• Published 10th Oct 2016
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A New Dragon in the Crystal Empire - Vedues

Ponies and dragons are living together in peace now. You know, other than the army of dragons trying to conquer the Crystal Empire.

  • ...

Chapter 63

Time was a very strange thing when Fluttershy stopped to think about it. Everyone experienced it, but it was different for everyone too. Five months was barely a blink to Celestia, but to Miracle it was almost her entire life. For Fluttershy herself, five months was a constant struggle to leave the past behind her and embrace the future. Weekly meetings with Dr. Insight helped, but the past still had a way of creeping up on her.

She woke with a gasp, covered in sweat and shivering from the cold. Somehow she knew that she was in danger, and that thought was confirmed a second later when she realized that a pair of scaly arms had wrapped around her, pinning her wings to her sides as sharp claws grazed her unprotected body.

Shouting in fear, Fluttershy pushed the arms away and jumped to her hooves, turning quickly to use the Stare on-

It was Cliff, scrambling to his own feet and looking around in confusion. “What is it? Who’s attacking?”

From her cradle next to the nest, Miracle began to cry.

Fluttershy put a hoof to her chest and took several deep breaths, fighting to push down the terror that had threatened to overwhelm her just seconds earlier. “I … I’m sorry.” More breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth. “It happened again … I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.” Cliff got Miracle out of her crib and held her against his shoulder while he bounced gently up and down. “I needed to get up soon anyway.”

“Right, you’re testing that new suit against Tornado.” Fluttershy shivered from the sweat that covered her body. “Um, can you get Miracle her breakfast while I shower quickly, please?”

“No problem.” He kissed her and went into the hallway that led downstairs.

There was no such thing as a too-hot shower, not with her wedding necklace protecting her from heat, and so Fluttershy turned the temperature up as high as it would go and allowed herself a moment to soak in the heat.

Winter was definitely here once again, and Fluttershy was still kicking her blankets off when she slept. Maybe she could have Twilight enchant the house to stay warmer during the night. Twilight would have more free time now that she wasn’t helping teach Talon about pony culture.

After rinsing off and drying, Fluttershy made her way downstairs.

Cliff was helping Miracle hold her bottle as she drank. “Hey there, beautiful.” He smiled. “Feeling better?”

She nodded, feeling ashamed. “I’m sorry that I’m still doing this.”

“The war affected us all.” He leaned down and kissed Miracle on the forehead. “Besides, you’re getting better. This is the first time you’ve had night terrors all week.”

“It’s Monday, Cliff, but … thank you.” She motioned back towards the stairs. “You’d better get ready.”

Cliff hugged her, cradling Miracle between them. “Wish me luck today.”

She hugged him back with her wings. “Good luck. I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too.” Cliff went upstairs to the spare bedroom he had converted into a rune lab. He came back a few minutes later, wearing his suit of Everfree Armor. “See you in an hour or so. Love you.”

Fluttershy managed to look directly at him as he left. “I love you too.”

Miracle finished her bottle quickly, and Fluttershy burped her before checking the mail slot by the door.

There wasn’t much, just a letter from her mother. Fluttershy opened it with her wings.

Dear Fluttershy,

Unfortunately, it seems that we won’t be able to make it to Miracle’s party today. One of the new recruits went and got herself hospitalized defending a wyvern in Canterlot, and I’m sure you can guess who they asked to help deal with the media circus.

It’s a good thing that the Alliance ambassador will be moving to Canterlot soon. Most of Equestria still hates the Dragon Alliance, and it’s about time somedragon was around to try and fix that. They probably would have voted to attack again if Celestia weren’t living with the dragons up north.

Oh, and the next time you see Discord, tell him to give back my sense of humor. I don’t know how he did it, but I am literally incapable of laughter ever since we saw him during our visit last week.


Madam Silver Lining

Fluttershy sighed. Discord was nearly back to full strength again, and a part of her wondered if that was for the best.

Someone knocked at the door.

“Just a moment.” Fluttershy opened the door and found Cliff’s mother standing there, holding a squirming gray hatchling with green head spikes. A thin layer of snow covered the ground behind her. “Good morning, Trail.”

“Morning.” She yawned. “Sorry to make you watch Zip again.”

Miracle perked up at the name. “Zih?”

“Yes, dear.” Fluttershy set Miracle down, and Trail did the same with Zip.

The two immediately began chasing each other around the front room.

Trail shook her head. “Those two are definitely Cliff’s daughter and little sister. I used to have to chase him all over the cavern just to get him to sit down long enough to eat.”

Fluttershy smiled as she imagined that. According to Trail, Zip was almost exactly like Cliff when he had been a hatching.

The little gray hatchling was barely more than a month younger than Miracle, hatched just days after the peace treaty was signed. She had been all but inseparable from Miracle from the moment they first saw each other.

“I don’t mind watching her,” Fluttershy said. “I can’t handle morning training anyway.” She had tried it a few times since getting back, but she couldn’t bring herself to fight anymore unless real lives were depending on her. “You just missed Cliff.”

“I’ll see if I can catch up to him.” Trail turned and jogged off. “Thanks again. I’ll watch Miracle this afternoon, like usual.”

Fluttershy waved to her departing mother-in-law before turning her attention to the young kirin and wyrm in her front room. Miracle was hovering a few feet off the ground, giggling at Zip’s attempts to jump up to her. “Miracle,” Fluttershy said, “it’s unfair to use your wings. You might be Zip’s niece, but you’re still older than her and should set a good example.”

Miracle grumbled a bit, but then she dove onto the floor and started running away with Zip in hot pursuit.

Another knock came at the door.

Maybe Scenic Trail forgot something. Fluttershy opened the door and blinked in surprise.

Four of Rarity stood outside her door. One was obviously fighting to control her giggles, while a second levitated a brown box next to her. All four of them smiled. “Good morning, Fluttershy” they said in unison.

