• Published 30th Sep 2015
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Just Girls Talking - MythrilMoth

Ponies and their human counterparts talk about various things.

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Just Girls Tallking About Depression

Pinkie Pie knocked gently on the bedroom door farthest down the hall. The Pie Sisters' house was deathly quiet. "Marble?" she called.

No response.

Pinkie gently opened the door, pushing it quietly open. The acrid smell of body odor washed over her, making her nose wrinkle. The curtains were drawn; with the gloomy grey clouds outside, the only thing shedding any light in the dim room was the 32-inch smart TV in the corner, which was muted and had some decades-old sitcom playing on it.

Pinkie flicked the light switch by the door. Two LED lamps in beige wall sconces lit up, shedding a medium glow over the drably decorated room. The floor was littered with pieces of paper plates. A tangle of gnarled, gnawed blankets in a straw basket in the opposite corner shifted; a short-horned head emerged, sniffed the air, and let out a brief, high-pitched warbling yell before slurping up a mostly-eaten paper plate with a long tongue and retreating into its nest.

Pinkie sighed, shaking her head as she looked around at the mess. "Oy," she muttered. She gingerly picked her way across to the bed, where a slight figure was huddled under a drab grey blanket. The top drawer on the bedside table was half open, with the top of a box of cheese crackers peeking out. A tumble of boxes of animal crackers littered the bottom of the drawer. A half-empty water bottle and a half-empty soda bottle stood on the bedside table, amid a collection of pill bottles and a bottle of cold medicine which was almost completely empty.

Shaking her head, Pinkie pulled back the blanket, revealing a messy, greasy mane of straight grey hair. "Marble?" she asked. "Did you eat your supper or did you just give it to the goat again?"

"Ate a bite," Marble said. "It's cold, can you let me sleep?"

"Did you take your medicine?"

"Is it time?" Marble asked sleepily, shuffling around.

"It's seven thirty," Pinkie said.

"Oh." Marble shuffled around more, then sat up, curling in on herself. "My tummy hurts."

"That's because you're not eating right," Pinkie said. "Do you think you can come downstairs and eat breakfast?"

Marble thought about it for a minute, then shook her head.

"Do you think you can maybe take a shower?" Pinkie asked.

Marble huddled her blanket more firmly around herself. "Later," she said. "Too tired."

Pinkie sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "What do you want for breakfast?" she asked.

"Croissant sandwich?" Marble asked tentatively.

"Will you actually eat it yourself and not just take half a bite and dump it for the goat?"

"I'll eat it," Marble promised.

"Good, because those are expensive," Pinkie said. She sighed. "Alright, I'll go make you one and bring you some fresh OJ to take your meds with, okay?"

"Okay," Marble said. Before Pinkie was to the door, she had already completely disappeared into her blanket again. Pinkie sighed.

* * * * *

When lunchtime arrived at CHS, the Rainbooms gathered at their usual table. Pinkie Pie, her hair limp and lifeless, set down a tray with half as much food as usual on it, dropped into her chair, then rummaged through her bag, pulling out a number of pill bottles. She shook out a small handful of brightly-colored pills, packed away the bottles again, then uncapped her water and swallowed the lot.

Twilight Sparkle frowned. "That's an awful lot of medicine," she said. "Are you sick?"

Pinkie shook her head. "It's my stabilizers," she said. "I usually only need two and I take those at home, but right now I'm kind of in a bad place, so I'm taking the ones I usually don't need."

The others blinked at that. "Wait, you?!" Rainbow Dash cried. "I mean, you're always kind of a little cuckoo, but really?"

"Rainbow Dash! Honestly," Rarity chided harshly.

Pinkie smiled. "I know what she meant," she said. "Besides, Rainbow can be kind of a dum-dum, so it doesn't bother me."


Fluttershy frowned. "So you really are bipolar? I've always kind of wondered."

Pinkie sighed. "Well, more or less. It's complicated. I don't really get depressive episodes so much myself, mostly just the hypomania."

