• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 18th, 2020

The Sergeant


The Story you are looking for does not exist · 7:54pm Oct 21st, 2013

Lame title aside, I just want to explain why i'm not active, e.g writing stories. Thing is, My school is Stalin-esque in the homework it gives out. At least 3 hours out the window. I'm in an RP on this good website, 30 minutes (Whistles, then makes an explosion noise) Then there's the fact I have an account on Fanfiction (Don't judge me) which i'm also making 2 stories on. That devotes most of my spare time to developing those stories.


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Report The Sergeant · 498 views ·

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And now yours is badass.


I don't really know how to help you. Check the FAQ.

Comment posted by ScaleStorm deleted May 12th, 2013
Comment posted by ScaleStorm deleted May 12th, 2013


1000-2000+ words is good for me. :derpytongue2:

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The Story you are looking for does not exist · 7:54pm Oct 21st, 2013

Lame title aside, I just want to explain why i'm not active, e.g writing stories. Thing is, My school is Stalin-esque in the homework it gives out. At least 3 hours out the window. I'm in an RP on this good website, 30 minutes (Whistles, then makes an explosion noise) Then there's the fact I have an account on Fanfiction (Don't judge me) which i'm also making 2 stories on. That devotes most of my spare time to developing those stories.


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Report The Sergeant · 498 views ·

The Story you are looking for does not exist · 7:54pm Oct 21st, 2013

Lame title aside, I just want to explain why i'm not active, e.g writing stories. Thing is, My school is Stalin-esque in the homework it gives out. At least 3 hours out the window. I'm in an RP on this good website, 30 minutes (Whistles, then makes an explosion noise) Then there's the fact I have an account on Fanfiction (Don't judge me) which i'm also making 2 stories on. That devotes most of my spare time to developing those stories.


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Report The Sergeant · 498 views ·