• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 9,857 Views, 729 Comments

'I Hate Ponies!' - Scripture

Friends of an avid brony get swept up into Ponyville. The problem? They have a deep dislike of MLP!

  • ...

Announcement (Not part of story)

Dear reader who stayed around to read my story,

Although the idea had been floating around my head since the last few chapters, I had not really given it much thought as to it, but now... Now i feel like it should come to fruition.

To put it bluntly, I have decided to cancel this story. There will be no more chapters, no official ending, no more to say on the subject with me.

I can say that this is my most popular and most well-known story out of everything I have put on this site and that it indeed has given me quite a lot of followers and a lot of views. It's an incredible feeling when, all of a sudden, you have a story that reaches 1000 views in only a few hours! I can remember how that was with I Hate Ponies! In all honesty, I never really expected it to have any success. It was a cheesy, HiE story with a slight self insert main protagonist. I admit all of that. Jack, Matt, and Xavier is a recollection of a few times in my life with friends. And yes, they both hated MLP in real life as well.

I suppose... I suppose the story went sour as soon as I started to let too much of my life into it, along with the background stories for all the characters. It felt weak and I shouldn't have done it. I know that now. It was a stupid mistake done by a stupider, past me. I suppose I was so much in the hype of "oh look! People actually like my story!" and focused less on the actual story. Looking back now, I cringe every single time I think about the background stories to Jack, Matt, and Xavier. I barely even want my eyes to touch the pages for Jack beating up Matt and the hospital scenes afterward. I went way too far down a road I should not have strode down upon. And the whole Celestia, Luna, and Kelly thing? Jeez...

I am deeply and regrettably sorry about all of that. You guys deserved better.

The other big reason is that I don't want anybody who actually expects more chapters of this story to come out, to come out with fluidity or repetition. I really wish I could do that, but we all know the excuse... Life, school, family, finances, job, etc. If I could have another me to do SOLELY fanfictions, I would do it in a heartbeat. But, since this is real life and not some sci-fi novel, I can't.

Really, I wouldn't even know how the hell to salvage this story now. If I had to salvage it, it would be all the way back when I had Xavier go bananas and on a mini rampage. I still can't believe I did that... I mean, it wasn't nearly as bad as the near-death blow to Matt's face or me stupidly letting that kiss go through... Wow, I forced that so much. So ashamed...

Of course, I had my ideas of what was going to happen next, why/how they were in Equestria in the first place, etc etc etc. I had planned on at least a few more chapters, depending on how it flowed. But then the flow stopped, clogged by all the crap I didn't see until now, and I really... really can't continue this story. I mean I obviously physically can, but it's too far gone to actually fix really.

Am I saying it the most complete and utter garbage piece of work in the world? No, of course not. I remember quite a few funny parts I inserted in the story, little one liners and repetitive jokes used to keep the mood lighter and playful. I mean, if this fanfiction was junk, I wouldn't have continued it for so long. But, I suppose because so many liked it before it got sour, I got more attached and more into wanting to produce more chapters for people. It's hard to say no to a crowd who ask for an encore.

So I think I cleared up why exactly I want to cancel this story, and I will be preemptively answering a few questions that may arise from here...

1. Is there ever a chance you will reconsider?

A- Sorry, but there isn't.

2. What about your other stories on FimFiction?

A- Even though my biggest story, this story was my most flawed. It felt like an arm with frostbite that really needed to be cut off.

3. Will you be on more to update stories?

A- When summer rolls around I SHOULD have more time to create chapters to my stories. SHOULD.

4. Will you post a chapter that will round up everything here then?

A- I did consider it but it is a personal opinion that a shitty ending is even worse than an incomplete story. At least with an incomplete story, you can dream up what can happen, what will be revealed. When you have a shitty ending, you get a pile of dung and that's it. Nothing else. If I even try to wrap this up, it's going to be bad. REAL bad.

5. Wow... you just seem to be hating on your story a lot is all.

A- Well, when you have multiple flaws in a story that you realize about it and can't fix now, even though you have had a "successful" story on here, it can get a bit frustrating and some venting, along with reasoning as to my decision, is needed.

6. Why did you write all of this in a chapter and not a blog entry?

A- Well, the reason being is because obviously not all of the favoriters on this story follow me. I'd rather talk to every single person that was part of this story than just the select who happened to follow me as well. That just wouldn't be fair, right?

As the last part of my entry (sorry for making this so long), I want to thank quite a few people...

