• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen August 17th

Chengar Qordath

I write lots and lots of horse words; everything from comedy to drama. If you like what I write, please support me on Patreon.


This story is a sequel to Freeport Venture: Old Wounds

When one of her apprentice's friend-of-a-friends goes missing, Archmagus Sunset Shimmer doesn't hesitate to get involved. However, what initially appears to be a simple case of a missing child will wind up leading her to a criminal conspiracy and political intrigue at the highest levels of Freeport.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 191 )

Oh hey, a fic about the Crystal prep shadowbolts, ponified. Nice; those are rather uncommon.

Yay, new Freeport story. Hm, sure sounds like Chainbreaker has changed a lot over the years (and Sunset won't find out more about its background for a few more years too). Between Ushabti, Torch and then becoming a symbol of Freeport, that's a lot of history for the blade.

I wonder how Sunset's school project is doing. She's got the money now but then she was relying on Puzzle to handle a lot of setup for the school and he's almost starting from scratch again too. Well, not like Sunset building her school in Sandy Shores would help that much either.

I hope Sugarcoat shows up too, she's always funny. Nice to see Sunset still helping out regular ponies. Now to see how this "simple" kidnapping case will turn out.

Interesting that Sour Sweet's a Changeling. Wouldn't have called that :)


The pizza scene was...just wonderful, really.

Well now this turned into an awesome Monday. Kukri sounds like me at that age, can't tell what's supposed to be secret.

Ah my favorite pegasus is back.

Not gunna Lie, Strumming's izza sounds amazing and I want one now

Yay! Another Freeport story! I love it already, though I am personally waiting on a scene where Sunset meets Cadance again.

So we have 'bolts in Freeport, now I have to wonder if and when Cinch is going to show.

Interested to see how high up in “the highest reaches of Freeport” this goes. It will also be cool to see Chainbreaker living up to a namesake.

“Anyway, what I had in mind that so offended Bug Boy was a nice and simple custom pizza. I was gonna go for the olive oil and garlic sauce, seasoned garlic cheese with roasted garlic on top, and garlic seasoning on the crust.”

You can just dip a bulb of garlic in marinara sauce.:rainbowderp:

I am guess when the school is up and running

I never pictured Sour Sweet as a ling, but then again considering her personality makes sense.

Well, this is going to be interesting. A simple missing person's case of a supposed no one ending up involving the top levels of politics? Probably be connected to the corrupt condottieri, but also likely the council. Wanna bet one of the members is a slaver/benefiting? You know, in a city that officially doesn't have slavery? A city that has a sword that is venerated for the freedom it brings, and how powerful that symbolism represents against slavery? If slavery becomes connected to the council in any way, and the sword gets involved, it could be seen as cutting out the council for allowing slavery to exist, thus freeing the city from the chains the council has wrought.

No matter what happens, things are never going to be the same once Chainbreaker is wielded in Freeport, where the symbolism is as powerful as the blade itself.

From slaying dragons to finding a lost foal, it is cool how the stakes can vary in scale so much. Though this is chapter 1, who knows, there could be a slaver dragon.

Before or after we get a, she's (the ling) has taken over the friend who died here for whatever reason and this is a measure of justice/revenge on a principle against freeport for it?

Not an alicorn, but certainly more than just a unicorn, considering I had access to pegasus and earth pony magic.

Huh ... maybe something to research in the future (with Twilight :raritystarry:)

I couldn’t just sit back and do nothing now that I knew there was a kid no older than Kukri in trouble.

I know this is a serious situation, but D'aww

I love the translation of mood swings into changeling.

Chainbreaker absorbing power through belief is a cool concept.

Got to wonder how many on the Council will be involved in the end. Freeport desperately needs a clean-up.


She'll probably come representing the EEA. Maybe she was the chancellor before Neighsay.

The soul graft (or whatever it is) raises some fascinating questions. Sunset may have sacrificed the spark that would get her wings, but it seems like she's as close as she can get to alicornhood without one.

That didn’t mean I would bend over backwards or ignore injustice to stay on their good side, just that I wasn’t looking for a fight. Now I just had to hope one wouldn’t find me anyway.

Oh, Sunset. I thought you'd know better by now.

I swear, if she wanted to have some kind of awkward unicorn puberty talk with me I would send her back to her parents so fast...

"Lately, I've been having these... fantasies..."
"Please tell me this isn't about colts. Or fillies."
"World conquest, actually."
"Oh! Yeah, that's perfectly normal for a unicorn your age. Just be concerned if you don't grow out of it in a few years."

Very interesting choice to make Sour Sweet a changeling. Not the first time I've seen it, but still unexpected. I like it.

Puzzle's pizza sounds legitimately delicious.

Also, just gonna point out that Sunset’s fake boyfriend I just made up popped the question, so now you’re running behind him. You need to up your game if you want to not be outcompeted by figments of my imagination.

