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Lets Do This

We're going to build an exact copy of Ponyville... right over there! We've got less than a minute!


Sunny and her friends need to find a new place to live, before they drive each other crazy. But first, Sunny has to admit that to herself...

In "Tell Your Tale", the Crystal Brighthouse sort of came out of nowhere. Here's one possible take on how it came to be.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )

Sunny slewed to a halt, eyed them doubtfully. "I... still think it's way too early for Hearths Warming decorations. Oh! But Maretime Bay day is coming up. These would be perfect for that."

Oh yeah the holiday I keep forgetting that make your mark and tell your tail are Cannon to each other which it makes it a little bit confusing but hey that's cool

"But now... you guys are my family. And that's what's important to me. I want us to stick together, to be comfortable living with each other. That's what matters now. So," she finished sadly, "if it means we need to find some other place to live, maybe somewhere down in town where we'd have enough room for us all, then that's what we should do. Because you're what matters to me. You're my home now. And I don't ever want to lose that again."

Mica #3 · Jul 23rd, 2022 · · 1 ·

Ha, beat me to this idea! I’ll have to read this later.

These stories are fantastic! More of that please! :raritywink:

"Don't tell me," she muttered, exasperatedly. "There's something magical happening behind my back, isn't there? Which I'll never be able to explain, not in a million moons."

XD, Sunny's already figured out how these stories work. In all seriousness though, I liked this. It had some good characterization for Sunny, a few heart-tending moments, and I do like the backstory you gave the bright house. Here, have a Derpy :derpytongue2:

Well then this was a pretty interesting story and before tell your tail came around very nice so Sunny is still trying to figure out this whole Crystal thing and apparently her friends don't seem to be around that much in the house either it's too small or just something else and she never understood that and she was afraid that she's pushing them away but one by one she met with them talk with them and she even heard some rumors about the lighthouse and apparently a lot of the ponies thinks this was like in a memorial for Argyle as much as she really loves the house she really didn't want it to lose her friends they just need to figure out another way but it looks like the crystals have other plans making the lighthouse much bigger and newer but still keeping some of the original look becomes the lighthouse what we see in tell your tail and make your mark I would say this was a pretty interesting origin of how her Lighthouse is different this was pretty cool keep up the good work

This was a nice story. As an architectural engineer who works with buildings for a living, I love stories about homes and finding places to live, and I enjoyed your story trying to "fill in the gap" between the older lighthouse and Sunny's new home with her friends.

I like how in depth you went into Sunny's internal struggle with her housing situation. I can relate a lot to Sunny here. I'm a firm believer that your best friends can sometimes be horrible roommates--and vice versa. Izzy's a great friend, but a nightmare roommate I'm sure! One of my best friends from college was my freshman year roommate. I still meet up with him after graduating. Although he's a super nice person, I didn't enjoy rooming with him--he would get sick a lot and snored loudly, which ended up straining our friendship. We were better off as friends than as roommates.

Even when the Crystal Brighthouse was created, the girls still all slept in a single (albeit larger) bedroom. It shocks me that the large lighthouse has only ONE bedroom shared by four girls. Even the smaller old lighthouse had at least two bedrooms (see: Argyle tucking Sunny into bed). It'd be much more realistic for everypony in the Brighthouse to have their own bedroom, and that way Hitch could move in. Perhaps it was done that way so that young children who sleep with their siblings can relate?? Yet back in G4, in Twilight's castle Twilight, Spike, and Starlight each had their own room.

So while I really liked you writing about this topic, it's my beef with the canon that makes it hard for me to feel happy for Sunny & crew after the Brighthouse was created by magic. I guess I'm too passionate about the subject. :rainbowwild:

Thanks for reading, and for sharing your thoughts in depth!

I actually just recently watched the "Tell Your Tale" shorts, having put off doing it for a while because the stills of the animation were a little off-putting. But I was pleasantly surprised: if you ignore the somewhat cartoony drawing style, the short episodes seemed actually better in terms of pacing, characterization, and story than the "Make Your Mark" special.