Mainly my editors who have helped me edit, go through, correct grammar, check the basic story-line, give critiques, etc on not just this story, but many of my stories throughout my time on FimFiction thus far. Mind you, these are their names at the time editing was done:





Echo Four


Herr Kawne

Innate Enigma


I would like to thank every single one on this piece and other pieces worked on (and probably more in the future). You are all so incredibly great to want to edit my work!

Lastly, and certainly being the most cheesy, I want to thank all of you readers who, not only went through the whole ordeal of this story, but also this final chapter in a sickly story. Hopefully, I come up with something in the future you all enjoy just as much and we will meet there, once again!

And, because I feel it's kinda needed, I suppose I will give you a short outro and NO it is not the intended ending to I Hate Ponies!...


... Scripture shook his head sadly at the mistreatment of one of his favorite old books. It was worn, ragged, and seemed like one too many bookworms had crawled their way through the forests of ink and pages. It was a shame, really. Scripture had put his heart into reading it when he was a younger stallion. It was something to be proud of for him, almost as if it was his own book. Melancholy washed over his mind as he absently gazed over it's moldy cover. He spotted the title, worn down so only a few marks of silver were left showing, but it was still quite discernible as "I Hate Ponies!" It really was an odd title, something he considered the main attraction to the story. But now, after flipping through it, he noticed where the worms had bored holes through, the pages mold and mildew had decided to make fuzzy plains on. All that was left now was a sickened story, left around to age and get worse as the book wore on. With a deep sigh, Scripture tentatively walked over to his wastebasket, usually filled with a litter of paper or broken pencils. Today, however, it rang with an empty clunk as it fit at the bottom of the bin, always to have memories of but never to revisit again.

One story can change your life, even the stupid and unexpected ones.


Comments ( 45 )

Damnit... Really man? I JUST recommended your story as one of the best comedies on here, literally ten minutes ago, and then I find this! I feel slightly offended.

Don't worry though, it's hilarious as it is. You should make a re-write instead of completely blowing this off.

What a shame. Ah well, twas' fun while it lasted. Best of luck to ya. :moustache::moustache:

Aww... I respect your decision, but the disappointment lives on.

Looking forward to more of your work, thou, even if it isn't on this particular fic...

You say this was a sickly story; but I say it was like a cancer, a benign cancer. People that find out they have cancer are depressed about it, but those around might keep hope by saying "it might not be as bad as you think". Listen to those around you, they could make you feel better about such things.

(Shame I was really enjoying the story and characters.)

As an author who has had a story in a similar situation as this on I can only tell you how right and wrong you are. Everything you said may be true to you and since you are the one writing it that's what matters most. If an author hates parts of or the whole of their story, then it will never be as great as they wish. But I also say that you are wrong to just give up on something that could very well be healed and mended into something amazing and beautiful. If the story has some of your own life as part of it, then so be it. Because every story needs a part of the author in it in any way possible, that way the story is unique among all others, self-inserty or otherwise. Don't give up so soon. Let this story stay around because even if you never plan on finishing it as is, you still wrote it and you never know when you may get another spark of inspiration to start again and rewrite this wonderful tale anew.

Best wishes to you Scripture.

May Celestia guide your days, And Luna guard your nights.

I must say, it's of a higher quality compared to the usual riffraff this site spews out day by day.
It was flawed and way over the top at times, but it definitely had its moments.

I expressed my distaste of the Matt beatdown a couple of chapters back, and criticized a lot of things. But seriously, I was among the only guys who felt bad for Matt.
That sequence could work out as a great social experiment. So much for being friends, so much for the supposed 'love and tolerance'. :ajbemused:
A shame it had to end up this way. As I said, the story had its moments. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

May it Rest in peace

I think I somewhat know how my readers feel now.:rainbowderp:

*sees I hate ponies updated*
*clicks on chapter*

To put it bluntly, I have decided to cancel this story.

What you have just done to me:

Fun fact bud. Yea. You may have screwed up here and there regarding what you wanted the story to become, but from a casual reader's perspective, you managed to tie it all together remarkably well. Yes, it was a chaotic mess at certain points, but it was a genuinely enjoyable chaotic mess. As an Avid Pathfinder player, I know what it's like to have a creation of yours take on a life of it's own. It is, at best, an intensely frustrating experience. However, when something you create manages to pull that off, that says something about you. You managed to create something in such detail that you were no longer it's master. Instead, you were a mere observer reporting what you saw. That's an impressive thing.

If you'd like to work on increasing your skill as an artist, I have one recommendation for you. When that happens, don't simply end it like this. Find a way to weave your story, your characters back tot he path that you originally wanted them on. Let the story, the creation continue to live, and allow it die naturally.

