• Published 1st Feb 2019
  • 13,305 Views, 1,522 Comments

Harry Potter and the Crystal Empire - Damaged

The door of the Chamber of Secrets is just ahead, and Harry Potter has no clue what kind of changes will unfold once he passes it. Monsters will become friends, friends will become monsters, and Hogwarts itself will change completely.

  • ...


Around Earth and Equus, the portals snapped shut. Some were noticed by wizards, witches, and the creatures of Equus, others disappeared without so much as a mention of their passing.

On Earth, magic began to wither faster still. A large amount of magic users had departed the realm for another, but there was still far more in the way of magic users, items, and creatures that consumed the fading resource as a matter of daily life.

In the immediate time frame, a witch and a wizard—their bodies consumed and gone already—could find nothing left to burn. The grass, the tents, and even the various monsters they'd given their lives to fight were gone—and with all the fuel burned, so too was the fire gone.

On Equus, what had resulted was several locations now playing host to various creatures from Earth—not the least of which being some humans.

In the Dragon Lands, Charles Weasley had his hooves full trying to negotiate the stay of the Bent-Twig family with Dragon Lord Torch, to say nothing of finding food for two hungry Earth dragons.

In Abyssinia, a group of Australian witches and wizards found their law enforcement career swerving toward resistance fighting and protecting a land they had never known existed.

In the far reaches of Equestria, in the city-state known as the Crystal Empire, a large group of witches, wizards, and regular humans found themselves stranded in a friendly nation.

Yet others found themselves in various friendly and not-so-friendly locations.

Princess Luna woke from her dream and sat up in her bed. She was used to the many hundreds of thousands of ponies twisting their dreams around the night sky and even the spicy mix of the children and teachers of Hogwarts supplying their own hazy patterns for her to examine, but now there was so many more.

"S-Sister?" Luna's voice was soft. She'd seen what many of those witches and wizards were dealing with. Flashes of changelings, huge dark shapes with glowing insignia, even dragons—all of them still circled in her head like a bad dream.

The rush of Celestia's magic as she ripped a hole through space to reach her sister left the burning imprint of a golden glow. "What is it, Luna?"

"There's more now. I mean, there were a lot of new p-ponies here already, but in the last day there's so many more. There's the ones having dragon dreams, the ones having dreams of sand and airships, and there might be some that got found by Queen Chrysalis." Luna's mind raced as she tried to put together her thoughts. Pulling her logbook from her bedside cabinet, she began writing furiously to ensure everything was recorded.

"The dragons concern me, but Torch has been a cautious ally for many years now. If he had ponies in his lands, he would see them to Equestria. Sand and airships… There is a land, far away, that plies the sky with airships loaded with cargo. Their home is a desert. Neither of those I fear for, sister." Celestia's face drew into a frown as the thought on the last. "Changelings, however, are another matter entirely. How to handle the situation will require more heads than mine."

Finished with her notes, Luna looked up at her sister. "I need a—" White wings wrapped around her, and Luna pressed her eyes against Celestia's neck, then sobbed.

"Thank you, Luna." Trying not to cry herself, Celestia clung to her sister as much as Luna clung to her. "Without you, without your work, we wouldn't know these ponies need our help."

Lifting her head, Luna bumped her snout into her sister's jaw and let out a sigh. "Nightmares hurt. They're too far away to chase down, and I know these are only reflections of what they're dealing with while awake because they're so vivid."

"Do you feel a sense of urgency?"

Luna nodded. "The changeling ones. There's a lot of them—so many." She looked up at Celestia still with tears coming from her eyes. "We can help them?"

"The hardest thing in the world is usually finding who to help. I will speak to the captain of the Guard, we will put together plans." As soon as she said it, Celestia watched Luna's tears stop and her whole body go limp. She slumped back down onto the bed.

Taking a moment to tuck her sister in for what should be her normal daily rest, Celestia left the royal quarters with less fanfare than she entered it—but no less of a rush. Outside stood two guards, both of which looked surprised to see her. "Fetch acting-commander Stiff Peaks. Have him meet me in the planning room as soon as he's able." Celestia didn't play games when pony lives were on the line, and her sister's portents hinted that there may be a lot at risk.

Author's Note:

Celestia: Do you know about the scheming Wizards who are trying to put Dominion over magic use?

"I have seen many ponies and not-ponies try that over the years. None have succeeded yet, and I don't plan to let any hold Equestria hostage over magic in future." Princess Celestia, if anything, looked bored. "The reason I was happy for Princess Cadance to take in these lost ponies was that, even if some might be bad apples, they are still ponies at heart. There have been ponies that have made bad choices before, and there will be ponies who make bad choices in the future. Tightening my rein on the nation will not stop that, and I'm sure there's enough wisdom in Cadance's head that she understands that too."

