• Published 21st Dec 2012
  • 22,544 Views, 815 Comments

Love is Blind - RaijingtheClockworkPony

Back from their honeymoon Shining Armor and Princess Cadence find a strange guest in their quarters

  • ...

Family Matters

Spike was bouncing on the heels of his feet as he followed the purple mare beside him down the Canterlot streets, grinning from ear to ear. The pair made their way through the busy streets of the city, the hustle and bustle of daily life going on around them.

"Do you think she will call me Uncle Spike or Cousin Spike?"

Twilight chuckled as she looked at the small dragon’s smile. "I think Uncle Spike has a nicer ring to it."

The dragon nodded in agreement and looked up the street to the castle. "This is gonna be so cool! Do you think we can visit often? I'd love to help Cadence and Shining." He gasped and looked at Twilight. "Can I foalsit Rose for them?"

"Only if they agree to pay for the travel fare." The unicorn giggled and smiled. "And you might have to compete with me to sit for them. Shining wouldn't stop talking about how cute she was the other day, so... I'm sorta excited but also really nervous."

"I know the feeling." Spike grinned. "Maybe we should have brought gifts, you know, to spoil her a little."

Twilight giggled then shook her head. "I don't think it would be right to spoil her. Besides, Cadence and Shining wouldn't be happy with that." She smirked. “At least, we should wait a little bit before we begin spoiling her.”

Spike chuckled and rubbed his claws together. "Well... fine, we can spoil her when she is older."

The pair shared a giggled and continued on the road until they reached the gates of the castle, and after a brief talk with the guards, they were let into the palace grounds. Spike took a moment to look at the gardens they were passing and smiled as the thought of a filly changeling playing in the flowers passed through his mind.

"Do you think she will be able to go outside?" He looked over to the unicorn next to him.

Twilight stopped after a moment and bit her lip then sighed with a small frown. "I... honestly don't know. Maybe one day the changelings won't be feared by ponies, but... it's too soon for that."

Spike nodded and sighed as well. "I hope she will be able to play in the garden someday then."

The pair fell silent as they both looked at the peaceful garden and then each other. Twilight made a small motion with her hoof for them to continue walking. They entered the castle, and moved through the hallways and up several stairwells until they reached the residential portion of the castle. Twilight smiled and looked to the dragon next to her.

"You know, she will have a massive library to use."

Spike nodded. "She could learn a lot from all the books, like a purple mare I know."

Twilight nodded and nuzzled the dragon. "I hope she learns how to be a perfect friend like a certain dragon I know."

He smiled with pride. "I am pretty awesome at this job."

The mare giggled and nuzzled him again. "You are. So, one more floor then we get to meet Rose... well, you get to meet her, and I get to meet her again and not yell at her."

Together they climbed another staircase and made it to the royal level of the tower. Twilight led the way and soon they stood before the door and the mare found herself hesitating. She looked at it for a moment then sighed.

"Spike... do you think she will like me?"

The dragon stopped walking then turned to see the pinned ears and fallen expression of his friend. He nodded and hugged her tightly. "I know she will. You're smart, kind, and most importantly, you can fix mistakes you make." He smiled up to the deep violet eyes of the mare above. "You can fix the mistake of being a bad aunt, and become a great aunt for Rose."

The unicorn smiled and nodded. "Thank you Spike. Let's go be her family then."

They knocked on the door and after a moment, it opened, revealing the pink form of the goddess of love. The alicorn smiled and looked to the pair.

"Great to see you two again." She beamed at them and hugged Twilight then Spike. "Thank you so much for giving her another chance."

Twilight nodded. "I'm sorry for what I said and did... but I hope I can be a good aunt."

Cadence nodded and smiled to her friend. "I know you can be a great aunt for Rose. Please come in."

As the trio began to walk in, the tiny voice of Rose came from behind the goddess.

"Cadenze... hungry..." Rose walked into view, and her eyes moved from the pink alicorn to the small dragon then settled on the purple unicorn. Her eyes widened in fear and her ears pinned to her head. She crouched low and scuttled behind the goddess and hugged her leg.

