• Published 1st May 2015
  • 2,362 Views, 50 Comments

Not a Monster 3: Realizations and Revelations - Dreamscape

Our protagonist discovers what friendship means with a little help from Sunset Shimmer and her friends, and he hopes to find even more than that in one of them. In the process, he discovers a real monster.

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Rising from the Ashes

So, I suppose that even though my tale is over, and I got my point across, you still want a bit more. You want some added closure. You want to know what happened after that. Well, I guess I can say a bit more, but not much.

Although things had definitely gotten much less magical at CHS after the ordeal with the sirens and the battle of the bands, it was just as magical to me. Although I never sprouted pony ears, a pair of wings, or a horn, or never felt the Equestrian magic as my friends did, I finally understood why they thought of friendship so highly. I even experienced how magical it was in my own way. I had the most amazing friends anyone could ever hope for, and knew that I could never take that for granted. I had so much fun with them and grew so content, that I began to stop worrying about the future or wallowing in the past.

Because of that, I didn’t worry much about the summer months before me and what lay after that. I didn’t worry about where I was going to work, what I was going to do to pass the time, anything like that. I was simply living in the moment, and knew that if things kept on going as they were, everything would be perfectly fine. I still wanted the kind of love that I had been searching for, but it didn’t matter to me nearly as much as it had before. I had found love, or at least realized that I had it, even if it was a different kind. Although that was the case, the kind of love that I had with those girls was just as special as love in the romantic sense. As long as I had friendship to tide me over until I did find that special someone, everything would alright. I know this is going to sound cheesy and probably pretty stupid to someone who doesn’t fully understand it, but friendship is magic. Oh, and one more thing.

After school ended and summer began, a rather warm day was making me crave food that was both somewhat spicy and full of flavor, more specifically, tacos. I returned to La Yegua Grasa to once again partake in eating the most delicious tacos I had ever had. Lo and behold, I soon discovered that Sonata must have had a similar craving. As I walked into the restaurant’s familiar, colorful interior, she looked up from her booth and our eyes met. My entire body froze, and so did hers. I wondered whether or not I should hate her. I still thought there was good somewhere inside of that girl, even after all that had happened. I knew I had felt it before. With my growing knowledge of friendship, I decided to approach her.

“Hey, Sonata,” I said somewhat awkwardly but quickly recovered. “Taco time again?”

“Yup! Same for you or…?”

“Yeah, haven’t been back since we came here that one time.”

Wowzers, and you survived without these tasty things for that long?” she asked, looking down at her half empty plate of tacos.

“I guess so,” I said with a laugh, sitting down across from her.

“Uh… hey… I sorta feel kinda bad for what I did and stuff. I don’t know if Adagio and Aria will ever do this, I mean maybe, but yeah, I’m totally sorry.”

“It’s alright, I was going to forgive you anyways,” I said with a nod and smile. “Where are those two anyways?”

“Oh, cool… and they didn’t want tacos like always. Wanna, like, eat with me since I don’t have anyone else to talk to?”

“Yeah, sounds good, maybe we can hang out more this summer at some point, too? Just figured you’d want to spend some time with someone else other than those two. I’m sure it gets old.”

She giggled. “Yeah, it so does.”

Comments ( 21 )
Comment posted by The Hat Mann deleted Jul 11th, 2015

It has finally come... shoot, I gotta eat. Gunna read it though.

I'm going to have to pace myself on this one. I don't want to end up reading the whole thing tonight :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by MLai deleted May 2nd, 2015

Thank god its over now I don't have to wonder when. The next one comes out but I'm honestly wishing it wouldnt end

this is the end or is there any chance of seeing not a monster 4

estuvo chido, me encanto

Comparing to how this story started with NaM, and where I can assume this is where it truly ends, I can say I'm quite satisfied. Considering how NaM2 ends, I was almost expecting this story to take a more distressing path, or worse. But the direction you went in instead I find was entertaining, wasn't all gloom and doom. Even though there were some mistakes made by the protagonist, and dare I say some sad parts sprinkled around here. The ending almost kinda felt bittersweet too..

My favorite part about this story was the scene with Sunset Shimmer at the gas station. It helped convince me that the two had finally put their past behind them, and were really going to move forward. Plus it was nice to see some aspects of Shimmer being a bit of a tease. Didn't feel out of character at all. And the bits with Pinkie and main character? I loved them.

So over all, any negative points I believe are hardly worth mentioning, as they are extremely minor, and would just be actually nitpicking. Final thoughts? I hate to see this story end if this is truly where it stops. But this will be a story I'll go back to for a while regardless. Good characterization, good development.

I feel like this connection that readers feel is also the exact reason why many of them believe the protagonist is a self insert. Although he may not be exactly like anyone who is currently in high school or who have experienced it, he is very relate-able to the way we did act and think during that time.

