry, he's older than Tydal and a lot stronger. And while Tydal would kill them, Discord would be willing to do far worse.

“R-really?” Shining asked, startled.
“Of course,” Discord said, for once sounding very old. “You were and shall ever be… his friend.”

No matter how much he poked fun at you, you really were.

“No,” Shining said, shocking them all. Sunset whipped around, ready to yell at him, to tell him off, knowing that he and Tydal had always bickered and he was probably glad the Capricorn was gone despite what he’d just said minutes earlier… only to stop. Sunset could only look at Shining as he stared at them all, tears in his eyes. “He wouldn’t have wanted that. For all his boasting, for all his ego… he was a humble ruler… a humble hero. He would have laughed at a statue and bucked apart any monument that we’d have put up. He would have thought a holiday stupid and mocked those that came out of the woodwork proclaiming their love for him as mere yes-ponies looking to get in the good graces of the princesses.”

Shining's right, he wouldn't want anything that grand.

“Yes,” Shining said. “We do. But he doesn’t need some stone statue or engraved metal plague on a pole.” He lowered his head and sniffed before forcing himself to look up again. “We will be his monument. He died saving this country… and I will not allow it to fall after what he gave up to buy us even one more day. We will continue on, we will grow stronger… and every breath we take will be a testament to his sacrifice. Let Equestria be his monument and every day we live free a testament to his sacrifice.”

Yeah, yeah. I think he'd like that.

“’By now I imagine Chrysalis told you of my battle with Tirek. Please let me assure you that I am… alive and well’.”

Thank Faust.

Sunset nodded, a huge grin on her face. “He’s trapped in Old Equestria but he’s alive!”


“…great wickering stallions,” the Doctor said before passing out.


The God Squad: Equestria’s Mightiest Immortals
Episode 1: The Search for Tydal

I will read the SHIT out of that.

Got a very Star Trek vibe from this chapter, both with Discord's line about Shining and Tydal's friendship, but also the title of the next arc. The time travel shenanigans of the next part sound great and hilarious although somewhat full of doom from having powerful beings running amok in different times. Should be fun to see though.

That was simply epic. The feels, then the punchline. The moment the stallion appeared I was thinking of back to the future. *hums the theme*

Can't wait for the next part.

And ooooooh, rogue changelings. I hope they give up, to survive.

*Hold up medallion* Thank you, yyou did not dissappoint. MY faith in one of the best writers on this site has been renewed. Thank you.

And oh I cannot wait for the sequel.

You sneaky son of a- Let me in that TARDIS, I already miss having that violent fishhorse around! We shall search throughout time and space only to come back in the end and find out he made it back on his own somehow. And we missed him by seconds... (Taking bets now lol)

7524314 Now can we discuss season 3?

Oh, yes. I need this sequel now.
I'm so hyped that I can only express my feelings through emoticons.

Wow, I wasn't sure what twist to expect... But the Back to the Future cliff hanger? Good show sir! :pinkiehappy:

Looking forward to the sequel!


Sooooo many wraith of Khan refrences.

And that's how Tydal became the first super saiyan.

That Tydal is alive in the past, but isn't coming out of the basement right then, means he wasn't present during those 1000 years, either because something happened to him or he was rescued and taken back to the present. Wouldn't be surprised if he hid a lot of goodies for the present while he's there.

The letter mentions the town, the time, and Twilight, but doesn't mention the castle. If it did, I would be very suspicious, as Tydal never got to see that castle.


Exactly. I felt it would be too on the nose to have the Pony Express pony mention the library and being surprised it looked nothing like he expected.

A fantastic ending, funny and emotional at the same time. Not sure they need to travel back in time though. Tydal's immortal, he could just come out from wherever he was hiding for the last 1000 years.


But then he wouldn't be 'their Tydal', now would he? They want back their Tydal, not one with yet another thousand years.

Further... they are lucky he lasted 8 months! Do you think when Nightmare Moon happens, or all the other dangers Celestia faced... that her dad will let it just happen?

7528569 Fair enough. I just loved that scene in Futurama's "Roswell that Ends Well"

Fry: He's alive! [Leela and Farnsworth cheer. Leela digs and pulls Bender's head from the ground.] Bender, what was it like lying in that hole for a thousand years?

Bender: I was enjoying it until you guys showed up.

Sweet mercy, just when I think that THIS IS IT, you go and make it better.

It's like finishing an excellent sandwich, only to find that there's a SECOND sandwich that got wrapped with the first.

You ruined the tragedy of the thing.


(I mean it in a friendly way)

(Also: yay, Doctor!)

(Love your stories btw)

(Just venting my thoughts)

(I'll shut up now)

Darnit, I was hoping he was dead for real. Curses

Wow... you weren't kidding.

As long as we keep paying attention, you WILL keep milking this series... I approve!!!:rainbowlaugh:


There's no way Tydal could die. One does not simply kill off Tydal without half of the Fans going nuts.

Shining nodded. “I suppose Polar could be the war god-“

“He’d want you to claim the mantle,” Sunset stated.

“R-really?” Shining asked, startled.

“Of course,” Discord said, for once sounding very old. “You were and shall ever be… his friend.”

Shining stood a bit straighter even as he blinked back tears. “Then I will fight to claim the title.” 

Shining Armor, God of War. Very nice.

Of course, he's technically Canadian now, so I'm not too sure how that would work out...

Just give him a hockey stick and tell em' that the Taliban has the puck...

I have arrived at the end

Oh, guess I just assumed. Thanks for making that clear.

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