Twilight shuffled and rubbed her neck and looked to the goddess. "So... um... she is learning equestrian pretty quickly."

The goddess nodded as the filly peaked out from behind her leg. "She is. Come inside please."

The duo moved into the apartment and into the living room. Cadence closed the door, and then gently picked up her daughter and placed Rose on her back. She could feel the changeling shaking slightly as the filly looked from Twilight to the goddess.

"It's okay Rose..." The mare gave a reassuring smile. "Twilight is not going to be mean."

The filly cuddled closer to the mare holding her, and tried her best to hide behind the wing between the unicorn and herself. Cadence sighed and walked over to join the duo and sat down on the chair across the couch from them. She cuddled up to Rose then smiled to her guests.

"She's quickly learning basic Equestrian. I'm really proud of her." The goddess nuzzled the filly and beamed at her. "She's really coming along well."

Spike nodded and gave the changeling a small wave. "Her eyes are pretty... but I thought they had blue eyes."

The goddess nodded. "Apparently eye color and the color of their chitin is a way to tell what their purpose for the hive is."

As the dragon nodded he spotted the little changeling giving him a curious look. "She's cute, which is a huge plus."

The changeling smiled at the word cute, and felt a wave of affection rushing towards her from the dragon as she returned the wave with her hoof. Spike smiled and looked to Twilight.

"Maybe you should show her you are friendly?"

The unicorn nodded. "I'm starting to think the gift idea should have been a part of this visit..."

She looked over to the red eyed filly then gave her best friendly smile. Rose shuffled closer to Cadence and avoided looking at Twilight for a moment. The unicorn shuffled and rubbed her shoulder as she looked around the room. Spike took advantage of the silence to get up and walk over to Cadence and Rose. The changeling looked out from under the wing of the goddess and gave the small dragon a curious look.

"Her eyes are really pretty. Is that why you named her Rose?" He asked as he leaned on the chair. He gave a friendly smile to the filly.

"It is." Cadence smiled and nuzzled the dragon. "She is also like a rose in that she is beautiful, but has her thorns."

"What's her thorn?" The dragon smiled to the filly as she shuffled closer to him slowly. Her head tilted slightly and she blinked as the dragon moved closer as well.

"Well Spike, for one, she enjoys splashing in the bath, and sometimes she gets messy when she eats." The goddess giggled and gave a fond smiled to the filly.

Rose looked at Cadence for a moment. "Cadenze..." She then looked to the dragon and her voice buzzed out. "Zpike."

The trio around the filly all dropped their jaws as the filly smiled at the dragon and scoot towards him. After a moment, Spike regained composure and smiled.

"She said my name! That's awesome and adorable!"

At the world adorable, the tiny filly felt a rush of the warmth and she gently nuzzled the cheek of the dragon. Spike blushed slightly then returned the nuzzle with a hug. The pair chuckled and the filly’s wings buzzed.



The mares in unison giggled at the sight before them, and the dragon gave the filly a hug. Rose smiled as felt warmth rushing her from all three of the creatures around her, and she then looked to the purple mare and tilted her head as she felt a small wash of warmth from the mare. She looked to the alicorn next to her then to the unicorn, and back again.

Twilight asked. "What is she doing?"

"I think..." Cadence smiled. "I think she wants your name, so she can say it like Spike's."

The changeling looked back to the unicorn, and the alicorn spoke softly. "Aunty Twilight."

Rose glanced over to Cadence and spoke softly. "Auny... Twi... light?"

The goddess nodded. "Twilight."

The purple unicorn smiled as Rose looked at her and spoke a little louder. "Auny Twilight."

Twilight smiled and nodded. "Aunty Twilight."

The filly looked to Spike and nuzzled him again. "Zpike nice!"

Once more the trio's mouths fell open and the goddess was the first to make noise, and it came in the form of a loud, and proud squee.

She hugged the filly and smiled. "This is amazing!"

Twilight nodded. "She's learning very quickly... that's really impressive."

