I'm going to get back into writing. · 6:52am Apr 11th, 2015
Yup, you read that right. All six of you.
I'll be getting back into writing very soon which means I need a certain someone to tell me if he wants to be co-writers.
So drop a comment on this post if you're willing.
Here's to hoping he reads this!
- InsaneFox
Thank you for enjoying my silly story so far, Snuggles!
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Thank so much for the favorite! It really means a lot to me. If you want, please leave me a comment or PM me on what you like about my story. No worries if you don't. Either way, you have a good day!
Thanks for the favorite! Also, I'm loving the Chrysalis avatar pic!
Thank you for the favorite on Sunset in Azeroth!
Thanks for favoriting Tales of the Battle Foals!
Thanks for the favourite on Flame of Disparity! I hope what I have continues to entertain!
Thanks for the fav on Familiar!
Absolutely love the name in every way, shape, and form! Thanks for giving Daedalus' New World a read and being so kind as to add it to your favorites!