Fluttershy turned to the one that was levitating the box. “Good morning, Rarity. What brings you by this early?”

That Rarity looked around self-consciously. “I’d actually rather talk about it inside, if you don’t mind.”

“No, it’s fine.” She stepped back and motioned for them to come in. “Oh, and Discord,” she turned to giggling one, “you said you were going to give Mom’s sense of humor back after one day.”

“Well she never used it,” Discord said, talking with his normal voice. “I just wanted to let the poor thing get some exercise.”

Fluttershy gave him a flat look.

“Oh, fine.” He shifted back to his normal form. “I’ll go give it back now.” He snapped his lion claw and disappeared.

“Discord was easy,” another Rarity said, “but can you tell who the rest of us are?”

“Well you’re Zeph.” Fluttershy closed the door and gave him a hug.

Zeph transformed back into a fox. “How’d you know?”

“Nymph isn’t competitive enough to ask something like that.” She turned to the fourth Rarity. “Although I am surprised you haven’t tried to flirt with me yet.”

He shrugged and said in Rarity’s voice, “I didn’t want to give myself away completely.”

Fluttershy nodded and gave the real Rarity a hug. “And the color of your magic aura let me know it was you all along.” She motioned to the box Rarity was levitating. “What’s that, if you don’t mind my asking?”

Rarity cleared her throat. “Actually, it’s a little something for you.” She opened the box and held it out to Fluttershy.

She looked inside. “Edible underwear?”

“You did say that your, ah,” Rarity blushed, “physical relationship with Cliff isn’t what it once was. I thought this might help.”

“Or you could just let me transform into you for the night,” Nymph said. “I can guarantee he’ll come back for seconds.”

Rarity slapped him with her tail.

“What?” Nymph asked. “She can join in too, or should I have offered to transform into Cliff for her instead?”

“Thank you, Nymph,” Fluttershy said, “but this sort of problem is common in combat veterans with battle trauma.” She smiled, remembering the intimate moment they’d shared yesterday. “It’s taking time, but Cliff and I are working through it bit by bit.” She carefully closed up the box and set it behind her. “Thank you, though, Rarity. I’ll see if he’s interested in using these.”

“So that’s a no for transforming into one of you?” Nymph asked.

Rarity groaned. “So help me, you are going to be my first sparring partner today, and I am going to pound some etiquette into you.” She turned to Fluttershy. “I’ll see you at breakfast, dear. Take care.” Then she almost dragged Nymph out the front door.

“By the way,” Zeph said. “I got word that my honor guard made it back home safe and sound. They’ll be sending a diplomatic envoy in the spring, though.”

“Is that why you decided to stay?” Fluttershy asked. “You want to help set things up before they get here?”

“That’s one of the reasons,” Zeph said. “Another is the kirins.” He gestured to Miracle. “I think we’ll be seeing more of them in the coming years, so I may as well stay where I’m needed.”

Fluttershy thought about it. Some of the younger ponies and dragons in town were dating. It would be a while before any of them were in a position to start a family, but then again, Zeph was over six-hundred years old. A few years was probably nothing to him. “I think I understand, and I’m glad that you’re staying.” She hugged him again.

Zeph returned the embrace. “So am I. Now if a certain dragon would just get his head on straight, we could be seeing another kirin in as little as another year.”


In their house at the other side of the Village, Spirit got the strangest feeling that someone was talking about him.

“Is there anything interesting in the paper?” Autumn asked, tying up her mane so it wouldn’t get in the way during training.

“Just some more pictures of Mom, Celestia, helping dragons dig for gemstones.” Spirit said. “I don’t know why they still think that’s newsworthy after so long.”

“Who knows?” Autumn finished with her mane. “I’m surprised they haven’t mentioned how much she’s done to help them create a better government. Didn’t Talon say they’re holding their first election next month?”

“I think so.” Spirit flipped to the next page of the newspaper. “Dirt clods. Chrysalis’s appeal went through. She’ll have to wear a power limiter and pay a big fine, but that’s it.”

Autumn groaned. “Sometimes I feel that she was the true victor in this war. She started as a fugitive and ended as one of the most powerful businessmares in Equestria.”

“At least some good came of it,” Spirit said, skimming through the article. “More and more changelings are leaving the brothel. I guess it’s worth putting up with her if it means the entire changeling race gets the chance to live peacefully in Equestria.”

“Yes, though it would have been even better if changelings got their freedom and Chrysalis had been condemned to rot in a cell somewhere.”

Spirit nodded and tossed the newspaper onto the table. “I guess you can’t have everything.” He got up and walked to the door. “Okay, let’s go.”

They left the house and started making their way to the training grounds. Snow from the night before crunched beneath their feet, and their breath came out in misty puffs. Sometimes, Spirit really missed the heating enchantment in his armor.

“So,” Autumn said, “any new guesses as to what I said yes to?”

Spirit sighed. “I ran out of ideas months ago. You said moving in together was close.”

“It is,” Autumn kissed him, “and I do enjoy having you to myself.”

“Your Mom lives with us,” Spirit pointed out.

“In a mother-in-law apartment.”

Spirit went up on his back legs and shoved his hands into his armpits. “You know, technically it isn’t a mother-in-law apartment, since we’re not married. And unless you were saying that yes, you would marry me, I think we should rename it a marefriend’s mother’s apartment.”

Autumn stumbled a bit.

Spirit paused. “That wasn’t what you were saying yes to, was it?”

She didn’t meet his eyes.

“Oh my Celestia, it was!” Spirit sat down then jumped right back up when his underside touched the snow.

Autumn blushed. “I can’t believe you took so long to figure it out.”

Spirit self-consciously wiped snow off his rump. “I didn’t want to bring it up again after the fight we got in over it a few years ago.”