I had a character once in a Pathfinder campaign that took on such a life of his own, that I was actually forced to simulate PTSD. That was one of the most singular difficult things I have ever managed to do. Finding an end for that character though, that was just, made the entire experience worth it. Another time, I created a setting and story for the game. The players I unleashed in it brought such a life to it that I entirely lost control of the goings on. In that instance, I controlled everything BUT the characters. Finding a way to weave it back on the path that I had intended was exceedingly difficult but more than worth it.

If I understand you correctly, you lost control of your creation. Don't give it up just yet. Do your level best to recreate it into something new. Perhaps not with this story, but this one certainly deserves that chance, at least, in my opinion.

...And I shall be there again, waiting to help out, Scripture. I think I've ironed out my IRL problems, so I have heaps of time on my hands.:pinkiesad2:

Don't feel disheartened by this minor setback in that glorious head of yours. Everyone knows that behind every failure, there is an equal or even greater opportunity. Don't even for a second expect to satisfy everyone that may read your story, and don't ever rush yourself for their benefit. Hell, I know some of this site's great writers, "Do what I want!" all the time. Massive re-writes, overhauls, and throw-outs happen more often then they care to explain to their readers, yet the still are followed. Essentially what they say>>2424176

I somehow feel partially responsible for this ending too short, not being around to opinionate and criticize. Oh well, I am fully behind your choice and am eagerly waiting upon the next story, however long it takes to write. Totally not being a yes man....

BTW, This seems so selfish..... IM ON TOP!!! And it isn't alphabetical!! WHY??!! I don't deserve the glory!! (Anoobus93, if people find this weird)

Well, I'd be lying if I said I didn't see this coming. Still, I'll miss this story. But I'll respect your decision. At least we can all look back on the previous chapters and enjoy all the goofiness it contained. Good luck with your future work.

Aru #15 · Apr 14th, 2013 · · 3 ·

I've seen it comming. It looked like you have taken too much stuff from real persons around you, not from your head. People thinks that self inserts/basing characters or even throwing real people into stories is making things easy for author...wrooong, as we can see in your announcement this can be a complicated piece of crap.

Even if this story has been finished, try and incorporate some of the elements into your future fics... Anyway good luck on your future ones :3

Too bad...that story was quite interesting. :fluttershysad:Oh well, it is your story and the life of it was in your hands. However I will say this; one line I will never forget from this story... “WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GETTING ALL THESE VASES FROM?!”
“FROM MY ASS!”:rainbowlaugh:


lol, reply to a 24 week old comment ftw:twilightsheepish:

Dang this was an good one it's going to be missed!

I only just found this wonderful story and read it all in one afternoon to find that you had cancelled it.

I found the story brilliant and amusing, while you may think it is a completely unsalvageable think again, this has alot of potential to be continued, even if you start a second fiction that carries over the events after things settle down a bit. I truly believe this fanfic can be brought back

aye my good sir. Ye do what ye think is good for ya, and I thank ya for doing it as a story entry. Godspeed to ya

It's scary, isn't it? That a story can write itself so proficiently as to do such dark things to people you care about. That's probably why I'm having so much trouble continuing my SiE (self in Equestria) story series - I know where the story is taking me, and it terrifies me a little...
Yet, it is a story that must be written.
And so, I write.

Do what you need to. I found this story to be decent, but if you need to cut the hydras off at the heart, go for it.

OH COME ON! Please reconsider dude! This is one of my favorite stories on FIMFic and I really don't want it to end.

Comment posted by JDLENL deleted Apr 14th, 2013

Alright so don't fix this story if you don't want to, that's cool. But you have a really cool concept and that's what drew in your readers. Perhaps you think this story is unsalvageable but now you know your mistakes and can avoid them. I think it would be a awesome if you reused the concept to wright a new story. Same premise just more refined I suppose. The character types were good, the concept was cool, and I think it would be really awesome to see this kind of a story done right, which you can now do since you've learned from your mistakes.

To be frank your story started off good, but it was a shameless self insert with a misleading title ( just pointing out what you forgot ) this wasn't about haters in Equestria it was about a self obsessed bastard who treated his friends like crap , blamed all his mistakes on them and nearly killed one too. Lets face it he was about to get away with attempted murder , forgiven with no consequence to his actions and probably ending up saving the world and getting a threesome with the royal sisters . In short he was everything one hates about a brony and Im glad you put the bastard down .

As all great tales do, it seems like another shall join them.

That last line hit me right in the feels somehow

RIP 'I Hate Ponies'

It's been a good run, dude. This story was a good exercise in finding out what works for you and your readers, for sure, but I think that triumphs over the flaws in your writing.

You may do well to eventually reboot this fic, but you are right when you say the current material is unsalvageable. Up to you, though, if you think it's worth it.

