This story is a sequel to Healing for a Spell
Twilight Sparkle, after a week-long stint with Hawkeye, BJ, Charles, and the rest of the M*A*S*H 4077 following a teleport circumstance, feels relaxed to finally be home. However, spending a week in a place of war mentally changed her, steeling her resolve on wanting to keep Equestria as safe as possible to prevent the same from breaking out in her homeland. Hoping to have a chance to mentally unwind, that plan is soon derailed by news of multiple villains wanting her turned over to them. Now, with a newfound will, and a stronger magic reserve the Princess of Magic must rely on her new friends once more to save all she holds dear no matter the cost.
Written with permission from Muse Scroll aka King Phoenix Embers.
I was just watching M.A.S.H today!
Nice to see even the good ole 4077 makes it here on fimfiction.
now im going to go watch
Awwwww Yeah one of the few old shows i love! I watched it with my was, some of the best last menories I had with him
It'd be a nice bonus if the chapters continue to mimic the lyrics of the intro
Quick question. Why does Winchester's dialogue sound like something we'd be hearing from Hawkeye or BJ? There's no refinement in his manner of speech and conduct, he doesn't sound like himself at all.