• Member Since 7th Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Prismfire Productions

A ling from the southeast US, support me on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/sandstorm94/overview


This story is a sequel to My Life as a Suit Pon

Hello, my name is Jim, and I am happily living my new life in Equestria with my dear wife Tammilya. Settling down has been no issue, with her and my friends helping me acclimate to this wonderful, magic-filled world. Recently, I have been given a mission of great report from Princess Luna, and the fate of Equestria looms in my hooves as the clock ticks closer to midnight...

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Chrysalis' unexpected child

Clear Spark, now a young stallion, has overcome his troubled youth to become a smart and intelligent resident of Ponyville. With Zecora's help, he developed an aloe hybrid that has accelerated healing properties and aims to try and find a way to grow the new strain on a mass scale. However, even with Apple Bloom's sudden pregnancy announcement, things are not as they seem on the surface. Foes both old and new lurk in the shadows, and threaten every step as he tries to show even the blind can see the good in life.

Written with permission from coto616

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Healing for a Spell

Twilight Sparkle, after a week-long stint with Hawkeye, BJ, Charles, and the rest of the M*A*S*H 4077 following a teleport circumstance, feels relaxed to finally be home. However, spending a week in a place of war mentally changed her, steeling her resolve on wanting to keep Equestria as safe as possible to prevent the same from breaking out in her homeland. Hoping to have a chance to mentally unwind, that plan is soon derailed by news of multiple villains wanting her turned over to them. Now, with a newfound will, and a stronger magic reserve the Princess of Magic must rely on her new friends once more to save all she holds dear no matter the cost.

Written with permission from Muse Scroll aka King Phoenix Embers.

Chapters (2)

Sunrise, sunset, repeat.

In the quiet town of Sagiville, the residents go about their routine in relative peace. Sheriff Joseph Moore arrests any who pose a threat, his wife Hazel keeps everyone from getting thirsty in the Saloon, and the promise of a new railroad to San Francoltsco coming by the town brings visions of hope for the future. However, when a war back east causes a full division in power, an unsettling notion slowly creeps in like a python squeezing its prey...

This story is done in collaborations with my friends LegoDoc, Doodle_Bean, and Dandelion-Harvest.

Chapters (2)

Phoenix Storm felt as if she had lived a wonderful life. She had a caring husband and wonderful son, and other than the fact her son rarely visited or wrote to her everything was perfect in her world.

However, a letter from her son inviting her to Ponyville for a celebration provided the perfect opportunity to not only see him again, but also to finally meet the mare that stole his heart. Little did she know that this was no ordinary celebration and would have to relearn everything she knew.

Written for Pride Month 2021, and is my official "coming out" story. As such, if you find it in your heart to help trans people across the globe, you can donate to the Transgender Law Center here.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Ketchup Ascension

This is a sequel to Mythic Night's The Ketchup Ascension .

Prince Baked Bean, husband to Princess Celestia, earned his wings and horn by reincenting ketchup into a flavorful addition that would make any dish pop. However, shortly after he made it so only the new recipe was used in public, packets of the paste became scarce and changelings became suspect of illegal dealings. When a breakthrough occurs, Chrysalis is brought in, but things are not as they seem on the surface...

Chapters (1)

King Thorax loved his little changelings.

Ever since he plotted a coup to keep his old queen Chrysalis from invading Canterlot during the biggest wedding in pony history, he took care of them by following the same principle Celestia and Luna set for their subjects. However, not everything is all nice and peachy. Facing down eventual extinction, he calls in the Element Bearers and their sisters to help.

These are their stories...

Story requested by Chazkopa, image author is linked to the picture

Chapters (2)

You are an Aarons employee having a terrible day, just like any other from the moment you decided to set off on your own. With your horrible boss sending you to get things out the back to put out for display, you meet Starlight Glimmer.

Note: This story was done as part of a two hour writing challenge, hope you enjoy.

Chapters (1)

Din Djarin was a well respected bounty hunter. Praised for his ability to capture his targets, he developed a reputation for being the go-to hire to ensure all debts got collected.

That is, until his target was The Child.

Now on the run from The Guild and its members, Din must play a galactic-sized game of Hide and Seek to guarantee the safety of his target-turned-youngling. When a hypersrive malfunction strands Din and The Child on a whole new planet in a different galaxy, he will soon discover Equestria is not the land of cupcakes and rainbows that it appears on the surface.

Chapters (4)

Joe Bucks, human, respectable businessman, clopfiction writer. To many, his works are golden, and has earned a large following over time. However, when a certain princess bookhorse takes him to trial, she is in for a rude awakening.

DISCLAIMER: This is not meant to be a slam piece for clop writers nor cloppers themselves (I will go on record and say that I am both), this was a commission piece done for fun.

By the way, I checked with a site moderator before approving, so the T+sex tag is clear

Chapters (1)