• Published 30th Sep 2015
  • 20,661 Views, 3,414 Comments

Just Girls Talking - MythrilMoth

Ponies and their human counterparts talk about various things.

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Just Girls Talking About Sunset Shimmer's Sexual Preferences

Author's Note:

This one's a bit squiggy, but still within the Teen rating. Might make some of you a little uncomfortable, though.

And yes, I wrote this for exactly the reasons you think.

"UUUAAAAAAAAGHHHH!" Sunset Shimmer screamed, throwing her hands up in the air in disgust. "I DO NOT HAVE SEX WITH HORSES!!"

The sudden outburst shocked everybody at Sugar Cube Corner into stunned, awkward silence. Every head in the cheerful little coffee shop jerked around to stare at her.

After a long, tense moment, Mrs. Cake cleared her throat. "That's nice, dearie, but seeing as this is a family establishment, I'd appreciate if you keep such, ah...information...to yourself. I'd rather not have to throw you out."

Sunset Shimmer's eyes went wide. "Oh my gosh," she said shakily. "I'm so sorry, Mrs. Cake!" She looked around at all the people staring at her. Her face turned a shade of red that rivaled her hair. Slowly, she sank low into the booth, planting her face against the table in front of her.

Rarity coughed. "Ahem. I'm almost afraid to ask, but...what brought that on?" Wordlessly, Sunset pushed her phone across the table. Rarity picked it up, took a look, and blanched. "Gaaaah."

"Let me see!" Rainbow Dash snatched the phone away. Her eyes widened. "Oh, gross!"

Pinkie grabbed it, took a look, and let out a gasp. "WHOA! Who the heck—"

"Now that jes' ain't right," Applejack said. She offered the phone to Fluttershy, but Fluttershy shook her head and warded it off, eyes wide and frightened. Fluttershy slid closer to Sunset and gently patted her on the shoulder.

"It's okay, Sunset," she said. "I know people think you, umm...that, but the whole time we were at that ranch together that one weekend taking care of the horses, I never even saw you look at one that way."

Sunset raised her eyes up and gave Fluttershy a half-lidded stare. "Those were all mares," she said.

"Oh. Well. Yes. But still!"

Sunset's phone landed back in front of her, still displaying a rather painful-looking bit of bestiality porn some jerk had e-mailed her. She deleted the mail, then slipped her phone back in her pocket. "It's just like...at least once a week, some idiot pulls this stupid stunt," she said.

The others looked around at each other. "W-well," Rarity said, "it's just some juvenile pranks, right? I mean, even though your reputation has improved dramatically, there will always be those who just want to be mean for no reason."

"Gotta be honest," Rainbow said, looking Sunset right in the eyes, "I've always kinda wondered if you, y'know..." She shrugged. "I mean..."

Sunset lifted her head from the table and penetrated Rainbow with an intense stare. "You thought I had sex with farm animals?"

"Well it's just...you're a horse, right?" Rainbow flailed her hands about. "I mean, if it was anybody else, it'd be totally sick, but for you, wouldn't that be like...y'know...normal?"

"You know, that's a good point," Pinkie said. "I mean, that magic portal thingie gave you the body of a totally hot human babe, but inside you're still a pony. It's not like the portal just changed your whole sexual preference and all that stuff we learn about in biology, right?"

"Ah don't think Twilight got that memo," Applejack pointed out. She frowned. "Unless she's some kinda queer or somethin'." She scratched her head. "Is that even th' right word for it?"

"Absolutely not," Rarity said firmly. She patted Sunset's hand reassuringly. "Don't let it bother you."

"But it does bother me!" Sunset said. "I get that I deserve some of what I still get from the kids at school, and most of it I can put up with, but this whole horsefucker thing is just gross and I'm fed up with it!"

"Aww," Pinkie cooed, sliding a cookie in front of Sunset. "Don't get crabby, Sunny!"

"You know though," Rainbow said, "that does bring up a good question. Can human guys even satisfy you? I mean, like, take Flash. I know for a fact he's got a tiny pecker. I bet he was a real disappointment when you're used to horse cock. I mean, I've seen how huge those things get." Everybody stared at her. She blinked. "What?"

