A one shot EqG FlutterDash story. After loosing a game, Rainbow Dash needs to escape with the help of Fluttershy which leads to the two reminiscing about the past, rekindling their strong friendship and maybe even igniting something more.
Cover Art: Head on a Rainbow by Raikoh-illust
I love it!
Wow! 33 likes and 20 favs, that's the most I've ever gotten and it was even in the popular stories box. Thank you all so much for giving the story a chance. You are all awesome!
Aww, 'tis so cute :3
Love it!
50 likes! I can't believe it just keeps going up. After over a year of searching, I think I finally found what I'm good at writing. I'll definitely be doing more shipping in the future.
Omigod please please PLEASE write more flutterdash fanfic! You did a nice job on this.
I just might and thanks.
The main reason I decided to make this story in the EqG universe was to tap into the high school setting. If this story was normal pony it just wouldn't have had the feel I wanted and probably wouldn't even be the same story at all.
You'll be happy to know though, that the next shipfic I'm doing will in fact be pony.
fluttershy says yaaaaaay
and dash is like SWAG!!!!
its so totally awsome
I loved this story it was so amazing I really hope that there will be more like this one.:
Well, thank you! I am actually working on another shipfic right now. It's about...halfway finished. Let's just say this one is a bit more meaningful and the pairing is definitely more uncommon. It may be a while though. I've been so busy with school related stuff that I haven't had much time to write...or I'm just not in the mood to haha.
Um, excuse me, I'll have the sequel with a side of RIGHT NOW please. Thank you.
Hmmm maybe some day
Aww, whats wrong? A little too sweet for ya?
3474457I usually get really pissed off because people make the characters homosexual , but since this is actually the best fanfic I read for a while and it put a smile on my face, I'm gonna have to say congratz
Awwww yay! Thanks!
Wait huh? Why does that piss you off?
3496066 Because it's just annoying when people try to bring homosexuality into the show, it's just really annoying how often people try to do that...
How do you know that there are no homosexual characters in the show?
I mean the only ones in the show of the main six that actually show any signs of sexuality is Twilight in Equestria girls and Rarity for prince blueblood. Other than that how do you know?
3556337 Dude...it's a show made for little kids.I doubt they would let the characters show any signs of homosexuality . The "signs of homosexuality" you speak of are simply the older fans trying to make the show more interesting, they are no more than rumors spread to make the characters seem to have a much deeper background than they already have. I'm sorry if this decieved you but don't worry, it happens with every fandom of a show .
I said signs of sexuality. Not homosexuality. The characters on the show for the most part don't show any interest in anyone except to name a few. Like Twilight blushing about Flash Sentry, Rarity wanting a prince, the cakes having babies, spike's crush. And why is it that homosexuality isn't for kids? That's nonsense. They should be educated on the matter in my opinion so they don't get a bias standpoint on homosexuality and have their sense on the matter broadened. I think it would be cool if the show actually showed homosexuality. But I doubt that will happen. Too much controversy for that shit. Hasbro wouldn't want that.
Anyways the thing you said about people making rumors to add character depth, is that a bad thing? the canon show by itself is good but people are free to twist things in their own stories like make characters homosexual. hell sometimes the stories are better than the actual show. I'm bothered when they try to do a story according to canon yet make a character like spike homosexual when its clear he isn't. I mean yeah it happens to every fandom and my answer to you is......soooo what? just don't read the stories that don't suit your tastes. The characters in the show could be gay. Like Fluttershy, you don't know her sexuality, because she never shows interest in anyone in that way.
Anyways, If homosexuality bothers you in Fimfiction, then don't read stories about same sex pairings. There is a filter.
3572760 "And why is it that homosexuality isn't for kids? That's nonsense. They should be educated on the matter in my opinion so they don't get a bias standpoint on homosexuality and have their sense on the matter broadened." ARE YOU F***ING KIDDING ME WITH THIS STATEMENT?! Kids shouldn't be educated in things that are too explicit for their age!
You obviously don't know how shows for the whole family work, if there are kids watching why would they hint at homosexuality? Sure it's an interesting topic and it's sometimes even cute, but it's not appropriate for kids. And I didn't say you weren't talking about signs of sexuality, I'm merely stating that there are less signs of homosexuality if not ANY signs of homosexuality in the show. Whereas signs of sexuality or "love" in a kids case would be much less obscure and much less inapropriate.
Plus the signs of sexuality outnumber the signs of homosexuality in the show, the fanfics showing signs of homosexuality doesn't bug me, it's the fact that it's so overused that pisses me off. If you're going to show a love interest in characters in my opinion it should be more sexual than homosexual.