“A lot has happened since then.”

“You’re not kidding,” he gripped her shoulder, “but what changed?”

She put her hoof over his hand. “I used to be afraid of myself, afraid that I’d turn into my father.” She patted his hand. “You saw me at my worst, though, completely overwhelmed by my anger and hatred, and you still loved me. You also reminded me that even my father had redeeming qualities, so maybe I did too.” She smiled at him nervously. “I thought you would guess what I was talking about that same day.”

“And it never occurred to you to just tell me?” Spirit asked.

She looked away. “I’m not very good at taking the first step with things that frighten me, but … I am sorry.”

Spirit sighed and pulled her into a hug. “Apology accepted.” He felt a little angry, and perhaps justifiably so, but they both knew it would pass. In fact, a warm grin was already splitting his face by the time he let go. “So we’re engaged now?”

“We’ve been engaged for months,” Autumn said. “It just took you a while to realize it.”

“I can deal with that!” Spirit sped up a bit. “Let’s get to the training field. I can’t wait to tell everyone!”


Meanwhile, Cliff was standing at the edge of the training field, watching the villagers spar. He stood here for a minute or two every morning before he started his own training, just looking around. Something about all the dragons and ponies fighting without actually trying to harm each other always grabbed his attention.

“Morning, Cliff!” Scootaloo called, flying over to him and giving him a big hug.

The rest of the Crusaders followed, practically engulfing him.

Cliff smiled. “Morning, girls.”

“Will it be much longer until you come back to teaching?” Sweetie asked.

“I don’t know,” Cliff said softly. “It should be soon, but Luna really wants us to finish designing the new suits.”

“But,” Sweetie said, “if you don’t come back quickly, you won’t be our teacher when we graduate.”

“We can help with the suits,” Apple Bloom said. “We practically built the first ones from scratch.”

Whisper gave him a pleading look.

Cliff sighed. “Okay, you can all help, but only after you’ve finished your homework for the day, and you have to take weekends off.” Whisper needed at least some time to spend with that griffon she was dating, and the other three deserved a chance to pursue their own interests as well.

“Deal,” Apple Bloom said. “So what are you experimentin’ with today?” She tapped her hoof against his suit. “You’ve got your armor on, and you reserved one of our drake-size dueling rings.”

“I-is it a t-test run of the new enchantments?” Whisper asked.

“Is it?” Scootaloo’s eyes lit up. “Can we watch?”

“… Sure.” Cliff disentangled himself from the four of them and started walking. “The others are probably waiting for us already?”

“What others?” Sweetie asked.

“Synapse,” Cliff replied.

Like he’d guessed, the former Alliance squadron was waiting at the designated ring. A small crowd of other dragons and ponies had gathered around them, including Blueblood and Trixie, who were visiting from Canterlot again. Cliff’s focus didn’t stay on them long, though. It went to the closest group of dragons, Fire Eyes, Heart, Genesis, and Clodhopper.

“Glad to see you could make it,” Fire Eyes said. “Heart and I were just taking bets on who’s going to win this little duel.” She grinned. “Want to know how much I bet on you losing?”

“You didn’t bet anything,” Heart said. “We both think that Tornado will win.”

Cliff rolled his eyes. “I’m really feeling the love, you two.”

“Besides,” Scootaloo said, “Cliff is going to kick flank!” She turned to him and whispered, “Which one is Tornado again?”

“The golden drake,” Cliff said. “He’s the one stretching in the ring.”

“I think Cliff can win,” Genesis said.

Heart chuckled. “Of course you do. You developed a lot of the runes he’ll be using.”

“I helped too,” Clodhopper said, “but I’m still voting for Tornado.”

Cliff stepped past them into the ring. “This isn’t really a duel, you know. It’s just a test to see how the new enchantments work.” He approached the center of the ring. “Morning, Tornado.”

Tornado paused in the middle of stretching his wings. “Good morning, Cliff. I am excited for our match.”

“Me too,” Cliff glanced at the crowd he had left behind, “for the most part.”

“Is something wrong?” Tornado asked.

“No, I just hate dueling in front of an audience.”

“Why?” Tornado asked. “It is impolite for drakes to ignore a duel. It shows a lack of respect for the combatants.”

“Too long trying to keep my inventions secret.” Cliff started checking everything on his suit. All the traditional enchantments for Everfree armor were working perfectly, as were his personal additions, Discord’s cloak was responding correctly to his commands, and Genesis’s staff had linked with the suit’s command nexus. “Okay, we’ll follow the rules of a teaching duel. Tell me if there’s anything you don’t understand, and I’ll explain it to you.”

“Will you be teaching me something?” Tornado asked.

“Not exactly. The world is going to have years to study this armor. I’d rather see how it fares against opponents who know what to expect.” Cliff activated the dueling ring’s enchantment, bringing up a glowing shield around them. “Use any moves you want, just don’t turn on your aura yet.”

Tornado nodded and quickly grew into his battle form. He towered over Cliff, easily ten times his height, and Tornado was on all fours.

“You can make the first move,” Cliff said.

Tornado stomped down on him with his front paw.

There was a moment of pressure, and then Cliff transformed into shadows and mist, sliding between Tornado’s claws with ease before reforming on top of the drake’s paw.

A pair of energy blades extended from Cliff’s arms as he stabbed down into Tornado’s paw.

Tornado roared and flicked him aside. A flap of his wings sent dozens of Wind Spears crashing into Cliff’s armored form.

Cliff was thrown against the ring’s wall, but he noted with satisfaction that the suit had been able to take those hits without any damage.

Tornado must have noticed it too, because he flapped again, spitting out a ball of fire at the same time.

There was just enough time for Cliff to shut his eyes before something hit him in the stomach so hard that he transformed into shadows once more.