Strumming is amazing and/or insufferable at all times. If she's neither, someone close to her is probably on the verge of death.

I grunted. “You’re damn right we will. I know you said we can’t be sure there’s a happy ending on this one, but I’m gonna do everything I can to make it happen.”


The story description makes it clear that the group's about to go down one heck of a rabbit hole. Looking forward to seeing just what horrors they unearth.

Dang it, I read the pizza scene and now I’m hungry! Darn you, Chengar....:rainbowlaugh:

Also more Freeport! :yay:


Considering the amount of Dresden Files references and the fact Chainbreaker is pretty much the Equestrian equivalent to a Sword of the Cross, I would be surprised otherwise.

Sunset has been cursed with additional teenagers. Karma for something, I'm sure.

“Also true.” Celestia and I hadn’t found any limits when we’d tested the sword, but we didn’t get too crazy with our tests on the priceless historical treasure. I couldn’t rule out the possibility that we’d missed something or just didn’t know about it. Maybe Ushabti or Torch knew more, but I hadn’t seen any trace of either of them since that one weird vision. Considering I apparently knew some of Torch’s spells now, I had a sneaking suspicion I might’ve consumed whatever traces of their spirits remained tied to Chainbreaker when I’d become ... whatever I was now. Not an alicorn, but certainly more than just a unicorn, considering I had access to pegasus and earth pony magic.

Wait, the Chainbreaker connection came with multi-tribal magic access? I can't help but wonder if alicornization is still on the menu, just through a different path.

Strumming sighed and shook her head. “Everyone’s so judge-y. Why can’t a mare just get the pizza she wants without everyone making a fuss?” She rolled her eyes at both of us. “Anyway, what I had in mind that so offended Bug Boy was a nice and simple custom pizza. I was gonna go for the olive oil and garlic sauce, seasoned garlic cheese with roasted garlic on top, and garlic seasoning on the crust.”

I can see why Puzzle in particular would be concerned.

“Hey, look, Bacon, think I better prep you for some stuff. Just saying, I’m all for trying to find a kid who’s gone missing, but we might not get a happy ending on this story.”

How meta.

“Hmm, idea,” Strumming grinned. “Bug Boy does all the boring canvassing work while Bacon and I go around and give the usual suspects a hard time. Worst case, we don’t find anything but still arrest and beat up some bad guys who’re still guilty of something. Though I imagine most of them would start talking when they’re on the receiving end of a very pissed Archmagus.”

A more fun experience for the party members with less patience for grunt fieldwork.

I'm fairly curious how Sunny knows Sour Sweet, might have something to do with why she got targeted if this ends up being more complicated than a simple child trafficking case. Even as just casual acquaintances they met and got to know each other somehow, and that how might contain a clue or a lead.

God bless! Another good story to sink my teeth into!

I like that you decided to use the shadowbolts for character in your story and from the cover I was glad that it was an Earth Pony but it's a changeling once again. I know there are a lot of them in Freeport and that the problem of finding one outlined in this chapter make it harder to find her or that she is a changeling might be even more important to the plot later but I feel like there is a lot of favoritism with unicorn, pegasus, changeling for characters in your stories. Sure there are a lot of Zebra and gryphon with a bunch of other species thrown in the mix from time to time but Earth Ponies kind of don't appear as important characters all that often in this verse.

Wow. I've finally caught up. On both The Lunar Rebellion Era stories and the Freeport stories.

This is looking to be interesting. I've very much liked what I've read up to now, and I have a good feeling about what's gonna be coming.

Ah. Puzzle didn't share much about the... aggressive reorganization while Sunse was in Canterlot. Not surprising, but good to get confirmation there.

Freeport’s my home. I just wish it was better.

Echoes of Belladon.

You know, between the bribes to lean on smaller plantations, the bribes to overlook safety violations, the employee turnover, and so forth, I have to wonder if it would be more cost-effective to be less evil. Silver Cane seems to subscribe to dragon economics: The best course is whatever makes her part with the smallest amount of her hoard right now, return on investment, employee loyalty, and the sheer amount of effort required to keep the ship afloat be damned.

Plus I wanted to firmly establish my ‘I told you so’ credit for when this whole thing ends with us burning down half the island because you don’t do subtle.

Seems likely to me.

Oh wow, company scrip. There's a classic scumbag tactic.

... Yup. At least there's no fire.

Maybe I should just kill you all right now, or just give all your victims some weapons and tell them to do whatever they want to you.

Echoes of Torch. Careful with those extra soul-bits in your head, Sunset.

This is a lot bigger than just one crooked plantation. If Sunset doesn't see some real justice, this could be the straw that makes the unicorn explode. We'll see what comes of it.

That was intense.

Damn. So, there are connections to the council, huh? Not surprised, given the story description. Wanna bet Cold Comfort is the/one of the contacts Silver Cane has on the council? Given what we know about him, its the kind of thing he'd do.