Spike smiled and hopped up on the couch and hugged the filly. "And she knows my name and thinks I'm nice!"

The trio laughed and the filly smiled at them all. After a few moments she nuzzled the dragon and felt warmth come from him at the action. She smiled and cuddled up to him as the alicorn smiled at her.

"So, I think she likes you Spike. You made a friend."

Spike chuckled and hugged the filly. "We both did."

"So, how about lunch? Spike and I haven't eaten much today." Twilight got up from her spot on the couch and motioned for the alicorn to join her. As the unicorn got up the eyes of the filly snapped to her and watched her with a worried gaze. Twilight noticed and did her best not to frown. "I know Spike gets grumpy if he doesn't eat."

"Not that grumpy..." Spike gave a small whine. "Besides, you get grumpy too."

Twilight giggled and nodded. "I do get grumpy I suppose. Still, we should eat."

The two mares made their way into the kitchen and Cadence moved to the refrigerator and began grabbing ingredients. Twilight moved to the oven and turned it on as sounds of Cadence rummaging through the fridge reached her.

"So... do you think she will like me?"

Cadence looked up from the butter and milk she was grabbing with her magic to the mare near her. "What?"

"Do you think she will like me?" She asked again.

The alicorn nodded and gave the mare a reassuring smile. "I think so. It won't happen overnight, but eventually she will love you as family."

Twilight looked over and shuffled. "Even after what I did?"

Cadence nodded and moved over to the younger mare and hugged her. "I know she will forgive you in time. Just be as nice as you can, and be the friendly filly I foalsat for."

The unicorn smiled and nodded. The pair set about making a meal for the four of them and Cadence took a moment to check in on Rose and Spike, and spotted them cuddling and giggling as the filly attempted to tickle the dragon. She smiled fondly and she knew that Twilight made the right choice coming to visit, and to give the filly a second chance.

Those two are adorable together. She turned to Twilight and saw her friend getting a tray for cupcakes. Might as well make something sweet for them and Shining.

Shining walked into his home and sighed in relief as he undid the clasps on his armor. He gently placed the armor on the table and he grinned as he spotted a familiar form walking towards him.

"Hi Rose." Shining spoke softly as he gently nuzzled the filly.

"Zhining." Rose nuzzled him back with a big grin on her face. "Zhining... home for night?"

The stallion nodded and picked her up. "I am." He began walking towards the kitchen then stopped after a few steps. "Wait... did you say a full sentence?"

The filly nodded and nuzzled him again. Shining chuckled and gave her a fond smile. Cadence said she would develop quickly, but this... she's talking. They reached the kitchen and Shining spotted a small cupcake sitting on the table with a small note next to it. He picked up the small piece of paper and read it.

Dear Shiny, your sister will be spending the night here in our guest room, along with Spike. We left you a cupcake and some fruit punch we made earlier. Also some leftovers from dinner are in the fridge for your lunch tomorrow. Love you, Cadence.

The captain smiled fondly at the hoof writing of his wife and placed the note down. He glanced to the filly on his back and gave her a warm grin.

"Did you and mommy make this for me?"

"Yez!" The filly chimed and nuzzled him.

The stallion nuzzled back and took a bite, and found the sweetness to be a very welcome taste. He took a small piece of it and gave it to the little filly on his back and he smiled as she devoured it happily. He carried her to the couch in the living room, and he settled down with the cupcake and he smiled as she nestled beside him.

I could get used to this. He nuzzled her and offered another piece of the cupcake. Rose devoured it with a grin then cuddled up to the stallion. She is so cute when she cuddles. He chuckled and watched as she looked from him, to the door to their guest room.

"Zpike... can cuddle?" She asked quietly and shuffled on the cushion.

Shining looked to the door then back to his daughter. "You... want to cuddle with Spike?"

She nodded she smiled. "Pleaze?"

Shining shuffled and sighed. "Dear, he is asleep; it would be rude to—"

He stopped when he spotted a yawning baby dragon walking by and go into the hallway bathroom, and close the door. A moment later he noticed the light turn on from under the door, and he cracked a small smile. Talk about great timing. Spike you have a nice cuddle coming your way.