The Flame Lance was the latest move that Tornado had picked up from Silver Tail. It was based on a simple principle: heat causes air to expand. Tornado just funneled that expansion so that it was concentrated on a single point—in this case, Cliff’s stomach.

A ray of spiraling darkness shot from the staff on Cliff’s arm, sucking away some of Tornado’s magic and buying Cliff a second to activate the staff’s teleportation enchantment. He reappeared on Tornado’s back and sent a wave of kinetic energy straight down into the drake.

Tornado was knocked flat, but he rolled quickly, nearly smashing Cliff before he could jump out of the way.

Cliff rolled across the hard-packed dirt, twisting to shoot a blast of Tornado’s energy back at him. Cliff knew it wouldn’t be enough to do much harm, but it did shock the drake, buying him a moment to launch two anti-aura gems. Light surrounded Tornado as they went off, illuminating a pained wince.

Still, Tornado was far from finished. He flapped again, sending out a wave of magically infused air that filled the width and height of the ring.

Discord’s cloak formed into a shield on Cliff’s arm, protecting him against the wind as he launched another gem. “I think I’m ready for your aura now!”

Tornado met his gaze and nodded. “Be careful.” Then white, billowing light shot out from his scales, reflecting across the prismatic walls of their ring.

It was time to see what his suit was really capable of. Cliff dumped a bunch of magic into the staff and fired a beam of concentrated energy.

Tornado didn’t move, but wisps of his aura flickered out to the beam, deflecting it just enough that it shot over Tornado’s shoulder.

Cliff launched two more gems, but they were both deflected as well.

Before he could try something else, Tornado swept his wings swept back, and the air was forced from Cliff’s lungs.

Smart. Armor couldn’t protect against suffocation, and the sudden decompression would wreak havoc on Cliff’s body. Luckily, his suit registered that something was harming him and transformed him into shadows again. Shadows didn’t need to breathe, and the lack of pressure just made him spread out a bit.

Tornado flapped again, and the air came rushing back. This time, it wrapped around Cliff, trying to crush him. The pressure itself didn’t bother Cliff’s gaseous form, but all of Tornado’s magic mixed in with it sure did. He could feel it eating away at his essence like acid.

Cliff threw his gaseous form at the pressure field’s outer wall, reforming on the other side with a gasp of relief. He teleported behind Tornado and went invisible before the drake could do anything else, firing another anti-magic beam with one hand while he shot a gem with the other.

Both attacks struck true, but they barely did anything to Tornado’s aura, and the drake retaliated so quickly that Cliff was completely off guard.

Three beams of light shot from Tornado’s back, knocking Cliff backwards across the ground.

Tornado spun and launched a flurry of Wind Spears just as Cliff slid to a halt. These Wind Spears glowed with the light of Tornado’s aura, punching through Cliff with ease. Even worse, they didn’t fade.

Cliff reformed and slashed at one of the spears just to see what would happen. It was like hitting a piece of stone, and the magic in it made his hand ache.

Tornado kept flapping his wings, filling the entire ring with glowing spears. Quite a few of them even touched the drake, but he somehow moved through them like they weren’t even there.

Okay, so mobility isn’t an option anymore, and Tornado’s wind sense will let him find me in a few seconds every time I teleport. Time for my ace.

An extra-large dimensional pocket on Cliff’s back opened, sending out a cascade of gems that formed a loose sphere around him. Meanwhile, Cliff’s body transformed into shadows once more, spreading out to fill the sphere. He could feel his natural magic field stretching and expanding to fill the larger area, sucking up huge amounts of his suit’s power reserves to keep itself strong. The gems all attached themselves to the field’s outer edge, forming a complex network in the shape of Cliff’s body, just much bigger than normal.

Within five seconds, Cliff was staring out of a pair of emeralds that floated on the same level as Tornado’s eyes. Cliff grinned, pulling back amethyst lips to show diamond teeth. Of course, the teeth were visible all the time anyway. Each gem hovered a few inches from the others, so it would be easy to see through his entire form, even with the darkness that made up the puppet’s core.

Tornado stared at Cliff. “What in the name of the Storm is that?”

“I was trying to create a safe way for wyrms to use their battle form,” Cliff said. His voice sounded weak and raspy in his artificial ears, the side effect of not having real lungs. “It’s based on the principles of a drake aura and given stability from all these gems.” He gestured with one arm at the other. “By the way, the gems should slide around most physical attacks, but they’ll come together into a more solid mass when I try to hit or move something. I’m still working out the bugs, though, so we might have to take a break if the whole thing falls apart on me.”

Tornado grinned, then he laughed.


Tornado stepped closer and pointed at one of the gems that made up Cliff’s claws. “Gemstone.” He gestured at the construct as a whole. “Aura.”

Cliff paused, then he smiled too. “I think we just found the perfect name for it.” He assumed a fighting stance, crushing several of Tornado’s Wind Spears in the process. “Shall we see what it can do? The gems themselves power this, but they can only store enough to keep it running for about eight minutes.”

“It would be my pleasure.” Then Tornado charged.

Cliff ducked low and brought his shoulder up into Tornado’s chest, generating a burst of kinetic energy for good measure.

Tornado stumbled back, giving Cliff an opportunity to strike again. He grabbed onto the drake’s chest and pushed him all the way to the other side of their training ring before picking him up and slamming him into ground.

Wind Spears shattered like crystal and the ground itself shook from the impact.

Cliff quickly positioned himself on Tornado’s chest and latched onto the drake’s arms with his own.

Tornado flapping his wings, hurling Cliff across the ring like he was weightless.

Right, I only weigh a few hundred pounds like this. Cliff mentally slapped himself for trying to pin Tornado down without anchoring himself somehow. He rolled onto his feet just in time to be sent flying by another wall of pressurized air.

A Flame Lance punched Cliff in the chest, tearing away at the shadows that were his essence.

