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Typist Gray

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Comments ( 166 )

Does Thomas have AS ?

Just so you know, you've spelled legacy incorrectly: it takes one 'e', not two...

There's an inconsistency in the story where you say both that they keep their hooves and they gain feet.

Will other games be included?

You sure? Because they start with hooves and then get feet. Can you point me to the line?

Down the line, assuming this one works out.

I've been lead to believe that Asperger is a kind of Autism and that it can be difficult to accurately diagnose a distinction. So let's just say Autistic.

Luna change in to Daxter :rainbowderp:

Asperger's is an Autistic Spectrum Disorder. It's a mild form of Autism that is still hard to deal with.


Thomas turned around to see what had become of the others. Their manes were all the same color, but definitely spikier. They also retained their pony muzzles and hooves, but horns, tails, and wings were absent. Their ears were all much longer and thinner, coming out of the sides of their heads rather than sitting on top. Further, much to the human’s interest, he was no longer the only human in the room.

“Heh. Would ya look at that,” Honey said as she spun around, looking over every inch of her new body. She was human now, with an overall Caucasian appearance, save for the somewhat fuller lips and greenish skin that still somehow looked tan. Her height had changed only a little, bringing her down to about six and a half feet tall, which still left her tremendously tall. Her ensemble featured full length blue jeans, blue shoes, and a red tank top that just barely contained her massive cleavage. “Ah make this look good,” she beamed as she examined her new feet.

This doesn't make any mention of them changing from hooves to feet. The first paragraph says they retain their hooves, and the following paragraph refers to Honey having feet.

Damn. Originally they were meant to be anthro, but I decided to change it later to make them human. Guess this slipped through the cracks. Thank you for the catch.

I only hope you'll do more of these with Crash Bandicoot and the N-Sanity Isles, Banjo-Kazooie and Spiral Mountain, Legend of Zelda and Hyrule, Mario Kart, because kart racing with explosions, Spyro the Dragon and the Dragon Lands, Glimmer and all the rest up to a Hero's Tale and, most importantly, Ratchet and Clank and as may worlds as you can across ALL the games with Thomas being the one to use the R.Y.N.O. seires, including the Harbinger!

It would be priceless if Silver turned into Nina Cortex and instead of buck teeth she gets overly large fangs that lead her to look like an adorable chibi bat pony, with a cute speech impediment :rainbowkiss:

This is cool. I'm tracking this.

Honey in place of Crunch, talking in the Mr T style of short, angry-sounding sentences.

While that certainly is an expansive list, I'm afraid I'm limited by the games I've actually played to completion and thusly have nostalgic feelings for. Sorry to say, but most of those suggestions don't make the cut.

Could you PM the names of the ones that do?

Suffice to say I was rather late to the console wars and, to be honest, have never been an especially talented gamer. I had Donkey Kong for the N64, but never actually beat it. I beat Rocket the Robot, but then you have the issue of the environments not looking like something worth exploring. Really, Jak and Daxter hit the mark perfectly with lighthearted fun, pretty landscapes, fun characters, the possibility for more characters, and engaging and varied gameplay. Regardless, it's kind of a mute point as while I am planning to do another, similar series, it's still months off at the earliest. One last limiting factor will be that this next series will involve a new cast of players who first need to be introduced in the main story.

I was born in '94, so I STARTED with PS1 and N64. PS2 is my favourite console, and I still maintain that for its age it's the best.

jak and daxter is one of the best games ever

Without a doubt. Probably why it's so popular to write fanfiction about.

Cool chapter. Can't wait for the next chapter.

I understand where you’re coming from. I also wanted to see their reaction when they found out they were hitting on a minor. Oh, well.

Also, Kiera made me think of Disney’s Princess Jasmine. She’s also 15 (in the first movie), and she was pretty hot, too.

VERY well done. I really liked what you did in this chapter. If anything, the change you added into this chapter about the Lurkers probably gave them a better future in Jak II.

Just wait and see. This is nothing.

Aw, Keira being proposition while underage would've been hilariously awkward. Shame, but great chapter nonetheless.

Like I said, gotta be wary of the sites rules.

Those site rules seem iffy if you ask me. I mean do you know how many foal-con stories were featured. Hell, there is one with Twilight screwing her younger self. If they can show that, then making a joke about a significantly older but still underage character shouldn't be a problem. And it's not like you would've been very descriptive if Keira blurted out her age before things got too raunchy.

I take a bit of an exception that Jak & Daxter has a simple story. Not every story has to be deeply involved and highly complex. Even a straight-forward story can be enjoyable.

I wonder what they're reactions will be if/when he shows them the sequels.

Jak and Daxter IS a simple story. That's a fact. The original game has a more cartoonish art style compared to the others, which many fans purport to enjoy more than the more realistic style. That is also a fact. That it's simple isn't an indictment of the game. If anything it just adds to the timeless charm.

I've only ever played the trilogy. Never got to play Daxter, Jak X or The Lost Frontier. Not sure how well it would have gone but I'd have loved to have seen a Jak 4 that explained how Jak went back in time and built Haven City in the first place. The entire story is slightly convoluted since Jak is basically a distant ancestor of himself.

I don't mind that the rest of the games were more realistic and darker. Not sure how well the rest of the series would have gone if it had stayed like the first game. I liked the first game and how they managed to hide the loading screens to make it seem one single world.

shit man, i don't remember really anything from the jack and daxter games. suck cause i still got them but nothing to play them on. feelsbadman

It's alright. I detract a lot from the story the more it goes on.

So is horse people on hold till this is done?

Ya know now that I think about it Luna being an ottsel makes sense. I mean in the third game we find out that their race are the oracles and she was the one who expanded this dream world. Can't wait for the next chapter.

i think hes hashing out ideas. he asked the readers a question in one the blogs.
also check out this blog : https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/789467/new-story-and-updates

Yes. I wrote a journal saying that weeks ago.

I thought so too. Glad you're enjoying yourself.

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