Sunset lifted her head from the table, giving Rainbow another flat stare. "Okay first of all, I never did anything with Flash Sentry. Second of all, I'm still a virgin, I don't care what you've heard about me." She frowned. "And just when the hell did you ever see Flash naked?"

Rainbow flinched and glanced at Fluttershy, who recoiled and hid behind her hair.

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Okay, whut'd Ah miss?"

"Whatever it is, I missed it too," Rarity said, quirking an eyebrow of her own.

"U-umm, w-well..." Fluttershy stammered.

Sunset blinked. "Wait. You and Flash?"

Fluttershy meeped and ducked low. "I-it's not, I mean—"

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "I caught Fluttershy givin' him head one day," she said.

The others gasped. "No way," Pinkie said, eyes wide.

Fluttershy squeaked in fright, her face glowing like a fireplace.

"Seriously?" Sunset asked, staring in disbelief at Fluttershy.

"W-well," Fluttershy stammered, "h-he was, I mean..." She sighed. "It was a few days after the Battle of the Bands. Flash was really depressed about Twilight leaving, it was his birthday and not even Pinkie Pie remembered..." She played with her hair. "I thought he could use some cheering up, so—"

"So you went down on him?" Sunset asked. "Just...out of the blue?"

Fluttershy smiled sheepishly. "I always wanted to...to try it. Just once. Umm...I was curious. And I knew he wouldn't...say anything..." she ducked low again. "A-anyway, we went out a couple of times, but we don't really have anything in common. I—I guess I should've told you I went out with your ex. I'm sorry!"

"No, it's okay," Sunset said. "I'm just a little...surprised." She frowned. "And kinda grossed out."

"What was it like?" Pinkie asked.

Fluttershy blushed even harder. "Not really worth it," she said.

"But anyway, back to the main point," Rainbow said, turning back to Sunset, "even if you never did it with any, umm, pony back home, you still gotta know what horse cock is like, right? So human dudes can't possibly measure up in your eyes, right?"

Sunset groaned. "Rainbow Dash, didn't it ever occur to you there's a reason humans and horses aren't meant to have sex?"

"Because it's wrong an' against th' law?" Applejack suggested.

"Besides that," Sunset said.

"Horse penis is sized for mares," Fluttershy said. "Human penis is sized for human girls. Mostly. Umm, I've heard of guys whose...are too big, and it hurts the girls they..." She trailed off, playing with her hair.

"Exactly," Sunset said. She folded her arms. "Look. This world is my home now. I may have been born a pony, but I'm human now. I have a human body, my human body does human body things." She grimaced. "Some of which I could live without, but anyway. If—IF—I ever start having sex, it'll be with a human. The horses in this world are mindless farm animals. You can't have a relationship with a dog, and you can't have one with a horse."

"They're not mindless," Fluttershy said with a mild scowl. "Horses are very intelligent and emotional creatures."

"But they can't buy you dinner or understand when you tell them how your day went," Sunset said. "Kind of a deal breaker. That and the whole they're farm animals thing." She shuddered. "It'd be like one of you girls having a relationship with a gorilla."

The girls reacted to this comparison with varying degrees of disgust and disdain.

Sunset glanced at the counter and winced at the look Mrs. Cake was giving them. She hurriedly drained the rest of her frappucino. "I think we've worn out our welcome," she said. She stood up, walked over to the counter, and laid a few extra bills in front of Mrs. Cake. "I'm really sorry about all that," she said. "I'm just...dealing with some stuff."

Mrs. Cake frowned, but gave her a sympathetic look. "I think I understand," she said. "But dearie? Please, the next time you and your friends want to talk about your sex lives, do it at home or at school, okay?"

"Got it," Sunset said. Her friends finished gathering up their things, and the girls left Sugar Cube Corner together.

Some of the patrons were still giving Sunset odd looks—she could feel it—but she decided not to let it bother her. As long as her friends knew she wasn't like that, and as long as she knew she wasn't like that, what did it matter what Snips and Snails were telling people about her?

*Besides,* she thought to herself, *they're just mad they never even had a shot at me.*

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