Plus to be completely honest I doubt Lauren Faust or Hasbro approves of these "signs of homosexuality" that the fandom seem to be bringing up, they know that many kids watch the show and allot of Bronies or Pegasisters are kids so they wouldn't hint at homosexuality. I stand by what I said before, if these "signs of homosexuality" that you seem to be so pursuaded that MLP has to offer then you ought to know that it's simply Bronies that sneak them in there, not the original creators.
My point is (As if I haven't already stated it at all ) that if the fandom wants to keep sneaking homosexuality into the show, then I'm fine with it. But if it gets overused to the point of having like 500 fanfics based off the topics then I'll get pissed. The homosexuality theories that Bronies bring up don't bother me, it's because they are litterally brought up eveywhere I look.
hahahaha 2 things.
1. What about homosexuality in general is too explicit for children? Kids know what homosexuality is. Most do anyways. Some even know relatives who are gay. Its not too explicit. If your talking about what homosexual people do behind closed doors that's taking things way too far and is not what I was saying at all. Sexuality IS homosexuality. Its a type of sexuality. Sexuality in general is attraction or love. it can be homosexual or heterosexual. Some people are bisexual and pansexual but that's whole other topic. I'll give you an example of a kid friendly MLP episode with homosexuality. Say fluttershy comes out and says she's gay. Her friends at first think she's weird. She's hurt and cries friends start to see fluttershy is no different than how she normally is and boom they make up, twilight writes to Celestia about what she learned about acceptance and tolerance for other's preferences and package that and wrap it up! Episode for kids and adults, nice moral about accepting and tolerating those who are different and you got a kid's episode. Do you think that scenario I described was too explicit for a 7 or 8 year old girl?
2. the reason homosexuality is prominent in mlp fanfiction is because most of the characters in the show are female and very few male characters that you know. Spike, Big Mac, Soarin, Flash Sentry and that cowboy from the buffalo episode (Braeburn?) and Shining Armor. Other than them there are no male characters known. You'd have to make OCs and that takes more time and planning and can be risky, because you gotta make him fit with the MLP world and the characters. Its no wonder there are a lot of lesbian stories on the site when you look for romantic stories. Its not over-used its just more suited for the world. You know more about the female characters and their relationships with each other are strong so its not that unbelievable considering the lack of development with the male characters. Spike and Shining Armor being exceptions.
3574077 Are you even listening? I said that I doubt Hasbro would feature homosexuality on the show! Plus homosexuality and sexuality are two different things. Sexuality is the relationship between male and female, homosexuality is the relationship between two people of the same gender.
I don't want to start an argument with you, I really don't. But laughing at my statements and making it hard for me to put my point across is just making you look like a douche. There's this new thing, it's called PLOTTING. If you're suggesting that people are too lazy to make an OC that fits into the story as well as the other characters then that's pretty pathetic, I practically had my OC in the story with a unique character, an interesting background story that matched his behavour and had planned out what would happen if he met all of the characters in a matter of simply two days. Where as the mane six probably took at least months to make! Why not just make up your own male character (Like everybody does) and have them develop a love relationship with one of the mane six?!
All the statements I needed to make are in my last comment, but you seem to be being ignorant and simply sticking to your point rather than listening to much of the things I'm saying! Look, in your mind homosexuality may be appropriate for kids, but no one would ever approve of homosexuality being hinted on a kids show! The show has been going for almost three years now, why would they suddenly throw homosexuality into the show? It would shock everyone, even the Bronies that are 18+ years old! And I doubt that Fluttershy would just come up to her friends and say she's gay without showing any signs of a homosexual love relationship before hand, and if she did how would that be kid friendly? It's basically saying that the owners want to make the characters in the show seem more sexual, why would they? Kids are watching this f***ing show dude. And fanfics that include homosexuality are more fitting for the world, how? Allot more people will feel more comfortable if it was a female to male relationship, plus I think that allot of Bronies would feel put off if they saw that half the fanfics on this site are about homosexuality...
Woah alright chill. I'm just having a conversation with you man.
I know Hasbro wont introduce homosexuality into the show, because it would create too much controversy. Look what happened with derpy with just her name and eyes. So I get that, but I still think personally it would make a good episode. You didn't answer my question either. You danced around it. I asked what is about homosexuality that is too explicit for children? Give me a straight answer. do you think it is too explicit for children because its between those of the same gender. And no literally the definition of sexuality is the ability to have an erotic or sexual response. Sexual orientation is what you are attracted to. Homosexuality is the attraction to the same sex, heterosexuality is attraction to opposite sex. Sexuality is not automatically heterosexuality. Look it up.
And you didn't read what I said did you. I said OCs are an option. but they are harder to do. why? Because you have to create a deep interesting character otherwise no one will be interested. And having an OC be with the mane six, it has to be an OC that works and a lot of the time it doesn't work because the mane six become OOC. Its hard to keep a balance. And I refuted all your points. You are not acknowledging what I said. I'm not ignorant of what you're saying, I just disagree and I am stating why I disagree with you're point of view.
