• Published 18th Aug 2014
  • 10,639 Views, 297 Comments

Fall of Equestria: Sun's Setting - Twipet

The caribou are landing at the town of Lindisbarne. Everypony's throwing them a welcoming celebration and the Canterlot unicorn Sunrise Splendor hopes it'll be exciting in this boring town. She may be getting more than she wishes for.

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Comments ( 72 )

Well... then let me ask you this: What constitutes a "decent" story in your eyes?

he baked



Oh for- I was making a JOKE. In admittedly poor taste, but still, a joke. That, and I actually like Bruised Apples. As much as one can love a Fall of Equestria story anyway. Where was I going with this?

Hmmm, okay. I apparently just missed the joke. My bad.

I have to ask, how the hell do they put runes on their bones when they don't show any advanced medical knowledge to do so without causing some permanent damage?

garfan #6 · Nov 1st, 2015 · · 1 ·

6588801 why does anyone need to know that? I don't like this story but that seens to be digging

6589126 If you were to read any other canon fic, the Caribou either don't have the knowledge or just don't show any knowledge of medical procedure. That is why I'm asking how they were able to carve runes inside their own bones. This might also explain how most Caribou were able to fight most rebellious people no problem, but the question of to how is still up since like I said, it either never showed their knowledge nor does it state they have any knowledge of that. Might even explain how they are a bit OP as well.

Twipet #8 · Nov 1st, 2015 · · 3 ·

6589172 He's a Runemaster. That's really all you need to know about him. The others aren't that extreme, and he's a rather strange one.

How is that an answer to Gizmo's question?

6590013 That's the long answer. The short answer is "He's a Runemaster, I don't got to explain shit." The really looong answer is he's the Runemaster of Bone. A runemaster is someone who has put their entire life to their field of study. Etadys, well, he went further as you can see. Let's just say that his particular fields of study don't really allow him to catch infection and the like. Also, the runes weren't all done at one time. There's a lot you can survive by doing it little by little.


Let's just say that his particular fields of study don't really allow him to catch infection and the like.

Ooookay... that doesn't really make sense, but sure, let's go with it for now.

6589172 Also, it has never been said in any of the canon stories that the caribou don't know anything about medicine. That's something you're pulling out of your ass.

6590153 I was just trying to say that the Caribou haven't shown this kind of knowledge because they either don't know or they don't show off or talk about this talent in the fics. If I missed a part of them having this knowledge, then maybe I should do a reread. Wasn't trying to say that them not having this knowledge is canon, because I was legitly asking if they don't show this knowledge because they don't see this talent as flaunt worthy or do they not really know.

Gizmo Hibiki was saying that this is a new addition to the canon that is kind of surprising considering what we see in other canon fics. He didn't pull anything out of his ass, he simply voiced a relatively understandable surprise. But then again, there is so much in your new chapter that is even far more at odds with other canon stories or just straight up doesn't make sense that I wonder why he even focused on that part. I could give you a list, but I hope you understand that seeing how you treat your fans here doesn't exactly incline me to do your homework for you right now.

6590401 That's called something that hasn't been revealed, yet, not something that has been explicitly said. There's a massive difference between the two that people think are one and the same.

6590451 The canon is always being added to, remember that. Each new chapter for anyone's fic adds more and more. It's all supervised by NCN as well. So random stuff can't be randomly shoved in.

Comment posted by Aristagtle deleted Nov 1st, 2015

Okay, I guess my comment got deleted because of the little personal attack at the end. Fair enough. So let me just repeat what I said without the attack. What I said was that your story doesn't just add elements, it contradicts other canon stories, and the fact that NCN approved of it changes nothing about that.

6590812 I don't exactly see the contradiction you mentioned. However, that might simply have been a case of me missing something while reading the chapter.

As for the rune question, yeah, that's not all that satisfactory.

Also, wow. Looks like some of the folks who really dislike FoE are back, seeing as how every post after the third has at least one downvote!

I for one enjoyed this latest chapter. Keep up the good work Twipet.

Can't wait for the next chapter already.