That said, if you ever need a proofreader or editor when summer rolls around, I'd like to be among the first to get a crack at your story.

I read all this and then there was a advert for Furbies at the bottom. Way to ruin the mood adverts...

The fact that this story came to an end isn't much of a surprise to me; the rage by Xavier was a bit odd as was Kelly coming out of nowhere (it couldn't been worked with though.) I would've kept reading despite those problems. Maybe you could re-do the story instead of a straight canceling, though maybe later on.

Your ending have me an idea for a fic though; I should start it now before it goes away like a dream.

I just read through the whole fic because I saw it in the featured box update area
And this is what i find? BLOODY HELL MAN! This was very good. I'm sad to see it go.

Another good story gets cancel.:fluttercry: Man I was really enjoying this but it is your story and I have no right to tell you otherwise. Thanks for the story.:pinkiesad2:

If I may, I'd like to input my two cents on this subject.

As an avid reader who has really enjoyed this story, I am, to say the least, disappointed to hear that it will not be continued. I was looking forward to seeing how these characters, with their diverse backgrounds and unique problems, would be reconciled to each other. I felt like this was heading down a really strong path which would emphasize the "Magic of Friendship" and the qualities which the show represents.

I understand that you feel cheap for using other people's stories in your own work, but it made your characters feel REAL (probably because, to some degree, they were!). They were people we could relate to, identify with. That is a VERY difficult accomplishment to pull off in any work of fiction and you played it to a "t." It's what pushes this story way over the top of others that I've read and puts it more on a professional level of writing.

Now, that said, as someone who has also aspired to write a fanfic for several years now (a desire which was inspired partly by THIS fanfic), I understand why you're ending the story here. I think I may have mentioned before that the last chapter seemed to be getting out of hand with the girlfriend's appearance. It seemed like a rather unnecessary complication, when you already had lots of things flying around. The scene where the main protagonist beats up his friend also seemed a little overdone, though not completely out of place. It wasn't unfixable, in my opinion. I think you still had a lot you could work with and if you couldn't work around the mistakes, it's not unreasonable to say "oops, I messed up guys, that wasn't how I meant for it to happen" and rewrite it.

Like I said, I understand. The reason I've never started a fanfic here is because I've never been able to plot out a story enough to ensure it won't collapse under its own weight. You feel like that's what your story has done, and you can't prop it up enough to push through. I don't think that's really the case, but it's your story, not mine, and at the end of the day, I must commend you. You've written a wonderful tale, and yet had the good sense to end it early instead of letting it stagnate when you felt you could not contribute meaningfully to it anymore. I appreciate that in an artist.

TL;DR version: Good job on a well-written story and for choosing to end it while you were still ahead. I'm still following you in hopes of one day reading another fanfic as excellent as this one.

Best of luck,



I kinda' expected this.
Thank you for what we got. And good luck on your next works.

P.S. Rakdar, that is very rude.

2426016 Yeah, I agree with you on the attempted murder part. This guy was a douche.

Even though there are plenty of people who have said similar things, I'll say my two bits.

Yeah you screwed up, but that's something we all do, I did it with my story, but I decided to go back and rewrite it. Even though it was(and still is) a colossal pain in the flank. But I went back and did it for my readers, cause they enjoyed it and I felt that if I just up and canceled the story I would regret it later. I'd say the same thing applies here too. The idea was good and the beginning was great, a few rough patches but great none the less and to see you just up and cancel the story just like that because it need some work is...well, sad. Not too mention your reasons for cancelling the story (and no offense) sound like your just having a little pity party for yourself. You know what you did wrong and where it went wrong, and instead of saying okay guy's I screwed up, excuse me while I clean the cluster flop up, you went and wrote this little pity party chapter and quit.

But hey, if you don't want to mess with this story anymore, then that's fine. But I have a feeling that one day you'll look back and think. "Man, I wish I hadn't quit on that old fanfic of mine. If I had only gotten off my bum and fixed it, it could have been awesome." Just saying man.

Rick Grimes represents your fans
You represent The Governor
your story represents Hershel
if you get this, have a good laugh

Thank you for canceling this story the cringe was over 9000

Down rate do to cancelling. Lazy!

I don't hate ponies; just the fandom and all of you!

I'm not prejudiced. I dislike everyone.

So, if this ever gets revived I got shipping ideas....

Xavier/Vinyl Scratch - Because both are crazy and Vinyl will kick his ass when needed.

Fluttershy/Matt - Fluttershy will make sure Matt is loved, whether he wants to be or not.

Jack/Applejack - She has a huge....plot of land!

I would like to think that they lived happily ever after

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