• Member Since 11th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Just an artist here, but sometimes I write about pony plots.

Comments ( 201 )


Thanks for that, boss

YESSSSSSS! I have been waiting!!!!

You've got to have the best editing team ever.

So thanks for that.

Gotta think of something clever, gotta think of something clever! Uhhhh, ummmm....


This chapter, I like it. ANOTHER!

B-but... when's clop tho...

Finn... there's something wrong with your logic. Especially if you have to get hit with a baseball bat right on the noggin'.

For one, your speech can get all slurry from a blow to the head and you'll have trouble concentrating on whatever it is you're trying to do.

Now, now that the comments on the characters is done... YEEEEEEEEEEEE! Another PussPuss! I was a bit uncertain at first about HiE romance stories, but PussPuss pulls it off miles ahead of anyone else. Well, save perhaps Flammenwerfer, but Flammen has his way about it.

Instant Fav!

I can't really put my finger on why, but i just don't see RD using 'fuck' that much. Other than that looks like a good start.

Not this again. :ajbemused: You get out of here! :flutterrage:


*Puts knife away and walks off, whistling*

Another story I can't read until it's complete. You fiend. why torment me so? :raritydespair:


I can't really put my finger on why

Probably because it seems rather surreal to hear a pony swear, and I said the same thing to Puss on skype when I mentioned it to him :rainbowlaugh:

I have taken a ball bat to the head. Never again. I'd rather break my leg than go through that experience ever again.

Ouch! Talk about extreme measures. :facehoof:

Did you seriously get bullied into never doing 2nd Person again?

You only feel the taste after 30 minutes.

Sounds about right.

One of the hardest things to tell the one you have feelings for that you love them.

What? No. :rainbowderp: No one has bullied me abut anything as far as I know. Why would you think that?

I don't really like writing 2nd person. I always prefer third person.

What happneed. :rainbowderp: I hope you were okay after that. :raritydespair:

*slow sarcastic claping* Nice job Finn, you dumbass.

7962503 Well someone called you a creep over that Octavia fic. Speaking of. If you don't like writing 2nd Person, why in god's name did you do it?

Someone called me a creep!? :twilightoops: Who did?

And I wrote that story because it went with some art I drew and I thought the second person would be a better way to tell the story since the main character is supposed to be the reader.

If Finn isn't careful, he might be Finn-ished! Or is he perhaps Finn-ish? He must work with wood fin-n-ishes, because the fumes have affected his logic and reasoning processes. It probably affected his common sense too. :rainbowlaugh:


In doing so, he discovered that he had been completely stripped down and covered with a very large, plane-white hospital gown that barely fit him.

Your editing team missed this one. Every single one of them! :flutterrage:

Also, ponies might have a very ... skewed perception of humanity if Finn is the only human they encounter. They'd probably consider it a miracle that we exist as a species at all! :rainbowlaugh:

Foolishly breaking...
This sounds like the movie version of Cannery Row.

So... I feel there's a competition between you and MMTB to see who writes the most adorkable love story.

Are you and MMTB hooking up later or what? Because that's how most love stories begin, y'know?

Anyways, keep writting, this is Golden! :pinkiehappy:

7962355 This isn't your average brain dead sex fic, kiddo. Stuff like that takes a while to get to, because there is more to a relationship than fucking. That's what a real love fic is all about.

7962368 Which I gotta commend the author of the story for. You took the extra step of providing a "realistic" scenario, as well as giving us not just some 'X fucks Y in this way'.

7962689 Dude... I'm pretty sure Jeremy's comment was just a joke. That's just the kind of relationship dynamic he and Puss have, and I share in the same thing with Puss as well. Jeremy's written his share of romance too, so I can ascertain that he knows "what a real love fic is all about".

I've known Pusspuss long enough to share in his sense of humour and that of others, so I can inform you that Puss' response was also in jest.

In short: People will have different relationship dynamics that go beyond what you read in the comments of a story. Don't be so quick to judge.

This guy is a special type of idiot. Darwin award level. Was a struggle reading his dialogue, forreal


Instant top of the feature box.

Or at least running neck and neck with the Tantabus Mk II sequel as of about 6 AM CST.

I hope one day Pusspuss can teach me the real meaning of true love.:heart:

Finn is an honest to god creep. The only sensible way for this story to end is if Redheart finds out about his self harming habit and files a restraining order on his ass.

This is pretty amazing so far. And Redheart is just the cutest pone.

I found a few errors. One being.

plane-white hospital gown

Should be plain.

Also. Klutz was misspelt as clutz. Aside from that, great work. If you ever need another proofreader, just gimme a shout.

Finn....you just ask for that.:ajbemused:

I don't think you have enough editors. :rainbowwild:

Puss dear, is this you abandoning Lightning Dust? :rainbowwild:

7962722 Joke or not, what I said still stands. Note that I wasn't angry or triggered when I wrote that comment. I just felt like pointing out this fic's differences between clopfics and love fics.

Yes, fight it! Fight to save face! If you dig in hard enough, no one will think you looked silly at all!

j/k ilu

7963056 Why would I look silly at all? I stated why the fic isn't your day-to-day clopfic. Case closed.

7962392 :twilightoops:...was there someone behind me?

7962936 no i see through his master plan! he is going to release two chapters of clop on the same day! resulting in over 1k people taking the day off for exhaustion! its genius really.

Alright, I did my thumbs up and tracking thing, just like you asked. Now when's the clop? :rainbowwild: :rainbowlaugh: :trollestia:

Also, when's Lightning Dust gonna get some sweet monkey dick action? :trollestia:

I didn't ask you to do that. :fluttercry: and it's going to be in the next chapter! :flutterrage:

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