Cliff gasped in pain, clutching at his chest. He made a mental note to develop some kind of long-range attack options for this form. He was basically helpless once his opponent was out of arm’s reach. Luckily, the teleportation runes in his staff still functioned.

He warped just above Tornado’s back, grabbing the drake’s wings and forcing them to his sides. His legs hooked around each other under Tornado’s belly, ensuring that he wouldn’t be thrown off again, and then Cliff spat out a blast of raw magic.

It wasn’t exactly Void Fire, more like an extremely unpolished version of the drake technique, but it still shredded through Tornado’s aura and dug into the scales across his back.

Tornado roared in pain and rolled again, crushing Cliff’s artificial body beneath his weight.

The gem network reformed itself almost instantly, just in time for the billowing wisps of Tornado’s aura to expand all at once, skewering nearly every part of Cliff’s artificial body.

It was just as painful as it sounded.

Tornado twisted around, ripping his wings and tail free, and sent a blast of wind at Cliff’s face.

The gems that made up his head went flying, but the rest of his body remained intact. Cliff slammed both of his palms down and generated as much kinetic energy as he could.

They both sank several feet into the hard earth, and Tornado’s aura quills retracted.

Cliff slammed down again, driving himself and Tornado even farther into the ground. He followed up with more energy breath.

Then Tornado did something completely unexpected, he shrank, slipping through the gems of Cliff’s body and into the chest cavity. Roaring fiercely, Tornado sent out a wave of magic and wind in all directions, tearing the gem network to pieces.

Cliff reappeared, suit and all, where his shadowy head had just been, falling to the ground with a thud. He rolled onto his feet, a gem in each hand, and launched them up at Tornado.

Tornado gasped and fell, barely catching himself before he hit the ground.

Another pair of gems appeared in Cliff’s hands, and he was about to launch them when he heard Tornado call, “Cliff, are you okay?”

Cliff froze.

“Were you hurt when I destroyed that false body?” Tornado’s eyes locked onto Cliff and he sighed in relief. “Good. For a moment, I thought I had seriously injured you.” That was when Cliff realized that Tornado was still in his thinking form, and his aura had grown so thin that it was difficult to see.

“I’m fine.” Cliff looked at the gems in his hands then sent them back to his suit’s storage enchantment. “Here, let me heal your back.”

“I am able to continue our duel if you so desire,” Tornado said, wincing a little as he crouched and spread his wings.

“I really don’t desire it,” Cliff said, stepping forward. “I have more than enough information to start building a better Gemstone Aura.” He smiled a little as he said the name. “Thank you for your help.”

Tornado’s aura flickered and disappeared, making the cuts and bruises on his body stand out a lot more. “It was an excellent duel.”

“It was.” Cliff started healing the drake’s wounded back. Luckily, the damage was mostly superficial. As he worked, Cliff looked around at the devastation their match had caused.

They were both standing in a large crater, roughly shaped like Tornado’s battle form, and foot-wide holes covered the rest of the ground inside the ring. Countless gems were scattered around the area as well. It would probably take him hours to pick all of them up.

“Cliff?” Tornado said after a moment. “Are you sure that these suits are a good idea? Equestria’s army will be nearly unstoppable with them.”

“I know,” Cliff said. “They could take over the world if they wanted to. I guess I’m just trusting and hoping that they’ll use the suits the way they’re intended, as a deterrent against war in general. It’s up to Celestia and Luna to do the other half and convince the world that Equestria’s willing to sit down and negotiate peacefully instead.”

Tornado smiled. “I am certain that Talon will help with that once we arrive in Canterlot.” His expression faltered. “Though I will miss you and the rest of this village.”

“You can always fly down to see us.” Cliff finished with Tornado’s back and started on the other cuts and bruises. “Or you can catch a ride with Luna when she teleports here to see Big Mac.” He paused. “Although I guess he usually goes up to Canterlot now that the harvest season is over.” Cliff had seen a lot of strange things, but Princess Luna harvesting apples had to be in the top ten.

“I will come as often as I can, but …” Tornado sighed. “It will not be the same, will it?”

“No.” Cliff bent down and picked up a gemstone, his eyes lingering in the direction of his house. “Things never stay the same.”

Fluttershy was different now, somehow both weaker and stronger than she had ever been. Many good dragons and ponies lay dead, but the two races were peacefully allied for the first time in history. He had a daughter now, a little ball of energy that he would do absolutely anything for. He considered the drake at his side to be one of his best friends. None of that would have happened without the war.

“Sometimes things get worse,” Cliff said, “but sometimes they get better. I guess the trick is to roll with it and try to be happy wherever life takes you. Now come on,” he gestured to the edge of the ring, “I bet everyone watching will want to tell you how amazing you were out there.”


Talon hated to admit it, but Tornado had really impressed her in that duel. It wasn’t that he was powerful, although she certainly didn’t mind that. Rather, it was how compassionate he’d been, asking if Cliff was okay even in the middle of being attacked by the other dragon. That single-minded focus on the welfare of others really was one of his most endearing traits.

She stepped forward and hugged him when he walked out of the ring. “Good job, partner.”

He tried to suppress a grin, failing spectacularly. “I need to be powerful to keep you safe.”

“Yes,” Prince Blueblood said, “everyone important should have at least one great and powerful bodyguard.” He turned to the blue unicorn mare at his side. “Wouldn’t you agree?”

She rolled her eyes. “You don’t pay Trixie nearly enough to put up with you.”

Blueblood didn’t seem at all upset by that. He put his foreleg around her shoulders. “You make double what you did while working for the Solar Unicorns, and I give you paid vacations to tour the country and do your magic shows.”

Trixie grumbled something under her breath, but she didn’t remove his leg.

