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Typist Gray

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Comments ( 398 )

Hm, a pretty enticing start :twilightsheepish: I will definitely be looking forward for more, especially a chapter involving Trixie; tracked and upvoted :twilightsmile:

In the meantime... I might check out the prequel; it's been sitting in my read later list for years :twilightoops:

Always happy to entertain. Also, while the further along the story goes, the more likely I am to detract from the episodes, I'll definitely be including Trixie at some point.

I'm thumbing this down because you sent out nine notifications for a single story.

Really? I got like 47 notifications from all the folders I put it in.

This is interesting to say the lest. I honestly really hope Spike doesn't play second fiddle to the girls and we get to see alot more of him and his girls. I think they will be a better thing for him to help him grow and develop into the kind of dragon he will become down the road. I mean he can have pretty much most of the fillies in town. What colt could honestly compared to Spike, he has studied and trained in the sexual arts by the very best and not to mention he has a dragon's stamina and perks, something a colt just can't match. But I think it will be interesting if he start to see the CMC as his hoard and what that will do to him. He could end up growing to around Ember's size from it. If you can't tell I am far more in favor of Spike than anything in this and I think him being put in the back burner would be such as waste and not seeing more of his and the girls story of their growth and growing relationship.

Then good news for you, because plenty of development has been planned for Spike.

you should put the specific fetishes per chapter in the description.

I'll take that under advisement. With some of the chapters I have planned, that is going to get pretty crowded. Not least of all because our main characters are all futas, so that's going to be kind of a given in all chapters.

I got nine from the futaquestria group. And boy lemme tell you, I was excited that maybe nine new chapters were out, but nope. Chuck Testa.

Great I can't wait to see his development, which maybe you wont take 8 seasons to make him develop some lol. I just really like him honestly bot being the sub in a relationship. I just can't help but think of him as a DRAGON and think how honestly they are prob some of the most dominate in sex of all creatures. But Spike has been raised to be a sub, to give way to ponies and alicorns and never really had the chance to be the dom, to be apex predator he is. But now with him having some fillies, females, who enjoy him. Who don't want to subjugate him but want him to be the alpha he can be. I think it will trigger that repressed dragon blood in his vanes. Which could honestly add some great drama between him and Twilight. She try to make him act in that same role he has been raised to be in but he doesn't want that. He doesn't see himself like that anymore, how could he be a alpha to his fillies, to his mares, to his herd if he acts like a beta male. And we all know Twilight is very bad at handling change of any kind. I just have high hopes from your comment and the idea of seeing Spike grow and become more than just a joke or a slave, mostly because I saw the molting episode and it kinda pissed me off how it ended lol.

Yes! So glad to see a continuation of this storyline!

Me too. Got so tired of waiting that I thought, hey, I could probably do that.

I was so happy to see this! Can't wait for more when ever you feel like writing it off course.

Do one of the pony have AS ?Sex

A character/pony that has Asperger/Autistic, has SEX

Not really. Did I submit this to that group by mistake? If so, I'm sorry and feel free to remove it.

pike makes the best cockwarmer :^)

There's not enough femdom in the world. I hope Spike remains a sub, but we'll see.

Twilight's discovery is probably something specific for Pinkie.

This was interesting it was nice to see Spike and Twi talking like adults once and a while... well before Pinkie came into the picture. This chapter was a bit hard for me since really pegging and the like aren't my thing and even harder to see it happen to my fav MLP character but I power through in hopes of seeing some development with Spike down the road and his relationship with the CMC and what other fillies he might get. I know I will best chance be disappointed at the end of it all but I just can't help but hope to see a more dominate and less submissive Spike appear after a while. See that dragon blood in him awaken and he stop being used as a .... cock sleeve -shiver- lol.

All I can say is development is in the planning for Spike, mostly regarding his relationship with Twilight.

