I write romance with intimacies, not clop. To my readers, I quote The Bard: “We who prologue-like your humble patience pray, Gently to hear, kindly to judge, our play.” (Henry V)
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Okay... that's, not how I expected that subplot to go at all...
Also, Sunshine? Sunshine and Rainbow? Geez, I'm having Fallout: Equestria flashbacks.
Nice fanfic, I didn't expect Scootaloo and Silver Spoon to get together, but I'm not complaining.
Very beautiful story! However the personalities of both Rainbow and Twilight just seem "off" Twilight is more frantic and less "calm" while Rainbow wouldn't be as mature as she is portrayed in this story
7289693 Time and love can do things to ponies.
I loved this!
7289865 Many humble thanks.
can't wait for the sequel
I am in a mess of tears
and i blame you stormbringer
7310634 I've been the reason for many tears. Usually for the wrong reasons!
7289693 Twilight calm? Lesson Zero, she's a neurotic wreck at times. And finding your center and finding somepony to love will mature a pony.
I laughed so much at the 'I'm a Unicorn' part I thought I almost woke up my parents!!!

7374044 Thanks!
7377859 It's the least I can do for such a great story! XP
Just when I was wondering about the dream... kind of dissapoint it.
Merciful emperor....
Scootaloo is dashs foal huh?
8049631 Sorry, no. At least not biologically.
Bet: the father is time turner hooves
Rainbow said that?
I have to say again..
RAINBOW said that?!
nice sequel
Thanks again!
Um Scootaloo is a filly, Rainbow had a colt.
It has been 6 months of marriage later, that will change a lot for a pony.
“Beg pardon?” said Rainbow.
She wears dresses and makeup , she has changed a lot since getting married.
Rainbow that's rough
You have magic in your world come on, it can't be that unbelievable particularly since you found Rainbow can use magic despite being a pegasi.
Cross race talents they happen.
It’s funny looking at these docs made before episodes like “Crusaders of The Lost Mark” and know just how false the comment about DT’s Mom is
Rainbow has recovered better from that than how Shining recovered after all what Celestia did to him still gives him Nightmares
.....huh, ok. welp, aside from the (mind scarringly) cringy way RD and TS-D they address eachother, this fic is pretty good so far. Needs some work tho.
(Seriously? 'Unbelief'?)
Edit: i mean no offense, or to sound condescending, so apologies if i pissed you off.)
Thanks for the comment.