• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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The Mysterious Manx-Do-Well, Part 2

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2

The Mysterious Manx-Do-Well,
Part 2

[ Back lots of Ponyville]

“......P Pinkie!??!” Rainbow Dash gasped staring down at the de-masked Mare-Do -Well.” Wha huh!?”

Looking up at the sound of a swishing cape, Rainbow Dash spotted another Mare-Do Well approaching, this one stopped and pulled up her hood revealing a lavender unicorn beneath.

“TWILIGHT!?!” Dash stammered. Before the pegasus could recover however another Mare-do well walked around from an adjoining ally, pulling back her mask showing an orange farm pony.

“APPLEJACK!?” Rainbow Dash demanded her eyes wide. “There were three of you?”

“Yep, we all played Mare-do-Well at different times.” Twilight bragged, taking off her costume.

“Ah stopped tha carriage.” Applejack smirked, putting on her usual hat and setting the mask and hat in a pile.

“I save the construction workers with my Pinkie sense. “Pinkie Pie beamed.” And I now know if my left nostril has a sneezy twitch some pony's gonna angrily tackle me..... either that or it's allergies.”

“And I used my magic to fix the damn.” Twilight added showing off by floating her hat around.

“Ooh, OOOh, “Fluttershy zipped in. “And I did the fly by afterwards.”

“And I made the costumes of course. Fabulous if I do say so myself.” Rarity crowed as she strode up.

Dash looked at them all, her ears flat to her head. Rahs was even there standing behind the others leaning against the wall of a building looking annoyed about something.

“I don't understand.... why?”Dash demanded.” Why try and stop me from being a hero?”

“Of course we want you to be a hero........” Twilight stated.

“But a real hero doesn't brag...” Applejack continued.

Rainbow Dash was silent for a moment. Slowly blinking in confusion as she regarded her actions. She had to admit she let it go to her head more than a little at times. Still she was silent until the truth of what had happened finally sunk in.

There was a loud audible snap that echoed down the back street.

“YOU PLUCKING ASSHOLES!” Rainbow Dash shrieked, her ears flattened to her head as she ground her teeth together.

“What?” Twilight stammered.

“You went through all that! Nearly killed me three times ,by cutting me off while I was flying or not stepping in sooner to help, because you wanted to teach me a lesson!?!? AND THEN YOU BRAG ABOUT THE PARTS YOU PLAYED,THEN TURN AROUND AND SAID I BRAGGED TO MUCH!?”

Dash was nearly frothing at the mouth at this point.

“Of all the two faced, dog shit, things... WHO BUCKING CARES IF I WAS BRAGGING. I WAS STILL SAVEING PONIES!” Rainbow Dash screamed. “ I saved the filly in the well, I saved the old ponies from falling, and I save the foal in the carriage. I saved Rahs and the Wonderbolts from falling to their deaths. I went out there to save Rahs when he was dog napped. I took part in saving Equestria not once, but twice from Nightmare Moon and Discord. I helped with the parasprite attack and all the other monster of the week bullshit. For what!? NOTHING!”

The five mares glanced to each other then back at Rainbow Dash who was working up a new head of steam.

“I finally start to get a little praise, some ponies, most of who were fans of me already, start cheering me on after I do some good over the course of a week and what happened? You all try to drag me back down.” Rainbow Dash fumed.” BUCK! Applejack makes a herd of cows turn to the left a little and she gets a trophy and a celebration. What do I get for what I did, a big fat nothing until Princess Celestia gave us that ceremony. So I got a big head for FINALLY getting recognized for something I did and what happens? You decide it's too much and rather than say anything about it, or actually come talk to me you come up with this crap, then set out, to not only steal my thunder, but make me look worse by egging me on into some sort of hero contest!?”

“We were trying to take yah down a peg a fore yah got too wrapped up and got some one hurt.....” Applejack started.

“SHUT UP! You shut the Tartarus up Applejack. After that shit you pulled with you ego during apple buck season, you of all ponies don't have a hoof to stand on. Plus if that was the only thing you were trying to do then you wouldn't have bragged about how awesome and skilled Mare-Do-Well was at that party, when you knew I was already having issues with it.” Dash snapped, tears welling in her eyes. “ You've seen how freaked out I get over my image in the past and here you were ignoring that and driving it into the dirt just so you could smugly claim to be helping me when this all came to a head?!? Well news flash, it took FOUR of you to be better than me!”

Rahs blinked, watching this all go on. His ears perked, as he hadn't quite expected this level of explosion, Dash must have been bottling this up for a while, either that or this triggered her. Still he was ready to get involved if Dash attacked any of them. They were stupid , but he didn't want to see them hurt.

“You know what?! Buck all of you! I don't need to be around ponies who back stab me in the back claiming trying to teach me a lesson I don't even bucking need!” Rainbow Dash slid her hoof up into the fur around her neck giving a sharp tug as she pulled something off, the chain falling loose before she even pulled, clearly broken already. With a quick flick of her leg, Twilight was slapped in the face by something small and metal and forced back a step as the object bounced to the ground.

Rainbow Dash offered a last growl and glare at the lot of them before shooting off into the air leaving a puff of dust and ripping holes through several clouds above them as she tore through the sky.

Twilight and the others stared after the retreating form of their friend. The purple unicorn's gaze dropped down to what she had been hit with, taking note of the golden necklace with the broken chain laying in the dirt before her. A necklace that held the Element of Loyalty, the gem in it gray and lifeless as it lay in the soil.

