• Member Since 20th Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen 27 minutes ago

The Blue EM2

Glad to be here at last.


It's Hearth's Warming in Equestria, and Smoulder is looking forward to returning home to the Dragonlands for the Feast of Fire. Unfortunately, circumstances beyond her control delay her departure, which annoys her greatly as all her other friends have left.

Hey, at least there's another dragon in Ponyville with whom she can hang out.

Written as part of Jinglemas 2020 for TheAncientPolitzanian. For more details about Jinglemas, click here..

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 20 )

This is nice. I imagine that Spike and Smolder kinda have a friendship as strong as if they were brother and sister, so them just hanging out together is very sweet.

This was a fun story, it's nice seeing these two hanging out together like actual siblings (heck they already had that vibe in the actual show)

Thanks for sharing! :twilightsmile::moustache:

"That must suck," Sandbar replied, rolling up some more snow. "Do you want to build a snowmare?"

"No musicals, please!" Smoulder replied. She wasn't so sure on her singing voice yet.

I see what you did there...

Thanks for the story—'twas a fun read, that's for sure. Happy holidays!

What cute friendshipping

Thanks, mate. Jinglemas sure is a fountain of inspiration.

No problem, mate. It was great finally being able to participate in Jinglemas.

Thanks for reading.

It's a pretty fun story. That part with Twilight and Starlight felt like a weird tangent to what's going on with Spike and Smolder. I personally would have liked more details on how Smolder was coping with being away from home during the holidays. I'm still thumbing this up.

Thanks for the support, GLP. Happy Hearth's Warming!

That was a sweet little tail I enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading. I'm glad you enjoyed.

Dragon society traditionally worked using a 'finder's keepers' model, which had left Garble very annoyed as a pony had stolen a shield he had found in Lava Lake.

Well Services his right for being a jerk to spike I mean I'm glad that he's turned a new Leaf and that's cool but still I just wanted to point that out

"That must suck," Sandbar replied, rolling up some more snow. "Do you want to build a snowmare?"

yeah I did that on purpose I can't help it lol

Ok this is a pretty nice short story holiday and it's really nice to see Spike and Smolder hanging out and everything even he showed her around what they do in the holidays and she pretty enjoy did again nice story keep up the good work

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