“Besides,” Blueblood continued, “I thought you enjoyed these diplomatic trips to Everfree Village. You get to do whatever you want while I give Talon here lessons on diplomacy and current affairs in Equestria.”

Trixie nodded.

“I even offered to help you with your show this time because Talon’s all finished with her lessons.”

“I get it!” Trixie yelled, drawing every eye in the crowd to her. She cleared her throat. “I mean, Trixie understands that you have been a gracious employer, but if you continue to boast about it,” she slid out from under his leg, “then you can forget about enjoying any more of Trixie’s special private shows.”

The crowd laughed, and Blueblood wilted a little. “Oh look at the time,” he motioned to the sun, “I should really start setting up for that show you kindly offered to do. I’m sure the villagers will love it.” He took off at a quick walk toward the Castle of the Two Sisters.

Talon shook her head and patted Tornado. “Have I ever said how grateful I am that you aren’t like either of those two?”

“No,” Tornado said, “though at least they seem happy together.”

“In a disturbing kind of way.” Talon turned and walked toward the smaller dueling rings. “Come on, I need to get in at least one match before training ends for the day.”


Talon wound up fighting a unicorn. It was a close match, but her heart wasn’t really in it. She just couldn’t stop thinking that this was her last day living in Everfree Village. There weren’t even any lessons or items of business to keep her mind occupied. She wound up ordering Tornado to go rest while she flew lazy circles above the village, enjoying the sun’s warmth before winter set in completely.

It was peaceful up there, away from the stress of her responsibilities and the frustration of knowing that the Hurricanes both needed her and thought that she was expendable. There was nothing except the wind across her scales and the peaceful little village beneath her.

She flew all through the day, only coming down for meals, until at last the sun began to set. Talon was tempted to keep flying even then, but she decided to get her packing done early instead. The party would probably run late into the night, and she didn’t want to rush through packing everything in the morning.

Pinkie and Cheese had planned this party as a combination farewell for Synapse and to celebrate that Cliff’s daughter was turning six months old. Talon appreciated the effort; she just worried that someone would ask her to give a speech and then she’d break down and cry. She hated crying, especially in public.

At least packing was easy. One of the two bags in her flight pack got filled up with Twilight’s notes about pony culture and politics, and the other was taken up by some formal outfits from Rarity. Last of all, she packed Refy, the plush thunder wyvern that Talon had had since she was a hatchling. His polished stone eyes stared at her from over the bag’s side.

“I know,” she said quietly. “I don’t want to leave either. At least things are a lot better now than when we left the Aerie.” She pulled the lid down over Refy, securing him in place. Then she sat back and looked around the room she had been using as an office. She saw a desk, blank stone walls, a glowstone lamp, and a window looking out at a beautiful sunset, the kind that had fiery reds swirled in with calmer oranges, yellows, and even some wisps of purple.

Talon sat and watched it, taking in the fleeting beauty.

“Talon?” Crystal’s voice called from downstairs.

“Up here,” Talon said.

Crystal walked into the room a few seconds later. “I just checked with the rest of Synapse. They’re heading to the party now. Oh, and has Tornado found you yet? He kind of panicked when he woke up and you weren’t there.”

Talon sighed. “One of these days he’ll learn that I won’t die the second his back is turned.”

Crystal giggled. “I think it’s sweet that he cares so much.”

Talon rose and looked at the sunset one last time. “Anyway, I guess we should head to the party.” She motioned for Crystal to lead the way. “How’s your courtship with Cloud going?”

“Really well.” Crystal reached the stairs and went down to the ground floor of the small house they shared. Half of Synapse lived here, actually, with the other half next door. “We’re taking things slow for now.”

“Wyverns are at peace for the first time in our history,” Talon said. “Now’s a good time to take things slow.”

The party was already in full swing by the time Talon and Crystal arrived at the Castle of the Two Sisters. Most of the Village must have come out, filling the cafeteria with ponies and dragons of all sorts, many of whom were dancing to the energetic music that filled the air. Around the edges of the room, groups talked and laughed as they helped themselves to more kinds of food than Talon had once thought existed.

“Oooh, you made it!” Pinkie appeared out of nowhere and slapped a party hat onto both wyverns. “Now we can get started!”

“What do you mean?” Talon looked around the room. “Everyone’s already-” The pink pony was gone again. “Pinkie?”

“Attention everyone,” Pinkie said.

Talon followed her voice to the stage, where Pinkie stood with a microphone in one hoof.

“Both our guests of honor are here, and it only seems right that we give them each a chance to give a speech!”

Most of the room cheered.

Talon facewinged.

“So c’mon up, Miracle,” Pinkie continued. “You too, Talon!”

Talon made her way through the crowd, reaching the stage at about the same time as Cliff and Fluttershy. Miracle perched on Cliff’s back, looking around with equal parts nervousness and excitement.

Pinkie motioned for all of them to join her at the center of the stage. “Miracle, why don’t you go first?” She held the microphone out to her.

Miracle just stared at it in confusion.

“There’s no need to worry.” Pinkie brought the microphone a little closer. “Just say whatever’s on your mind.”

“Say you love your mama,” Cliff whispered.

“Love mama,” Miracle said.

“Aww,” Pinkie wiped away a tear. “That’s so sweet. Can you give us a big smile for your daddy?”

Miracle stared at her. “No?”

The crowd giggled.

Fluttershy nuzzled the little kirin’s stomach. “She just says that whenever she doesn’t understand what someone is saying to her. Miracle, say ‘I love daddy.’ ”

“Love dada.”

The whole room awwed, including Talon, but she’d be willing to deny it if asked.

“Thanks a ton for your touching speech.” Pinkie tickled Miracle’s side, earning a squeal of delight. “Now let’s turn things over to Talon.” She held out the microphone.

Talon sighed and took it, wrapping her wing around the unwanted item and holding it in place with her thumb. “I really don’t know what to say.”