I also just downloaded and played the "Maretime Bay Adventure" game on Steam ("What, I get to 'drive' Sunny skating on her inlines, at top speed up and down the main streets of Maretime Bay? Sign me up!")

So between the two media, I had a lot of food for thought, story-wise. So I needed to find a way to bridge between my own mental model, of Sunny living in a rebuilt lighthouse, to the canon world and the Crystal Brighthouse -- hence this story.

And I hear you, but I don't have a problem myself with Sunny and her friends sharing one big room. It's kind of the point, both in this story and in the series: that their being together is what brought the magic back, and it's what helps keep it stable. In our world, sure, we wind up wanting space of our own, because humans are not always the best roomies. But ponies, being herd animals to start with, probably don't have the same kind of issues. And it's kind of nice thinking that a group of friends could be that comfortable with each other, even given their individual quirks, that sharing one big room isn't a big deal. (See the Tell Your Tale short "Nightmare Roommate" for an example of how extreme some of those quirks can be!)

But that's just my take on it. Maybe it's wishful thinking on my part, since I'm such a hermit myself by nature.

I absolutely adore world building stories like this.

This story had some good heartfelt moments and a little bit of well-intentioned nonsense. I do hope that TYT or MYM do something about Argyle and possibly other important ponies from the M5's pasts.

MYM has it's good moments, but most of the episodes, at least for me, fall between meh and neh. I think part of that is because the 5 minutes just doesn't give room for stories/character development. Another is how they kind of lampoon the cast, a great example is how Izzy is often played as the crazy sugar high ditz (especially in Nightmare Roommate). My favorite episode thus far was actually the first one when Izzy has that heartfelt talk with her dad's photograph.

TYT wasn't as good as the movie, and I do have a couple of beefs/ideas/questions, but hopefully TYT will be able to expand the world and avoid some of the pitfalls that MYM and G4 for that matter did.

Thanks much for reading, and for sharing your thoughts on the story!

I think you may have the two titles reversed: "Make Your Mark" is the 45-min 3D special, while "Tell Your Tale" is the series of 2D YouTube shorts. (Of course, the titles are so similar it's easy to confuse them -- even I had to re-check which one was on NetFlix to be sure I didn't have them backwards myself!)

I agree, the Tell Your Tale shorts were a mixed bag. The ones I liked most were "A Home to Share", which introduces the Brighthouse; "The Game is Ahoof", where Zipp goes full-bore Captain Queeg investigating her missing sunglasses, and in particular "Alicorn Issues", which comes as close as any G5 episode so far to exploring what Sunny's alicorn power is meant for. (Though the glitter issue doesn't really make sense to me...)

Plus I'll freely admit finding myself humming "Bunny Bunny Bunny" on the walk to/from work. What can I say? It's dementedly catchy...

d'oh:facehoof: I'll avoid responsibility and blame it on the fact that it was like 11:30 at night when I commented:rainbowwild:

"Don't tell me," she muttered, exasperatedly. "There's something magical happening behind my back, isn't there? Which I'll never be able to explain, not in a million moons."

you're gonna have to get used to that quickly now that magic's back. equestria can be utter nonsense sometimes/

She stared at the lighthouse, feeling it sink in. Were those ponies right? Am I just hanging out here, trying to keep that memory alive...

... and losing my new friends as a result?

No Sunny thats not true, you just have to adapt to change.
Twilight had a hard time doing it when she became princess, but she made it out in the end.
You can do the same, and you are not alone.

11309987 11309714

"Woah," She breathed. "Did I do that?" Then she thought about it. "Or... did I just decide I was okay with it?"

It was the magic of friendship🙂


"What the hay. As with everything else... we'll figure it out as we go."

With the magic of friendship by our side

You know what.

I want this to become a Trilogy.
Tell your Tales or Make Your Mark connected to this.

This is a nice story and it gives a good explanation of why they changed the lighthouse into the Crystal Brighthouse.

"Don't tell me," she muttered, exasperatedly. "There's something magical happening behind my back, isn't there? Which I'll never be able to explain, not in a million moons."

Well you best get used to it this is Equestria lol

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