> Fall of Equestria: Sun's Setting > by Twipet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sun's Setting Chapter 1 > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         A short time ago, in the magical land of Equestria, two alicorn Princesses ruled with love and fairness. Their light spread all across Equestria each day and night, showering everypony with care. One day, however, in a far land, disaster struck and the refugees fled. They landed on Equestria’s shores, pretended to be our friends, our neighbors. Instead, they stabbed us in the back, placed collars around our necks, and plotted the fall of Equestria. How do I know this? I was there from the start. I saw every dirty act they committed, every atrocity. They were swift, brutal; none of us stood a chance. And I? I was the first they collared. I watched as Lindisbarne fell pony by pony. My Master refused to let me have it anymore, but my name was… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunrise Splendor banged her head against the outdoor diner’s table, hoping that just maybe it would be forceful enough to knock her out. Across from her, her aunt Shining Prism rambled on about the various absolute nothings that happened within the town of Lindisbarne. As if the going ons of some middle-of-nowhere town concerned her. Who cared about some imaginary ghosts or imaginary creatures with horrifying visages and cruel horns several feet wide hiding in the woods? Or that ponies who decide to travel don’t return? Sunrise never wanted to return to this place, but it was where her family resided. “Don’ let me get started on Iron Hooves and Blossom Scent. Those two just seem to be disaster walkin’. I hear he caused an accident aroun’ the mines, and when she got into it, the accident was far worse!” The yellowish unicorn clunked her head against the table once again before brushing her sky-blue mane out of her eyes. Even the tables were backwater, made of rounded wooden planks. Was Prism still talking? If only Fancy Pants were around, or Glimmer Gem. Instead, Sunrise was alone in a backwater town with crazy relatives who had no sense of fashion, much less knew anything of the Canterlot lifestyle! One week down of her visit, three to go. Why Sunrise Splendor ever agreed to visiting this place every few years, the answered eluded her to this day. It had to be a moment of insanity, that was the only explanation. Sunrise sat upright and slipped on her best smiling mask. “Oh, I must say, Auntie, that this all sounds so very interesting, unfortunately, I must…” Think, Sunrise. “...explore and see what changes have been wrought to the town, of course!” It wouldn’t fool anyone up in Canterlot, but this wasn’t Canterlot, now was it? Shining Prism giggled and waved her hand, “Don’ worry, Sunny! I know jus how much you like seein’ the town when you get here! I’ll still be here when you get back.” As casually as possible, Sunrise rose and smoothed down her dress. Even if she had to remain here for an entire month, it did not mean she could not bring a little taste of home with her. Despite her clothing being a right bitch to clean in a town like this. Everything but the center of town was a dirt road! “Yes, eheh, I’ll go see what’s happening in town center, Auntie. Besides, I’m not a filly anymore, don’t call me Sunny!” she replied. Dear Celestia, she hated that nickname. Walking away from Prism, Sunrise made a face of disgust as a particularly wet patch of dirt stuck itself to her heel. At the same time, she cringed at hearing Prism bid her farewell and use that accursed name again. Scraping her heel against the grass, Sunrise headed through the streets toward the center of town, which really seemed a misnomer. Town center could be called more a courtyard, with a wooden scaffold for speeches and announcements located right next to a fairly mundane public fountain. It didn’t have the usual statues, or in fact, any sort of the fancy artistic flair of the kind in Canterlot. Various stalls with ponies hawking their wares lay scattered around the outer edges, local farmers and fishermen taking up the vast majority, tool merchants, and the occasional miner or craftsman taking up the others. How quaint. It wasn’t helped by the fact the ‘center’ was more next to the docks than the center, giving a view of the ocean. Something caught Sunrise’s eye for once, though. Trotting up, she noticed the mayor and his Council standing on the platform, a spyglass in his hands and a small crowd gathered around the base. She caught him saying, “-don’t appear to be hostile. They’re flying flags of peace. Certainly nothing from around here, though. I count about twenty-seven ships, a good many of them cargo in nature. Whatever they’re looking to trade, it must be important to have that many warships guarding them.” Warships? Cargo? Great, another boring day it is, Sunrise thought to herself, resigning herself to the boring day-to-day life of Lindisbarne. Even the gossip was fairly benign and worthless! “We aren’t expecting anything of that sort, though. Sea Foam, head to the warehouses, make sure we get all tradeables ready. Quill Ink, I want all the townsfolk gathered. I want the town prepared for a festival by evening, right about the time the traders pull in. Whatever those ships are guarding, it’s high value, and I want them to feel welcome enough to stay for a long while. Bring in the miners, foragers, and farmers, too, I want everyone here,” Top Knot explained, finishing with, “Seems we’ll have some excitement for the next month.” Sunrise’s green eyes lit up and she smiled broadly. Festival? Excitement? AND a chance to meet foreigners? Finally! Celestia’s rays have shined upon her and her prayers. It may be a backwater festival, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy herself. Her heels clacking on the flat cobblestone of the courtyard, Sunrise ran off toward her lodging. She had to get ready and make sure to bring out her best dress. Not just that, but makeup, and of course her horn needed polishing! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How does a town this small have so many ponies? There has to be a good several hundred here! The sun lay low over the forest, while on the ocean, numerous ships lay anchored a good distance out, or even tied in at the docks. Sunrise stood on her tiphooves, attempting to look over the heads of the crowd in front of her. Her dress flourished around her, and her mane and tail lay in elaborate curls and spirals that took hours to get right! It’ll all be worth it, of course, when the first fun night of her self-imposed exile started. All around her, the hushed whispers of numerous ponies were tamped down by the exuberant chatter of everyone else. In this crush of ponies, Sunrise was unsure if she’d see anything, much less find any of her family members, which was quite alright for her. She loved her family, but Luna damn did they annoy her at times. She didn’t need the one good thing about this visit being ruined. Suddenly, the chatter stopped, and the hushed whispers become more numerous. Gasping, Sunrise rose up on her tiphooves and watched as not just the mayor, but seven massive creatures walked onto the platform. They looked awfully like deer of sorts, but built heavier. Even their garb weirded Sunrise Splendor out. The largest wore strange armor with some kind of script inscribed all over it, the other two were bare chested, but wore armored loin cloths and bracers also inscribed with the strange script. The remaining four sported nondescript brown robes that made Sunrise shudder in disgust. The scaffolding creaked under their combined weight, and the Mayor barely had any room of his own to stand. Waving his hands for silence, Top Knot spoke into the loudspeaker, “A good evening to you all, Lindisbarne. I know you’re all very curious as to our visitors, some of you may even be afraid, but do not worry. They come here not to fight, or to even threaten, but to be our friends. They seek aid. I proudly introduce to you King Dainn, leader of the Caribou nation.” King? Royalty is here!? That means the others up there must also be nobility, or even his Council! Things get better and better! My… he’s tall! Sunrise Splendor thought, able to see Dainn and the other Caribou at their full height even with the ponies in the crowd blocking most of her view. Stepping aside, Top Knot moved out of the way, only to be completely overshadowed by Dainn. Top darted forward and slid the loudspeaker as high as it will go, which only reached the top of the caribou’s chest. Dainn reached down and removed the loudspeaker, instead, and spoke into it. His voice was powerful, and he spoke slow, as if new to Equestrian. Or maybe as if he were sure with himself, Sunrise could not tell. “Ponies of Lindisbarne, we come here to trade, restock our stores, and gain aid if you give it. We are all of us searching for a new homeland, and have not seen solid land in many sevendays. We wish to rest, recuperate, and…” Dainn stretched his hand out to take in the many streamers, lanterns, and booths set up for the festival. “...enjoy ourselves in your company. We all hope… no, I hope that we can all benefit greatly from this and enjoy ourselves as we should.” A great cheer sprang up through the crowd, deafening and startling Sunrise Splendor, causing her to wobble a bit before grabbing onto a nearby stallion to settle herself. Luckily, the crowd began dispersing to enjoy the festivities, since that same stallion grabbed her by the hands and led her on a rather exuberant dance. Even the caribou joined in once they offloaded from their ships. Strangely enough, they were all males, unless the females and males all look alike. Of course, it could be the females were elsewhere in the festivities. Numerous dance partners, several refreshments, and enough partying she never saw the likes of in Canterlot later, Sunrise managed to extricate herself from the festival to rest her aching hooves and take care of a bit of business due to the consumption of too much drink. After a rather aching walk back to her temporary residence, and then a partial walk back, Sunrise paused for a moment, listening to what she thought was talking coming from a nearby cottage. Creeping closer, the mare thought, I probably shouldn’t, but if there’s any good gossip in this town, it has to be right now! Sticking close to the window, she could barely understand what was being said until she grabbed upon the thread of conversation. “-reporting that nobody’s gotten in or out. They’re being held a good distance away, kept in a state of sleep. Without the supplies, we cannot do much as of yet. We won’t have any issues once things have died down enough.” “And you’re sure, the ones who helped will not be caught in all this?” That sounded like the Mayor. What is he talking about? “Quite sure, you’ll be given your proper place. Noone will be any wiser.” Sunrise didn’t hear anything next, having backed away from the window. That was, until she found her arms grabbed roughly and bound behind her back before she even had the chance to yelp. She opened her mouth to scream, only to find a large hand wrap around her muzzle and clamp it shut, naught but a whimper escaping. “Naughty little female. What makes you think you’re allowed to just listen into conversations that you need not know?” A rough voice hissed behind her. “You will behave, or I will punish you, understand?” Looking either way and trying to shake herself from the caribou’s grasp, Sunrise lit her horn to send off a flare. Stars suddenly exploded in her head, and she cried out muffledly, writhing her hands in their bindings. Raising his fist for a second hit to Sun’s horn, she stared fearfully at it. “Consider that a warning, mare. I will not hesitate to break your horn off here and now, understand? You will behave, you will come along with me, and if anyone sees us, you will be punished. Not a sound.” Sunrise nodded her head vigorously, though with her muzzle in the caribou’s grasp, her head only wiggled. Tears leaked from her eyes and streamed down her cheeks, while sobs threatened to rise in her throat. Oh Celestia, I’m sorry! Please help me! I won’t gossip again, I promise! I didn’t know I was spying on the caribou! Please don’t let them hurt me! Choking back another sob, Sunrise nearly fell forward on her knees when she was pushed, but she regained her balance and started moving forward at his direction. When he released her muzzle and grabbed her arms instead, Sunrise thought to scream for help, but the image of her horn being snapped off her head frightened her out of the idea. Biting her lip, Sunrise dared to turn her head and glance back at her captor. The male that stared back wasn’t just any caribou, but one of the two on the stage with Dainn. Her heart sank, realizing just how much trouble she was in. “W-What is your na-” Sunrise whispered, but cut off at the sudden stern expression the caribou gave her. She gasped in pain when her arms were raised up behind her, bending forward to relieve the pressure. “Silence, mare! The name given to me is Vestri. The name you will call me is Master,” Vestri replied. He eventually dropped Sunrise’s arms back down, bringing the mare to sigh in relief and stand back up. Alright,Vestri, Master of something, probably not a craft. It’ll be best if I do what he says, maybe they’ll let me off light? I hope… Their transit lasted a short time, Vestri marching her to a larger house with all the shutters closed, and two caribou standing guard in front. Without saying a word, one of the two opened the door and beckoned them inside, the guard ‘s eyes just sliding off her, like she mattered little. Swallowing, Sunrise bowed her head, hoping humility may lessen her crime, though that didn’t last long when Vestri shoved her inside and shut the door behind them. He released her bindings, and pushed her through an abandoned living room filled with numerous crates into the expansive dining room populated by several more caribou, including the robed ones and Dainn all sitting at a lengthy table, their conversation disturbed.   The color drained from Sunrise’s face, and she immediately knelt and bowed within sight of them all. “Glorious King, I apologize gre-” Cut off again, this time by Vestri grabbing her styled hair and yanking her head back uncomfortably. What followed nearly knocked Sun to the floor when he backhanded her twice across the cheeks, throwing more stars through her vision. “This female was caught listening in on things that concerned her not, and also thinks she is above her station enough to be speaking when she is not permitted, Dainn,” Vestri growled, pulling Sunrise’s head far enough back for her to release a sob. Setting his elbows on the table and balling a fist into his other hand, Dainn peered over them for a moment before asking, “Are you claiming this one for yourself, Vestri?” At his nod, Dainn continued, “Strip and collar her. Mark her how you wish, but make sure to break her.” Vestri released Sunrise’s mane and his footsteps marked him heading to the crates. Sunrise bent forward, everything breaking free at once. She realized just how much she’d fucked up. Tears welled in her eyes and spilled down her cheeks. Today was supposed to be a better day, to alleviate her boredom. The fun she was supposed to have, and instead she threw it all away just because she wanted something juicy to gossip about. Her body shook while she sobbed, ignoring the footsteps returning. The sound of metal clinking sent Sunrise further into her sorrow. They’re going to shackle and imprison me now, I just know it… Instead of a shackle, however, Sunrise felt her mane pulled aside, and something cold settled around her neck. With her tear-blurred eyes and bound hands, the object remained a mystery until it closed around her neck with a loud click, and turned until its position satisfied Vestri. Sniffling, Sunrise turned her head at the feeling of her hands being untied and released. Massaging her wrists, she rubbed her eyes clear and withdraw a handkerchief from a pocket to wipe her nose. For a moment, Sunrise Splendor thought the worst was over. They’ll imprison her, allow her a fair trial, and then she’ll get off with a simple fine. Yes, she’ll be back in Canterlot soon enough. That was until Vestri grabbed her by the shoulders, set her on her hooves, and sliced a bone-handled knife straight down her Ponitanian dress. Tearing it away, she felt him grab at her bra, bringing her to whirl about in horror. “I beg your pardon!,” she gaped in astonishment. “That was a six-hundred bit dr-” The smack that landed across her face threw Sunrise to the floor, far harder than the ones that Vestri gave her before. Sunrise curled up on the floor, covering her head in case more were to come. Instead, Vestri grabbed her by the neck and lifted her into the air. Grasping at his wrist, she tried her best to free herself, but his hold was like iron. The caribou’s other hand had little trouble outright tearing her designer panties and bra off her body, and removing her shoes from her hooves to cast aside. When Vestri released her, Sunrise dropped to the floor, the impact bruising her knees. She little cared for that, however, huddling in on herself instead and covering what she could with her hands. She felt humiliated, sitting bare like that in front of not just males, but the King and Council of a different nation. She was too shocked to cry, focusing more on the tightness of the collar around her neck, the destruction of her clothing, and her nudity. “Gryttr, if you will,” Sunrise heard Dainn speak behind her. A chair scraped back, and the heavy footsteps of one of the caribou stepped in behind her. Her ears laid back at the click of a case opening, then, the soft cool touch of stone came to her horn. Shutting her eyes tight, there was a pop inside her head, and Sun felt her magic just drain out of her, leaving her powerless. “Vestri, I entrust that she will be properly punished?” Punished? This isn’t punishment enough? Sunrise thought, a blush of shame reaching her cheeks. Vestria was gone again, and she could hear rustling in the next room. Maybe if she hunkered further into herself, they’d forget she was here, or even go easy on her. Yes, silence was the key here. Maybe if she listened to them, the caribou wouldn’t punish her too badly. Right? While in her thoughts, Sunrise noticed too late that Vestri returned. The click of something to her collar brought her out of her thoughts. She blinked several times, noticing a… leash? A leash! Vestri had collared her and now held her by a bucking leash. Her temper flared up at being treated so humiliatingly. She opened her mouth to yell at her captor, up until she remembered that may make things worse for her. Shutting her mouth, she swallowed and looked around, noticing all eyes either on her, or on Vestri. Behaving sounded like a good option. No need that they be angered further. “I-I’m… sorry…” Sunrise Splendor managed, dropping her gaze and squeezing her arms about herself. Please oh please don’t force her to go everywhere nude. A hand came down and cupped Sunrise’s chin, causing her to flinch. “You will behave, will you not? A good mare behaves and is rewarded. One that refuses to only sees punishment,” Vestri asked, his rough voice surprisingly gentle for all he had just done to her. Sunrise sniffled, thinking. If she behaved, she would be rewarded. Then when her sentence is completed, whatever it may be, she would be released and free to return to Canterlot, right? Of course she had to be right, she was merely being punished for eavesdropping. “Y-Yes, o-of c-course. I will b-b-behave,” she replied, finding it difficult to say those words. She swallowed, hating herself for saying the next one, “Master.” It left a sour taste in her mouth, but behaving may be her only way to escape unscathed and return home in a prompt amount of time. “There, you see, Dainn? She knows her place already,” Vestri announced with a grin. “Now stand, mare. I will not allow you to hide your body from me and others.” Sunrise froze in place. S-Stand!? She bit down on her lip and remained where she was, up until she observed the hand holding her collar tighten. Blinking tears out of her eyes again, Sunrise Splendor stifled a sob and gathered her hooves beneath her, lifting herself up. Her hands shaking, she pulled her arms away and settled them stiffly by her sides. The mare’s cutie mark, exposed to the lantern light, was a sun rising over a horizon, many rays extending in all directions. Her breasts, while certainly not expansive like some of the other mares in Canterlot, were at least a good handful for most stallions, her orange nipples hardened slightly from the cooler air. While mostly hidden, her nethers could just barely be seen peeking out from between her legs, no thanks to Sun’s tail trying to creep it’s way between and cover herself up. Nodding in approval, Vestri wrapped the leash around his wrist and patted his thick hand between Sunrise’s legs, a single digit stroking itself up along her lips. Sunrise reacted by stiffening up and shutting her eyes from the shame. This wasn’t how things were supposed to go. She was to find a nice lover, go through all the writ and enjoyment of courting, and then be seduced by him on a nice vacation to Hoofalulu. Not… not this violation of her body! Every fiber of her being cried out for her to strike back, to run, to do something! No, she had to behave. She deserved this, she was caught eavesdropping on royalty. She was lucky she wasn’t being imprisoned the rest of her life. Or banished. Or imprisoned in the place she was banished to. After what seemed an eternity, Vestri withdrew his hand and instead cupped Sunrise’s chin, his fingers pressing into her cheeks. When he brought her chin up, Sunrise stared into his eyes for a brief second before dropping her gaze. “Good,” he muttered to her. “I believe you are due a reward. I think I’ll allow you to walk upright instead of crawl tonight. Perhaps another reward will do as well.” He looked over her head, and at some unseen gesture, nodded. Vestri turned and headed into the main living quarters, forcing Sunrise to keep a close pace with the current shortness of the leash. There, she saw various crates already opened. In one, countless silvery collars lay stacked, while another held various implements alien to her. A third, however. She knew what those were for. A multitude of toys of various shapes, sizes, and types. Sunrise knew their purpose, but to see them just so blatantly out in the open instead of hid in the deepest depths of one’s closet sent a shiver through her body and a blush to her face. Reaching a hand up to her face, she rubbed at her eyes, then pulled her hand away to notice smeared mascara over it. She probably looked horrendous in a mirror right now, not the least from the bruises she would probably sport from the slaps. Whatever Vestri was searching for, he found it quick. He stood back up, then turned around to reveal a bulbous toy. Sunrise’s eyes widened and her pupils narrowed to mere pricks. He wanted to reward her with a butt plug!? Her rump reflexively clenched and she pulled back to the limits of her leash, her gaze solely on the toy. “P-Please-” she began, only to be cut off by a sharp glare and a jerk of the leash. “It will go in dry, or it will go in lubed. Do you truly wish that much for your reward to turn to punishment!?” Vestri demanded. Sunrise shook her head frantically, wanting to be anywhere but there at that moment. “Lift your tail and bend over, or I will do it for you. What is your name, female?” Sunrise faltered, darting her gaze in all directions as she figured out how to get rid of this mess. No magic, collared and leashed, and she was not just against her far stronger captive, but also against the other Caribou in the building, plus the two guards outside. She was doomed to have a sore rear no matter how she looked at it. Flagging her tail, she shut her eyes tight and turned around, noticing that the leash didn’t draw taught. Was he giving her a bit more room? While she bent over, she responded, “Sunrise Splendor.” You can do this, Sunrise. It’s just a plug. It’s not like he’s going to suddenly mount and rut me until I’m a crying mess.  