I am keeping my hopes up even tho I know I shouldn't lol. I mean honestly if there is a relationship that would need to develop for me to see the growth in Spike I am hoping to see that is sure the one. I mean Twilight is really the main one who has shaped and molded how Spike is by this point. So if he was going to start to change and develop it would effect their dynamic the most and that is something I would really like to see. I mean we know how Ponies are in this world. But what of other creatures, do they share the pony ways or do they have their own cultures and customs much like they do in the show. I just mean I think it would be interesting when Spike does end up meeting other Dragon's how will they react seeing just the state Spike is in. I mean even this chapter to a degree Twi pass Spike out like he was a object to be tossed around by her friends when the mood hits them. Lol sorry rambling and sorry for having such a heavy focus on Spike like I said he is just my fav character so I tend to play a ton of attention whenever he is involved.

Given the sexual culture of this Equestria, I was a bit disappointed that the 'Grand Galloping Gala' hadn't been changed into something like 'the Fantastic Fornication Festival,' or something similar.

To quote SAOA. "See, the problem with that suggestions... is that it's an excellent idea that I wish I'd had earlier."

i cannot wait to see how things happen when Discords around xD

Uh... yeah? Pinkie Pie breaks the fourth wall. It's kind of a rule for fanfiction writers that comedy stories featuring the pink one include at least a little fourth wall breaking. Also, good catch on the time. I'll correct that soon.

So they can summon those things whenever they want?

If you mean their penises, then no. Those are now permanent parts of their anatomy. That wasn't the case in the original, however I felt making this change held more narrative potential.

Well let's see how it goes with Fluttershy.

This was nice. I liked seeing Spike interact with Sweetie, I want to see him be with the other CMC as well, maybe Twist as well since I see her as so adorkable lol. But really the CMC for sure, I just mean it is nice to see some that Spike can be equals with and maybe even be the dominate with. He has ALWAYS really been the sub in everything so far. So seeing how cute he was with Sweetie is nice. I worry tho he might not be enough for her since she HAS been having Rarity this whole time. But that might trigger some of those dragon instincts I am really REALLY hoping he has and make him want to claim HIS MATES. He might have to outfuck Button for Sweetie or to show Button that Sweetie is his which I think she would be very down for lol.I guess once again my favoritism towards Spike is showing lol. But can't help but root for my fav characters. Still good chapter can't wait to see where this goes. (Fingers cross for more Spike moments with the CMC in the near future lol :moustache::unsuresweetie::scootangel::twistnerd:)

I agree that Spike does get a lot flack from the canon and we fanfic writers should really do more to counterbalance that. For now, all I'll say is that plans are in the motion to make Spike a very important character with minimal side lining.

Great!!!! I am really happy to hear that. Honestly guys getting pegged and anal play on men isn't my thing. But it was your writing skills and the world you made that kept me coming back. And now knowing that there is at least a plan for Spike, Spike fan for life lol, I will for sure stick around and see what his fate will be in this colorful world lol.

Glad to hear. Look forward to Spike making his mark to help save the day.

And it shall stay that way for many chapters to come.

I would hope so, you have 7 seasons worth of content to write. :pinkiecrazy:
Better pick up the pace. :rainbowdetermined2:

Nice to see a new chapter to this story. This was really interesting for sure. Finding out the the elements had more of a effect on the girls than we originally thought. I wonder what will be the long term effect of these changes. I wonder what will Twilight have on Spike? I really hope we get to see a change in him, I am REALLY hoping he doesn't get female genitals. He is the main male around and the only one I can somewhat related to even tho him getting pegged tends to dance the line lol. I know as a major Spike fan I really hope to see him be the alpha of the males of his age. I mean let's face it he has been trained in fucking by Twilight and Molestia what Colt in town could possibly match that. Not to mention he is a dragon. There is something I thought about that I must PLEAD doesn't happen in this story. I don't want to see Spike get it from the teenage dragons of it reach that point. That will be just too much for my little heart.

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