Rose nuzzled him and she looked to the bathroom door with a smile. "Zpike cuddle!"

They waited in silence until the sound of flushing water reached them, and the sound of a sink being used followed shortly by the dragon walking out of the bathroom with a yawn. He rubbed his eyes then looked over and spotted Rose and Shining smiling at him.

"Did... I walk in on something?" He yawned.

"No, but you can help Rose with something." Shining replied as he patted the couch and levitated some pillows and a blanket over.

The young dragon's eyes lit up slightly as he walked over. "Sure... what can I do?'

The stallion smiled and got up from the couch and motioned for him to take his spot. "Rose needs a cuddle, but I need to go to Cadence and cuddle her." He smiled. "I can only survive so much cuddles in a day, so I need you to take my place with Rose, okay?"

The dragon nodded and smiled as he moved onto the couch. "I can do that for you."

Rose smiled and quickly nuzzled Spike and cuddled up to him. The pair got comfy on the couch and Shining placed a blanket over them and smiled.

"Have a good night you two." He nuzzled the filly and gave them a smile. He used his magic to turn off the lights and carefully made his way to his room.

The stallion walked into the bedroom where his wife lay asleep, and silently crept up to his half of the bed and moved under the covers. He got comfortable for a moment then felt a soft hoof wrap around his chest as a silky whisper reached his ear.

"Did you find the cupcake?" The goddess asked as she pulled the stallion close.

"I did. Rose met me at the door." He kissed his wife and smiled. "She and Spike are cuddling on the couch now."

Cadence grinned and nuzzled her lover. "That sounds adorable."


She placed her head on his chest and let out a content sigh. "I love you... and I love Rose."

He nodded and nuzzled her back. "I love you both."

Both couples, in the bedroom and on the couch, drifted off to very comfortable sleep.

Comments ( 70 )

Nothing like a fluffy fluffy cuddle chapter before bed.


Whoa! This story came back out of nowhere, and with a good amount of "d'awwwww" along with it. Great update, hope to see more soon.

A while chapter has appeared!

Let the cuddles commence!

A very nice dose of Feels and Daaaws. I can totally see Rose charming Luna and Celestia when she eventually meets them.




Heh, just got a mental picture of Rose up on Celestia's throne with a crown as big as herself over her lap and around her backside. Yup, the changelings took over at last.
:trollestia: "I for one welcome our new adorable overlord." (If only to hear lots of pony jaws hit the floor in shock)

I do wonder when Pinkie is gonna crash the scene. You know how she almost explodes in glee around new foals.

Can't wait for Aunty Twilight to spoil the kid rotten. Get them all hopped up on sugar and then give them back to her parents. (Or is that the grandparent's job? I forget)

6648510 Grandma's job is to spoil with home made cookies, letting the kid do stuff their parents' wouldn't let them get away with, and tell embarrassing stories about the parents as payback for all the stuff their kids put them through.

And yes, Celestia would do that. Or she'd walk into a meeting with a napping Rose perched on her back and holding a sign in her magic saying, "Wake the filly and I'll toss you off the mountain!" Luna seems more like the one who would play games with Rose, Hide and Seek comes to mind.

My shipping sense is tingling.

6648548 your pic lol levels to fucking high


Tea parties... tea parties everywhere.



That's sweet. Thanks for the update. I love how fast Rose is growing up. I can't wait to read when she takes on her first disguise.

I am glad to see this continue.

This is cute, and I'm enjoying it a bunch, but seriously, contractions. Contractions, contractions, contractions. Put them in your story, especially in dialogue. You have quite a few, but honestly, unless there's some emphasis you're going for, a specific meaning only given by the long form, or a character that speaks with crazy formality/drama, you should probably just have all things be contractions. All kindsa she is, and I am (when talking to a child, no less), and she will.