She breathed deeply, shifting her tail to the side while chanting in her head that it was simply a plug. It would go in, she’d clench down around it, and this ordeal would be over. At least, that was what she thought up until she felt something quite large and wet press itself to her asshole. If it weren’t for that exact moment that the leash tightened and Vestri’s hand pressed down on her back, preventing her from rising, Sunrise would have bolted upright in shock. He dared lay his tongue upon her in such a manner!? Her temper drained out of her, though. It wasn’t like she could stop him. Instead, Sunrise clenched her hands into fists and tried not to cry for the hundredth time, much less enjoy such a gross violation of her body. Maybe if she thought really hard, she could imagine it was one of her three past lovers? “I think I will call you Sunny. You are no longer allowed to go by your old name, pet,” Vestri breathed onto Sunrise’s pucker, his breath bringing shivers up her spine, while the moistness from the caribou’s saliva felt absolutely alien. Sunrise clenched up at being called that evil name, and protested, “But… but…” Realizing her predicament, though, she hung her head. “Yes, Master,” Sunrise replied softly. Vestri said nothing in response, allowing an action to instead speak for him. His tongue pressed not against her ass, but instead to something only two stallions… and one mare had ever partook of in the past. At the touch of Vestri’s tongue to her slit, Sunrise Splendor most certainly did leap forward, though she went only a tiny distance. The collar choked her when the leash tightened immediately, and she fell back against Vestri’s awaiting muzzle. Even closing her legs together wasn’t the best action, as he grabbed her left leg and pulled it apart from the other. Then, with agonizing slowness, he dragged his tongue up from Sunrise’s clit all the way to her entrance. Her body betrayed her, then. Sunrise shuddered at the sensation of his tongue over her most private of regions. A second lick sent shivers all through her body, then a third and fourth. It didn’t go beyond that, drawing a sigh of relief from her lips. Instead, Sun felt the tapered tip of the plug press up against her asshole. She wasn’t given any time at all to prepare herself, though, when Vestri just pressed it against her ass. At first, Sunrise clenched, but even that doesn’t prevent her pucker from opening around the plug. It was her first time taking anything up her rear, and the sudden intrusion sent sharp twinges of pain through her anal ring. She cried out and only clamped down over the plug further. Bit by bit, it intruded into her ass, until it popped in, leaving the poor mare feeling pangs of aching throughout her backside. Vestri stood, releasing his hand from Sunrise’s back. “That was but a small one, little mare. A good deal of training should prepare you for far larger.” Sunrise choked back a sob and stood slowly, gasping from the ache in her backside. Larger plugs? Training? He sounded like he meant to keep her, to train her into his little slave. Sunrise crossed her arms over her chest and bowed her head, realizing at that moment that she may never get free, that her actions doomed her to this existence. She had little time to think on her dilemma, though, as Vestri drew the leash taut and slipped out the front door. They were going outside? In full view of everyone!? First her expensive clothing destroyed, then the disgraceful nudity, the plug, and now public shaming!? What more would Vestri wish to do to her to really drive in that her actions were wrong? Struggling against the leash and trying to undo the latch, Sunrise found herself dragged out with a sudden yank. “Please don’t do this,” Sunrise begged, drawing amused glances from the guards. “Please, not in front of everybody, I’ll be good, I promise! I’ll do anything you want! Just don’t take me in front of everyone!” Sunrise’s hooves dragged at the dirt ground, each movement bringing a twinge from her sore back end. Her prissy nature about the dirt roads being forgotten, instead replaced by the fear of everyone seeing her naked, collared and leashed, and plugged. Her begging fell on deaf ears, however. As they approached town center, Sunrise’s struggling became more frantic, backpedalling as far as the leash would allow. Vestri whirled about and took a step to the side, swinging his open palm down to slap it harshly across Sunrise’s rump, eliciting a sudden squeal. Before Sunrise could say anything, he grasped his hand around her muzzle, dragging her head down until she had to kneel in the dirt so she would not fall over. “You have said several times that you would behave, female. Here, I have allowed you to stand straight, rewarded you with a plug, and given you a name. And yet, whenever you get to prove if you will behave, you squander it. One more word, one more bit of misbehavior, Sunny, and I’ll leave you with no name, make you crawl in the dirt, and set you out for public access, do I make myself clear?” Vestri growled down at her, kneeling down until Sunrise’s face was pressed into the dirt. Tears leaked down Sunrise’s cheeks to mix into the dirt while she struggled to keep herself from falling over. For a moment, a hint of defiance sprung up, but was just as quickly snuffed out once Sun lowered her eyes to the dirt and slid them closed. So this was it? This was how things would be for her? Some caribou’s slave, and no chance to go home? Vestri kept telling her to behave, that she’d be rewarded. Punishment, she can understand. She knew what she did. But reward? She had to hold on that one day soon her reward would be to go home. What would she have to give up, though? I have to hope that they’ll let me go, and if I’m good and don’t cause trouble, they’ll let me, right? She refused to screw this up, so she nodded, but said nothing. Even a muffled ‘yes’ could be construed as one more word. Vestri released her, and Sunrise rubbed her jaw, staying in place. While she disliked having her face pressed to the dirt, it was better than possibly annoying her captor. For several long seconds, Vestri looked on before he said, “You may stand, Sunny.” Breathing a sigh of relief, Sunrise stood slowly, taking great care to brush herself off of dirt and bits of grass. When Vestri continued onward, Sunrise kept pace with him, thoughts running through her mind a mile a minute. It doesn’t matter what I object to, it’s happening, and right now, I’m going to be shown off to everypony like some sort of prize, which if this were Canterlot and he were a prized stallion I would not mind so much! But… now… She bit her lip and dusted herself off the best she could. If I’m going to be shown off like a prize, then I better look the prize. Nothing I can do about my makeup or hair… She patted her hair into order, though the elaborate style had since gotten frazzled, and her tail had seen better days and styles of its own. However, she lifted her head high, wiped her eyes and nose, and generally attempted to look like the Canterlot mare she was. Even still, tears threatened to spill from her eyes, and it took all her effort to not let them show. The moment they entered the town center plaza, ponies who saw the scene turned to look on in shock. Some even oggled her nude form. Occasionally, she could hear little whispers like, “Is she nude?” “Why is she leashed by that caribou?” “Look at that harlot!” The ones that hurt were the occasional catcall or offer by a passing stallion that he’d do the same for her. By the time they were a good way into the crowd, and a good many of the caribou had nodded to Vestri or given her an appraising look, Sunrise heard a familiar voice that chilled her blood to the core. “Sunrise? Sunrise Splendor is that you?” Sun Streamer, Sunrise’s mother, called from the crowd. Her eyes going wide, Sunrise whispered frantically  to Vestri, “Master, please do not let her catch up to us.” Her pleas did not seem to reach him as instead, he stopped to talk to another caribou. Glancing in all directions, she did the last thing she could and slipped around to kneel down before Vestri, burying herself against his body. Her face pressed dangerously close to his crotch. A strange scent made her heady, and it took her several seconds to realize it was Vestri’s musk. Something I’ll put up with just to hide. A quick glance past Vestri showed her parents looking everywhere trying to find her. “I could have sworn I saw her over here. It couldn’t have been her, though, she wasn’t wearing a thing,” Sun Streamer’s voice faded into the general noise of the crowd. Sunrise breathed a sigh of relief, then realized her position and stared up at the two caribou gazing curiously down at her. A blush tinged her cheeks, and she could only manage to get out, “I-I-I…” “Interesting little pet you have,” remarked the second male. “If you had been so eager to suck me off, Sunny, you should have just said so. We can wait to do that until I’m done with what I’m doing,” Vestri chuckled, rubbing his hand over her ears. Sunrise blushed hard enough to feel the heat radiate off her face, then scrambled to her hooves and looked everywhere except at him. Oral? That’s what he thought I was trying to do!? ...And he means to have me give him some later? Celestia, what did I ever do to earn this? Oh, she knew. And now she was paying for it. Looking through the corner of her eye, she watched the two caribou nod to a few others. He stepped aside, allowing Vestri to continue onward, walking Sunrise along behind him. Her face blanched the moment she saw where he was headed, but she knew well enough not to balk. Instead, she undid a portion of her mane desperately and brushed it in front of her face, hoping to obscure herself from everybody’s view. She followed her captor all the way to the speech platform and up the steps, her blush overtaking most of her face while she attempted to make herself as low as possible. Every so often, she could see a pony here and there stop what they were doing to stare up at the stage, and in most cases, specifically her. Children’s eyes were covered, other ponies stared or oggled, and even a few looked away. This all lasted up until Vestri stood at the loudspeaker and cleared his throat into it. The festivities stopped, as did the general noise, but Sunrise heard the whispers perpetuating through the crowd, if not what they said. “It is good for you to all show up and welcome us, ponies. Very good indeed to see such a warm welcome for all your new masters,” Vestri said into the loudspeaker, holding up Sunrise’s leash as if showing her as an example. “You will all be treated well if you submit, and punished if you fight. Whatever choice you make, do understand that we will make you understand them quite well.” All over, ponies milled about, some screamed in panic, while most stood there dumbfounded or even laughed at it like a joke. “Lay down any arms you have, kneel down on the ground, and surrender to us,” Vestri further explained, gesturing toward Sunrise Splendor. She hunched her shoulders and sunk in on herself. “Resistance will be met with force, and surrender with leniency.” A few ponies immediately sat on the ground, while others took a bit longer to surrender themselves. The rest, however, either started to flee or stared incredulously. Vestri grabbed an item from his belt pouch, looking like an ordinary stone with that same script from earlier written over it. He raised it above his head, then threw it at the platform. It burst with a bang and a bright flare streaked up out of it and into the sky, blinding Sunrise. Rubbing at the spots in her eyes, she watched as caribou streamed into the plaza from the various streets and started grabbing ponies left and right, both mares and stallions. Even the ones in the crowd joined in, immobilizing ponies with sheer brute force before touching some sort of object to their heads or necks. Whatever it was, it appeared as if it put the ponies to sleep. Or knocked them out. Whatever the objects accomplished, Sunrise sat down on the platform in shock, ignoring the sudden twinge of pain in her backside from landing on the plug. Curling in on herself, she stared up in shock at Vestri when he rubbed over one of her ears and said, “Do not worry, Sunny. You will be treated better than them. You are mine for as long as you live.” > Sun's Setting Chapter 2 Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The screams, shouting, and overall noise all around Sunrise vanished to the back of her mind when the truth of the matter hit her. She’d never be released. Sun never again would see home. None of her friends, none of her acquaintances, not even the ponies she barely tolerated would know what happened to her. She’d be Vestri’s slave forever. A pampered slave if she behaved, but one nonetheless. She pulled away from Vestri’s hand, pulling her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. How had this all happened? There, in a diner next to the plaza, she watched as several caribou rushed in. Screams erupted from the diner while through the windows, ponies could be seen wrestling with the caribou, mostly to their own detriment.  One unlucky mare even found herself pressed to the glass. Her dress, though simple in its design, had a nice quaint country look to it. Up until it was torn from her body, along with her undergarments. The male wrenched away his pants and despite the mare’s protests and shrieks, buried himself in her backside. All around the two, ponies were grabbed and immobilized, or outright knocked out if they presented any resistance. Clothes were torn away from all the mares and some of the stallions that fought back. Through the windows, the scene showed her that the caribou were being thorough. Sunrise averted her gaze to settle it on the crowd. The same view met her in the plaza. Most of what went on was a great jumble of panicking ponies fleeing the scene, leaving behind discarded cups and plates of spilled confectioneries. The caribou appeared like like mountains swimming amongst the ponies, grabbing both mare and stallion, whether they ran or immediately gave up. The mares immediately found themselves stripped of all clothing. A blush rose to Sunrise’s face unwanted and she burrowed her face into her arms. She could not stop watching, however, and peeked over them to watch the disaster. The ponies that surrendered found their arms bound behind their backs and their legs tied together with strips of leather or lengths of rope, then left where they lay in most cases. Sadly, for some of the mares, other things happened to them. She saw one caribou just walk right up and pluck a mare up off the ground, throw her over his shoulder, and strolled off. It wouldn’t take long for Sunrise to see just what happened to those mares. One caribou opened his pants, flopping his stiffened length free in front of a mare, then grabbed her and in one smooth motion pressed his flare to her mouth. She resisted as best as she can, but the sudden slap he gave her to the back of her head ended that. She gasped, and in went the caribou’s cock. Though the mare thrashed and attempted to extricate herself, he held her fast and in place, burying his cock into her mouth. Sunrise glanced elsewhere, only to see the same events playing out. In one case, a poor mare was being skewered by two caribou, semen splattered over her face showing she’d already been used once already. Sun swallowed and shut her eyes tight. This can’t be happening. This can’t be happening. This can’t be happening. When she reopened them, she did so in time to see the mare being orally raped gagging and yanking herself away while cum drizzled from her mouth. The caribou splurted the last bit across her mouth before throwing her back to the ground. Her eyes wide with shock and horror, Sunrise tilted her head up to look at Vestri. She saw him speaking something, but her mind refused to process it. It was just words. Even the rough tug on the leash barely made its way through to her. Did… did she cause this? Did her own stupid actions cause the caribou to do this? Sunrise dropped her head against her knees and sobbed. It was all her fault. They came as friends, but she blew it. She eavesdropped on them, refused to behave, and now… The smack to the back of her head knocked her out of her self-blame. No, it can’t have been her fault. That little inkling of fear remained in her head, a little ‘what if?’ Wiping her eyes on her knees, Sunrise lifted her head and stared at Vestri. Around her stood a few of the other caribou, a couple armored, others wearing various other things, including the other male that had stood on stage with Vestri at the start of the festival. “Stand, Sunny. Do not hide yourself from their eyes,” Vestri told her, then turned to his partner. “The warbeasts have been deployed. We’re flushing the runners out of their homes. The few flyers amongst them have already fallen, and we’ve experienced little actual resistance from the horned ones. Messengers are keeping me updated on the situation.” Sunrise stood swiftly, a grimace of pain marking her face from the plug in her rear shifting at all the movement. First chance she had, it was coming out. The scene before her was quite different. How long had she been out of it? Ponies lay everywhere with caribou standing guard, and collars being handed out from the many crates placed everywhere. Every so often, Sun could see a pony in the distance go running, usually with a caribou chasing swiftly after. A flickering light caught her eye, and the mare turned to notice houses in the distance aflame. The appearance of more flame down a street drew her eye, and she gasped at an immense creature ridden by a caribou breathing fire over one cottage. It was not long before three ponies fled through the front door and were quickly caught and sedated. By all appearances, the fires spread, and anypony trying to put them out were quickly caught. Sunrise averted her gaze instead to the sky, ignoring the clouds of smoke obscuring the stars and moon. Someone had to tell the Princesses. That talk of ponies leaving and not being heard from again. I don’t doubt that we’d never get word to them… Sunrise swallowed, feeling the need to be comforted. She was going to hate herself for this later, but there was no one else. She huddled her arms over her breasts and leaned in against Vestri’s side, laying her face against him. Folding her ears back, she listened to the conversation of numbers, supplies, and other statistics that didn’t interest her. Instead, she focused more on when Vestri laid his hand on her head and scratched over the base of her ears. Sunny, the name he’d given Sunrise. The nickname she had started to despise after gaining her cutie mark. Was there any chance that she’d find her way back home? Probably not, but that didn’t mean she had to lose hope over it. Maybe… Maybe if she was a well-behaved pet, he’d take her there? Or let her visit? Better not to think about it, no need to get her hopes up. Sunrise closed her eyes and tried her best not to listen to the screams and sounds of the little fighting going on around the town. She just wanted to go home. Sunrise must have said it out loud, because she heard Vestri whisper into her ear, “We are nearly done here, Sunny. We’ll go home afterward. Then you can please your Master and I’ll make you a bed to sleep in.” Sleep sounded nice. Maybe when she woke up, everything would have just been a horrible nightmare. Or she might not wake at all. Sunrise gulped and sighed softly, “Yes, Master…” In Canterlot, one’s reputation was all about how well one played nice to each other in public, but in private, how well one could come out on top of another. The current situation, though, Sunrise was shown her place and in no uncertain terms was told ‘this is your place. If you stray from it, you will be punished.’ The tug at her leash warned Sunrise, and she stared up at Vestri. “Time to go. Lead me to your residence,” he commanded. Sun flinched and pulled away from him, starting the trek down the stairs and through the plaza. Already, she could see that not all the ponies were sleeping. Some were bound, instead. A stallion with his arms behind his back, leather loosely wrapped around his wrists. A mare hogtied with rope while a… Sunrise blushed. There was a girthy dildo pressed into the mare’s nethers. Another mare was tied in a manner Sunrise had never seen before. She could barely describe the intricate series of knots and lines used, but she could easily tell that no matter which way the mare moved, a rope would rub against her folds or her breasts. The glares they leveled not just at Vestri, but also herself caused her to wilt under their attention. It wasn’t until the third time one whispered ‘traitor’ at her did she understand what they saw her as. She had stood on stage, in front of them all, collared and leashed by one of Dainn’s Council. To them, it probably looked more like she had given herself up before any of this had happened, or even given them the idea! I’m the outsider, too. I don’t live here. My family does, but I don’t… And to all appearances, I turned coat the first chance I had. She made sure to avoid any ponies she could see were awake, and let go a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding when they exited the plaza. It wasn’t a long walk to her temporary residence, one of the guest houses set up for visitors, but in her mind, it was. Did they really see her as a traitor? It turned her blood cold to imagine that. It didn’t take much to make or break one’s reputation in Canterlot, but the cry of traitor? Sunrise bit her lip hard enough to leave indents. She’d be a complete outcast. Sun took a glance back at Vestri and bit her tongue. Maybe…? No. She needed time to think. Probably in her bed when everything was quiet and Vestri wasn’t constantly looking over her. The collapsed tables and chairs of the diner drew her eye, reminding Sunrise that just this morning, she’s been wanting something more exciting to happen. She received what she’d wished for. The travel was short, leading Sunrise and Vestri to a cozy little two-story cottage. Vestri stepped forward past Sun and opened the door, leading her inside. From the looks of things, none of the warbeasts had made their way out this far, or the ponies in this part of town hadn’t made any trouble enough to burn a house. Even her magic-powered lights appeared undisturbed. After the last two times she’d spent in Lindisbarne, Sunrise had brought her own lamps to illuminate her living space. Far brighter and no oil to make the place reek. Vestri turned and slipped his hand under Sunrise’s chin. With a click, he unlatched the leash and looped it around his wrist. He then headed up the stairs without a word. Sunrise hesitated for a moment, glancing at the entrance to the kitchen. Maybe a good deal of wine would help? Vestri’s footsteps pausing, though, sent Sunrise scurrying up the stairs to join in behind him. Without looking at her, the caribou nodded and slipped into the bedroom. Another hesitation brought Sunrise to stare within the bathroom next to the bedroom and bite her lip at the thought of taking a hot bath. The chance that Vestri would disapprove sent her heading into the bedroom behind her. She found him opening her meticulously packed suitcases and dumping all the various expensive clothing into a pile beside the single bed. Sunrise nearly had a heart attack and dove at the pile, grabbing at her garments. Her first dress, something quite simple in nature, though with beading down the seams was the one in which she’d made the big deal that allowed her to move to Canterlot. A one-of a kind Rarity dress from her Midnight Glimmer line. She loved the sunrise motif. Sun simply had to have that one. The special Lover’s Embrace silk panties one of her former lovers had given to her as a gift. She knew exactly where she got each of her garments and their makers, and here they were all sitting on the floor in a muddled pile. Sunrise suddenly felt faint while she picked up a dress and attempted to brush out the wrinkles. Vestri cleared his throat and Sunrise ceased for the moment to stare up at him with wide eyes. “I suggest you make it comfortable. This will be your bed, pet,” he spoke roughly with a chuckle. Sunrise looked down in horror at the pile of clothing, her head swaying and breath growing faint at the thought that she would have to sleep on and possibly ruin one-of-a-kind, expensive custom dresses and clothing. The creaking of Vestri sitting on her actual bed and removing his boots took her out of her shock. Okay, don’t panic. If they can handle a little dirt and dust, they can handle being slept on for a night. He’ll have a real bed for me tomorrow! In the morning, I’ll have a nice bath, pick a nice dress to wear, and feel almost normal again. She smoothed out the pile of clothes and ignored it for the time being, instead standing and walking over to the stand-up mirror. Dear Celestia, she looked horrible. Her face had mascara streaks down her cheeks, and many of the streaks were smudged. Not just that, but past it, Sunrise could spot the beginnings of bruises forming. All over her body, her coat appeared darkened from the amounts of dirt she’d been subjected to, as well as the various scrapes she’d received over the past hours. Turning, Sun inspected her back and hind end, blushing at the very evident plug base sticking out from between her cheeks. No wonder so many stallions whistled. At least it didn’t hurt as much anymore, though the plug was still fairly uncomfortable. Walking to the bed and the undressing Vestri, Sunrise placed her hands upon it and nearly pulled herself up until Vestri stopped slipping his pants off, everything else already set aside. Sunrise flushed and climbed down, settling into her pile of clothes instead. This close, Vestri’s leather pants roiled Sunrise’s stomach. What kind of race would wear the skin of another creature like that? Wool, she could understand! It didn’t hurt the sheep. She averted her gaze and shoved thoughts of leather from her mind. She fidgeted until she wasn’t sitting on a dress decoration or her plug. Spreading the clothes out into a passable bed, she lifted her nose to find her gaze staring straight at Vestri’s cock, freed from its prison of pants and loin cloth. O-Oh dear. That’s quite… big…  Being this close to him, without his clothing in the way, she could smell his musk. It was a combination of light sweat, his leather pants, and a variety of other more unknown scents that all went straight to Sunrise’s head. It wasn’t bad, but more strange, in a pleasing way. Sunrise averted her gaze, deciding instead to study one of her undergarments beneath her. “Sunny, it is time to please your master. I believe you wanted to give me a blowjob to show just how much you love your master and will behave for him?” Vestri rumbled down at her. A blush rose to her cheeks. She’d forgotten about that, that he said she could give him oral when they were done. There was that word again, too. ‘Behave’. She turned her head slowly to first stare at at Vestri, then down toward his stiffening cock. Was he seriously about all the things he would do to her if she didn’t behave? Break her horn, take away her name? Set her out for public use? Sunrise felt unsure, but after seeing the town taken so easily, she wouldn’t doubt it so easily now. “Y-Yes, Master,” Sunrise hissed. A thought rose in her mind of the earlier happenings. If her reputation was ruined in Lindisbarne… “Master, may I ask something?” she asked, almost afraid to know the answer. Vestri took his length into his hand and pointed the head at Sunrise, replying “I will allow it this once, Sunny, but I expect you to do as you are told.” Sunrise dropped her gaze and summoned up the courage. The word ‘traitor’ echoed about in her head. What if her family thought she was also a traitor? She bit her lip and spat it out, “They’re going to hate me. I’ll be an outcast. If… if I show that I can be a good pet, will you take care of me? Will I ever get to go back home?” Vestri gazed down at her with an imperceptible expression. The seconds ticked past, and Sunrise looked away, embarrassed and ashamed at asking such a thing. After what seemed hours, he finally answered, “You already are my pet. As long as you behave and follow orders as you are told, you will be pampered and well taken care of. In fact, you may even be cared for more than the others. You should take it as an honor, but let it not make you think you may rise above your station.” He gestured his hand down at his waiting dick, drawing Sunrise’s gaze back to it. “If you take care of me when I ask, you will be taken care of in return. As for the second question, I permitted one, but no, you will never go back home.” Sunrise’s head sunk down. Now she knew. She would never return to Canterlot. To her friends. To everything she knew. She had only the Lindisbarnians and the caribou. Lindisbarne has already told her she was a traitor, which left one choice. Ignoring the tears in her eyes, she rubbed at them and crawled through the clothes to take a seat in front of Vestri, her Master. She meant that now, and accepted it. Why fight him and incur punishment? The promise of reward and being taken care of was far more palatable, even if she had to do acts she would rather commit with a well-courted stallion. Her hands shaking, Sunrise reached up and grasped Vestri’s dick in her hands. The heat of it surprised her, and her master removed his hand from it to scratch his fingers along her ear. Sun flicked her ear and studied the length of meat hanging in front of her face. It was entirely black, and certainly large enough to cause Sunrise trouble if she took it anywhere else. In fact, could she even take it into her mouth? By the look on Vestri’s face, she had better be able. Strangely enough, Vestri’s cock was equine in shape. The scent was practically overpowering, and certainly not in a bad way. It stirred something in Sunrise’s loins, but she ignored it. Here goes nothing… Shuffling in between Vestri’s legs, Sunrise slipped her head in under his cock and nuzzled her nose along the two large orbs awaiting her. Okay, you can do this, Sunrise. Just treat him like a stallion you courted. She licked lips suddenly gone dry and wavered a moment. She could do this, she knew she could. As long as she kept Vestri happy, he would take care of her. The sudden kisses over her master’s balls surprised Sun and gave her the courage to continue. She licked straight up from the base of his dick, all the way to his flare. Vestri rumbled approvingly while his cock gave a twitch and a dot of his precum exuded. Sunrise kissed tentatively over Vestri’s flare, smearing the pre across her lips. Taking a deep breath for courage, Sunrise opened her mouth and slid herself down over her Master’s length, her jaw opened nearly to its limit. His length tasted quite unfamiliar, almost exotically spiced. Vestri took this moment to slide his hands over the back of Sunrise’s head and push her head down on his length. Taken by surprise, Sun nearly gagged as his cock intruded deep into her mouth. Gripping her head, Vestri ‘aided’ Sunrise by bobbing her head along his length. All Sunrise could do was fondle her hands over Vestri’s balls, caressing and gently squeezing each orb. With every pause in the bobbing, the unicorn sucked, hoping to please Vestri. Her caribou Master released her head, leaving her to finish him on her own. Raising her hands, Sunrise gripped around her master’s cock and rubbed along his length while she bounced her head. However long he’d been pent up, it certainly showed when a thick rope of Vestri’s cum shot into Sunrise’s mouth. Startled, Sun pulled her head away just as a second spurted into her maw, then a third and fourth across her face, forcing her to shut her eyes. With each twitch of Vestri’s dick, another string of seed landed on her face or chest, leaving Sunrise coated in a filmy white. Sunrise swallowed the cum in her mouth, wrinkling her nose at the taste. It’s certainly something she’d have to get used to. She felt Vestri’s hand on her head caressing her mane and him speak, “Good little Sunny.” His cock pressed against her neck while the caribou cleaned himself off on her coat. Wiping the cum from over her eyes, Sunrise licked it off her fingers and blinked a few times, smiling up at him. She pleased him. A good sign for her! Maybe things won’t be so bad? Vestri leaned over and fetched a drawing pad and pencil from his beltpouch, then laid back in the bed, saying into the room, “I want you to sleep now. I imagine it’s been quite the long night for you.” Looking about herself, Sunrise searched for something to wipe herself off with. Only various articles of expensive clothing greeted her, and she reluctantly lifted a pair of panties, using them to wipe herself down as best as possibly. Mostly, all she managed was to smear Vestri’s cum. Seeing it as the best she could do without a bath, she tossed the panties aside and laid her head down. Exhaustion caught up with her quick, and she passed into a dreamless sleep amidst the screams and noise happening outside. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunrise yawned and rolled over, yelping as the wire from one of her bras poked her in the side. Darting upright, she blinked the sleep from her eyes. The bed next to her lay empty and made, with no sign of Vestri anywhere. Thinking nothing of it for the time being, Sunrise wrinkled her nose, feeling the dried cum matting her coat over her face and chest. First thing she wanted was a nice soak, a good cleaning, and breakfast. Outside of the little table snacks she’d had at the festival, Sunrise hadn’t anything to eat since then outside of Vestri’s seed. Raising herself up out of the fairly messed up pile of clothes, Sunrise Splendor stretched, taking all the kinks out of her body from sleeping in such an uncomfortable bed. Well, she woke up, and everything was still there. That meant it wasn’t a dream. Cringing from the sudden pressure her movements placed on the buttplug, Sun bent down and gripped the base, clenching her teeth until she managed to pull the largest portion of the toy out and slip the rest free. Suddenly free of the toy causing herself so much ache, Sunrise strolled out of the bedroom and into the bathroom, excited to get herself cleaned up. While the bathroom was sparse compared to Canterlot standards, right now it appeared heavenly. Sunrise bent down to plug up the tub, then turned the water on, hoping to Celestia that the water still ran, and the heating spells still worked. When steam rose, Splendor silently cheered and stepped in, lowering herself down into the glorious heat. Closing her eyes, Sunrise felt aches start to vanish she didn’t know she had. In fact, she felt something familiar. Springing her eyes open, Sun gasped. My magic’s coming back! Yes! The mare lit her horn to life and levitated over a tiny bottle of scented bath wash. While her telekinesis was shaky, she had enough control over it that she didn’t use more than a few drops. Potent stuff, and expensive, too! Well worth the cost, however. Already, the gentle scent of orchids filled the bathroom and relaxed her further. Maybe today wouldn’t be so bad? Vestri treated her well enough as long as she was well-behaved, she got to spend most of her time in his presence, and to be honest things weren’t that bad. Sunrise blinked. She felt like she should be wailing, crying her eyes out, broken about never getting to return to Canterlot. Shouldn’t I be a bit more… morose? I’m a caribou’s slave, I have to do sexual things with him I’d rather not do, Lindisbarne has been invaded, and here I am sitting in a bath thinking of how enjoyable this day is! What is Tartarus is wrong with me!? Yet, there she was accepting it like it was the newest fashion in Canterlot. Is that the reason? Canterlot nobles were so quick to pick up new things and cast aside old it’s nearly a hobby. That has to be it. I’m so used to trying to stay ahead of the curve that I accepted this just as readily as a new world-crashing Fall lineup. In fact, Sunrise thought that without directly seeing it all, she almost thought everything was back to how it used to be. Snorting at her own foolishness, she dunked her head underwater and used her several fine-bristled brushes to gently lather mane mane and tail. No use looking like some farmgirl from Ponyville. She was a lady and had her standards of beauty. Standing, she extended those brushes over her body, being sure she got every inch. Oh Celestia, it felt good to use her magic. Sunrise didn’t know how much she missed it until it was removed from her. Not to worry, she’ll be a well-behaved mare, Vestri will allow her to keep it, and all will be fine. At the caress of the brush to her nethers, Sunrise’s entire body shuddered. She recalled the past night and bit her lips. Maybe… just this time. After all, when would she next have the privacy to truly enjoy herself? Lowering herself into the water to rinse, Sunrise gripped one of the brushes and used it for more than just a cleaning utensil. Those fine bristles made for one powerful sensation. Oh, she’d feel raw after she was done, but it would be so worth it. Maneuvering the brush, she started with gentle caresses over her folds, each one sending shivers of anticipation up her spine. A seed of arousal began in her groin, and after several more strokes, Sunrise could handle it no more. She planted that brush over her clit and circled it around, drawing squeals of pleasure from the mare. Oh Goddess, it was almost too much to bear. It was just enough, though, to force Sunrise to stretch her legs wide and nearly lose her magic. All the while, she thought of Silver Monocle, her old lover. He had a tongue of magic and a cock as powerful as a hammer.  Remembering the first time they’d lain together drove Sunrise to her peak and beyond. She bit down on her arm while waves of pleasure drove themselves through her body. Sinking down into the warm water, Sunrise Splendor felt more relaxed now than she had the entire trip. Amazing what a good masturbation will do for a mare. Laying her head back, she nearly nodded off. Jerking herself awake, Sunrise lifted herself out of the tub with a sigh. As much as she’d wanted to stay and soak, she’d expect that Vestri would not appreciate her lazing about. Swiftly drying herself off, and using the magic mane dryer to put herself to a respectable condition, Sunrise set about the arduous and meticulous task of setting her hair back to its normal styling. It took a bit longer than usual, considering the last day’s special design, but within half an hour, Sun had it where she wanted it. A little perfume in the right places, a dab of makeup here and there, and even a little more to cover her bruises aaaand… Done! She noticed the anal plug on the sink and decided against it. Vestri wouldn’t care much if she left it out. Adjusting her collar so the ring was at the very front and it wasn’t chafing her, the mare stopped by the entrance of the bedroom to stare at her clothes. Maybe… Sunrise imagined herself with white gold earrings and perhaps a bracelet or two with a dress made of sheer white silk. A Winter Queen. The mental image of Vestri tearing yet another of her expensive dresses to bits, much less any of her clothing made Sunrise decide against it. Sun did run inside and grab her leash, though, clipping it on and looping it around her wrist. Sunrise had a quick breakfast and the idea that Vestri may wish for a sandwich for lunch. With ingredients flying all over from Sunrise’s levitation, she swiftly fixed him a sandwich. After brushing her teeth, Sunrise felt better than she had all week. Placing the sandwich in a paper bag, Sun took a brief look at a hanging clock. It was nearly one in the afternoon! Quickly, Sunrise ran to the front door and stepped out, shutting it behind her. The sun blinded her for a moment, but once she could see again, she knew that the previous day had happened. Trails of smoke billowed out into the sky from numerous points in the town, and walking by was one of the caribou, three bound and gagged mares barely able to keep up the pace. All three glared at her when she passed. Sunrise hunched in on herself, and ran up to the caribou. “Vestri?” she asked, hoping he understood what she meant. Without looking, he replied, “Near the docks, female. Don’t dally.” Taking one last glance back at the mares and their heated glares, Sunrise bowed her head and replied, “T-Thank you.” Did they all know who she was? She scurried along through the streets, at one point peering into an alley in which she heard weak, unhappy moans. There, a mare she didn’t know was bent against a wall, one of the caribou buried deep in her and slapping his hips furiously against her. Blushing, Sunrise averted her gaze and hurried onward, ignoring the several cases of sexual activity. While a couple looked to be quite willing, the rest were anything but. Sunrise hurried into town center, her gaze sweeping past the various caribou. She ignored a group of nude stallions and mares sitting in a circle and guarded by several caribou, as well as the large pile of torn and discarded clothing nearby. Her eyes latched to several caribou discussing near the stage platform. She ran in that direction, past the group of ponies. “You fucking cunt, you helped them do this to us!” a stallion yelled at her and leapt out of the circle. “I’m going to give your ass the beating it deserves!” Sunrise yelped and dove back just in time to see one of the caribou knock the stallion upside the head with some sort of stick and drag him back into the circle. Breathing heavily, she held a hand to her breast and forced herself to calm. So I was right…  She walked the rest of the way to the group of caribou, unraveling her leash and holding it in one hand, the paper bag in the other. Which one is he… there! Sunrise stepped up to him and smiled broadly, “I apologize for being late, Ve- Master. I brought you a sandwich and my leash.” Her smile faltered somewhat when she noticed that the group of caribou were all talking with each other. Sunrise had been so excited to find Vestri she hadn’t thought he might be busy. The conversation ceased and Vestri turned, laying his gaze upon Sunrise. “Hmph, I don’t think she knows her place quite yet, Vestri,” one of the other males remarked. “Quiet, Ivangir,” Vestri barked. He reached out and took both the leash and bag into his hands, withdrawing the sandwich. He eyed it for a moment before taking half of it with a bite. He chewed several times and swallowed, uttering, “It will do.” He paused afterward and stared down at his bracers, then back up at the other caribou. “Traces of magic?” The other caribou nodded and muttered. Vestri whirled about and tossed the sandwich to the ground. “Have you been using your magic, Sunny!?” he demanded. Sunrise flinched back and dropped her gaze. Is that bad? Oh no, maybe I needed permission first! She nodded and practically whimpered, “Y-yes…” He stepped forward and yanked the leash until he held it near Sunrise’s collar, hissing, “And here you also stand on your hooves, when I only allowed you to do so last night. On your hands and knees, now!” The mare quaked, dropping down the moment the leash was released. Seeing Vestri so angered terrified her. She bent forward in a bow and shivered, praying Vestri didn’t break her horn, or set her out for public use. “I-I-I’m sorry, M-Master! I-I didn’t know!” Sunrise pleaded, shutting her eyes tight. “Allow me,” one of the caribou said. “No,” Vestri replied. “She is mine to punish. Anvari, your crop.” A thin caribou wearing a leather jerkin eyed Sunrise up and down with a practiced eye as if she were just a prized carrot on display. He chuckled and handed over a long-handled riding crop, “This should be quite fun to watch. Make her understand her place as naught but livestock.” Sunrise clenched her eyes and bit down on her lip. She mentally pleaded for mercy of any kind, but neither Celestia nor Luna answered her. Instead, she felt her tail pushed aside. Vestri grunted, and the crop was used to press against her folds. Sunrise gasped, feeling quite sensitive at that moment. “I see. You also removed your plug and masterbated without permission. I thought I could leave you alone until I retrieved you,” Vestri voiced angrily. “Apparently-” He lifted his arm and brought the riding crop down harshly upon Sunrise’s ass. Sunrise screamed as pain erupted and the force of the blow shoved her face-first into the cobblestone. She bit back a sob and clenched her hands into fists. “-I-” Two more blows landed, one for each of her asscheeks. This time, a sob escaped and tears leaked from her eyes, leaving trails down her makeup and wet stains on the cobblestone. “-could-” A flurry of blows landed on Sunrise’s backside, each one leaving a red welt and dragging a wail from her throat. “-NOT!” Sunrise bawled, sobbing from the intense pain in her backside. Everytime she attempted to speak, she choked, only to sob more. Vestri was not done, yet. With two more strong smacks, he accurately struck both Sunrise’s asshole and her folds, forcing a scream. Sunrise hid her face in her arms, soaking her coat with her tears.  