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Awesome ponies who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Canary in the Coal Mine
Ender Voidwalker
KFS Crimson
Vi Watch

And special thanks to the following, for careful eyes and friendly words:

This is the end of the first book but don't despair, there will be a series of mini-fics detailing the events of the school holidays before Hogwarts will resume. Please hold tight, everypony!

Comments ( 43 )

Please make sure to follow this story and check on me for blog posts announcing the min-sequels!

Well, there's a heck of a lot of open plot threads here. I didn't expect this story to end in my Completed and Read list so soon (after 260,000 words, lel), but I am curious to see where the rest of the story goes in future books. Thanks for writing, Damaged!

10408887 No probs! The first short, The Hive, has around 13k words already done. I aim to have each of these as being sub 20k words.

I guess Ginny's body is screwed. Anyway, You said you'd be on the sequel after some oneshots or something, so that'll be nice to see. It'll be interesting to see what harry, draco and the rest do now after that sudden cutoff.

a grate way to roll up the end of this story.
i will most defiantly be watching for more.

This is one of my favorites, I will be keeping up with the story! O can't wait to see what comes next! :pinkiehappy:

Very enjoyable story! Looking forward to more of it.

There is still several loose ends for the sequel such as Sombra. I'm also wondering how the wizards and witches are going to adjust to being ponies. Humans ending up with Chrysalis is certainly bad and I hope they won't be to drained to be helped when help arrives.

I can't wait for the sequel, this first book was amazing! Also hehehe that question in the end for Celestia was mine, so I was a little surprised it was picked. Kinda bummed out she was bored because of it. Don't matter, anywho, I do wonder how this will go. Will Harry meet anypony else from the origional show/movies, and sympathise with them? Will he help defeat them? Lots of possibilities!

Thanks for writing one of my favorite Hogwarts AUs. I'm looking forward to those mini-sequels.

Stiff Peaks? There's an unexpected crossover element. I wonder what the Lyra and Bonbon of this world are like...

In any case, I hadn't expected the story to end here, but the promise of mini-sequels has me eager for more rather than disappointed. This has been quite the wild ride thus far. Here's to whatever's next on the track.

10409284 I have a few OCs I reuse. The E.U.P. Guard are some, Spicy Hot is another (and gosh some of the places he makes it into...:twilightblush:).

Lyra, no matter what particular story I have her in, will never be saddled with the idiot ball, not when she was a student at Celestia's school.

The first of the mini-sequels is up to 13,500 words, and will probably finish up in a few weeks. I don't plan to take any of them over 20k words.

thanks for this story
it was great

If magic disappearance cause so much trouble for the wizards, what would they think of a magic eater like Tirek?

Around Earth and Equus, the portals snapped shut.

What about the mirror? Did it also shut down too?

Such a sudden and abrupt ending, to a very interesting story, that leaves me longing for the next installment.

Most excellent,

Eh? Why so abrupt ending? Will wait for more : )

I guess there will not be a goblet of fire?

A surprise epilogue! Oh me, oh my. I hope to see more of this.

On an unrelated note of trivia, I listened to your entire fic using fimfic's text-to-speech feature while playing oxygen not included on my other monitor. It worked out pretty well.

10410501 Yeah. The commissioner of this (and several other of my stories) uses TTS. I try to remain aware of the fact that when I use tricky punctuation/layout, I need to keep things still able to be read by a machine.

I feel this ended to abruptly...

Yes, I wasn't expecting this to be the final chapter. But there's spin-offs/sequels coming, so we have that to look forward to!

great story, horrible ending that makes zero sense. at the 95% mark the entire plot just falls apart. Sad really. The whole magic coming from equestria only and earth not having magic on its own . . . god that was a dumb narrative choice that I just don't get considering the source material. But I already complained in previous chapters about it.

What a great story

I'd just like to give my review of the entire story real quick.

First off, it's great. I've read a lot of Harry Potter fanfiction, both crossover and not (both pony and not), and this does a great job of both giving Harry unique circumstances and even characterization while still keeping him distinctly Harry. Original characters are used extremely well for a story that includes a lot of canon ones. They don't seem out of place at all. There's a bit of awkwardness or strange emphasis in a few points, and some odd misspellings (butterbear instead of butterbeer, etc), but nothing that really sticks out too much or makes the experience not enjoyable.

If I were to give one overarching criticism, though, I would say that it feels like the story is trying to do too much at once. Switching perspectives is a good thing, and it's practically suicide to restrict yourself to only one (I'm looking at you, Steven Universe), but more than two (main) viewpoints that linger for more than a few scenes can get a little... well, it never got confusing, certainly, but it lost focus.

If I were to give advice on how to fix this while still keeping the overall plot you wanted, it would be to have all the Equestria integration stuff to happen almost in the background. Or alternatively, end the first book at Sombra's defeat and start the second with the integration and politics.

It's not that the integration stuff isn't interesting. But it's a rather different kind of story, and that weakens the overall product slightly.

