• Member Since 15th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Jun 25th, 2019

Gale Singer

Pony writer, and editor. Currently not looking for work, though I can make exceptions for quick work. PM me for fun! I often get bored between updates...

Finished Projects


Wow. · 9:21am Mar 6th, 2016

Holy hell. This site has the BEST 404 page.
Never have I been so happy to hit this page.

Report Gale Singer · 413 views ·

My New Years Resolutions... · 8:43pm Dec 30th, 2015

1) Catch up on editing work
I'm really far behind on this, so catching up is at the top of my To-Do List
2) Write that guest chapter for CrossRedstone's story
Crossy's getting antsy. Sorry Crossy.
3) Write original story(?)
Only once I catch up, and subject to whether or not I can actually write it.

Current status:
I am God... Apparently? [9/11] 2 more to go!
So we're like... Goddesses or something? [2/6] 4 more to go!
You Can't Help Who You Love. [30/32] 2 more to go!

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Comments ( 35 )
  • Viewing 31 - 35 of 35

Ye gods, your avatar is so fucking cute!:raritystarry::pinkiehappy::yay::heart:
And that's it. Have a good day.

Thank you for adding "The Reality I Choose" to your list of favorites! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :pinkiesmile:

Thanks for adding A Lost Sunset to your Tracking!

Thanks for the fav on Overshadowing the Rainbow; I'm glad you like it!

  • Viewing 31 - 35 of 35
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