When no more blows were forthcoming, she lowered her tail. Oh goddesses, it hurt. Just the action of lowering her tail broke her into a fresh bout of tears. Why did she do those things? She had been so happy, and instead she ruined it by not thinking of what Vestri may approve of. When her crying died down enough, Sunrise gasped out, “I’m so-re-he-he!” Lifting her head, she choked, “I-I-I will b-beha-have!” At the bemusement of the other caribou, Vestri knelt down and reached out his hand. Preparing herself to have her head patted or ears rubbed, Sunrise stretched her neck out to him. Instead, Vestri grabbed her severely about the horn and yanked her face back to the stone. Vestri twisted his wrist, forcing Sunrise to turn her head with it or risk her horn snapping right off. “Yet each time you apologize, each time you claim you will behave, you go and prove to me you will do anything but!” he exclaimed. Sunrise gritted her teeth, her tear-blurred eyes staring up at her master. Oh goddesses, two days in a row she was going to have a good day, and both times she ruined it for herself! She remembered the poor mares on her way to the town center and whispered, “P-Please don’t m-m-make me public u-use.” Vestri outright laughed and looked back at the other males, “Perhaps I should. I should give you over to the others and see just how much of a ‘well-behaved’ slut you would be.” At the murmurs of approval and chuckles, Sunrise broke into a fresh wave of tears. She outstretched her hand toward Vestri. She looked back at all her experience with talking to nobles and Canterlot elite. None of it would help her here. Her words failed her. Sunrise dropped her hand and pulled it in under her, awaiting the moment when she would be given over to the other caribou for her folly. Rather than that, Vestri hissed in warning, “You will not speak without permission and unless you are spoken to. If I see you step one hoof out of line, you will wish I had given you over to the others. I have given you too many chances.” Vestri paused, then added, “Maybe I should give you to Ivangir. He has no qualms against completely breaking a female.” Sunrise’s breath caught in her throat and she nodded vigorously. I will ask him before I do anything, and I will at every chance try to show him I meant what I said… Vestri seemed satisfied with her response, as he stood and turned to the others. Their conversation continued, something about devices, though Sunrise wasn’t truly paying attention. For several moments, Sun focused on the pain and heat radiating from her backside. She waited for it to subside before crawling painfully over to settle and lean against Vestri’s leg. When no words of encouragement or even a hand upon her head came, Sunrise huddled in on herself. She’d screwed up. She’d adapted so quickly and instead threw it all away for the pleasures of removing the plug, using her magic, and masturbation. She was a fool to think Vestri wouldn’t mind if she did those things. From now on, she would always ask permission. Suddenly, as one, all of the caribou glanced at her. Sunrise froze up, her eyes wide in momentary terror. They looked away, and she heard one say, “Are you sure?” Vestri replied, “Quite sure.” Whatever she missed, it seemed important, but when she brought her ears to attention to listen Vestri tugged on her leash. Around them, the other caribou started walking off together. Vestri kept a good pace with them, forcing Sunrise to crawl as fast as she could, hissing in pain at each step. Oh Celestia, her rear hurt. From the feeling of her hands and knees, those would hurt soon enough just from the pace. When they all passed the group of ponies, she heard a mare’s voice callout, “Karma!” Sunrise folded her ears back and tried to ignore it. Maybe she did deserve this. Her eyes flooded over with tears, making it hard to see where she was going. With the pace Vestri set, though, she couldn’t wipe them. Blinking them clear, she stuck her tongue out in disgust once they reached the dirt roads. However, this wasn’t one of the two she was used to. Every so often, they passed a burned out house, or piles of rubble, but it hardly looked like the worst damage. Though it’d probably only been a good ten minutes, the walk… well, crawl felt like an hour. Pebbles dug into her knees and palms, and the pain in Sunrise’s backside kept flaring up with every step. The building they came to was fairly large, and relatively untouched by the ravages seen by other structures. This time, four caribou guards stood outside, instead of the two from the large house. They all glared down at Sunrise as one, wilting the mare. Not threatening, not doing anything. Being good. With a rough tug, Vestri dragged her inside. Inside the building lay only what Sunrise could describe as a dining hall, probably for festivities or the various workers. Most of the tables lay pushed and abandoned against the walls. Chairs lay scattered where they were thrown. In the middle of the room, though, four of the smaller tables were gathered together to form a rough square. There, at the center of one of the tables sat Dainn. The seven caribou, including Vestri, saluted with fists to their chest. They headed for the tables as one. Two each at either side of Dainn, and three at the table across. Sunrise attempted to make herself as small as possible when Vestri sat to Dainn’s right, leaving her to settle on the floor next to her master in full view of the King. At Dainn’s left sat who she thought to be Ivangir. When he caught her looking at him, he leveled a glare at Sunrise that wilted her. She didn’t hold that gaze for long. This close, Dainn looked far larger. The way he held himself she’d seen plenty of times in Canterlot. Sure of himself, but worried. What would he worry about? Dainn clearing his throat dragged Sunrise out of her thoughts. She spotted the various males pulling sheets of paper from pouches on their belts, Vestri included. In fact, Vestri’s appeared like the parchment he was using last night. “I want reports on everything. No need for numbers, I’ve looked into that already,” he announced. Vestri spoke first, “The ponies were easily taken, though many tried to put up a fight. Minor injuries to some, and a farmer managed to skewer Calder with a pitchfork. He’ll be fine after the healers are finished with him and he rests. I believe there are still a good many hiding. We drag them out the moment they are found.” Vestri’s gaze traveled to glance down at Sunrise. She lowered her eyes when he continued,  “We’ll see trouble from many of them, both the males and females.” I’ll try not to be trouble anymore… Ivangir cleared his throat and sifted through his papers. “The bolas and nets worked well against the few flyers amongst them. We had to repurpose them to use against runners, though it was not as effective as I would have hoped. As for the bracers and armor, the horned ones were little trouble. Most did not think to use their magic until it was too late, and a knock against the horn easily makes them lose concentration.” He set the papers down and added, “I’d like new catchpoles added to the list.” Dainn nodded and replied, “When get get together a list of what to replace and to make, I’ll make sure they are added. Throtr?” Sunrise peeked over the tabletop to watch the smallest of the Council. “Most of our original cargo is damaged or waterlogged. The trip and storms did not help us in that regard. Our supply of shock batons is low, and we’ve lost half the flora and fauna we brought with us. We have enough to get by with, but not if we lose anymore,” Throtr explained, looking over several sheets probably telling of cargo. Anvari spoke up, suddenly, “Let’s not forget the females. They are getting restless. Too much time on the ships, little play, and certainly not enough exercise.” Dainn waved his hand, “They will be brought out either tomorrow or the day after once we settle things here. The Runemasters are making sure we will not be disturbed. They’re currently out setting runestones and wards to be sure that from the outside and above the town looks normal. If any flyers come in, we’ll capture them by the time they pierce the wards.” A caribou built like an ox with arms almost as large as Sunrise’s waist glanced over at her strangely. He seemed oddly interested in her collar. He studied over for several seconds, then interjected. “We will need to do something about the collars, too. They are created for our own females, not the bodies of these ponies. When they are clipped on, if they fit at all, they tend to be tight, preventing in some cases breathing or swallowing. In most cases, they chafe.” He stood and worked his way around to grab Sunrise’s chin. She folded her ears back, but said not a word. Behave. Don’t speak. He lifted the collar and trailed his finger along her neck, pointing to various places where redness could be seen beneath her coat. She wished to wriggle, thrash, duck back, something to get out of the caribou’s grasp. Vestri’s hand on her shoulder calmed her, though, and she gazed in his direction and relaxed herself. After an eternity, he released her collar and chin and traveled back to his chair. Sunrise rubbed where he had stiffly grabbed her. His grip had felt crushing. “What do you propose, Durnir?” Dainn asked, crossing his arms over his chestplate. Durnir withdrew a sheet of paper and slid it forward on his table. The other caribou raised out of their seats to examine it. “Three collars made in the sizes required for these ponies. Not just that, but different categories. Most of them fight against us, though some try to avoid trouble or even conduct themselves as is their new position.” Several more sheets joined the first. “I propose colors to differentiate. Red for those who have accepted their position. Lacquer, paint, whatever gives the color. Padded, as well, with different kinds of padding for different ponies.” He pointed suddenly at Sunrise, or more exactly, her neck. “Our base silver can remain to mean those that have not yet fallen into a category.” Durnir suddenly grinned maliciously and tapped his finger on one of the drawings. “And black. Those who fight us or refuse to accept their position. Easily seen and uncomfortable as a nest of hornets. Ivangir will particularly enjoy this, but I suggest a Black is not gone easy on. Let them feel the full strength of our arm until they accept their place or we beat it into them.” Sunrise swallowed and glanced fearfully up at her master. If he put her into a Black… She recalled the whippings and the ache in her ass that still throbbed. She flinched, imagining it as the tip of the iceberg. No, she would be a Red. She hoped. That is if things weren’t too late for her. She leaned over and laid her chin on his leg, nudging her head against his stomach. When he laid his hand on her head and stroked it down her mane, she released a sigh of relief. She wasn’t doomed quite yet. She twitched and cocked her ears when another of the caribou spoke. “To add onto that idea, wing sheaths for the flyers. Pluck them clean, slip them on, no feather growth, no flying. Red and black. Red massages, black cramps. Runed on the insides and controlled by a rune-rod.” Short and straight to the point, thought Sunrise. She shut her eyes and flicked her ear, pushing herself into her master’s petting. It was one small consolation in a day where everything had gone wrong for her. Dainn speaking drew an eye open, though she shut it quickly, “What of the contraption?” Vestri replied swiftly, “It should be completed tomorrow. It will do well enough until we have the time to craft proper ones. I have an idea of who will be first.” Sunrise bristled, feeling like they were talking about her, and could feel their sudden gazes. Contraption? Please don’t let it be something horrible. “Make sure she is ready,” Dainn remarked. “As for the list of supplies, let’s go over what we have now, what the town had to offer, and what we need,” he moved on. The discussion that followed bored Sunrise, simply talking of food stores, various materials and tools, and anything that wouldn’t interest her. Instead, Sunrise folded her ears back and thought of what the rest of the day may hold for her, as well as the next. Vestri was pissed at her, as her pain-filled rump testified. Images of acts Ivangir would perform on her turned Sunrise cold. Her mind ran away with ideas. What if he stuffed her into a cage too small? The thought of being trapped in a cramped space unable to move terrified her. Or worse…. What if Ivangir took it steps further than Vestri? Making sure every one of her orifices were plugged with toys and signs like ‘I love fucking our new masters’ or ‘I betrayed you all for a better life’ and paraded past all the ponies in town? Or even given to all the stallions afterward!? Sunrise suddenly felt faint and pushed the thoughts from her head. This was not the time or place to freak out. Cocking an ear, Sunrise listened to Dainn and the various other Council members discuss projects that needed done. Something about pods and hive creatures. Ignoring it for now, she focused more on the sensation of Vestri caressing her mane while the droning of voices shrank in the background. Just before she slid into a light sleep, Sunrise thought, I would do anything to be back in Canterlot... > Sun's Setting Chapter 2 Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunrise awoke an indeterminate time later to a slap against her ass. Her new position was now across Vestri’s lap while his hand rested on her rump. His fingers tickled over the mare’s folds. She yelped and sat upright, nearly banging her head against Vestri’s elbow. Blinking the sleep out of her eyes, Sunrise noticed the various caribou leaving their seats and exiting the building, muttering amongst themselves. Vestri himself stood and wrapped the leash around his wrist, giving Sunrise a short enough lead that she was forced to crawl next to him. At least this time he walked at a slower pace. They exited the dining hall together and made their way down yet another different street. Sunrise flinched with each jab of a rock and mourned the damage she must be inflicting to her fingernails. The next time she got to use the bathroom to freshen up, she’d have to cut them down to fix them. The usual chatter a town had instead gave way to silence, then the sounds of tools, not being used but instead being moved. Sunrise sucked her breath in. Was this about the contraption? She nearly balked, but somehow knew that if she did Vestri would drag her along anyway. It kept her crawling. Eventually, they turned the corner and came to a smithy. “Stop!” barked the caribou taking down smaller pony-sized tools and setting his far larger ones in place. “She will not come in here on all fours. Let her stand.” Sunrise stared in confusion until she saw the floor. Fragments of coal, metal shavings, and jagged pebbles strewn the floor. Whoever owned this smithy must have been caught while he was working into the night. She guessed even festivals didn’t mean everypony got time off. Sun found herself internally grateful she would not be walking across the debris on all fours. Maybe not all the caribou were cruel? Vestri nodded down at her. Sun brightened up at the chance to finally stand and gathered her legs beneath her. Partway up, however, she stumbled and grasped Vestri’s arm to lift herself the rest of the way. Oh fucking Celestia’s flaming tits her ass hurt! The pain in her rear flared up and left her panting and tensing her body. It was far worse than the plug the night before! Vestri slipped himself into the smithy, Sunrise barely hanging off his arm while she took uncertain steps. He suddenly dragged her in front of him and looked about the shop. “I need a custom collar. Fitted and comfortable. Satin padding on the inside. Red lacquer finish with flowing gold script. Her name is Sunny. You can do the runes?” he asked, not looking at the mare in his hands. The blacksmith grabbed a measuring tape from a nearby wall and held it out at Sunrise, taking in the measurements of her neck. “As well as any of the other smiths. They’re taking up residence in the other smithies. Some are doubling up. Need anything specific?” he answered and asked back. “Just the usual. Complete mesh, no seams. Add in a pleasure rune for good measure,” Vestri squeezed Sunrise’s arms and pulled her back, her pain-inflamed rump pressing into him. She ignored the pain, instead experiencing a head rush. A custom Red collar for her? She flushed and almost felt giddy. Things were going to be alright! Vestri wasn’t too mad at her. However, her thoughts of victory came too soon. “In fact, make a custom black, too. Dull paint, uncomfortable as you can make it. Same runes, except add one that makes it feel like she fell in stinging nettles. I feel I may need it,” Vestri added. Sunrise’s smile died and she flattened her ears. A black? She looked up at her master in alarm, receiving only an imperceptible expression in return. She deflated visibly, realizing that Vestri may never forgive her. Did she really destroy her one shot at finding any sort of happiness in her situation? “I will see what I can do. We have numerous things that need made, and these ponies at least had a good supply of various metals,” the smith commented, waving his hand at a storage shed. “Since it comes straight from you, I’ll make sure it’s the first completed. Come back in the morning.” Vestri nodded and stepped out of the smithy, Sunrise in tow. Without being asked or ordered, she obediently lowered herself to her hands and knees, biting her tongue against the pain through the entire process. Whatever Vestri thought about it, he gave no indication. He moved off, and by the looks of the sun over the ocean, they were heading for the docks. She crawled beside him silently, her head hung low. A black? For those that fought or were unwilling to accept their place. She accepted her place, though! Didn’t she? She looked back to that morning and the night before. The Runemaster had removed her magic. That should have been an indication to her that she wasn’t permitted to use it. The plug? She knew she should have slipped it back in, but she was so happy at the time she didn’t think there would be consequences for not. The masturbation, or in her case orgasm, what if Vestri was waiting to use that as a reward? That was what everything boiled down to: Sunrise didn’t think. She whimpered, drawing Vestri’s gaze. “We will see tomorrow which you earn, pet. For now, I think a little bit of minor punishment is in store. I am required to do some of my duties. I think placing with you with the other captured ponies will do you some good, just to see how well you have it,” Vestri mused with a chuckle. Sunrise blanched and faltered. Oh no. Oh no no no! She recalled that pony jumping out at her, the other ones calling her traitor. Vestri tugged the leash, the collar choking her. He dragged her along a couple feet, scraping Sunrise’s hands and knees raw before she continued crawling alongside him. He was leaving her with them!? Numerous ideas of what they may do to her passed through her mind. She was going to be lucky to make it out alive! She opened her mouth to beg, to plead, something. Her master’s command to stay quiet floated to the fore of her mind. She had little time to think of anything else before the various shops and residences broke away and warehouses rose up before them. Caribou were everywhere, as were piles of crates, some strewn haphazardly with their contents spilled. One was nearly upended with sacks of grain spilling out beneath it. Another held blankets, presumably for trading or winter. Most of the males just conversed with each other, looking decidedly bored. Others, however, stood around the warehouses, obviously guarding them from without. Or maybe from within? While the warehouses weren’t large compared to some of the ones in Canterlot, some were of a good size. Vestri led her to the side entrance of one in particular and nodded to the guards. They both drew out strange batons and held them at the ready. Are those the shock batons I heard about? Sunrise didn’t feel the need to experience their touch. When they approached the door, Vestri bent down and unlatched her leash, then grabbed the back of her collar and lifted her into the air. The pain in Sun’s flanks became second to the collar cutting off her air. Her master pushed open the door with the two guards at the ready and threw her unceremoniously in. Sunrise tumbled and caught herself before her face hit the wooden floor. Turning abruptly, she caught Vestri as he turned away and the door was closed. She heard the click of the lock and her heart fell. He left her here with all the other ponies. Sunrise really was fucked. Maybe even that red collar had been another punishment? See what you could have had? Too bad, you’re getting this instead. She sat upright, only to notice a great many ponies staring at her. All of them were nude, and most had collars around their necks. She couldn’t tell much, since it seemed one of the lights was dead. Some were talking amongst themselves normally, a few glanced at her and whispered to their compatriots. In the background, multiple ponies were crying, and more than a few glared at her. One even yelled out, “Sunrise is here!” Whoever or whatever that was to, Sunrise found out a moment later as a mare pushed past all the ponies. Sunrise stared incredulously at her mother. The light-yellow mare with an orange mane ran over and knelt down to enwrap Sunrise with a hug. Sunrise had her eyes. “They all kept telling me you were with them, that you helped them,” Sun Streamer whispered into her ear, then glared back at the other ponies and yelled, “And it seems that it was not true.” Ignoring the fact her mother was nude, Sunrise buried her face into Sun Streamer’s shoulder and let out all her anguish at once, sobbing just like she were a filly again. Sunrise lost track of the time she spent crying with her mother, listening to her coo and tell her things will be alright. But they won’t. The thought of that black collar around her neck and Ivangir becoming her new master scared her like nothing else. “Here, let me get you stood up while you tell me what happened,” Sun Streamer said warmly in her ear. Just the simple act of being helped upright inflamed her rear, causing Sunrise to gasp in pain and rub her backside. “Did they do this to you?” Streamer asked. Sunrise simply nodded while Streamer helped her over to a crate to sit on, other ponies moving aside. The flare of pain in Sunrise’s backside had tears in the corner of her eyes, but she ignored it so her mother wouldn’t worry over her further. Several came over to watch, interested or worried, though Sunrise mostly ignored them for now. Sunrise averted her eyes from her mother’s gaze and stayed quiet, though. I have to be good. “Sunny? Why aren’t you talking? Please, tell me what’s wrong,” her mom pleaded. Sunrise flinched at the name, took a deep breath, and whispered to Sun Streamer, “My Mas-Vestri. Vestri said I wasn’t allowed to speak. He’ll punish me if he finds out.” I have to behave. Sun Streamer pulled Sunrise against her chest and makes sounds of reassurance. “Don’t worry, Sunny. We won’t tell. What happened? I thought I saw you at the festival, leashed by one of those… things!” “I-I…” Sunrise attempted to say. She gathered her courage beneath her. She was already damned, wasn’t she? Vestri was going to give her the Black. He was just mocking her, punishing her by showing her what she couldn’t have. “I was coming back from my house and I overheard strange talking in a nearby building. So I listened in. It was the mayor and a couple caribou…” Sunrise shut her eyes tightly and shuddered. Embellishment might help her case. A larger group of ponies gathered around the two mares, many of them exchanging worried glances at the mention of the mayor. “Go on,” Sun Streamer encouraged. “They were talking about how nopony got into the town, or out. They were captured. Then about some sort of deal. He was in on it the entire time,” Sunrise drew her knees to her chest and choked. “I was caught eavesdropping by Vestri, one of Dainn’s Council. He took me as his pet and was going to take care of me. I messed up, and that’s why I’m here.” Sun Streamer looked up at the various others, then back down at Sunrise, “You’ll be safe with us, my little sunshine.” Sunrise shivered and shook her head frantically, wailing, “No, I won’t! He’s going to put me in a black collar and hand me over to Ivangir!” The other mare looked at Sunrise in alarm, but asked, “Black collar? Ivangir? Sunny, what’s going on?” She glanced up at her mother and took a breath to calm herself, as little good as it did. Her Canterlot calm and poise refused to come to her. “Vestri owns me. He and Ivangir are two of Dainn’s Council. I was there when they were discussing what to do with us. We’re their slaves, mother, and they plan to do horrible things!” Sunrise gasped out. “We all gathered they had some kind of plans for us, Sunrise. That’s why we’re planning to escape. I don’t think they know about the cellars we store wine and such in,” Streamer explained, planting a reassuring kiss on Sunrise’s forehead. The image of her entire family wearing black collars and beaten by Ivangir froze her blood. Sunrise waved her arms and pleaded, “No no no! They’re ready for that! They know that a lot of us aren’t going to sit idle.” She groaned and shifted positions to allow her aching rear have some rest. “What should we do?” one of the stallions asked. Sunrise grimaced. They weren’t going to like this, none of them. But if she knew anything, it was that they would not be punished if they knew their place. She swallowed and replied, “Don’t do anything. I saw what they were capable of and some of what they had planned. In Canterlot there’s a saying: ‘Know your opponent’s hand before you bet all your bits.’ What I saw is that they planned this. Nobody will know that something’s wrong, something about wards and runestones showing everything is fine.” The ponies were silent a moment and exchanged glances. Sun Streamer stared at Sunrise oddly until one mare cried out, “You expect us to do nothing!? Those monsters took my friend and raped her and other mares like her! I don’t want to wake up one morning to find them balls deep in my rump, thank you!” Several others, all bolstered by the mare’s outcry raised their own. “I want be safe with my wife!” “I knew it, she did turn traitor on us!” “I don’t know what they teach you in Canterlot, but this is Lindisbarne, we don’t stand for this! We are nopony’s slaves!” Other voices joined in, turning all the remarks into a jumble of words until Sun Streamer waved everybody down and calmed them. “Sunny, my Sunrise. You don’t honestly believe that, do you?” she asked with concern. Sunrise stared at the group and choked back a sob, “You don’t know how powerless you are until you’re on the end of one of their leashes, without a hint of magic, everything you do scrutinized by them and threatened with punishment at the slightest provocation. I don’t want my horn shattered!” Several of the ponies looked away, suddenly ashamed, but the rest just appeared more adamant. One even called out, “So you just sit there and take it like a bitch. You don’t raise a hand for your freedom, don’t think that getting out of here and warning Princess Celestia is important?” Mumbles of agreement passed through the crowd, with some of the less adamant ponies slipping out of the group. “What would you have me do?” Sunrise demanded. Sun Streamer grasped Sunrise’s hands and answered, “Come with is. The more ponies we can get out, the more we can rescue from this existence! You won’t have to worry about this Vestri anymore.” Sunrise looked away and squeezed her eyes shut, “I-I can’t! If I’m caught…” Ivangir clamping a black collar around her neck and forcing her to crawl in the dirt like a snake burned itself into her mind. She would avoid that at all costs. “Leave her, they’ve already gotten to her,” a voice mumbled. Ponies strode away from the crowd until all that remained were Sun Streamer and her. “When you change your mind, we’ll be here until we leave. I’ll try to get you help if you don’t come with us,” Sun Streamer whispered, worry tinging her voice. Sunrise didn’t answer, even once Sun Streamer slipped off the crate and moved away. Once her mother left, she huddled back in the crates, attempting to hide herself. She wasn’t sure how long she remained there without a clock to go by, but her thoughts turned dark. She was damned if she did, and damned if she didn’t. On one hand, if she ran with them, the scouts or whatever caribou were out there would find them. They’d be brought back, and she’d be handed over to Ivangir no questions asked. Maybe even after Vestri punished her. Then she got to look forward to whatever Ivangir had planned. On the other, she remained, alienated all the other ponies, and disappointed her mother. Caught between a rock and a hard place. Then there was the fact that Vestri ordered two collars for her. Maybe there’s still hope? Why would he go through all that effort just to have it made if I could never have it? The idea brightened her up somewhat, but it was like a match to a pitch dark night. Whatever he planned, she could form the idea in her head. She was going to have to choose, or he would choose depending on her behavior. Maybe both. Obedience was key, not acting like this was Canterlot and her former place in society. She had a master now, and his will and word were her law. It was all a mess, no matter which way she looked at it. Sunrise’s stomach growled, reminding her she hadn’t anything to eat since her light lunch. By the looks of the high windows, dusk was beginning to fall. Would Vestri remember to let her eat? She laid her head down on her knees and sniffled. She should have stayed in Canterlot. Maybe then she’d still be happy, have all her friends, and not shunned by a bunch of strange ponies she didn’t know. The others were right, though. The Princesses needed to know. What if it didn’t stop here? The Crystal Empire ‘s borders were nearby, then the multitude of other small towns and villages around Equestria. The caribou could easily spread until they wished to reveal themselves. However, they weren’t terribly powerful. Once Princess Celestia found out, she’d come and stop them. That gave her a moment’s peace until the lock rattled and clicked, then the door slid open. Ponies popped their heads up to see a caribou silhouetted by the setting sun. “Sunny, come,” she heard her master say. Sunrise scrambled off the crates, gritting her teeth against the pain and dropped down to her hands and knees. Crawling to the door, she looked back and hung her head. The click of the leash sealed her fate, and Sunrise started the long and silent crawl back home. There was no going back. The other ponies wouldn’t forgive her. Her fear made sure of that. Sunrise prayed to Celestia that her mother, as well as the rest of the ponies of Lindisbarne would not do anything foolish. Vestri stayed silent the entire journey to their cottage. Once they reached it, he slammed the door behind them and undid the leash roughly. “You may stand now. Fix yourself a basic meal, then come upstairs. It’s time for your real punishment,” Vestri said simply without even glancing at her. Sunrise watched on while he strode up the stairs, his boots clomping on the wood. My real punishment? Sunrise thought with a whimper. She grasped the doorframe and pulled herself up, gritting her teeth. Constantly crawling was playing havoc on her joints, and it didn’t help that her backside was bruised from the numerous crop welts. Sun limped her way to the kitchen and eyed around what all she had to work with. Maybe something simple, she suddenly wasn’t all that hungry after hearing about her ‘real punishment’. The crop, the threats of being given to Ivangir, the black collar, and being stuck with the other ponies wasn’t her punishment? What more could it be? Public humiliation? Forced to denounce the Princesses? Subjected to torturous practices? All her clothing shredded before her eyes? Each idea made her more sick to her stomach than the last until all she could do was look at the produce. I’m not hungry… Holding her stomach, Sunrise turned away and made her journey up the stairs to the bedroom. She pushed open the door and slipped inside, shutting it with a click behind her. Inside, Vestri leaned on one of the dressers and stared out the window. Sunrise bit her lip and hunched her shoulders, stepping light and kneeling down behind her master. As each quiet moment added to the other, Sunrise bowed her head and folded back her ears. Was this the punishment? To be ignored? Sun snapped her head up when Vestri’s voice startled her. “You have stayed quiet as you were told, but I could see you holding back everything you wished to say. Say it now,” he remarked neutrally. Flicking her ears, Sunrise flitted her eyes all around, thinking of what exactly to say. So many things that she could say, but wouldn’t or couldn’t. A short silence followed before Sunrise finally spoke up. “I wish nothing more than to not disappoint and anger you. I was not thinking earlier, Master. I did not understand what permissions I had and did not have,” she attempted to explain as diplomatically as possible. Vestri’s silence was several times longer than Sunrise’s. His words came out cold, “Of course you did not think, did not understand. You and the other females are nothing but animals!” Sunrise shivered from the intensity of his voice and did her best to reply right away, “I-I do not wish to have a Black collar around my neck, Master. I tried so much today to behave, to not anger you. I want you to be proud of me!” Animals? Is that what the caribou thought of them? Or more likely, of mares? Vestri stood to his full height and cracked his neck. His antlers scraped the ceiling when he turned his head to peer back at Sunrise. “Why would I be proud for you doing what you should have been doing in the first place? I will be proud of you when you go beyond that, when you prove to be more than just a well-behaved pet. You will decide tomorrow the kind you wish to be,” he growled. Vestri was silent again, except when Sunrise opened her mouth to answer, he ordered, “Bend over the bed, Sunny.” Sunrise didn’t argue. She twisted about and crawled to the bed, pulling herself up over the comfortable surface. She knew what was coming. A real whipping. Probably more along her cutie marks than her ass this time. Her ears fell back at the same time she tightly shut her eyes, her entire body tense. Would she even be able to walk, much less crawl in the morning? The sound of empty boots hitting the floor, followed by the jangle of Vestri’s scale loin-cloth alarmed Sunrise. Oh no. No no no! He can’t be thinking… She dared to look back, only to see her Master approaching her with a raging hardon and another of those butt plugs in his hand. Her eye twitched and she blanched, diving her face into the comforter and gripping the blanket in her hands. He is! She felt her tail brushed aside, then the cool wetness of the plug touching against her pucker. He at least had the kindness of making sure the toy was thoroughly lubed. As before, Vestri left her no time to prepare, immediately pressing it against her ass. Remembering the pain from before, Sunrise forced herself to relax, though it was difficult knowing what was coming. Sunrise bit into the sheets, her anal ring twitching and trying to fit the plug pushing into and past it. By the feel of it, it was significantly larger than the last. Just by the midpoint, Sunrise’s nails pressed into her palms through the blanket, and she felt like her teeth were going to shatter by how hard she bit down. There was pain, yes, but mostly it was the pressure doing her in, though as the plug pushed in further, the pain grew, leaving her gasping through her nostrils. All at once, Vestri popped the plug into her ass. Sunrise intook air sharply and squealed into the bed, tears springing to her eyes at the suddenly pain. Oh goddesses, the plug filled her up. Before the two plugs, she’d never taken anything up the rear, much less entertained the idea. Vestri fiddled with the base of the plug. Suddenly, a brief shock passed through Sunrise’s body. Almost immediately, Sunrise felt lust come over her and her nethers becoming dampened. That can’t be right! What did Vestri do!? The question went unanswered in Sunrise’s mind when her Master suddenly pressed his flare up against her folds. Sunrise unconsciously pressed herself up against him, her need clouding her mind. It wasn’t right, but for some reason she wanted it more than anything! Vestri pressed in, lowering himself over the mare. It took three good pushes before Vestri’s cock slipped into Sunrise, stretching her wider around him than she’d ever been. She whimpered into the sheets, a shudder passing through her body at the surprisingly pleasing feeling of her Master within her. He started with small thrusts, each one pushing himself a little deeper into Sunrise until he bottomed out, leaving the mare to feel doubly filled from the plug and her Master’s length. For a moment, Vestri remained there while Sunrise breathed heavily. Oh goddesses, how was this punishment? If this was just the start, Sunrise felt she’d be a well-fucked and pleased mare by the end. Her Master gripped her shoulders and withdrew himself, only to bottom himself out within her a second later, his hips slapping against her sore ass. Sunrise twitched and gasped, more from the thrust than the impact to her sore rear. She could feel every inch of him within her, from his flare to his medial ring. She still found it weird that caribou had equine-like cocks, but perhaps that was normal? Maybe ponies had caribou dicks? That single thrust turned something on within Vestri, for no sooner had he thrust entirely into Sunrise did he pull out again and start a fairly quick paced fucking that left Sunrise panting and drooling her arousal across the bedsheets. The wet slaps of Vestri’s hips against her backside echoed through the room, with the poor mare gasping between both pleasure and the pain of her rump. Sunrise felt so needy and enjoyed the rutting so much that she quickly approached the brink. However, even with the intense pleasure in her crotch and Vestri ramming himself into her cunt over and over, relief did not come. It was simply maddening to know she was right there and it wasn’t coming. With each thrust, her Master rocked her body forward, his grunts blowing air across Sunrise’s mane. It took only a short time for Vestri to bury himself in Sunrise’s snatch and rumble in his throat. Sunrise gasped in surprise as she felt spurt after spurt of her master’s seed rush into her body and fill her to brim and beyond. After a good moment, Vestri lifted himself away from Sunrise, withdrawing from her body to allow a good bit of his cum to pour out from Sunrise and onto the bed. She was left panting, wishing for more and on the brink of relief. She felt her lust fading, but the need to finish grow. Whatever that plug did, it prevented her from cumming. Her face felt heated and flushed, and when Vestri left the room, Sunrise looked up. It… it wasn’t so bad. In fact, she rather enjoyed being rutted by her Master, outside of the inability to orgasm. Sunrise slipped off the bed and stood, hissing at the soreness in her ass. A warm trickle of seed streamed down her leg. I am going to be SO sore in the morning… she thought unhappily. Sun limped to the closet and slid it open, grasping at a spare blanket and carrying it over to her bed of clothes. Flicking off the light, she groaned and settled herself out on her dresses and threw the blanket out over herself before curling up. Her hand twitched down toward her folds, but she barely held it back. Oh goddesses, what she wouldn’t give to be allowed to orgasm. The mare shoved it to the back of her mind and stared into the darkness of the bedroom. Sunrise could hear Vestri moving about downstairs doing Celestia-knew-what. What did he mean by telling her that she would have to choose the next day? And what about the stallions? He said that females are animals. What about the males? Whatever the answers may be, Sunrise wouldn’t doubt she’d find them out the next day. Gathering her undergarments into a makeshift pillow of silk and satin, Sunrise laid her head down and drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the various ways Vestri would make love to her. > Sun's Setting Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunrise Splendor shifted in her sleep, a sudden pang of discomfort waking her from her slumber. Blinking away her exhaustion, she groaned and sat up, squinting at the clock on the wall. Nearly three in the morning? Ugh. She twisted her head, noticing Vestri asleep with his back turned toward her, his head nearly off the bed so his antlers had room. A pressing need suddenly took Sunrise, and she slipped out of the room into the bathroom to deal with it. After refreshing herself and grabbing a drink of water, she held a hand to her belly. Her nethers still felt tingly from the earlier rutting, and she was quickly regretting not eating hours ago. Peeking in on Vestri, she nodded to herself and slipped down to the kitchen. Maybe a rose-petal and hay sandwich would hit the spot. It wasn’t Canterlot fare, but right now, she was hungry enough for it. Halfway through making the sandwich, she stared out one of the kitchen windows, a realization striking her. She could escape, here and now. If she were careful, she could make her way through and out of town without being spotted. Then she just had to find her way to the next town. Sun Streamer’s words came back to her, and her hand shook. It would be so easy, wouldn’t it? She’s not leashed right now, Vestri’s asleep, and if all went well, she’d be long gone before he knew. Then what, though? She was nude, had no supplies, and she’d have caribou on her tail before long. To say nothing about what might be out there waiting for her. She knew that there were caribou in the woods preventing this sort of thing. Even if she could gather supplies without Vestri waking, how long would they last? She finished making her sandwich and set the various ingredients away before walking to a small table, wincing as she gingerly sat on the chair. The sandwich vanished quickly, even with Sunrise’s mind on other things. She didn’t want to forget the fact that everything she’d worked for with him would go down the drain if she were caught again, which would be likely. Sunrise stared down at her hands. Two days. Two days she’d worn his collar. She wanted to please him, to be rewarded by him. Would she throw all that away for a chance, no matter how small, of freedom? And an overwhelming chance of being reduced to Ivangir’s plaything? Sunrise shivered and held her arms around herself. Her mother was willing, as were the others, no matter that Sunrise had warned them it would fail. Why wasn’t she? Was Sunrise so terrified of the consequences of failure? To be honest with herself, yes, she was. But more so, she liked Vestri. She had disappointed him, but she’d seen what he could be. Strong, loving, caring. Even if he was an invader who said she was an animal. If he gave her the choice of leaving, she’d take it! Maybe even take him with her to show him a better existence. He’d be quite the oddity in Canterlot, in a good way. He’d be new, interesting. And let’s not forget the Right Hand of a King. If she were to ask herself if she’d leave him now, to try to escape on her own or with the others, and asked herself why? Her answer would be no. Part of it was the massive chance of being caught, but the rest was Vestri. She liked him, in a strange kind of fashion, and after last night, even found a certain… interest in him. She shivered at the memory of just how enjoyable the rutting had been, even without an orgasm. She thought it may have been due to something the plug in her ass did. She stood and switched off the light, feeling her way up the stairs and back into the bedroom. Vestri still looked asleep, so she tiphoofed her way back into her pile of clothing and wrapped the blanket about herself. Sunrise would make sure she was the perfect pet for him. She didn’t notice Vestri shifting about to glance down at her. He studied her for a long moment, then nodded to himself with a grin before heading back to sleep himself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Wake up,” Vestri growled, nudging Sunrise with his boot. Sunrise groggily opened her eyes and twisted the blanket further about herself. Through the haze of sleepiness, she could barely make out the clock. Just enough to tell it was a quarter after six in the morning. Way too early to get up. This time Vestri prodded his boot against her rump quite a bit more roughly. Sunrise yelped and sat up straight, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Vestri was fully dressed and held a bag over one shoulder that clinked metallically with each movement he made. Hanging from the opening of the bag and over Vestri’s chest was a chain and black collar, which made Sunrise’s eyes widen in fear. Whatever the collar was for, though, it wasn’t her. Maybe. “Get up,” he commanded, “There’s been an escape. We’re going hunting.” Vestri turned away and headed out the bedroom door, puzzling Sunrise. No leash? No command to follow or threats of punishment? Sunrise threw aside the blanket and rose, feeling stiff. She limped after Vestri, the movement helping her shake loose the stiffness. Outside the house, he lingered with several other caribou. “-tracks diverge from each other into several groups. Two flares have already been sent up, but the other groups as of yet remain missing. They won’t get far,” one of the caribou said to Vestri. Most of them were wearing fur vests and leggings, drawing a disgusted eye from Sunrise. They loped away. Vestri gazed back at his pet and nodded his head in their direction, taking after them. Sunrise had to break into a sprint to catch up, then keep up a good pace with her Master through the streets. A good thing she had a gym membership back in Canterlot; she imagined there was going to be quite a bit of running. The group ran through the streets, then through the town center before reaching the warehouses. One of the males fell back to jog alongside Vestri. “What have you and the other Trackers found?” her Master inquired. “About