To your comment about thinking the story would end more distressingly, I was actually following a classical pattern of trilogies that can be seen throughout much of history. Although, it is normally seen in epics or tales that follow the "Hero's Journey," it seemed to work perfectly for this high school tale as well. I'd say the most well known example of this would be the original Star Wars trilogy. Basically, it is an introduction that seems almost too good to be true, a dark turn in the second piece of the trilogy, and then a redemption or return in the final piece, along with a happy ending.

5944170 I see, thank you for the clarification!

I'm... just not sure about that last-minute 'hi, I'm sorry' moment between the main character and Sonata Dusk... I'm not sure about it at all. Sure, some time has passed in the story, but... I can't really find myself believing Sonata's apology, since we're going from a different character's perspective and haven't seen what the Dazzlings have been up to, even in a one-shot side slice-of-life, since they finished using the idiot.

It's a believable ending, and there's nothing wrong with it at all, but it just... doesn't feel like an ending and it bugs me, y'know? Does that even make sense? I mean, at the end of the second story, the Dazzlings were still, well, the Dazzlings, the manipulative creatures they were born as/shaped themselves to be... What would lead to even one, even the "friendly" Sonata Dusk, feeling openly apologetic to him?

From NaM2:UtS:

“Too bad, so sad!” she exclaimed, her laugh in the same evil tone as the others. She punched a fist against my shoulder and stuck out her tongue as if it was actually a time to be playful.

Now, there was the part right after this where he thought he glanced Sonata parting with a frown, but... if she did frown, it could have been for a number of reasons. Pity. Disgust. Sadness. It could have meant anything, really.

Now, this seems to suggest it was out of pity for him more than anything else, but... still, this chapter just feels so... well, lacking in explanation, at least on Sonata's part.

That moment when I was making fun of myself in this chapter because I dress like a "hipster."

The lack of explanation in that entire final chapter was all done on purpose :raritywink: You might not feel like you're enjoying it, but look at how much you're digginh into the story and contemplating what it could mean. Narrative should always leave some aspects unexplained. It gets the reader to think and participate.

5961518 I DO enjoy it, it's just that Sonata, even after a while, having a change of heart for one person -as opposed to the entire school she helped manipulate- kinda seems... off. :D

Did she feel during the time they were toying with him she got attached to him on some level?

Is she -and her sisters- planning to use him again?


Mhm, you're just proving my point further, haha. That questioning is exactly what I want.

5961655 I suppose so.

Sonata is not the kind of trouble that could hurt you, if you are mature enough to establish the boundaries of the relationship. As long as she wants the relationship more than you do, she can't do anything against you. The moment she tries to drag you into any sort of drama, be ready with the "Why are you telling me this?" speech. I think the protag, at the end of this story, is ready to be in charge of his social life.

Aria and especially Adagio, though, are just Trouble. The protag may be at a better place now, but he's still 20 years too early to take them on.


This, my good friend, was honestly one of my favorite fan fictions on this site. I love the entirety of it and how the trilogy works together fluidly. All in all, I have to say that while I hate things to end, I'm glad it's ending where it is and leaves on a relative high note. The main character, for all the shit he went through, is better than he started and it amazes me how you created such a pleasing character develop in this way. Sad to see it end, but happy I got an end!

So this is the complete? No fourth part with Friendship Games, whatsoever?

The story was good, but...I actually feel a little disappointed. Not to say I'm not grateful that he at least solved his issues and it didn't end in a catastrophe. It's just that the first two parts were Romances and I kind of missed that in the final part. I mean, sure it was used as a kind of weakness he had to overcome, but I personally would have loved to see him fall in love again as some kind of happy ending like the first part of your story (my favorite, even though it is soured for me now through the breakup). I'm a little glad for that ending, even though it seemed just too short for me. :pinkiesad2:

What I wanted to say is that it was well written and the story was well-built, but I just personally wished I had never read beyond the first part of your story. I somehow find all the occurrences a little depressing (like I said hoping for a Romance to continue, even though I understand why it didn't), even though he had a happy end. But that are just my personal preferences, I guess. I really wished I would feel different about this story and that ending. :ajsleepy:

Edit: Maybe I was just a bit overdramatic. After a good night of sleep I'm looking at the story differently. At least I see it less depressing now. Still wished to see some more Romance now. I would love to see a fourth part with Sonata at the Friendship Games! :yay:

I love it.

The first was a self-sucking Sunset story, then the second got real, and this did too. As a 14 year old cuck who’s always dead inside, I could understand anon’s level of, obsession over that hole in his heart. And the downspiral and loss of emotions and control, wow.

No more words. Pure goodness. :pinkiesmile:

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