WHy did I not get the update for this :fluttercry:

Firstly I must state that I would never in 4.6 billion years wish this sort of thing upon the world. That said, Twipet, you are certainly my favorite writer for this fictional universe. I like my fiction dark (in part because it makes my reality not so bad by comparison and helps me appreciate my life more). Yours are (in my opinion) the most well written. They convey terror and hopelessness, but also make the reader get a sense for how these things are 'not worthy' of such a ridiculously strong reaction because it's just normal in caribou society. You do a splended job of showing both sides, as it were; the honest reactions of people having their lives and purposes torn away from them, being reduced to slaves and toys, and the impatience of the caribou for whom this is the natural order of things, and their confusion with how pony society ever managed with females in charge. Which reminds me. I'm always especially interested when you mention the cows. It's facinating to see what having been raised in such a society from the very start does to you, when you've never been able to know or consider that any other way of life exists, when you'd have no concept of imagining something different for yourself. It would be supremely interesting to follow the life of a filly born into this world, somewhere between being raised with it like the cows, but also completely able to imagine life how it once was due to being around onlder mares who remember, and seeing black collars fighting so hard to get it back. She'd know nothing but the life she was born into, but unlike the cows, would wonder about what might have been otherwise. But I digress. The long and short of it, Twipet, is that your stories make me feel small and insignificant without breaking my suspension of disbelief or making me roll my eyes at how cornily 'male power' things seem. You do a fantastic job of making your works feel like a fully fledged distopia rather than just a sad male power trip fic. I would italicize the 'just' if I knew how to on mobile because really we all know that's where this universe spawned from and it can't really be escaped. Tldr you write good so thanks

If you want to see more cows in canon stories, cow characters regularly appear in Schorl Tourmaline's stories. Ginna is a recurring side character in Bruised Apples, and Story of Estra even focuses almost solely on the cows. If you are interested in the cows, I recommend you read those.

Also, what the caribou do isn't justified just because they see it as normal. What the caribou do to the mares is obviously wrong, and I actually think how they treat their own females is also wrong (and their gender dimorphism changes nothing about that). But then again, I'm not sure if this is a good place to discuss this.

6616086 Indeed, please take it elsewhere.


Heh... I'm thinking about opening a thread about it in Post-Fall, but all in good time. For now, if anyone is interested in discussing this topic, feel free to send me a PM. :twilightsmile:

I don't care for those authors writing styles quite as much, but I've read those too.

I don't disagree with you at all. Did I say anything they do is justified? If I did I assure you I meant in their minds only. I understand their mindset even as I disagree with it however I find that to be facinating. It interests me in the same way that holocaust specials that show how the nazis were brainwashed interest me, the biggest difference is that this or anything like it (thankfully) did not actually happen. Both appeal to me in two ways: they make me challenge myself to understand a thought pattern so vastly different from my own, and they make me appreciate my boring little life in our boring little world all the more because at least I'm not going through what they did. In short OF COURSE how they treat their females is wrong. I opened my statement saying I wouldn't wish something like this on the world and continued on saying that I like my fiction dark so I'm not sure where you got the impression that I didn't think this stuff was 50 shades of fucked up (which is also a shitty series). You're clearly against this stuff, yet you've also read copious amounts of it so I'm forced to conclude that you're drawn to it for similar reasons as myself... But perhaps I am more disinclined to spend too much time talking about how wrong it is when most readers are probably well aware anyway. I'd rather talk about the merits of this writers style.

I'm sorry. It seems like I misinterpreted this sentence from you:

"[...] but also make the reader get a sense for how these things are 'not worthy' of such a ridiculously strong reaction because it's just normal in caribou society."

It gave me the impression that you were legitimizing caribou culture. But alas, I see I was wrong. I misunderstood your intention.

That said, I'm not against Fall of Equestria. I think Sun's Setting is not the best FoE story (that would be Bruised Apples in my eyes), but overall I like the setting. The fantasy of a M/s relationship appeals to me (although I normally prefer consensual relationships even on the level of fantasy), but I also find the setting and the culture interesting to explore beyond the mere fetish appeal.