a hundred ponies gone from Warehouse Two. They used some underground cellar to escape through tunnels leading to the beachhead by the docks. The ones that stayed behind could only give us a little,” the tracker replied. Sunrise stumbled and fell back a bit, grimacing at the sudden twinge her plug gave her. They really did it, they escaped like they say they would. Was her mother in one of the groups caught? Her aunt and uncle? What about her father? She warned them! She told them what would happen, and already some of the escapees were caught. “From the looks of things, they split into five groups of approximately twenty each.” Vestri nodded and barked, “Once we reach that point, split off. One tracker with me, the others follow the other trails. Flares up when they are found.” “Yes, Lieutenant!” the Tracker barked and saluted, galloping ahead to relay the orders to the other trackers. Vestri peered back over his shoulder at Sunrise, whose aching muscles were loosening from the exertion. “Keep up, Sunny. We have a good distance to go,” he muttered. Sunrise swallowed, but nodded in response. She needed to pace herself, or she’d quickly find herself tiring and falling behind. She dreaded knowing what would happen if she did. Past the warehouses and down along the beachfront the group traveled, following some unseen tracks that Sunrise couldn’t understand. It just looked like a beach that a good many ponies traversed. Isn’t it usually that way during the day from ponies spending the day here? She nearly slipped a few times in the soft sand, having to exert herself all the more just to keep up with Vestri and the Trackers. Her rear ached from the plug in her rump shifting so much, but she ignored it for the time being. Sun had to keep up. The group came up onto a path that Sunrise easily saw was freshly dug into by a good many hooves. She blanched when it dove into the forest. She swallowed and followed Vestri, attempting to stick close to him and not stray too far. Oh Goddesses, he keeps a fast pace, Sunrise inwardly complained. A flare suddenly went up, startling her and drawing the attention of the caribou. “That’s three,” Vestri commented while they all trotted into the treeline. Whatever dark magic the caribou used to see in the shadows of the forest, Sunrise suddenly wished she had it. While the path wasn’t treacherous, it was freshly made so there were still a good many obstacles she nearly tripped over. At one point, Sunrise even stumbled into Vestri, who gave her a sidelong glance. Sun blushed and apologized quickly, training her eyes on the ground. When she next glanced up, two of the Trackers were gone. There must have been a couple splits, Sunrise pondered. The path lead to a stream, and the group of caribou stopped at the edge. Panting, Sunrise leaned against Vestri’s side, smiling to herself when he laid his hand on her head. Her legs burned, but it was more of a pleasant workout burn than her reaching her limit. The other burn, however, rested in her backside from the constantly shifting plug. I’m going to be so bucking sore later… I hope Vestri has no plans for me involving sex, I need a break! She watched while the remaining three Trackers combed the area, checking over every bit of underbrush and even the stream itself. When she glanced questionably up at Vestri, he whispered down to her, “They’re looking for traces of the escapees. There’s no longer one path.” He pointed out a few things. Broken branches on brush leading one way, overturned rocks and furrows in the stream leading upstream, depressions in the ground where ponies rested. To Sunrise’s eyes, they looked just like everything else. Suddenly, one of the Trackers took off upstream. Sensing it was nearly time for them to continue the chase, Sunrise knelt down and massaged up over her thighs and calves. Once she stopped aching as much, she stretched each leg, grimacing at the feel of the forest loam against her bare nethers. She suddenly wanted a hot bath just to relax in. A second Tracker suddenly sprinted off into the trees, leaving the third to remain with them. The grip of Vestri’s hand in her mane suddenly brought Sunrise to stand before he pulled her up by her hair. The Tracker jerked his head and vanished into the underbrush, Vestri following right afterward. Yelping at the suddenness of it, Sunrise dashed after them to catch up, cringing when the underbrush scratched at her legs. She caught up to Vestri, feeling decidedly better after stretching. At the pace they were going, which slowed down at times while their Tracker watched for the trail, Sunny felt she could easily keep up with these constant periods to cool down. However, it was still mostly slow going, since the sky started lightening through the periodic view through the trees above. Sunrise stumbled fewer times now that she could see far better with the sun rising instead of by the meager moonlight passing through the trees. May the Sun shine upon my days, and Celestia’s light guide me on my path. May the Lunar Sister guard me during the night, and their love protect me from what lies ahead, Sunrise prayed to the Princesses. She breathed heavily now, the pace she thought she could handle earlier instead having been turned into constant speeding up and slowing down, while the terrain hindered her every step of the way. The burn was back, but this time, it left Sunrise feeling weak and tired. I have to keep going, Vestri will be disappointed if I can’t. The sky grew brighter, and while that aided Sunrise in watching the ground, it didn’t help her regain her strength. A particular twinge in her backside forced Sun to lose her focus and she tripped over an exposed root she had not noticed. Sunrise’s immediate yelp found itself suppressed when she tumbled face first into the loam. Pulling herself to her hooves, she stumbled and faceplanted yet again into moss. Her legs felt like jelly now that she wasn’t so focused on the path. Sunrise drew herself tentatively to her hooves using a sapling, her legs wobbling beneath her. When she stepped forward, her legs collapsed beneath her. She reached out toward the receding figures of Vestri and the tracker, attempting to call out between her panting gasps. “Ves-Ve-gasp-Vest-” Sunrise panted, wilting when he started vanishing amongst the trees. Drawing in a deep breath and forcing herself not to gasp, Sunrise Splendor called out, “Master!” When the figure in the trees paused and glanced back, then appeared to say something to the Tracker before working his way through the trees back toward her. Relaxing on the moss in relief, Sunrise stared tiredly up at Vestri. He said nothing when he came up to her, instead grasping her roughly by the hair and dragging her to her hooves. Clenching her eyes and teeth in pain, Sunrise suddenly found herself lifted and thrown over Vestri’s shoulder. The sudden rush of cool, morning air over her backside sent a shiver down Sunrise’s spine. It was quite the odd position for her, Vestri holding onto her legs while her pelvis rested on his shoulders and her body lay over his back. She was amazed at her Master’s strength. The moment he began loping back towards the Tracker, making sure that Sunrise was situated in such a way as to not bounce, the mare found herself more so amazed he could run while carrying both the bag and her. A tinge of awe went through her at his strength. Turning so she could peer past herself and Vestri’s arm, Sunrise’s eyes went wide when she caught the tracker eyeing appreciatively over her rump. Her face darkened and she flattened her tail over her backside. If anypony gets a show like that, it’s Vestri. The sudden thought surprised her, but was driven from her mind the moment Vestri and the Tracker resumed their hunt. Outside of watching the ground go by beneath them, Sunrise could not see much of anything happening. When she twisted about to peer in front, she felt Vestri suddenly stumble as he was thrown off balance. He caught himself, but the loud slap to Sun’s rump dissuaded her from further attempts. Instead, Sunrise reached back as much as she could to massage over her legs and dissuade them from cramping. This close to him, his scent was overpowering. Sunrise found it was all she could do to not think of last night’s happenings. Maybe when she’s had a nice soak and time to relax, Vestri would remove the plug and show her just how much of a gentle lover he could be? A flash of colored light overhead took Sunrise’s attention, and she twisted her head to spot the flare through the foliage. It was nearly overhead. Vestri and the Tracker both seemed to forget the tracks for the time being, instead increasing their pace and sprinting through the forest. Five flares, five groups. I don’t doubt that some ponies went off on their own from the smaller groups, but still. All five were caught. The idea of herself being in one of those groups or, Celestia forbid, caught alone caused her to shudder. They broke out into a clearing a short time later, leaving Sunrise to blink spots out of her eyes from the sun suddenly blinding her. The bag of collars crashing to the ground startled Sunrise, and she felt herself lifted and planted hooves first on the ground. Clinging to Vestri’s arm for support while she gained her legs back, she glanced about. Around them in the tall grass, albeit short enough to see through, a group of seven stallions sat chained to each other, watched by only a few caribou. The eleven mares, however, were all in some way bound and gagged, leaving them very little room to move around in. One caught her eye, however. There amidst the group was her mother. Oh… I told you not to leave, mother... She must have said something out loud, as Vestri turned toward her and rose an eyebrow. Thinking quickly, Sunrise bit her lip and bent down, cringing at the feel of the plug in her sore ass. She took the loose black collar in her hands and stood with it. Swallowing with a mouth that suddenly went dry, Sunrise spoke, “She’s showed us she’s not a Red or Silver.” Vestri suddenly gave a smile that left butterflies in Sunrise’s belly. “Now you’re doing something that makes me proud. Come, let us show the mares what it means to defy their Masters.” He reached down and lifted the bag of collars, throwing it roughly to the Tracker. “Have everyone change out the collars on the females. Take no pity on them and treat them as roughly as you like. Break them, if you have to. As for the yellow one, unchain her from the others and bring her here,” Vestri barked while Sunrise lowered her eyes and twisted the open collar around in her grasp. Her mother was never going to forgive her for this, nor would the rest of her family. Sunrise blanched as she stared down at the collar. It’d prevent her from getting one of her own, but would it be worth it in the end? She loved her mother and father, but her mother hadn’t listened to her! They were going to be put in black anyway, but if she was the one to slip the black collar on Sun Streamer’s neck, Vestri would be proud of her, she’d get a red. She shook her head clear of the thoughts. She was far more accepting of this than she should be. What’s wrong with her? Did everything with Vestri really change her that much in such a short amount of time? She rose her head to stare at the group of mares. Their old collars were being removed, with their new blacks being snapped around their necks. Any mare that resisted in the least, even if it was to pull away received at best a snap of a whip. The cries of one mare caught her attention, and she shifted her gaze to… oh dear. She blushed and averted her eyes from the scene of a mare being picked up and very publicly shoved down onto a particularly exuberant caribou’s cock. It went straight up the mare’s ass. Sunrise flattened her ears back and flinched, trying not to listen to the cries that were mostly pain. The clacking of shackles and struggles of a mare caught Sunrise’s attention. Turning her head, she noticed one of the caribou carrying her mother, who wiggled within her bindings and shouted obscenities through her ballgag. However, the moment Sun Streamer spotted Sunrise, her eyes widened and she went silent. Sun Streamer’s neck already lay bare of the silver collar that almost everyone wore. At a nudge from Vestri, Sunrise held her head high and walked over to the two, opening the collar to its fullest. This close, she noticed a metal ring about the base of her mother’s horn. A nullifier!  Sunrise exclaimed in her head. Gulping, Sunrise forced herself to calmly say her words, “Mother, I asked you not to do this… I didn’t want to see you put in black. But seeing as it is too late, I’d rather do it myself than…” She paused and collected her breath, holding out the collar. “Than let the caribou do it. I hope you can forgive me, and that one day you’ll be a Red alongside me…” Ignoring Sun’s muted protests, Sunrise stepped forward and slipped the collar around Sun Streamer’s neck, the click of it shutting sounding final. “Please… please treat her nicely…” The caribou carrying Sun Streamer simply cocked an eyebrow and laughed mockingly, then turned away, carrying Sunrise’s mother back toward the main group. Despite Sun Steamer’s sounds of anguish at the betrayal from her daughter, Sunrise turned and walked away, trying to hold back her tears. Better me than them… She wrapped her arms around her chest and fell against Vestri once she reached him. Even his hand stroking along the back of her head didn’t comfort her. “They will take care of everything else. We need to get back, it shouldn’t take near as long if we keep a good pace,” Vestri said to her, then turned away. Instead of following, Sunrise sank to her knees, the grass tickling over her body. Better me than them, and yet… A sob escaped her throat and she buried her face in her hands. Tears soaked and leaked through her fingers while she thought of the ramifications. Yes, it was far better that she did it than the caribou, but her mother would remember that. Everything she did drove her further away from the other ponies and bound her more to Vestri. A shadow passed over her and held, and when she didn’t move, Sunrise suddenly found two strong arms slip under her legs and back and lift her into the air. Blinking the tears from her eyes and lowering her hands, she stared up at Vestri. Immediately, she buried her face into his chest and screamed her frustration and anguish. Whatever he thought about it, he stayed silent and loped off into the forest. After thoroughly soaking his coat with her tears, her sobs died down  and she rested within his embrace, staring off into space too much to notice the forest around them. Vestri’s voice cut through the silence, “You knew they were going to escape, yet you told me neither of their plans nor the tunnels.” It sounded less like question and more like a statement, but Sunrise answered anyway, “You ordered me to stay silent, Master. I dared not go against that order.” He made a noncommittal grunt in response and said nothing more. Sunrise hugged her arms about herself and nestled into Vestri’s chest, amazed at how thick and cozy his coat was. She must have dozed off, because the next moment, the sounds of voices woke her up. Flicking her ears, she peeked open her eyes. “-the word that all escapees are captured and have appropriately punished. I want them readied for the Ceremony. Make sure the stallions are separated from the mares and the mares properly bound. Any blacks in the groups are to be kept separate from the other mares,” she heard Vestri explain. “They need to be gagged, harnessed, bitted, whatever is appropriate.” She twisted her head just in time to see a smaller Caribou salute. He even had a far smaller pair of antlers. Maybe a juvenile? The caribou raced off, leaving Sunrise to think he was a messenger. Blinking the light doze out of her eyes, she noticed they were back amongst the warehouses. Caribou walked everywhere with purpose, many carrying sacks to and from the boats currently tied in at the docks, while others used wagons to move larger crates around. Many of the crates had caribou runes upon them, but she could not decipher what they meant. Vestri suddenly moved off through the streets, though this time the two did not move through the town center. The path Vestri took, Sunrise noted, was a longer route. Whatever’s going on in the plaza, he does not wish for me to see. By the looks of the sun through the houses and trees in the distance, it was still early morning. How long did it take us to return? “So you’re finally awaken, Sunny,” Vestri’s voice startled Sunrise. He lowered her to the ground, and she slipped out of his arms to stand unsteadily on her hooves. For some reason, the events of the past few hours felt like they’d happened to somebody else. She felt remorse, but it was almost as if it were something that’d happened months ago. “Come,” Vestri ordered, continuing his walk. “We must prepare ourselves for the Ceremony. You are to look your best,” he finished matter-of-factly. The Ceremony? And looking my best? Sunrise’s mood immediately picked up. That meant a good bath, grooming, her jewelry! She may even get to finally dress in something rather than stay nude! She hurried to Vestri’s side with a spring in her step. The moment Sunrise stepped through the door to her house, all ache in her legs and rear were forgotten. She slipped past him, much to his surprise, and made her way swiftly up the stairs to the bathroom. A bath! Then I groom myself within an inch of my life, put on my best creations and… Sunrise paused just as she slipped the plug into the drain. All the town’s mares were stripped of clothing. No dress… but what if I instead use some of the more revealing shawls and draperies from a dress? Yes! Vestri would enjoy that! She started the water, grinning widely at the steam rising from the water just as Vestri entered the bathroom behind her. Bent over as she was, Sunrise was exposing quite a bit to her Master. He certainly noticed, for Vestri walked over and slid a hand up between Sunny’s legs to cup his thick fingers over her nethers. Sun pushed herself against him, a grunt of approval leaving Vestri’s throat. Drawing a finger down along Sunrise’s slit and eliciting a shiver of excitement from the mare, Vestri breathed, “Let’s get this out of you, Sunny. You will not need it for what comes ahead.” He gripped the base of the plug and twisted it back and forth, placing his hand upon Sunrise’s back to hold her down. Slipping the edge of a finger into her mouth, she bit down and cringed with each twist and pull of the plug, a whimper escaping her the moment Vestri wiggled the plug to free it from her ass. With agonizing slowness, Vestri edged the toy out bit by bit until finally, the largest portion slipped free, the rest following shortly after. Sunrise gasped, her whole body shuddering from being free of the plug. Oh Goddesses, I ache… Her pucker clenched down tight, throwing another shudder through the mare’s body. She felt raw from the toy having been in her all night and through the run as well.  Taking several deep breathes as the ache subsided into a dull throb. Sunrise suddenly stiffened up when Vestri’s thumb not only planted itself against her asshole, but also pushed against it. After already having been loosened by the plug, his thumb easily pushed itself into her body, eliciting a whine from the mare. “Wh-Why are you so interested in my rear, Master?” Sunrise queried, forcing herself to relax so she won’t clamp down around Vestri’s thumb. He pushed his thumb in up to his palm and curled it within Sunrise, causing her to stand on her tip hooves. “It is not such,” he replied. “You are being trained to accept your master everywhere.” Accept him… Oh dear Celestia. He means to fuck me up the ass as well! Oh please, don’t do it now, I don’t want another day of awkward walking or crawling, especially not for whatever this ‘Ceremony’ is! Sunrise thought frantically. Vestri grunted, and he slipped his thumb out of her ass. A sigh of relief passed Sunrise’s lips and she clenched down, her tail lowering to cover her backside. When Vestri’s hand left her back, Sunny remained in place, even when she heard the stomping hoofsteps of the caribou exiting the bathroom. After a short period of time, Sunrise stood and lifted each of her hooves into the bathtub, cringing at not just the aches of her legs, but that of her rump and anus. Sunrise relaxed within the soothing waters of her bath, stretching her legs so as to get their entirety beneath the surface. She cooed with relief when aches seeped out of her, to be replaced by warmth. Reflexively, Sun nearly lifted her brushes with her magic, though she managed to stop herself before she even touched the power. She reached over instead for her bath scent, carefully popping the lid open and dripping it into the still running stream of water. “Master,” Sunrise said loud enough to be heard in the other room. Vestri entered the bathroom once again, his boots now missing, along with the rest of his clothing. Her eyes lingered on his thick cock dangling from between his legs, though she noted the intricately-carved box in his hands. “Why did you choose me?” she asked, breathing in the scent emanating from the water. Vestri paused, then turned his head to eye Sunrise, his antler caps gleaming in the bathroom light. He set the box down on the sink and flipped open the lid, though from Sunrise’s position, she was unable to see inside. “I was not happy with the females provided to me, and even when I was allowed to choose, they were not what I was looking for,” he stated, reaching into the box to retrieve a pair of scissors. Vestri proceeded to stare intently into the mirror while he trimmed over the tuft of beard attached to his chin. Between snips, he explained, “When we landed, I kept close watch amongst the crowds, seeing very little that caught my eye. However, when the festivities started, I saw you amongst the other ponies, looking far more sophisticated than the other females. I followed you, and when you paused to listen to discussions that concerned you not, I took you for my own.” Sunrise held her shampoo in one hand while she put the pieces together. “You knew I wasn’t from around here, didn’t you? That I was far more than all the other mares?” She didn’t know whether to blush at being chosen for being a high-class mare, or to be sad she was the first to be chosen. Setting down the scissors and lifting a fine-toothed comb, Vestri dragged it through his coat in short, meticulous strokes. Do caribou worry about their appearance as much as I do? “Your clothing was of a far finer cut than all the rest, showing it was not from around here or there would be more of it. Your mane and tail styling suggested you saw great importance in your looks,” he explained, not taking his eyes off the mirror. “You were obviously not from this village, and from what little I could gather, were probably from an important Equestrian city. Your behavior when I claimed you added to that, so tell me. Who were you?” Sunrise dunked her head under the water and thoroughly soaked her mane. Wiping strands of her mane and water out of her eyes, she shut off the faucet and stared in amazement at Vestri. He