"The hypomania's no surprise," Sunset said with a gentle smile. "To anybody that knows you."

"Heheh...yeah," Pinkie said with a self-deprecating grin. She started picking at her food with her fork. "Thing is..." She frowned. "Things aren't so good at home right now, and it's kind of getting to me."

"What's wrong?" Rainbow asked. "Anything we can help with?"

Pinkie bit her lip. "Can...we talk about it later?" she asked. "Maybe in the band room? Where nobody can listen in?"

The others looked around worriedly. "Sure," Sunset said soothingly, smiling gently. "Whatever you want."

"Thanks," Pinkie said. She ate her lunch with less than her usual enthusiasm. Her friends watched her with concern.

* * * * *

Marble Pie sat in a tub of cooling water, knees drawn up to her chest. She stared listlessly at the stainless steel faucet, at the rubber drain plug, at the drab gray washcloth she'd let sink to the bottom of the tub. Once the water had long since turned cold and her fingers had pruned up, Marble got out of the tub, dried herself off, and padded back to her bedroom, where she put on a clean set of pajamas and crawled back into bed. She picked up her phone and opened up a mobile game she didn't care much about, listlessly plodding away at it until her battery was low. Sighing, she turned it off and put the phone on the charger, then rolled over onto her back and stared at the ceiling.

"Baaaaaa." A white snout peeked over the edge of the bed and poked at her hand, a long, wet tongue licking her fingers insistently. Marble reached over and gave the goat's head a rub.

"Hi Beezie," she said. She sighed. "You need to go outside, huh?"


"Oh, alright." Groaning, Marble got out of bed, shuffled into her slippers, and led Beezie downstairs and to the back door.

* * * * *

The Rainbooms gathered in their usual practice room. Once the girls were all inside, Twilight Sparkle carefully locked the door, then took a seat by the wall. Pinkie Pie sat behind the drum kit, but instead of drumsticks, she had her phone out and was texting. A mild frown creased her brow. Once the girls had all seated themselves, Pinkie put her phone away with a sigh. "Hey girls," she said tiredly.

"Goodness, darling! You look positively miserable," Rarity said.

"Alright, sugarcube, spill them beans," Applejack said. "Ah can't take no more'a you mopin' around like a fox that just watched th' chicken farmer move away."

Pinkie put her phone away and folded her hands in her lap. "It's...it's my sister," she said. "She's having a really bad episode."

"Maud?" Sunset asked.

"No, not Maud," Pinkie said.

"Oh, you mean the bitchy one?" Rainbow asked.

"No, not Limestone."

The other girls looked at each other in confusion. "Umm...aren't they like, your only sisters?" Sunset asked.

Pinkie sighed. "It's...my twin sister Marble."

The girls blinked in unison. "Wait, what?" Rainbow asked. "Your twin sister?"

"I had no idea you had a twin sister, darling!" Rarity said.

"Yeah..." Pinkie sighed. "She doesn't...really like meeting new people. I..." She bit her lip. "It's not like I've been trying to keep her secret or anything, it's just that she's, well...she's a touchy subject and talking about her makes me sad, so I just...kinda don't."

"Goodness," Fluttershy said. "What's wrong with her? Is she sick?" She wrung her hands. "Is she...is she dying?"

"It's nothing like that," Pinkie said softly. "It's just, she's suffered from severe depression for years. It's..." She absently drummed her fingers on the rim of her snare drum. "Well, she's a shut-in, basically." She sighed. "She has her good days and her bad days. On her good days, she'll feed herself, spend time with me and Maud and Limestone without us having to beg her, even do little chores around the house. Then..." Her hair deflated visibly. "Then there are her bad days, like basically this whole week."

"What...what are her bad days like?" Twilight asked, worrying fretfully at the hem of her skirt.

