• Member Since 18th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen Sep 2nd, 2020

Party Pop

I'm a young author from Equestria with plenty of ideas.

Comments ( 26 )

OMFC, this looks good. I shall read it tomorrow!

XD it was your first I have to say it was good.

6050051 It's not hard to do when your master gives you so much inspiration. :raritywink:

I think you meant Queen size instead of size Queen.

6050176 When Gold pins Party on the floor.

6050212 First, it was on the bed, second, a "size queen" is a girl who prefers really big cocks.

6050218 Ah, that makes....a fair bit more sense.

6049385 Hey, it turns out I was right: it was good. Very.

6051428 Aw, thanks! I've never written clop before, so that makes me feel pretty happy. :twilightsmile:

Wow! I mean....wow! That was amazing for your first time writing this clopfic! Even better than mine. :heart:

The details during the clop wasn't half-bad and the relationship in the BDSM activity was shown wonderfully. You did a great job. :twilightsmile:


Well Hello there Mr Jaxonian. :scootangel:

6051972 I actually really liked your clopfic. Please write more. :rainbowkiss:

50 Likes and 732 views, dear God....

6072238 Who wants to bet it gets into the feature box? :rainbowlaugh:

It has reached over 1,1000 views, sweet merciful Heaven, I think this may be your most viewed story P-Pop.

How can this be your first story? I just stumbled across it and oh my goodness, was that well written. You have some talent, and I can't wait to see more.

6277017 It's not my first story ever, just my first clop. It's good because I have a wonderful, sweet, loving, perfect Master for inspiration. :heart:

It's hit over 1400 views.....

I don't want to live on this planet anymore. I'm moving to Mars.

Comment posted by Kind of Brony deleted Sep 3rd, 2019
Comment posted by Party Pop deleted Apr 28th, 2020

This was a great story. It had the perfect amount of cuteness, kinkiness, fetish-play, and everything in-between. I'm very delighted that there's a reading of this story on YouTube. Keep up the good work! :twilightsmile:


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