wanted to know about her? Vestri, her master, wished to know about her? She leapt at the chance and spoke while she undid portions of her mane and drizzled shampoo over it. “Well, uh, I was a jeweler. That’s my special talent. I could cut gems to release their natural beauty to appear as a sunrise when light hit them right,” she answered, swearing when she said ‘special talent’ she heard Vestri whisper, “Not anymore.” I must have heard wrong, or was hearing things. “I was from Fillydelphia, but when I made a huge deal, I used the funds to buy a store in Canterlot, where I became well-known and one of the Elite,” she replied proudly. While she scrubbed her hair, Vestri pointed the comb at Sunrise and growled, “You will forget all that. What is important now is how well-behaved you will be, how you will please me, and how much of a pet you will act.” Sunrise gasped with shock. Forget who she was? It was unthinkable to do so! She dunked her head and scrubbed all the lather out of her mane, breathing deep afterward. “I… yes, Master,” she acknowledged, bowing her head. “I…. what is this Ceremony? What would you have me do?” she queried. Sunrise grasped the brush and her body wash, getting to work on the stains upon her coat that appeared every day, quite careful of the bruises on her backside. Several silent moments passed by, and Sunrise sank into the water, embarrassed at asking a question Vestri wished not to answer. Vestri’s answer broke the silence, startling Sunrise. “You need not worry about most of it. Just know that you will have a choice to make. The Red or Black. I also advise that you come up with an oath that you will say in front of the crowd to me. You will be tested, pet. You have to earn your Red.” Sunrise nodded excitedly, her mind working through his answer. An oath? Tested? Alright, that must mean he wants an oath of allegiance to the caribou and himself? No, there’s more to it than that. That would easily be subverted if I wished to do so. She dragged the brush across her coat, deep in thought with a distant look in her eyes. Vestri glanced aside at her, his gaze lingering for a moment. Whatever he noticed left him content as he returned to his own grooming. He can’t mean… He had told her to forget who she had been. The moment of realization hit her. He wants me to denounce the Princesses, accept the caribou as my owners and rulers. Probably more, much more! She peeked aside at Vestri and swallowed. Could she actually do that? Throw aside the Princesses like that? I would probably have to, just to avoid the Black and Ivangir. Sunrise dunked herself into the waters again, holding her breath while she rinsed soap from her coat. Whatever she would need to do, she still had time before it came to pass. Time to think and plan. With her bath finished, Sunrise pulled the plug from the drain and stepped out onto the bathrug next to the tub. Grabbing a towel from the rack next to her, she bundled her mane up within it. A second followed, and she intricately wrapped her tail within it in such a way as to keep the towel from simply falling off. This, however, left her rump exposed to Vestri. He flung his hand out without looking, the smack to her ass not just reverberating throughout the bathroom. The shriek that left her mouth would have deafened lesser ponies in a heartbeat. Sunrise glared at Vestri’s back and rubbed her suddenly-sore-again rear. It’s like his entire purpose is to just make me unable to sit, walk, or crawl anywhere without some modicum of discomfort! She grabbed the third towel on the rack and wrapped it around her waist, walking out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. No clothes, and I don’t want to go overboard with the makeup. Maybe touch up my bruises, do the same for my butt so it doesn’t look splotchy since I want my Master to enjoy it as others will, make sure I wear my best jewelry, and… Sunrise paused, taking a look at her pile of clothing. One of the dresses caught her eye. She flinched when she knelt down, a fresh bout of soreness erupting not just around her hole but also the series of bruises and the fresh smack mark. Pushing herself through the soreness, Sunrise pulled the dress from the flattened pile and held it up to the window over the bookshelves. Yes, there! While the dress itself was a brilliant blue and layered, it wasn’t so much the dress that caught her eye rather than the shawl and outermost layer. The entire dress was made more for private parties to catch the eye of a potential suitor. She’d worn it no more than a few times. It was made to draw the eye towards her assets. The outer layer was a semi-dress and shawl that was mostly transparent. All I would have to do is remove it and slip it around myself. I’d get to wear something, and Vestri would still have his view. I really hope he allows it! Setting the dress down on one of the dressers, she admired it with a smile. I’m surprised I haven’t worn it more. It really is a nice dress. Unraveling the towel around her mane, she started the arduous task of drying it enough to be brushed and styled. She caught herself nearly levitating the brush over from the dresser and cursed herself silently. I need to be careful. One bit of magic and Vestri will have my hide. Dragging the brush through her mane, she glanced at the blue strands out of the corner of her eye. The fabric will go along perfectly with it, just like my… other… dress. She frowned, but didn’t feel too much loss over it. It was almost as if instead of a few days ago, she’d lost her dress last year. She shrugged and finished up her mane, undoing the towel from her tail to brush along it as well. Once Vestri was done in the bathroom, she needed to apply her makeup, give her mane and tail a simple styling, and then decide what jewelry to wear. Vestri came back into the bedroom while Sunrise’s was busy brushing her tail and looking into the mirror. Before Sunrise could greet him, his eyes fell upon the dress and narrowed. He stomped over to the dresser and lifted the garment into the air, looking over it with a glare. “I thought you understood you weren’t permitted clothing?” he demanded, shifting the dress to grip it by the hem. He’s going to tear it! She dropped the brush to the floor and dove, grabbing the dress in her hands and pulling it to her chest. At the same time, she knelt before Vestri and begged, “Master! Please don’t rip it! I wasn’t planning on wearing the dress! Just don’t destroy it!” The caribou yanked the dress from Sunrise’s grasp, despite her grip upon it. Holding it out of her reach, he questioned her with a voice that told her not to lie, “Why was it out in a way that told me you were going to wear it, pet?” Sunrise bit her lip and explained, “It wasn’t the dress itself, I swear! It’s the outer layer, which I plan to remove and wear. See-through, so I’m not hiding my body.” Please oh please accept that! He looked over the dress, especially the outer layer, then laid it back upon the dresser. Vestri responded, “You will wear it when you are done, and I will decide whether you may keep it or not, Sunny.” Sunrise said nothing. Instead, she darted to the dresser and stripped the outer layer from it, flinging the covering over her shoulder. She retreated to the bathroom afterward, nearly skipping the entire way while thinking, I get to wear it, I get to wear it! She proceeded with a much needed moment of brushing her teeth and application of makeup, though she skipped on the eyeshadow for obvious reasons. There was no need to scrub her face clean again if today’s Ceremony caused her to cry. After dealing with oral hygiene and makeup, Sunrise stood tall and held the outer layer against her body. She could clearly see herself through the sheer fabric. Vestri will certainly love it. Will the Council be there? Slipping the neck ring over her head, Sun barely managed to get it down over her collar and settled the fabric down around her body. The ‘dress’, as it was, consisted of two portions. The upper portion had two rippling swathes of fabric that extended down from the ring, over her breasts, and then to her sides where they looped through a ring and returned up her back to latch again to the neck ring. The skirt portion extended down past her knees, a wide V-shaped cut started at the sash around her navel and widened the further down it went, leaving her crotch completely open to the air. Looking down over herself, Sunrise’s smile broadened. Yes, Vestri would greatly enjoy this! It made her look exactly like a prized mare. His prized mare. She turned back into the bedroom with a smile on her face and a spring in her step. “What do you think, Master? Everything I said it was?” Sunrise asked, parting her legs somewhat and twisting about to show him the dress, and more specifically, her body beneath it. She even bent over and flicked her tail to the side, turning her head back to stare at Vestri. Vestri turned, the sunlight streaming through the windows glinting off his antler caps and bracers. In his hand, he held a shining ring of metal. Sunrise’s breath caught in her throat. A nullifier ring? He means to finally put one on me? Was it all a test? Or had he forgotten? Sunrise immediately ceased showing off and walked over to Vestri to kneel before him, raising her hand to brush her mane out of the way. “You may keep it,” Vestri responded, and for once, he smiled down at Sunrise. Her heart fluttered and she blushed. He really smiled at her! “You are also a good girl for recognizing what this is and accepting it so readily, Sunny.” For some reason, Sunrise took those words to heart. A week ago, if somepony had said that to her, she’d have had a fit and probably slapped them upside the face for ever suggesting they were in some way better than her. Now? I’m a good girl, he said so himself! Oh, it was so wonderful to hear those words. Now more than ever, she wanted to impress Vestri, just to hear more and be rewarded. Vestri slid the ring onto her horn and twisted it into place. Almost immediately, Sunrise could tell the difference. While her magic was still there, it felt… distant. It wasn’t as if Vestri was allowing her to use her magic, though. She could deal with the nullifier ring. “May I stand, Master?” she queried with her head bowed. Vestri nodded, and Sunrise pushed herself to her hooves. With everything completed, there was just one last thing to worry about; what jewelry to wear. Ignoring Vestri for the time being, she slid open the closet door and lifted a box set into the corner. To anyone in this town, it would appear to be an extravagant tackle box. For her, however, it was far more. It was her lifestyle. She sat down just outside of the closet with the box in her lap while Vestri watched curiously. Pressing the passcode into the front lock, Sunrise unlatched the box and popped it open. Inside, multiple tiers opened upwards and out to the side, showing a wide selection of jewelry, gems, settings, and a few spools of gold wire of various gauges. With the box open, a compartment in the base also slid open, revealing a set of immaculate and very expensive gem cutting tools. Beneath them sat another set of small tools for jewelry making. All of it great for on the road work, though to do anything serious, she’d need a shop. Vestri approached her, staring into the box with interest. While Sunrise sorted through the various earrings, rings, and bracelets, he touched a thick finger to a set of earrings in one of the alcoves. “This one,” he said, understanding what Sunrise meant to do. Sunrise lifted the pair out of their padding and held them in her hand. She remembered when she made them. They were sapphire tear drops. When light hit them, they appeared like one was underwater looking up at the surface. A brilliant gold backing and setting, with platinum filigree inlaid into the back. One wouldn’t see it unless they got intimately close to the wearer. She rose the earrings up to her ears, deftly undoing them to slip the spikes through her ear piercings. Sunrise clasped them into place and got them settled with a brief shake of her head. She caught Vestri looking over everything else with a thoughtful look in his eyes. Thinking that he had things in mind for later, she chose a specific bracelet. One she wore for only the most important events. It was the first she made for herself when she became one of the Canterlot Elite. It was a gold bracelet inlaid with citrine and sapphires. Her own coloration. She slipped it over her wrist, then gently shut the case and set it back into the closet. “I’m ready, Master.” Vestri stood back up while Sunrise looked on, grabbed her leash from the nightstand, and clipped it to her collar. He seems so calm, so loving right now. This ‘Ceremony’, whatever it is, must be extremely important. I… hope that my oath will be everything they require. Whatever these other tests are. Following Vestri out of the house, the first thing Sunrise noticed was that the streets were eerily quiet and empty. Nopony walked them, not even a caribou. In the distance, however, she could hear the roar of voices. Whatever was going on, it must require a good deal of the town. The second was that Vestri was without his boots. For a moment, she couldn’t imagine why he would be without them. It hit her then. They were made to grip ship decks, since hooves would simply slide everywhere. It didn’t take long for Vestri to lead her into the town square. It took Sunrise a far shorter time to take it all in. The plaza was packed with ponies and caribou, far more than she thought were in the town. One half was filled with mares, and the other stallions, with caribou stationed throughout to prevent escape and to keep things under control. In the back of the plaza stood a large group of mares, all chained together, and many bound and gagged further. Several of the more troublesome ones, it looked like, were bound in crude stocks with fresh helpings of seed splattered across their face and ballgags in their mouths. Some, she could see, had their arms behind their backs in a harness, and many showed signs of bruising or fresh welts. Every one of them wore a black collar around their necks. She couldn’t see her mother amongst them. The rest of the mares were sitting or standing around with tear-stained cheeks or fresh tears running down their faces. Sobs could be heard amongst the group. Uncomfortable, Sunrise turned her attention to the males. Many were unbound, but here and there, a stallion was tied with rope, or even manacles. A quick glance showed her that more than a few kept glancing towards the mares with worry or anger. Others glared at her. Sunrise held her chin high and swayed her hips with every step. Let them stare or glare. She was Vestri’s personal pet, and they wouldn’t dare cross him. Sunrise turned her attention to the platform up ahead. It was no longer a simple platform. Somepony had expanded it into a large stage. Upon it, Dainn stood in the back, with a couple of the other Council members flanking him. From this distance, she guessed them to be Durnir and Anvari. Sindri was just now climbing up the stairs, leaving a group of about forty caribou standing nearby and talking. It wasn’t them that caught her eye. There upon the stage were several things. The foremost was a bench of some sort with a raised board on one end. What appeared to be a hole was drilled into the middle of the board. Whatever it was, the bench was of great importance to be up front. Is that the contraption? Whatever could it do? Near it were boxes on raised platforms. She couldn’t see them very well, but from the glint of red in one, she assumed them to be collars. Several of the caribou from the group nearby glanced up at the two when they approached. The other Council members broke off and walked up the stairs, with Ivangir taking the rear behind Sunrise and Vestri. Sunrise glanced worriedly behind herself, swallowing. He scared her, plain and simple. The threats of her becoming his slave didn’t help in the least. The leash suddenly tightened, leaving Sunrise to catch up quickly to Vestri up the steps. Up here, on the stage, Sunrise could get a good view of the crowd, especially the mares. A number of them looked without hope. Others hid themselves as best as they could, and more just glared defiantly, even with cum splattered across their muzzles and bodies. I was right, then. Some few, however, looked excited. A couple even leaned up against or clung to a nearby caribou. So I’m not the only one who’s accepted all this. That’s good! Vestri lead her over to the contraption, allowing Sunrise to get a closer look at it. This close, she could see the telltale marks of hasty craftsmanship in its construction. Except for the raised board with the hole. It was more refined than the rest, like it was the important portion. The hole looked like something one could fit a carrot through. A dawn of realization hit Sunrise. Or a horn. This can’t be what I think it is! She was dragged out of her thoughts when Vestri cleared his throat. Sun returned her attention to the crowd. To her right, Vestri stood, and to her left, Ivangir bracketed her. Behind her, she heard Dainn mutter to one of the other caribou, “The females are being offloaded now?” “As are the other creatures, they will be stored in the warehouses until they are outfitted properly,” Throtr replied. “And the collars?” Durnir responded this time, “If we want to do more than hold this town, we’ll need to repurpose the metal from the collars. Some of the supplies these ponies had were little better than slag.” He paused a moment, as if thinking, then continued, “Our leather stores should be enough to outfit our females and this town.” Sunrise flicked her ear back to listen in. A stern look from Ivangir quickly changed her mind and she swiveled her ear forward. There was no need to be punished. Dainn stepped forth beside the three and raised his arms into the air. The caribou amongst the crowd quieted down, though the ponies themselves did not. They were quieted swiftly by caribou wading amongst the crowds and touching stun sticks set to a low power against ponies who continued to talk. Those that struck out or didn’t take the hint found themselves collapsing when they were hit by a full charge. Dainn reached his hand back, and one of the caribou handed him the loudspeaker. Raising it to his lips, Dainn spoke, “I wish to welcome you all to the Collaring Ceremony. To all of you stallions, I do apologize for the measures that we’ve taken to protect us. You will be released soon enough and given a chance to prove yourselves. As for the mares,” Dainn passed the loudspeaker across to Vestri, his arm close enough to Sunrise’s face for him to get a strong whiff of his scent. She sighed inwardly and blinked away the pleasantness. Vestri held up the loudspeaker, nearly deafening Sunrise with his voice, “All the females here are owned by us, but do not despair. If you submit, and know your place, you will be well-cared for and often used. If not…” He gestured toward the chained and black-collared mares in the back. “My very own pet will show you how. First, she will surrender the part of herself she will no longer need to us.” He lowered the loudspeaker and glanced aside to Sunrise. She swallowed when Vestri turned his gaze to the contraption. Surrender a part of myself I will no longer need. It is. It’s meant to remove a unicorn’s horn! The unease in her mind was barely quelled by the next thought. It’s not like I’ll need it anymore. I won’t ever be allowed to use my magic again. Will it hurt?  Vestri unclipped the leash from her collar, and Sunrise stepped over to the device. A bead of sweat formed on her brow. This was it. She looked out into the audience, then over at her master. Every eye was on her. Sunrise took in several deep breaths, then laid herself out on the bench. The coarse wood scraped against her and pulled at her dress. She shifted so that the delicate fabric wouldn’t tear, but she focused more on sliding her horn into the hole until her head bumped against the wood. Sunrise scrunched up her face and tensed her body, her breaths coming quicker and deeper with each passing second. The sound of hooves on wood alerted her to someone approaching, and the board against her head shifted. Just out of the corner of her eye, she spied Vestri’s hand resting on the board next to the button. His voice boomed out over the crowd, “See how willingly she submits herself to us? How she knows her inferior magic and horn are of no use to her?” His fingers flicked against the button. A loud ker-chunk reverberated across the stage, and Sunny felt an intensely sharp pain cross against her forehead, then just as quickly fade away. Feeling dizzy a second, Sunrise heard the clatter of something in the shallow bin on the other side of the board. Sitting up, she felt against her forehead. The comforting spiral of her horn was no longer in her sight, and her probing fingers found only a smooth-as-glass stub. A collective gasp of shock and horror rippled through the crowd, and more than a few mares burst into sobs. Sunrise could even hear the more masculine sounds of a stallion here or there crying. Looking downward in disbelief, Sunrise spied her horn sitting in the bin, the ring still around it. Vestri reached down and plucked her horn from the depression, pulled the nullifier ring from it, and wrapped a cord of leather around its base. Pausing briefly to admire his handiwork, the caribou slipped the cord around his neck, wearing Sunrise’s horn like a prize. No, no! It’s fine. It’s okay, it’s not like Vestri was ever going to let me use my magic again. I’ll be alright. It’s just my horn. It’s not like I can’t feel my magic anymore. Calm, deep breaths. Whether Vestri noticed her distress or not, he gestured toward the stage floor between himself and Ivangir. Without a thought, Sunrise slipped over and knelt down between the two caribou, adjusting her dress around her. Everything’s fine, nothing’s wrong. It’s nothing I can’t handle. “I believe you have something you wish to say, Sunny?” Vestri hinted, reaching down to unclasp the silver collar around her neck. When he pulled away, Sunrise got a glimpse of the inside. There were runes all across the inner surface of the collar. Why? Twisting to face Vestri, she didn’t notice him place the loudspeaker near her face. Why are my hands shaking? They weren’t before! Sunrise breathed deeply inward, then let it out slowly. Why won’t they stop shaking? “I am Vestri’s property, wholly and fully, for him to do whatever he wishes with.” Why am I doing this? “I hereby renounce the false Princesses, Celestia and Luna as my rulers, and claim servitude toward the caribou and all males.” Something’s not right. Sunrise, stop! She paused momentarily to stare curiously at her hands. They were shaking so badly that she could barely control them. This isn’t right! “As any and all mares should for their masters, doing anything and everything for their owners no matter how little they have to give. I will do everything I can to support the right and proper rule of our new Masters.” The clink of metal surprised her when Vestri produced the red collar. On the outside, next to the ring was her name in golden caribou script. Vestri slid