I took a deep breath. “Secure all the evidence you can find, and let’s get a message to the Doos, the Free Companions, or whoever else we can trust who can get out here to help hold the area. Then we head back to Freeport, and put all this evidence right in front of the Council. This doesn’t get buried, and if they don’t do the right thing...”

Considering that there is a possibility that they might be heading into a direct conflict with Cold Comfort or his "friends," they are gonna need all the help they can get.

New chapter! Ima read this while I donate to biolife in a few hours. Ima get paid to read this! Look up biolife, it's where you donate plasma, not blood. If you are decently healthy, have good veins, drink lots of water, eat plenty of iron, and protien. its good money. Even if they turn you away it's worth looking into.

I took a deep breath. “Secure all the evidence you can find, and let’s get a message to the Doos, the Free Companions, or whoever else we can trust who can get out here to help hold the area. Then we head back to Freeport, and put all this evidence right in front of the Council. This doesn’t get buried, and if they don’t do the right thing...”

In all honesty, I wasn’t sure what would happen then, but it wouldn’t be pretty.

If Cold or anyone on the Council does try to make this go away, well then I think we've just found the catalyst for Sunset becoming Archon. Viva la Revolution indeed. :twilightoops:

Calling it right now. Boss doesn't just have "connections" to the Council. And THAT will be the spark that sets off the fire.

Outside of their contract pay, everything’s in credit at the company store

Sixteen tons of sugar eh? What a lowlife.

Yeah, this isn't going to end well for anyone involved.

All it takes is a spark. This is going to get political and ugly, fast.

This...... is going to escalate.

Well, that have gone south quick. Sunset git the fiver of a Liberator within her it seems.

From the loom of it, that island is cursed to attract horrible peoples. Or because it's Freeport. One or the other.

Yeah, this rock is cursed. I’d say once they've vacated the island, just set the whole thing on fire and salt it.

Damn... I’m glad she held back but a large part of me would have liked to have seen bodies.

I think this is the beginning of the end for the Council and the beginning of the rise of Archon Sunset. I just wonder how big the pile of bodies will be (and if Cold Comfort will manage to wiggle his way out from inside it)?

I'm starting to wonder what else Sunset picked up from her merger with Ushabti's and Torch's magic. Well, not like she would have been happy to see the slavery before but now she seems particularly angry. Not like she's the only one outraged either.

So how much of the story about the island's previous owners survived? I'm not sure if Puzzle would have wanted to keep a lower profile or to get the credit of taking on multiple drones (and kind of Chrysalis) and winning. That is if the Council didn't just cover up the whole thing with Chrysalis (letting her almost get a foothold in Freeport is not good news for anyone). Of course Puzzle is in a much worse mood these days than back then. And apparently hasn't shared all the details about his ongoing war with Cold with how Sunset dismisses it (less a rivalry and more a power struggle to be top spy in Freeport).

I expected Sunset would have to take on Freeport's systemic corruption eventually but not this soon. Especially with slavery one of the few things not legal in Freeport even though a lot of things come close to it. On the other hand, with the fame from killing Blackfyre still pretty recent, maybe it is a good time for Sunset to take on the Council? Puzzle losing most of his organization hurts her chances but I expect Puzzle is eager for payback against Cold too. And even if they had gone through the proper channels, well, this is Freeport so maybe Sunset's flashy approach will work better. I was expecting a(nother) dark magic threat but Sunset taking on Freeport sounds even better.

Irony, the Council was formed to end slavery and now under their rule child slavery is a thing. If only Torch and Belladon could see it.


A part of me wishes Sunset having to face some consequences for ditching the smart, careful way to deal with the situation.

10081141 Belladon would not be the least surprised, I suspect.

To be fair, it’s probably not easy to watch a child slave be beaten for not performing their compelled labor as well as the adult overseer would like.

The Council will be pissed. The people of Freeport when they hear the news will riot. Slavery is not something there going to forget when Chainbreaker is involved. And there going to see its wielder as the second coming of Torch himself. Sunset needs to make this news heard before the Council can attempt to manage the news. Thd interesting thing will be the Mercs. Many have ties to the bad old days. And wont want to be linked to a Council that's fallen to supporting Slavers even secondhand.

It also made me absolutely certain about one thing: I was taking this island and everyone involved in it down. All the way up to Silver Cane herself.

Oaths like this are why I read this series.

Wasn't expecting it to get followed up on almost instantaneously, though, geez. Time to see if political fallout can be a bigger mess than an elder dragon.

Something tells me this wont end well for the Council. Given the history of Chainbreaker.

I think at least a few members of the council will, and maybe, have seen this coming. No one with sense will stand against Sunset openly given recent events. I'm sure a few are out of town or will side with Sunset if things get to the point of open conflict.

Can't wait for more. Keep it up.

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