“Well don't that beat all. I didn't figure she'd get this mad.” Applejack muttered.

“I honestly thought she was going to take a swing at you there.” Rarity glanced to Applejack.

Pinkie Pie simply sat off to the side a sad look on her face with her hair deflated and Fluttershy whimpering behind her.

“What.... what happened?” Twilight stammered. “It shouldn't have gone like this....”

“Congratulations purple Celestia, your super complex plan backfired spectacularly and drove off some pony close to you, sounds pretty familiar actually....”

The five of them froze and turned to look back as Rahs pushed off the wall behind them glowering down at them with a mix of anger and disappointment on his face.

Applejack blinked about to say something though a sharp glare from the amber eyed Sparkle sibling shut her up, the Moon Dog clearly wasn't done being pissed off.

“..... I warned you about this. I told you it was a stupid plan. Hey here's an idea for deflating an ego, lets make her look like a fool. That will go over real well.............” Rahs continued, those who didn't understand Moon Dog were greatly surprised, as this was the most they had ever heard Rahs speak Equestrian. “I promised you that I would let you deal with this Twi because she was more your friend than mine, Element's of Harmony and all that, I should have ignored the promise and stopped this. That was my mistake in this cess pit of a plan.......”

Rahs walked between the group gathering up the Mare-Do-Well costumes with a low growl as he continued the rant. “She was right, she is a hero, she saved a number of lives before you started this nonsense, and your show boating led to more ponies being in danger than they should have been with just her bragging...”

Rahs leaned down glaring in his sister's face.

“How does it feel to tell some one else 'this is for your own good'?” Rahs snarled as Twilight winced. Once he had all the costume parts not being worn gathered up he reached down picking up the Element of Loyalty, tucking it into a pocket before walking away from the group.

“Not only does Equestria not have the Element's of Harmony for protection any more thanks to this, but you've set up a super hero that has a lot of fans who are going to be crushed when they find out their new favorite hero was a joke. Including Spike, Applebloom, Sweetiebelle, Scootaloo and a whole bunch of other fillies and colts in town and every where else that heard about Mare-Do-Well this week. So for my part in this mess, I'm going to fix that part. As for you five.”Rahs pointed into the air where Dash had vanished. “I hope you know what to do.”

“Rahs wait a moment.....” Twilight asked as Rahs walked past them.

“Bork!” Rahs snapped continuing to walk off, the three who could understand him all winced at the bite in his tone with that last bark.

[ That night, Golden Oaks Library.]

Twilight stared at the door, Rahs had yet to come back. She didn't expect him to, he had gone to Canterlot, likely to hang out at the Celestial theater. He had a habit of doing that when the pair of them fought seriously and he didn't want to deal with her.

She had a few choice words for her brother, but the more she thought about it the more her temper died out.

He was right of course. But he didn't have to go off like that on every pony...... oh wait... that was a big dramatic rant, of course he had to go off like that.

Twilight sighed, no one had seen Rainbow Dash either, she had moved her cloud home even higher into the air away from the ground so it was lost in the collection of larger clouds in the sky.

Spike was still pretty much clueless as to what was going on, though Twilight heard him and the Crusaders talking about Mare-do-Well with a number of their classmates before they went home.

Rainbow Dash had been brushed aside by Mare-Do-Well simply due to the fact she was a known local. Mare-Do-Well was a mysterious heroic figure, closer to their super hero comics than Rainbow Dash had been. So the mystery and excitement over a costumed hero was going to be slow to die down.

The worst part of it was Rahs was right to try and talk her out of it, she had done all this just for a 'for your own good' speech that backfired as badly on Rainbow Dash as it would have if some one used it on her. Rahs' last shout at her calling her a hypocrite was pretty spot on.

Twilight pulled out a bit of paper and a quill looking down at it with a sigh. Was this how her mother felt after that one birthday? It was that long ago and it was still having an effect on her life and how she viewed her parents.

How long was Rainbow Dash going to be mad at them?

She couldn't talk to Rainbow Dash at the moment, the mare wanted nothing to do with any of them and likely wouldn't for a while.

Still Twilight had a letter to write to some one else who probably knew how she felt right now.

“Dear Princess Celestia..... I screwed up.....” Twilight muttered as she wrote.

Author's Note:

I still feel this was a bit preachy on my end, but rewatching the episode and knowing what was going on fully the other five actually pissed me off a bit.

This also marks the longest pony Dialect monologue that Rahs has used since the very begining of this fic.

It also reminded me that Dash has rushed off to save Rahs at least three times so far, with him returning the favor only once in the first chapters. she's also rushed off to save any one who needs it. Ego aside and as much as i'm not a Dash fan, she is the most likely to be a super hero out of the lot of them int he earlier chapters.

Now Dash did go over board with her bragging and ego in this episode, i'm not even going to try and deny that, but the reaction to that that the others took was ludicrous. And TGaP Dash realized that and lost it and she lost it hard enough that the Bearer's no longer have a loyalty.

Why should one be loyal to those who treated them as such for no determinable reason?

Will this be fixed by the time the Element's need to be used again? Will there be another Bearer? Will Ponyville survive? What's Rahs doing with the costumes? will i stop talking like the announcer from Batman'66?

The answer to the last one is certainly no.

Tune in next time, same pony time, same pony channel.

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