Now, don't get me wrong, this is actually the most solid HP/MLP crossover I've read so far (that actually finished). I'm only doing this as a sort of FYI thing, or giving advice I think will be useful.

The main reason that the themes don't mesh well is that Harry's immediate situation, as well as students turning into ponies, is a very micro problem. Characters reacting, interacting with each other, banding together against Sombra. A very involved and action-packed story. The other theme is a very macro level problem, of conflicting perspectives, governments, and ideologies.

There might have been a way to get the two to work together more, and that would have been to separate them from the beginning. Not just the perspectives, but the theming as well. Make it MORE obvious the differences. Have half the story be Harry dealing with things on the small scale, and then another perspective would be (at least in the beginning) Celestia dealing with the reappearance of the Empire, and maybe throw a bit more internal Equestrian politics into the mix. Don't go micro scale on that one. I like the scenes with the guards, and they are well written, but keeping details like that in the background for the larger scale stuff makes it more of a stark contrast. And it also means when the two perspectives finally meet, it's even more apparent the difference in perspective.

I'm not sure if I'm explaining this right, or if this makes any sense, but anyway. Love this story. Good job on it. I hope you continue writing.

10520847 Thank you for the interesting perspective on this. I was honestly trying to keep the politics in the background, as it were, but damned if that is one topic that will elbow its way back into the room every chance it gets. :pinkiecrazy:

Book two (which will start once the mini-fics are done) will be far more focused on Harry and his friends as they find a different 3rd year to what they had expected. Times have changed, and though many of the teachers will be present, some will have changed a little too.

I'm trying to touch on a lot of little aspects of the world that are a little out of Harry's normal line of sight, but attempting to not get bogged down in them.

Oh, and definitely feel free to poke me about spelling mistakes. No one is perfect, but ascribing to be better is something I pride myself on.

That's odd then... I wouldn't think a soccer goal was analogous to a quidditch goal other than being a goal... Not like the one used for kicking scores in American football anyway.

Why wouldn't they just apparate away at the first sign of danger? "Oh dear, it appears the tub is sinking Margaret, quick, accio our stuff... the children as well, and let us be away from this horrible excuse of a cruise."

I would just like to say that this is one of the best fan-fics I’ve read. Period.

My biggest complaint is that this ending is really sudden and leaves so much unfinished. I understand that it just means that there will be a sequel, but still I feel like it could have been better.

Regardless I will absolutely be looking forward to more.

I never really thought of Timber Wolves as having soles. More of a magical construct. An enchantment designed to form the shape of a wolf out of whatever material is available. If this is the case then the only way to permanently destroy a Timber Wolf is to break the enchantment.

In what order should I read the story's

11184329 They are chained together in order.

EHarry Potter and the Crystal Empire
The door of the Chamber of Secrets is just ahead, and Harry Potter has no clue what kind of changes will unfold once he passes it. Monsters will become friends, friends will become monsters, and Hogwarts itself will change completely.
Damaged · 261k words  ·  716  49 · 13k views
THarry Potter and the Crystal Empire — Intermission
Hogwarts castle has landed in Equestria—and the foundations of the Crystal Empire with it. The stir this caused in both worlds resulted in an exodus of magic and magic-users to Equestria.
Damaged · 131k words  ·  207  15 · 3.6k views
THarry Potter and the Evil Within
It's time for another school year, but how has Hogwarts fared after being ripped up and transplanted into the realm of Equestria? Is the castle and its faculty ready for all the year entails?
Damaged · 60k words  ·  138  10 · 1.7k views

Thanks for the info btw who is you favorite Harry Potter character mine is neville

11185443 Probably Minerva. She's a great example of a powerful but fair female character who doesn't compromise her morals.

Making a substance whose name uses "azide" three times is the sort of thing that makes me think someone's just trying to give all of chemistry the finger, but that may be a bold assumption about how many fingers such a chemist still has. :twilightoops:

11186655 Heh, he's an explosives chemist. He might be working from his backyard, but he knows how to handle these things. Besides, he got (almost) all the base chemicals from a hardware store. Surely it would all be completely safe, right? /s

It's easier to see then on the first read, I'd guess.
But yeah, no problem. ^-^

Gotcha, never seen before. Maybe just too little vocal experience.
Yeah, was a little slow on the reading your already existing answer part.

Great prologue.
Time for the next chapter. (=

Hehe, 69.

You forgot to put a dash at the end of the parseltongue sentence.

And there was unnecessary quotation mark in front of Twilight.

11461007 That's because the first em dash was just an em dash.

NP, my guy. I still sometimes find typos from years ago in fics on this site in rereads, but I'm never sure if I've pointed them out before and was ignored.

Typing this sentence out reminded me that the longer I've been out of school, the more unsure I am I'm using good grammar. Like keeping consistent tenses or whatever, lol

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