"On her bad days, she won't even get out of bed," Pinkie said. "She hurts all over and she's so tired and weak she can't even bathe herself. We bring her meals up to her but we can't trust her to actually eat them because she just doesn't feel like it, so we make sure she has boxes of snacks and drinks by the bed in case she gets really hungry. About the only thing that can get her out of bed when she's like this is if she needs the toilet." She grimaced. "Well, sometimes she lets Beezie out in the backyard, but that's about it."

"Beezie?" Sunset asked.

"Her pet goat," Pinkie said. "We got him as a therapy animal. I know, it's weird, a goat and not a dog or a cat or something, but it's what she wanted, and at least Beezie takes care of everything Marble doesn't eat." She shrugged.

"What kind of name is Beezie for a goat?" Rainbow wondered.

Twilight pushed her glasses up. "It's short for 'bezoar', right? It's both a species of goat and the word for a stone taken from a ruminant's stomach that was once thought to be an antidote for most poisons."

"Yeah," Pinkie said with a fond smile. "Maud came up with the name. Marble loves it."

"A pet goat sounds so adorable," Fluttershy said.

"Y'all do know goats shit all over everywhere, right?" Applejack asked. "An' goat shit's pretty dang ripe."

"Yyyyeah, that's why my room is downstairs now," Pinkie said. "Since I'm the only one who ever has company over and it's easier to keep Beezie's stinky-stink contained upstairs."

"So she's your twin sister, huh?" Rainbow asked. "Is she like, homeschooled then?"

Pinkie shook her head. "We tried that for a bit, but it wasn't really working. We just kinda leave her alone and let her do her own thing." She sighed. "Taking care of her is a real strain on all of us, especially ever since Mom and Dad left. Limestone works hard, Maud's got her part-time job, I've got mine..." She shrugged. "It's just easier to let her be. Especially since she's never left the house under her own power, not ever."

Twilight frowned, adjusting her glasses. "I'm sorry, but...it almost sounds as if your sister should be in an institution, with nurses and staff taking care of her? And not left alone at home all day with a goat?"

"We've...had a lot of fights about that at home," Pinkie said tiredly. "If we put her in a nursing home, it'd drain our finances. But if we had her committed..." She shook her head. "None of us want that. It'd be like admitting we give up on her, and none of us are...are ready for that." She bowed her head. "I mean, there's all kinds of medicine we haven't tried yet for her, and new stuff that comes out all the time...sooner or later something's gotta work, right? She can't just..." She sniffled. "She's my baby sister," she said, her voice thick and choked. "I can't just give her to some s-strangers and—and s-say she's—she's their problem..." Her voice dissolved into choked sobs as she buried her face in her hands.

Fluttershy rushed over to her and swept her up in a hug, tears gathering in her own eyes. "You poor thing," she said. "We had no idea..."

"Wait, so..." Sunset frowned. "Your mom and dad just went and left you girls all alone in Canterlot? With that going on? Left three teenage girls to take care of a shut-in who can't even feed herself?"

"Sunset!" Rarity hissed. "Have some sympathy!"

"I do, I do!" Sunset said. "It's just—it doesn't check, something's not right here."

Pinkie wiped her eyes and blew her nose. "They only moved to the city in the first place because of me and Marble," she said. "I mean, Limestone and Maud have their own mental health problems, but Mom and Dad didn't really understand that, but then Mom had a really rough pregnancy with me and Marble, and..." She wrung her hands. "W-well, by the time we were about five, our sisters realized we needed..." She hiccuped and sniffled. "Needed medicine and—and understanding, not Amish discipline."

"Ouch," Sunset said with a wince that was shared by the others.

"But they've never been comfortable in the city," Pinkie said, sniffling. "And Dad and Limestone have been fighting for years over Marble, because—because Dad never really understood how bad off she is, kept trying to make her do things. So when Limestone got graduated and started working, Dad decided it was time for him and Mom to go back and leave us to fend for ourselves."

"That's positively criminal!" Rarity gasped.