That first example actually brings up a second issue, that there's a lot of unnecessary repetition. You have "she is learning equestrian pretty quickly," and then, "She is," and then, weirdly, "She's quickly learning basic Equestrian." The second time, maybe, but why a third? Doesn't rightly make sense. Point is, you could use some semantic cleanery, which would reduce the occasionally stiff nature of the prose somewhat.

Such cuddly goodness, I love it. :yay:

danm you that to cute cant go on...[and he dead :pinkiegasp: ]

That was SO cute! :twilightsmile: I demand FANART if Rose and Spike cuddling as well as Rose and Shinning

:twilightsmile: Cuteness. Overload. HNNNNGGGGHHHHH!!!:twilightsmile:

nice to see this story back. You going to find a way to write in princess skyla and that storyline?

I think I got diabetes from this chapter.

You may now make this story as extensive as you wish. I have installed a insulin drip next to the computer.

I now ship Spike and Rose. :heart:
Also the sugary sweetness of this chapter is too much to contain.

I'm gonna get diabetes from this... It's gonna stink, but I love this story too much. Maybe friendship radiation treatment will help. :trollestia:

I have the medication prepared. Feel free to give me diabetes from this fic

So cute! also.....

6648548 Yes the same with mine

He got comfortable for a moment then felt a soft hoof wrap around his chest as a silky whisper reached his ear.

"Wrong bed" said Twilight

(Squeeee) (high pitch voice) ermegurd that was so cuuuuute! Heheheheheheeeeeeee! Oh and HOORAY! for update.

The adorableness and cuteness... D'awwww levels reaching critical mass, meltdown imminent... Making a note here, totally worth it.


Yay, an update!

yay another chapter :D

I think she likes Spike...

11/10 :yay:'s

Noooooo I reached the end! How will I survive without a constant stream of adorable content :raritydespair:

You gave me diabetes; I hope you're satisfied. :trollestia:

Wow, was this chapter written by someone else or something? Sorry if it's offensive to say, but I don't remember the writing being so... not good. Like the constant referral of Cadence as 'goddess' for instance. I can understand once in a while, but there was a stretch there where it was done, like, six times in just a few paragraphs.
Contractions in dialogue was also missing often, which made some of it feel stilted. The back and forth between Spike and Twilight for instance lacked a lot of 'you'll's and 'you're's.
And then their were bits like this, "felt a rush of affection rushing towards her" which is just redundant and doesn't sound right. Maybe change 'rush' to 'wave' so it sounds better. As it is, it's like saying, "Felt a feeling." Just weird.

Went back and checked. The writing has always been less than stellar. Guess the long hiatuses between chapters has been having me forget this fact repeatedly.

6662832 ur a dork it's ment for cuteness

Since when has what a story's purpose been affected whether or not it should be well written? It's not as if good word choice and flow has ever made a story worse. If anything, it sounds like what you're suggesting is that the sheer cuteness of this piece is a crutch for poor literary skill. All cuteness, no substance, which explains why I never remember reading this every time it pops up. It has no sticking power because it's not actually that good, just something to make you D'aww for a few moments than move on.
Think like how a jump-scare may spook you for a second, but a truly well-done horror piece will stick with you long after the experience is over.
Would anyone suggest Five Night's at Freddy's is actually on par with masterfully crafted games like the original Resident Evil or Silent Hill?

6667311 I did not expect such a loooong reply and I can think of quit a few things badly made that where still fun


Settle down please. I know I am not the best author, so criticism is very welcome so that I can become better.

6668613 I wasn't trying to be mean or anything LOL I just wasn't expecting that

It's okay. I didn't take it as insulting or anything, you were just being honest.

This needs to update. I am missing my cute quota.

Very cute, but I'm in partial agreement with "Kind of Brony" about the quality. That is to say, I think there needs to be a bit more effort to improve. If you get stuck using the same description for a character over and over, I suggest, if nothing else, using an online thesaurus. I know of at least one good writer on here that does that, and I personally think it helps. You can write however you want, but I hope my suggestion helps you in some way or another.

(Sighs) damnit......I thought I'd fixed my heart problem...... Here comes the hrrrrnnnnnggg!!!!

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