As for the point about caribou females, Twipet told us to take it to a private conversation, and we should respect her wishes. So if you want to know why I insist on this point so much, send me a PM. But then again, from what I see, it seems like you agree with me anyway.

Ah yes, that sentence. I reworded that one a few times before settling with what I had. I can see how that could be taken the way you took it if you disregard the beginning of my comment. I'm still unsure of a better way to put it, but the shortest explanation I can manage is that I only meant from the caribous point of view. I do try to see it from their eyes; can you imagine being them? We filter everything through what we were raised to think is right and good... And so were they. They have no reason to question their own values, they've been "brainwashed" since their birth, then this 'backwards' pony society comes along and they see things working differently, in a way that they see as inherently wrong and unfair to the 'poor males' and its up to them to fix it. That's not to say that I agree with any of their morals or principals, but its vastly interesting to me to try and understand their mindset.

As for PMing I'm afraid this is where I have to admit that as a mobile user who generally only reads things, I'm not entirely sure how to accomplish that. If you'd like to pm me first I can probably figure out how to reply


I do try to see it from their eyes; can you imagine being them?

Sort of. I've spent a year reading the canon stories very closely and thinking about their culture. I've also RPed stag OCs. Maybe I can't, but I try.

I check back to see if another part of suns setting has been added ad low and behold! Another glorious chapter from Twipet. I love how this story is spiraling down and catching up to yourside story of sunny in canterlot. Keep up the good work! OH and I especially loved that part where estadys was torturing sunny! Got to see a side of Vestri I k.ew was there confirmed!

6672684 I'm editing it this weekend to fix a part, but soon I'll have another story coming out.


So is this story filed under complete or on Hiatus now D: ??

I'm not touching the other till I know for sure!

6951325 It's Incomplete, but I'm doing school so updates are slow.

Do you have an idea on how this story arc will end, please?
Will it be good ... or bad?

7309182 It won't end for a while.

can some one point me to the original FOE story please?

7396228 There is no 'original' story, It started as a series of images and expanded into canon stories.

The scary part? Luna in the last week hadn't noticed an entire town of Nightmares.

A bark of laughter from Sindri interrupted her, with Anvari joining in shortly after and followed by the others. Except for Dainn. “To think, it’s understandable for the females to believe such nonsense, but the males to do so as well? The female ‘rulers’ of this land really must have everyone under a spell for them to believe such nonsense. Raising the sun and moon. Hah!” Sindri guffawed, though went quiet when Dainn rose his palm into the air.

Wait a second. This doesn't make sense with this line;

Sindri said aside to the others, “That would fit in with the longer night that baffled even our strongest minds.”

At first Sindri is skeptical and outright believes that the Princesses moving the sun and moon is a lie, but then immediately-and I mean immediately and without any real question-accepts that Nightmare Moon kept the night longer, thereby implying he believes a female was able to keep the sun down and the moon out?

This...this just doesn't make any sense. You can't have both beliefs-they're directly contradictory.

7684025 He says that would fit. Not that it explains. He's mulling it over and considering that the ponies just fit it to her as a 'folk's tale'.

7685146 Okay then. That should be a little clearer.

7684025 Well for example if a scientists doesn't believe 'something' is possible but experiences something similar to the 'thing' and hears from another scientist that the 'thing' was the cause his former belief may change.

I'm responding to a really old comment because I'm too lazy to read further comments to find a newer one.
I think if anyone expects coherent plot from this series, they're missing the point of a story like this. It doesn't matter if it's the least creative porn-dystopia ever if it's good masturbation fodder. That and I'm a firm believer that authors should say 'fuck you' to people that want to tell them how to write. The only thing about this series I find annoying is that people keep bothering me to write something in the same universe, but even that is a compliment to the series.
Anyway: Twipet, it's been too long since you've written anything! Don't make me get the whip.

Comment posted by Schorl Tourmaline deleted Mar 15th, 2017
Comment posted by headless_rainbow deleted Mar 15th, 2017
Comment posted by Schorl Tourmaline deleted Mar 15th, 2017
Comment posted by headless_rainbow deleted Mar 15th, 2017
Comment posted by Schorl Tourmaline deleted Mar 15th, 2017
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