"Oh, they left plenty of money, they don't need it where they are now," Pinkie said. "And they never spent more than they had to in the first place. It's just..." She sighed. "They can't really handle city life, but I'm a city girl, Maud prefers it here, and Marble, well..." She shook her head and sniffled. "She'd never make it on the farm."

"B-but still—!"

"Maybe we should, umm, not talk about all of Pinkie's family drama right now?" Fluttershy suggested. "She's already upset and sad, and this isn't helping."

"No, it's—it's okay," Pinkie said with a sniffle and a sad smile. "Actually, it does kinda help to talk about this stuff with somebody other than my therapist."

"You have a therapist?" Rainbow asked in disbelief.

"Well of course I do, Dashie," Pinkie said with a roll of her eyes. "I mean, duh!"

"Well it's just—I mean—" Rainbow stammered. "No offense, but when I think of 'Pinkie Pie' and 'therapist', it's usually more like, 'I spent the day with Pinkie Pie and now I need a therapist'!"

"Rainbow Dash!" Rarity cried indignantly.

"Oh my GOSH, Rainbow!" Twilight yelled.

Pinkie, however, giggled and doubled over, clutching her tummy. "Heeheehee, good one, Dashie!" she snorted. "Hahahaha...th-thanks..." She wiped tears from her eyes. "I needed that," she said sincerely, giving her friend a sad smile.

"But why didn't you talk to any of us about this stuff before?" Sunset asked. "We're your friends, you know we're always here for you, right?"

"I know," Pinkie said, calming down. "And it's not like—I mean, it's—" She took a moment to collect herself. "It's just that what's going on with my family is stuff nobody can really do anything about and I know you'd all want to try to help and you'd want to meet Marble, but that...really wouldn't help, and all it'd do is make you girls sad like me." She looked down at her drums. "I want to see my friends smile, and that...wouldn't make anybody smile."

A sober silence fell over the group.

"Hey," Rainbow said. "If you ever need to talk about this stuff again, we're all here for you. Right, girls?"

"Absolutely," Applejack said.

"Of course, darling."

"You know it," Sunset said. The others agreed.

Pinkie smiled. "Thanks, girls. Really." She wiped her eyes one last time. "Listen, I'm...I'm gonna head home early, okay? I wanna check on Marble."

"Sure thing," Sunset said. "Let us know if you need anything, okay?"

"Thanks, I will."

* * * * *

When Pinkie got home, she found all the curtains drawn and the kitchen and living room lights on. She walked into the kitchen and found Marble sitting at the kitchen table, eating a bowl of ice cream with whipped cream and chocolate sauce. Marble looked up, blinked, and slunk down in her seat.

"Hi Marble! You decided to get up, huh?"

"M—mm-hmm," Marble murmured.

Pinkie walked over and bent down, wrapping her sister in a hug. Marble stiffened, but relaxed into her hug. "I'm glad to see you up," Pinkie said. "Mind if I join you?"

"Mm-hmm," Marble mumbled, pointing at the chair across from her with her spoon.

Pinkie made herself a sundae and sat down. "Feeling better today?"

"Mmm..." Marble shrugged, gesturing vaguely with her spoon.

"Did you eat breakfast?"


"I see you took a bath."


"Did you eat lunch?"


"Did you take Beezie out?"


"Good." Pinkie ate ice cream in silence for a minute. "It's just gonna be us tonight," she said. "Limestone's gotta work late and Maud has a date."

"Okay." Marble bit her lip. "You're friends with Shimmercode, right?"

Pinkie blinked. "Shimmerco—oh, you mean Sunset Shimmer? Yeah, why?"

Marble poked her fingertips together. "Can—can you find out what game she's streaming tonight?" she asked meekly.

"Sure, I can text and ask," Pinkie said with a shrug. "Why?"

Marble blushed. "I was kind of hoping she'd be streaming something with online play," she said. "Maybe something I could—?"

Pinkie's eyes lit up, and a happy smile blossomed on her face.

Author's Note:

It took me a long time to get into a good enough place where I could actually finish this chapter.

Depression hurts. Friends help.

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