Pinkie smiled reassuringly. “Whatever’s on your mind.”

Talon looked around the room for a moment. There were so many different color and creatures here. It reminded her of … “I was watching the sun set before I came.”

Great, possibly the worst opening line ever. Talon grit her teeth and pressed on. “I don’t know why, but the sunset today reminded me of when we left the Aerie over a year ago. Back then …” She growled and wiped her eyes. “Back then, I honestly thought I would be dead before the year was out.”

The room was silent. Even the music had stopped at some point. Talon didn’t know or care when. She just wanted to get through this with some shred of dignity left intact.

“I only survived because of my squadron. Thirty wyverns served with me at some point. Sixteen of them lost their lives. Two brave drakes fought alongside us, and I’m happy to say that they’re both still at my side.” She gestured to Tornado and Ember. “Five wyrms volunteered to help, expecting nothing in return. One of them died for that act of charity. Another was captured but escaped and came back to us. A third left the Alliance because he wanted to help a friend. The fourth,” she looked back at Cliff, “was that same friend, a spy that was doing everything he could to stop the killing, just like I was. And the fifth was a friend to both of them, who just wanted to help wherever he could.” She spotted Clodhopper in the crowd and nodded to him.

She turned back to the crowd in general. “I made incredible friends that I’ll treasure for the rest of my life, but that will never change the fact that seventeen dragons died under my command, all while fighting a war that should never have happened in the first place.” She sighed. “I think that sometimes you have to fight, but this time, this time was just fear and anger getting control of us.” She shook her head. “I know you’re all trusting me to make sure that no one else has to die over a stupid mistake. I also know that I’m not qualified for a job that’s so incredibly important. I promise, though, I promise every dragon and pony in this room, I promise in the memory of those seventeen dragons, I promise before the Ancestors and the Storm that I will give everything I have, give my entire life, to protecting this peace we’ve forged.”

Talon wiped away another tear. “I don’t know what the future will bring, but I promise that we’ll face it together.” She looked around the room once more, pausing on each of the eighteen dragons that had stuck with her through everything. “I promise. So enjoy the rest of today and look forward to tomorrow. Whatever happens next, let’s face it with our heads held high.”

The End

Comments ( 36 )

I for one hope to see more of this, if only to see how things pan out on both sides.

Sorry about that was not feeling well that day

So many questions still unanswered... like whatever happened to those diamond dogs? And then there's the talon tornado ship that never sailed...

I almost hope that you bring out a third installment where the lions have tracked down where the wernyns went and start another war.

Also, what exactly happened to the gryphons?

“Yes, though it would have been even better if changelings got their freedom and Chrysalis had been condemned to rot in a cell somewhere.”

If only fate were so kind as to have her be crushed by a colossal bounder.

The speech at the end feels awfully one sided. let us lament the few dragons who died. We should, but what about the thousands of ponies who were murdered. Why did Celestia supplicate herself like that? I like this story overall and the world created. But I can only conclude that the author must be biased towards dragons.

and so it ends...I wonder what will be next

Discord’s cloak formed into a shield on Cliff’s arm, protecting him against the wind as she launched another gem.


Well, there is one big lion-shaped loose end left, even if it hasn't been mentioned since the first few chapters.

The thing with Celestia was a trick. She got Yol Toor to adopt her into his clan, which shields his clan from Equestria and shields Equestria from his clan.

Yes, it's true that she more or less sacrificed Equestria's pride for it, but she probably figured that's easier than getting the dragons to own up to their own faults. Not that there won't be ponies absolutely furious with her for that, which is a fair reaction. I would not be surprised if Luna had to deal with Celestia's approval rating taking a nosedive. Especially since she's not around now, making the ponies even more angry for feeling abandoned.

Either way, I agree that it can be frustrating to see ponies talk about their own blame in this again and again while the dragons dance around the issue. Not even Talon here could bring herself to say that they were the invaders.

There's also Chrysalis, who managed to weasel her way out of any serious repercussions all throughout. Other people got murdered for wanting to continue the war; her actions served to do just that, yet she houdinied her way out of that Karma.

Providence, unless he's going to face true justice for a change, can stay away forever for all I care.

And the lions could very well send scouts to find out what happened to their ancestral enemies. Maybe those wyverns are trying to rebuild their numbers in some other place? That could be what it'll look like to them if they ever find out. Moreover, for the more tradition-minded wyverns, that might not even be wrong.

7779462 Oh ya, now was that on purpose or was it for another story to call back to

This was a great end to an amazing story. Hopefully the he can make another one but if the he can't this is still a good story to read.

I think maybe I understand now. The ending was so quick, because there was no winner. Everybody lost. There were no feasts, no celebrations, only mourning the dead.

This remains one of the top 3 stories I have ever read on Fimfiction. Keep writing, bro.

7778982 Talon's closing speech was biased towards dragons because she herself is a dragon, and those deaths she was lamenting were the ones that she was there for and most affected by. Basically, she's reflecting on how terrible the war was from her point of view, which then tied in to her promise of making sure that another war like that never breaks out.

Celestia offering herself as a debtor to Yol Toor was a political maneuver, pure and simple. She knows that Equestria won't go to war with a country that she's living in, and she doesn't trust the dragons to make a peaceful and functional government without some outside help (herself). Remember, even Cliff had no idea what kinds of offenses Celestia was apologizing for when she offered herself as a debtor, and Yol Toor was about to refuse her offer, because she hadn't done anything wrong, when she glared at him, letting him know that she had a plan.

7779462 Rats, thanks for pointing that typo out for me.

7779712 Your analysis is pretty much exactly what I had in mind. Basically, war doesn't wrap itself up in a neat little package. Sometimes scumbags get away with murder, literally, and other times, the people in the right have to swallow their pride in order the ensure peace.

