• Published 30th Jul 2019
  • 13,321 Views, 234 Comments

Keep Him Busy - dirty little secret

Cadance is off to an important meeting with the other princesses, but she's seen to it that Shining Armor won't miss her much. She's instructed every mare in the Crystal Palace staff to "entertain" him while she's gone.

Comments ( 47 )

A simple, yet perfect way to end the story. Phenomenal job, my friend.

I just hope Flurry won't play game with her stallion the same way her mother did. Not everyone has Shining's resolve.

Very well done fic!

Truly some amazing work! Some of the chapters were a little too short for my taste but overall still a great read!

Thanks! ^.^ If you had to pick a favorite part, what would it be?

From what we’ve seen of her in the show, she’s going to be a right little monster. ^.^ Have pity on whatever stallion ends up with her.

Yeah, kind of an unfortunate effect of the way the story was broken up. That, and because a lot of the chapters begin by getting right down into it and therefore don’t have a lot of buildup.

Ok... I'm back. And I'm here to over analyze feelings in a fan fic again. What is this the third?! This hits me where I live. Ok well great story as always. I love reading about the relationships of your characters and how they develop over time. Shining Armor has had what literally every stallion would dream of in one life, in three days. But no matter what, he still loves his wife. Even if he has permission to use all the mares around him, he still wants nothing more then to be her husband. What a guy. But Cadence is surprised? She should know how crazy he is for her. I mean I get she's expected him to comfort the mares around him and all but I kinda love how much of a shock it is to her. It's a sweet and touching story as always. Keep up the good work! :twilightblush:

The people who want to be Cadance. XD

Probably part 11 :)

That's an easy one. Him have sex with all the mare guards

It looks like it just says "nah." on the lower left side of the cover art :rainbowlaugh:

What is 'reverse gangbang? Gangbangers become the gangbang-ees?

^.^ I do like that ending. And it wasn’t planned, either. But by the time I got there, that kind of just flowed out, and it was way better than what I had planned.

Heh, lol. Yeah, I guess that could be fun for some!

Yeah, unfortunately, there’s just too much text to attempt editing it out.

A normal gangbang is when a bunch of guys all fuck the same girl.
A reverse gangbang is when the genders are reversed -- a bunch of girls fucking one guy.

This story's success is astonishing to me. Not anthro. Not human. Not Anon. Not Spike. Nothing this outside the box has succeeded to this degree for so long in the last 12 months at least. I don't usually restart a story I've given my final word on but this is no normal story. Adding to bookshelf.


Heh. People are getting more upset about that than I thought.

That's why you should stick to normal fetishes, like MSIAPS.

Seriosuly, though, this is the internet: people get upset about everything.

I think it’s mostly due to a) the fantasy fulfillment concept, and b) the release schedule keeping the heat up by bringing in new readers every few hours.
Oh yeah, and having 2700 followers doesn’t hurt! ^.^ (Honestly, these days, I’m pretty spoiled. I find myself getting mildly offended if a fic I posted doesn’t show up in the feature box right away.)
Still, I’m stoked to hear that you’re planning on reading the whole thing -- I hope you’ll tell me what you think of it when you’re done!

True, and don’t worry. I’ve weathered worse outrage storms. (Mostly on the subject of whether any non-con, even of the most benign imaginable kind, is necessarily worthy of the [dark] tag or not. I think that I might be partly responsible for Fimfic now having a [non-con] tag. Try looking through the older comments on Show Stopper if you really want to see some drama in the comments. Actually had some fighting with the Fimfic moderators on that one. Oh yeah, and How To Take Care Of Your Mare had some serious outrage as well, for obvious reasons. Luckily, I was able to deflect a lot of that onto the anonymous commissioner.)

Man...this story was amazing. You get a like.
I loved the slow build in Shining over the course of the story. I noticed it with his first encounter with Amber Star. As amazing as all of it was, it was always missing something. All of that sex was missing true intimacy. It was captured perfectly.

And mirrored my own feelings. The more I read, the more I wanted my wife.

Bravo, sir. Bravo.

