• Member Since 20th Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

The Blue EM2

Glad to be here at last.


This story is a sequel to Story of the Blanks

Professor Botchitt (pronounced Bochey), has tested and built a brand new locomotive for the California Science Convention, being held in Crystal City this year. As part of this, he has requisitioned two freshmen from Cantlerlot High School in order to demonstrate the engine effectively, as it is sure to be a crowd pleaser.

There is only one problem; Botchitt isn't entirely sure if he's got the machine working correctly...

Based on the real-life Gas Turbine 3, a prototype locomotive built for British Railways in the 1950s that was prone to technical faults.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 24 )

I thought, given the time that the gas turbine train was attempted, they couldve tried making a prototype by strapping a Spey turbogenerator setup to an electric chassis. Trouble is with that, Speys are 10-30 thousand HP and the 125s were only 2000 HP? Apparently everyone making fuel electric vehicles Really, Really hates serial hybrid for some peculiar reason, even though it effectively uses exactly the same gear, but because all the items dont have to do all the work each, only what theyre good at, they can be built smaller and more efficint, reducing the weight overall, etc?

At least the Professor didnt go into cooperation with Scraper and Ran, to build the sucessor, the Ford GT 5 . :trixieshiftright:

GT3 was partly developed from the GWR's 'Ketosene Castle'.

President Firefly

Is this a reference to one of the early MLP producers/animators having the name "fyre-flye" on DeviantArt? Or that Lauren Faust's Twitter handle is "fyre_flye"?

I actually wasn't aware of that. It's a callback to an earlier story.

Sequel idea: Léon Kusm of Elsat Motors, Inc. develops an electric engine that has instant torque and is very flexible in terms of driving style. He sets up a network of chargers that can charge the battery within an hour's time. The insides of the charging stations are pretty much equivalent to exclusive clubs for Elsat operators where the occupants are treated like royalty.

You can probably guess what these are anagrams for, but please don't use these exact names. I'm thinking of using them in my own story.

That sounds quite good. I can already imagineall sorts of Wallace and Gromit-esque comedy.

Based on a real incident with the engine this story is based on.

Good thing the real engine didn't go any faster than 10 miles an hour that day.

Good episode, if unrealistic.

I know. Thomas would've derailed.

"Well, that was quite the adventure!" she said.

"You can say that again!" Cozy Glow added.

Professor Botchitt sighed. "I daresay it's back to the drawing board for Gas Turbine 4..."

Good ending line :3

Would you want something like that speeding around on the tracks?

Heh... well it would have my hair stand up on end like in cartoons XD

Or on a Van de Graff generator!

Well, as you can see from the picture, there was a real engine like it.

Silence fell. The Professor continued. "This revolutionary new locomotive is unlike any other ever seen on this railway. It does not use steam power, or diesel fuel, or even overhead power taken from wires. This locomotive uses a gas turbine as its primary power source, which gives it incredible fuel efficiency, as well as remarkable speed pulling any load. And even better, it can be safely run backwards as well as forwards."

Huh. :rainbowhuh:

Sweetie Belle and Cozy Glow crossed over the great footbridge that spanned the station, partly to ensure maximum visibility to the crowd and the news cameras. To go through the subway would probably have been faster, but that wouldn't have been quite as artful, and in addition to that the camera lacked the abilities to see through the ground. They may have been good, but they weren't Superman!

How does Superman relate to this? :applejackconfused:

"Copy, applying brakes now." In the distance, the brakes could be heard coming on, but to his surprise the turbine didn't slow down. The engine rolled to the stop board, but it didn't stop, instead rolling straight past it and keeing on going.

Uh oh... :twilightoops:

"The depot crew completely refuelled the engine before the test run. There was some sort of mixup with a freight loco which is being refuelled now."

Wonderful... :pinkiecrazy:

Professor Botchitt sighed. "I daresay it's back to the drawing board for Gas Turbine 4..."

No shit. :trollestia:

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