7780736 Pretty much. I really don't think wars have winners, just sides that lose more than others.

7776368 Perhaps not a sequel ... a spinoff, more likely. The Requeim Guard were never the focus of the story, and from the looks of it, Providence has a lot of ground to cover alone. It's very unlikely he'll ever see any of the other characters in this story ever again, and even if he does, it'll be most likely far, far in the future. Mane 6 have dragon lifespans, Celestia and Luna are demigods, and the dragons ofc have dragon lifespans. I think Providence's story, if it ever gets told, will be his own.

Considering all the hate for the Requiem Guard, kinda messed up to think that when everything is said and done, Prov is going to be the last one standing in several thousand years, far outliving even Celestia and Luna. #Justanimatedarmorperks

I really enjoyed this story! In fact, I think it's twice as good as your first story, and your first story was good in it's own right. I think you fleshed out the war beautifully, and while The Alliance/Hurricanes seemed to get a bit of hate in the comments, they were very well done in their motivations and actions. The Hurricanes have never NOT had war around them, I'm assuming they became Hurricanes after working their way up through the ranks while under other Hurricane leaders. They've seen the worst of what war is right from birth and have been put in charge of the ongoing war with the lions and now the war with Equestria, of course they are going to be ruthless! I'm sure their more sensitive emotions shut down long ago in order to be effective soldiers and leaders in two very bloody wars. It's not right by a moral standpoint, but it makes perfect sense for them to be the way they are. Thank goodness the drakes and wyrms of The Alliance still had their morals about them, as much as you can have in a war anyway.
I think you had a very realistic view on this war. Though Equestria may have "won" in the sense that they didn't lose the Crystal Empire in it's entirety, they still lost enough soldiers in this pointless war that chalking it up as a victory seems equally pointless. Nobody wins in war. Oftentimes there are no good guys and bad guys. It's just people (or in this case, creatures) that are misguided and fearful, though they are oftentimes lead by power hungry people. You captured this fact very well in your story.

For the most part, I really liked this fic. Kudos to you for creating such a well fleshed out universe with your wyrm, drake, wyvern, and spirit fox (sorry, I can't spell what Zeph and the others actually are without going back some chapters) abilities and cultures!

7798301 Thanks, that really means a lot to me. The war itself was loosely based on WW1, by the way. It's perhaps our greatest reminder of how a few misguided individuals can start a chain of events that leads to millions of unnecessary deaths.

This story was, in a word... fantastic!

I particularly liked that the majority of the chapters were less than 10k words long; it's not impossible for me to read a chapter that long or longer, it just makes it much easier for me to burn out on the story... which I really don't like if it's one that I really enjoy... which typically are longer stories like this one. :facehoof:

Great job. :moustache:

And thus, the party was killed before it really began. :P
Amazing story.

7823384 nay it was only on the cloud sofa

7801138 Just wanted to let you know, they added a whole bunch of new character tags, including one's for Garble, Ember, and dragons.

Remember my idea of posting stories in your canon with your characters becoming involved in certain season finales and episodes like Times they are a Changeling? What are planing next now that this story is done?

This was a fun story...I;d love to see a sequel that has these 'lions/panthera's' in it. They seem like a great subject for a third one as the villains. You had the characters in the fic confirm they were warlike...

Anyhow...I loved this and I hope there is a third.

I didn't see that this story had been posted until today, so I just binged the entire damn thing in about eight hours. Holy crap that was time well spent

Woof, I don't think I've even binged on this story that hard. Color me impressed, and flattered.

Great story and ending. I very much enjoyed it. Good job. :moustache:

Wow, I can't believe this is over.
This story was quite the ride, :twilightsmile:
I don't know what to say. I love how you build your world, the dragons, the magic, all of it was, no, is amazing. And your characters are brilliant as well. I am a little sad the story is over beacuse I feel i almost know them, Cliff, Autumn, Spirit, all of them. You wrote them in such a way they feel real, and this feels like a farewell. Of course, I, and surely there are others, would love to hear what happened after, but this is the end of the book. Though an end of a book is not the end of the story, that keeps on living in the readers and writers minds.
Again, this is an amazing story, that has kept me up far too late (even if I don't really mind :twilightsheepish:), and I hope you will keep on writing stories, no matter what they are about.

I'm glad you liked it so much. I do have one other story you might like, Applejack's Butt. I swear, it isn't what you'd think from the name. I'm working on a few others, but it might be a while before any of them are ready for posting.

I've seen it and it looks good. I'm definitely going to read it.

Good story, too bad about the many deaths but war is like that... Any chance you make a trilogy with a sequel?

Dunno. I had a vague idea for a sequel at some point, but that was years ago, then I got wrapped up in other projects. Still, I'm glad you liked this story!

Something that may I ask is... If this is based in after season 6 or so... and while some things are changed, what happened to Starlight Glimmer?

Also, I hope if you do a sequel, explain if the canon is changed as I guess that Cozy Glow and Tirek will have problems to ally, and even a reason why Cerberus was not protecting Tartarus when the alliance managed to enter or what is going to happen to the Diamond Dogs that helped the alliance, not to say the Gryphons that helped and if the Minotaurs maintained their Neutrality, or if the Storm King and Equestria Girls happened in this world.

To finish it, the biggest question... Are Miracle, Zip and Flurry Heart the next generation of cutie mark crusaders? Making chaos all around

Hi! Does this saga have a closed ending, or is there a 3rd story in progress waiting to complete it?

It ends here. I originally kept my mind open to the possibility of a sequel, but I eventually decided it would be best to leave things as they are and focus on entirely new stories.

Perfect then. Thanks for replying🙂

Oh my Gosh, what a great story! I've been hooked during all of the 510k words. Thank you for writing and sharing this fanfic.
PS: 1000th comment! Yay!

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