Also that statement about no one accepting homosexuality In a kid's show is just religious or bias claims that its not appropriate yet they show characters in the show liking the opposite sex or showing crushes. Homosexuality isn't innapropriate and you have already shown clearly you can't state why it is. You just state that homosexuality is liking people of the same gender instead of heterosexuality where as you are liking someone of the opoosite gender. Which doesn't prove anything you said other than "hey there is a difference in sexual orientations!"
3574327 Holy s*** you replied to that fast , homosexuality has nothing to do with religion, just wanted to get that out of the way.
It's inappropriate for kids because when they learn about people being homosexual or "gay" in their way of saying things they soon come to find that it can be used as an insult, and parents don't want their kids to be calling other people gay! Plus this is the very reason Anti-Bronies exist, because other people use the word as an insult they think that anyone who does something that's not likely for their gender to do they think they must be gay.
How am I not acknowledging what you're saying? If I wasn't acknowledging it then I wouldn't come the the point of saying that you were being ignorant would I? I noticed that you were pretty much saying the same thing as before!
Now enough of this nonsense, our pathetic arguing is making Fluttershy cry!
Oh fluttershy is tougher than she looks!
no, you didn't acknowledge me before because you took what I said out of context like with the "are you f**king kidding me with this statement?"
Also I have to ask why did you read a story that clearly stated was flutterdash even if you hate stories that have homosexuality. You think its over-used but you still read them?
And kids wouldn't take it as bullying. Kids aren't that stupid. I mean yes kids do use gay as an insult but that's up to the parents. Besides its all the more reason why we should teach kids that saying gay as an insult isn't nice and we shouldn't do it. This is why I'm saying teach them more about it. sexual orientation is as genetically determined as whether you're right or left handed, and we don't make fun of the left handed kids. Its important we teach kids this but religion or bias does block this. Christianity is renowned for its homophobia view point. Again not all Christians are homophobes but religion teaches kids to look at the world through a doctrine rather than experience and knowledge. I don't hate religion, but I do see how it blocks an open mind at a young age. I was homophobic when I was younger but I sat down and did some research talk to gay people and came to understand there is nothing wrong with it, and we shouldn't treat homosexuals differently and tolerate their preferences. I think that's a nice message that MLP could do (though of course they won't.)
its the same as not teaching kids about mental illness because then they'd see it as an insult (retard.) But if we don't broaden their knowledge, then the world is gonna be full of narrow minded assholes who promote stigma, and I will have to share a planet with them. so I'm saying, teach kids more shit about how life works. So they can develop their own opinions and understanding of it rather than just growing up believing homosexuality is "unnatural" because the "bible says so." Seriously look it up, religion does have an effect on children and can have bias opinions about gay people.
There is actually a group of Christian bronies who have forums discussing why homosexuality is evil and wrong.
3574504 So you're saying that if people aren't taught things that are inappropriate for their age the world will consist only of "narrow minded assholes"? We don't teach them that stuff now unless they ask and the world has plenty of smart people...
Plus you're making more Ponies cry
fine if you want to ignore it then I'll concur and stop. I like arguing about things like this, because it gives me more understanding of why people are against the things that they are. I am trying to be civil you know. I meant no ill will.
3574538 So you said about fifteen minutes ago that we weren't arguing but now you agree with me, plus who the fuck enjoys arguing? Are you some kind of troll? And by saying that I am against what I am you're dropping down to the level of petty insults? Maybe I'm the troll here...
Your realisation of how you were making things worse has made the Ponies happy
Wait what? How was I making things worse? This was an argument sure, but I was trying to keep it civil. which is why when I said calm down i'm only having a convo with you. By the way a conversation is just exchanging ideas or points of view. We were arguing our conflicting points but there isn't anything wrong with that. You learn things you keep an open mind. I try not to make it heated.
3574564 Well for starters you just called me gay...
......okay what? When give me citations! I did not call you gay once. And if I did I doubt it was in insult. Are we even looking at the same text. I did not once personally attack you.
3574585 " I like arguing about things like this, because it gives me more understanding of why people are against the things that they are." And you seem to think I'm against homosexuality then...well...figure it out for yourself.
3574585 3574576
Whoa, when did my fic becoming a message board for discussing homosexuality?
3574605 Since Fluttershy started crying
It all started with a question, it kinda went from there
I re read all the text from that point, not once did I call you gay.
3574618 Sure you didn't...
You blatantly stated you are against homosexuality in stories. Anyways I never said you were gay I simply said I wanted to know why you are against homosexuality it stories because you said "it pisses me off when people put homosexuality into the show."