That was amazing. The ending was really beautiful and unexpected at the same time. Cadance watching this whole time and Shining Armor saying he misses his wife despite doing things most men/stallions would dream of was an even nicer touch.
Great work. Looking forward to seeing what other pateron request you take in the future.

he i had a feeling it would be like this xD

so much sweet love between the royal couple

^.^ Glad it came together so nicely!

Well, you know you could always join my Patreon supporters and have a say in which story that will be! :twilightsmile: There’s a monthly poll running right now, until the 11th.
And, of course, there’s my Annual Free-For-All Story Voting, which is also running right now. Voting for that closes on the 18th.

They really do have the best relationship ever! ^.^

At least they know they love each other. A lot of stories you write I wanna see a 10 years later lol or so. Just to satisfy some heartbreak and stuff.

I have a certain policy when it comes to having money out there with certain websites like that otherwise I would do a pateron. I trust you but its others I don't trust. But if I ever change my mind you'll know.

Uh... Okay. That’s not the part I want to see, though! ^.^
(And really, I don’t think a relationship needs to last forever to be a good relationship, anyway.)

Heh, okay. I wonder what people did to hurt you in the past. But I understand.

I swear, Cadence is spoiling Shining way too much. With that attitude, he's gonna get fat from all the treats, mares, and all the other special treatments :rainbowwild:

Nah, she also makes sure he gets plenty of exercise! :raritywink:

Great, now I imagine Cadence walking as she levitates a leash tied around Shiny's neck like a dog. The next thing you know, Candace commands him with Shiny treats and have commands for sitting, barking, and plenty of lewd thing. Maybe if she was able to reactivate the residual effects of Chrysalis's spell or something, she'll literally have a sex slave that would drop his guard duties at a moment's notice and rut her on her whim.🤔


Yeah, he's worn out, the most vulnerable moment. Should Cadance have expected anything less in that moment? I think not.

And great, now I'm looking at the Cadance poster I bought this last weekend. That's a very knowing look she's got. God save Shiny...

Eh, I'm sure he'll be fine. Sticky and wet, but fine.

I loved every moment of this. Thanks again for such sheer, unbridled (hah!), and sexy raw awesomeness!

And thank *you* for all the comments! ^.^ It’s great to hear how people are reacting to things and what they liked -- it helps me do even better next time.

Great story!
I love what you did for the ending! That was just so sweet! :heart:
No wonder this story managed to hold itself in the Feature Box for so long.

A wonderful story. There are a few parts that I felt a bit iffy reading, but only because they arent my fetish. I just cant get into oral after anal or the military setting. The writing kept a good quality throughout and I was very... ahem... satisfied. :twilightblush:

If I would have changed one thing, it would have been the ending. Not having Cadance orgasm at Shiny admitting he missed her, but maybe insead just sit in stunned silence in wonder. After that you could have gone on with the same chapter, describing the dildo and maybe have Cadance wonder how much she would need to use it to stay away from Shiny during the last night. Again, just how I would have written it to maximize the emotional impact.

Heh, and some others loved the ending. Oh well -- you can’t please everybody.

9774512 Oh, it would have been just a minor tweak. Overall I really liked that it was Cady being the mastermind behind all the kinkyness AND a voyeur at the same time. I just can't get "OMG ORGASM" from "D'aww he really wuvs her". :twilightsmile:

You could have included that by having Cadance leave in the morning and have Shining be frustrated for the rest of the day and be sad he will sleep alone in a cold bed.

I can't help but imagine her as a middle aged mare.

Agh. What's wrong with me? Why is horse porn hot?

Very nice, definitely love your stories, especially the ones with Cadance. She's one of my favorite characters.

Nothing wrong with horse porn being hot! ^.^

Him, I was expecting Topaz was eventually going to get fucked. Slightly surprised not to see that.

I can already imagine her servicing a stallion while he idly checks through the mail, then ramming his cock down her throat just to work out some frustration over the bills. lol. YOu can have that one. :ajsmug:

This was a really sweet and heart-warming story. Also sexy, very sexy.

Can’t we have a reunion chapter?

Maybe if the Patreon supporters demand it. Otherwise, I've got a lot of other stuff that needs doing!

Hopefully the good kind of damn?

I realise it says my response is to the last chapter, but lets just say I couldn't quite get that far in one sitting.
I shall now proceed to read the last 3 chapters.

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