it around Sunrise’s neck and snapped it shut. The inner padding felt comfortable against her chafed neck, but… I… I… what’s wrong with me? Not ten minutes ago, I was all for this! Her hands clenched into fists, and yet the shaking would not stop. Vestri stood and looked outwards into the audience, raising the loudspeaker to his muzzle and bellowing out, “You have all seen what will be expected of the mares. Now…” He paused while Dainn stepped back to the rest of the Council before continuing, “All those stallions that will accept and live by our laws will be permitted to return to their lives as our brothers. The mares will serve you, as they should. Stand now, and accept our blessing!” They… they can’t seriously accept this, can they!? Sunrise thought, her gaze trailing slowly across the crowd. Many of the stallions were discussing amongst themselves, some even yelling at each other. To control us? ...What am I doing? What am I thinking? I don’t know what’s going on! Why does all this feel so wrong? The first stallion rose his hand, then a second closer to the platform. A group of three, all bound and gagged stood up and a caribou nearby reached over and undid their bindings. When the gags were removed, smiles were evident on their faces. No… this can’t be happening. One by one, stallions stood or raised their arms into the air, and with each one, mares would burst into sobs or scream out at them. A few appeared like fishercolts, and there were even a few younger stallions amongst them, not more than teens. Caribou ferried them out of the main crowd and into a group of their own, past stallions that growled or hurled insults at them. To Sunrise, it felt like hours passed, though the sun barely moved in the sky. Sunrise’s own words suddenly hit her once she noticed that several of the stallions were the ones from the warehouse. Just surrender, don’t fight them. What have I done? Out of the corner of her eye, Sunrise spotted another stallion standing. This one was special, though. ...Father? Daddy? No no no no! She shut her eyes tight, then reopened them. No, she was right. Sunrise’s father, an earth pony named Ocean Waves was standing. And he was staring straight at her with an imperceptible expression. A shrill and muffled shriek tore across the crowd amidst the sobbing and crying of other mares. In the far back of the mare crowd, amidst the Black collars, Sunrise could see her mother thrashing about in her bindings and screaming through her gag. The sight of both forced something to snap within Sunrise, and everything came crashing down all at once on her head. What was I doing? I let Vestri rape me, acted like his obedient little dog! He… he… The sudden realization threatened to tear her apart. He raped me… He raped me! She wrapped her arms around her chest, the shaking breaking out all over her body. She lowered her eyes, unable to meet Ocean Waves’ gaze any longer. He took me and I didn’t fight him. He took me and I enjoyed it! Why was I so willing to be his!? “As for the mares,” Vestri announced. “You are ours, your bodies and minds. To serve every male how they wish. Those that accept their places, accept us above them, and know all of this may step forward and prove themselves to us.” Sunrise looked out into the crowd once more. To the side, a good third of the stallions stood, ready to live their lives again. Amongst the mares, one stood and walked forward, holding her head up high. A second crawled between them all, looking as if she’d already been used quite a few times in the past couple days. Her tail was flagged, and splotches over her coat revealed placed where cum had fallen. Her eyes stayed down, and one of the caribou followed behind her. Perhaps the one that had claimed her? Just like I’d been claimed… Tears streamed down Sunrise’s cheeks onto her arms. She flumped her face into them, her horn stump brushing against her coat. Her horn. Oh no. Her hand darted over to brush aside her mane and grip at the stub of her horn. No no no! She reached inside of herself for her magic, grasping everywhere. I can’t even tell if it’s there or not! Am I imagining things? She strained, attempting to levitate something, anything. When nothing happened, a sob rose within Sun’s throat. She suppressed it, the tears trailing down her face coming more frequently. What did Vestri do to me!? What did he do? What did I do? Her hands shook. Out in the crowd, far fewer mares than stallions walked forward. Not more than thirty sat, knelt, or stood in a line at the front of the crowd. Vestri waved over at a caribou standing near the stage and knelt down to say, “Bring up the horned ones first. Start with Sunny’s mother, the yellow one in the back with Black.” The caribou nodded and turned, making a gesture in the air with his fingers, pointed at his forehead, then jabbed at Sun Streamer. Sunrise stared through tear blurred eyes, biting back sobs. Behind her, Ivangir glanced down at her, his eyes narrowing. He loomed over Sunrise and hissed at Vestri, “Looks like your little experiment failed. Again.” Vestri’s head whirled about and took in Sunrise’s state. He let out an unfamiliar curse, though Sunrise assumed it was more for whatever failed rather than for her. He barked back at Ivangir, “It matters not, she knows her place. It doesn’t work on those that refuse it.” Vestri turned so that his full body faced Sunrise. “Kiss my hooves, pet, and make it satisfying,” he ordered, emphasizing that term at Sunrise. Sunrise raised her gaze slowly to meet with her mast- No, not master. Captor. She locked her eyes on his for a brief second, then lowered them back down. If she did as he commanded, she’d be submitting to him and accepting her position. If she didn’t… Sunrise swallowed. She was caught between a rock and a hard place. Behind her, Ivangir laughed at her hesitation. “Looks to me like that is a bet you’ll lose, brother,” Ivangir mocked. If I don’t, Ivangir will take me as his own. Her collar suddenly felt immensely heavy around her neck. Damned if I do, damned if I don’t, and I cursed the name of the Princesses. Choking back a sob, Sunrise leaned forward until she was on her hands and knees. She bent down until her face was level with Vestri’s split hooves. Just a few kisses. That’s all I have to do. She swallowed, afraid to get her lips anywhere close to those dirt-covered hooves. I can do this, I have to do this! Sunrise pressed her lips against Vestri’s left hoof, half-heartedly kissing it. The grains of dust and dirt ground themselves against her lips, while Sunrise attempted to keep from gagging. It was disgusting, plain and simple, but she had little choice in the matter. She smacked her lips against both prongs of Vestri’s left hoof, then transferred her lips to the right, retching from the taste. Can this get anymore undignified? she thought while tears left streaks through her makeup and coat. “You see, brother? She knows her place quite well,” Vestri replied to Ivangir. Ivangir merely glowered and turned back to speak to Durnir, “Where is Hrothr?” Durnir crossed his massive arms and responded, “The Beastmaster is tending to the offloading of his charges. He will be with us later.” Out of the corner of his eye, Ivangir noticed the line of unicorn and pegasus mares awaiting their turns, each with a caribou handler making sure they didn’t escape. He crooked his finger and the first mare was dragged up the stairs and across the stage. While Sunrise had her face smothered against Vestri’s hooves, she still perceived the mare. M-Mother? This close, Sun Streamer was a map of bruises and lash marks. Whatever fight had been in her earlier had been beaten out of her. Her tail was limp and dragging while her head hung low with eyes downcast. She didn’t resist, but neither did she help the caribou taking her to the horn guillotine. Sunrise knew her mother’s expression would stick with her forever. It was full of sorrow and betrayal, only growing more so when she saw Sunrise kissing Vestri’s hooves. Sunrise lifted her head slightly, mouthing, ‘I’m so sorry’. The sight of her mother bursting into a fresh wave of tears broke Sunrise’s heart. I did this to her. I refused to listen to her, and I never convinced her. If I had gone with them, could I have prevented this? Prevented myself from destroying what we had between us? Sunrise shut her eyes as tightly as they would go, focusing instead on kissing Vestri’s hooves and not the sounds of struggle nearby. Ker-chunk! The clatter of a horn in the bin only broke Sunrise into full out sobs. I could have helped them, instead, I only helped myself. What would Fancy Pants think of me? The sounds of struggle ended, only to be replaced by those of a mare being dragged off. I’m so, so sorry, mom… Her tears dripped onto the wood and soaked in, leaving splotches across the rough-hewn planks. Above her, Vestri ignored Sunrise for the time being. He watched the mares who wished to prove themselves that they accept their place. Some were giving their oaths in various ways. One even had her face pressed against the stone, her oath nearly an exact replica of Sunrise’s. When she finished and looked up, the look in her eyes said that she meant every word. She afterward darted forward and clung to the caribou’s leg, nuzzling her cheek up and down along his thigh. She wants this... Several other of the mares were already to the next stage, pleasing their caribou masters. Their mouths were wrapped around their master’s cocks, a few eagerly sucking away while another had a twisted face of disgust. She did not fight, however. Another mare was picked up by a caribou male and set upon his dick, his length sinking into her depths. Her gasp of shock was more in pleasure than anything else. Behind them, Dainn bellowed, “For those of our brothers who chose to accept us, go now, and choose a female to claim as your own.” Many of the stallions grinned and walked over to the group of mares, looking like they were window shopping. Not all of the stallions looked happy, though. They glowered instead. One such, her father, walked away from the mares to the two caribou dragging Sun Streamer away. Ocean Waves nodded to them and took his wife into his embrace, leading her away from everyone. He took one glance back at Sunrise before the two vanished into the streets. Another Ker-Chunk sounded, and a screaming and hysterical mare was carried away from the guillotine. It grated on Sunrise’s ears and made her feel all the more guilty. Sunrise squeezed her eyes shut and tried to block out all the noise. The yells and crying from the crowd, the Council members talking behind her, even the mares being dragged or willingly walking up to the horn guillotine nearby. Just then, Vestri reached down and grabbed her by the upper arm, dragging Sunrise to her hooves. Looking up at him through tear-blurred eye, Sunrise didn’t resist. “It’s time for you to show everyone that you deserve your Red, Sunny,” Vestri remarked, a grin parting his lips. Sunrise’s breath caught in her throat, and she glanced back at Ivangir to see just as wide of a smile on his face, too. They mean to… oh no. Sunrise’s eyes widened in terror. They were going to rape her. And by the looks of some of the mares out there, it was going to happen whether she struggled or played along. If I don’t, Ivangir’s right here. As much as it sickened her and made her despise herself, she nodded. Vestri’s smile grew wider and he led her towards the rest of the Council, who bore everything from matching grins to inquisitive gazes. The moment they were out of the way, Vestri’s hand transferred from her arm to her back and bent her forward until her was parallel with the stage. His other hand grabbed the base of her tail and lifted it up and away until her tail sprawled across her back. Her dress shifted along with her tail, moving out of the way and leaving her rump bare to the air. Sunrise tensed her body and bit down on her lip, nearly drawing blood. Oh goddesses, please let it be quick! Vestri removed his hand from her back, but she remained bent. A furious blush tinged her face from showing off her entire backside like this. Something large and hot suddenly dragged itself over her lower lips, bringing a shudder to Sunrise’s entire body. She began to shudder visibly. Just get it over with! Vestri pulled his cock away, leaving Sunrise confused and worried. Is he purposely taking his time? She turned her head to find him knelt down and shoving his face beneath her tail. The wetness of his tongue against her asshole surprised her and led her to a terrible realization. The last time he’d done this, it had been to... Oh no. An extra hand on her back brought Sun’s gaze upward. She found herself face to cock with Ivangir, who had unbuckled his leather pants and let his rapidly stiffening length dangle before Sunrise’s face. If she had thought Vestri was large, Ivangir was more so. Sunrise clenched her ass against Vestri’s probing tongue, feeling disgusted at the slimy saliva he left behind to prep her. At the same time, Ivangir pressed his cock against Sunrise’s nose. “Open wide, little slut,” he chuckled. Sunrise crossed her eyes and wrinkled her nose, noticing the smear of pre that had collected on her nose from the touch. Ivangir wanted her to suck him off? She twisted up her face in disgust and attempted to pull away. Vestri’s sudden presence behind her with his cock pressed up beneath her tail prevented that measure. At first he gently prodded against her ass, bringing forth twinges of discomfort from Sunrise. Memories of the plugs and the soreness they caused rose in Sunrise’s mind. There was no anticipation here, not this time. Only a thinly hid veil of fear. All at once, Vestri pushed, forcing his tip past her anal ring and into her asshole. A squeal of pain rose out of Sunrise’s throat at the sudden intrusion, and Ivangir took that moment to shove his own penis into the mare’s mouth. Sunrise shut her eyes tight and thought of other things than the pain of the cock in her ass and the one stretching her mouth open. Vestri gripped Sunrise’s hips and slipped himself bit by bit into the unicorn, eliciting muffled whimpers from her mouth. Think of home. Of Dreaming Night’s restaurant. She gagged when Ivangir grabbed the back of her mane and shoved himself further into her mouth until she felt his thickened tip pressing into her throat. Sunrise’s entire body shook, and she breathed heavily out her nostrils. She felt Vestri bottom out within her ass, then lean over her and whisper into her ear, “I suggest you do more than just sit there for my brother, Sunny. Consider him and the Council your other Masters, and you know what happens when you don’t please your Masters.” He stood back up and squeezed Sunrise’s hips. Sunrise clenched herself around Vestri in horror. She had to do this with them all!? She suddenly felt faint, but the pressure from Ivangir gripping her mane in a painful hold drew her out of it. Ivangir’s gaze drew her eyes upward, and she almost instinctively swallowed. His eyes were hard and his expression expectant. Oh goddesses, I can’t believe I’m about to do this. She reached her hand shakily up and gripped Ivangir around the base of his cock. She sucked along the length, hating herself with every breath and trying to think of Vestri and Ivangir as a couple of her old lovers. The pain in her backside, however, told her otherwise. Especially once Vestri slipped himself out nearly to the head of his dick. Sunrise felt empty inside from the lack of his length no longer being within her. Vestri swiftly filled her again, pushing himself back into her ass that brought a gasp snorting out of the mare’s nostrils. Already, she felt more than a bit tender not only from the act, but also the run from earlier. Vestri’s pace was slow at first with full, smooth thrusts. He chuckled above her at the other Council members, “Look at how she enjoys her first time taking it up the ass like a slut. The first time of many, certainly.” Enjoy!? Sunrise thought as Ivangir began thrusting his own cock in and out of her mouth, her saliva dripping from her lip in thick strands. How could she enjoy something that was quite literally a pain in her ass? Ivangir’s cockhead drooled pre over her tongue with each thrust, sending a shudder down her spine. She wanted to gag at the taste. To pull away and spit. Instead, all she could do was let it collect before she was forced to swallow. Another Ker-Chunk sounded, then a second in quick succession. Shortly after, a third came and that was followed by two more.  She kept her eyes squeezed shut so as to not see the reactions of those around her. Behind her, Anvari commented, “That seems to be the last of the horned-ones. The winged ones will be brought up next and plucked. Throtr, make sure you see their feathers put to good use.” A grunt of affirmation answered him. “Vestri, do see that we get the chance to test her before the sun sets, yes?” Vestri barked a laughed while his cock shlurped into Sunrise’s ass with each thrust. His pace quickened, rocking the smaller mare’s body in a way that forced her to bob her head upon Ivangir’s own length of meat. Each thrust sent a twinge of pain through Sunrise’s asshole, and a shiver up her spine. It was the weirdest sensation, one she tried to ignore in her efforts to be elsewhere in her mind. Her captor suddenly hilted himself into her ass and gripped her hips tight. Inside her, she felt Vestri’s cock throb, each pulse unleashing a torrent of hot seed into her bowels. Sunrise whimpered around her mouthful of caribou meat. She could get through this. All she had to do was suck Ivangir off and she’d be home free. Then she’d have time to figure out what to do. Sunrise groaned under her breath between sucks, her hand clenching Ivangir’s dick like it was the last branch to grab onto before she fell over a cliff. Her bowels filled with Vestri’s cum, leaving her feeling bloated. One thing she knew, caribou could release far more than a stallion, or perhaps that was just Vestri. Pushing the thought from her mind, she felt Vestri withdraw from her butt with a schlorp and a flood of seed. Sunrise clenched herself, though she still felt the cum running down over her lips and down her legs. “Perfectly tight,” Vestri remarked. “She’ll need to start working more to gain her prize, though.” The others chuckled nearby. Ivangir gripped the back of her mane harder and snorted at his brother with a growl, “She doesn’t work as it is. It’s like fucking a cow half asleep.” Ivangir smacked Sunrise’s hand away and shoved himself as far into her mouth as he would go. Sunrise choked when his cock head found its way into her throat. Just as quickly, Ivangir pulled himself out. Sunrise greedily gasped for air while staring at the pre-drooling length of caribou in front of her eyes. Vestri slapped her ass, forcing a startled and pained squeal to leave her lips. “Well? Don’t just stand there with your mouth agape, Sunny. Finish the job!” Vestri barked at her. Sunrise swallowed fearfully and opened her mouth to once against slip herself over Ivangir. This time, she bobbed her head along his entire length, cringing each time his tip bumped against her throat. “There, you see, brother?” Vestri chuckled. “A little bit of encouragement goes a long way with her.” Ivangir placed a hand on his hip and said nothing, instead using the mare’s mane to help her along in her oral. It did not take long before he pushed herself as far down as she would go and his dick exploded into her awaiting mouth, cum filling her just as quickly as it did in her ass. Choking and gagging, Sunrise pushed her hands against Ivangir’s legs. She surprised him when she jerked her head away, managing to remove his length from her maw. She coughed several times and spat, the caribou’s load splattering upon the wooden planks below. Grumbles and mutters passed between the various other members of the Council. She ignored how the rest of Ivangir’s spurts landed over her face and dress, and more on getting the taste out of her mouth. From behind, Sun suddenly felt the many tails of a switch slap against her ass. She yelped and stood completely upright just in time for Ivangir’s palm to slap across her face. Stars dotted Sunrise’s sight when a second slap smacked across her other cheek and darkened her vision. The mare kept her balance, though whatever caribou that spanked her with the switch did so twice more, leaving long welts where the leather straps hit her. Before her, Ivangir raised his hand and reached into a pouch on his belt, his expression one of anger. Sunrise flinched back from his gruff voice, “Since you see fit to reject the seed I gave you, then perhaps something more will do better to improve your mood.” He removed two clamps from the pouch. Before Sunrise could react, Ivangir darted his hand out and grabbed her by the mane, lifting her into the air. She screamed from the pain, and again when the first clamp was latched onto her nipple. The second quickly followed, and Sunrise found herself dropped to her knees. The unicorn blinked tears from her eyes and resisted reaching up to remove the two clamps. Ivangir’s glare showed there was far more in store if she didn’t behave. Ivangir grabbed her by the back of her head and shoved her face down against the rough wood, pressing her nose into the spatters of cum. He guffawed above her and shoved her entire face into the seed, spreading it all through her fur before releasing her. Sunrise sat up and wiped her face of the cum smeared across it when a stallion cleared his throat. Ivangir buckled up his pants and walked to the edge of the stage where three mares and two stallions stood just below. The mares were all nude and attempting to cover themselves as best as possible. They each blushed between expressions of embarrassment, humiliation, and anger at being treated like this. Around their necks sat silver collars that did little to hide the bruises that showed they weren’t treated like they thought they would. Quill Ink was the only mare without the bruises, but even her hand covered her crotch and her other arm hide her breasts. Her tail was clamped tightly against her backside and pulled between her legs to hide as much was possible. The stallions were both fully clothed, and lead by Top Knot. “As fascinating as it is to watch this whole thing, we had a deal. In return for the town, my Council members and I would be at the head of it all,” Top Knot mentioned proudly. “Ah, yes,” Ivangir merely replied. He snapped his fingers, and a couple caribou nearby came and unlatched the collars around the stallions’ necks. Quill Ink noticed they did not do the same for her and the other mare, protesting, “Wait, what about us? It was all of us!” Ivangir motioned his hands toward the mares while Sunrise watched. The other caribou moved behind the mares and grabbed each of them around their upper arms. Top Knot looked on in annoyance but said nothing. The caribou laughed derisively and pointed a finger down at the mares, “Of course. And you three will be at the heads. The heads of your masters’ dicks. You all are given the same choice. Submit and know your place, or…” Ivangir shrugged, leaving what didn’t need to be said hanging in the air between them. Sunrise used this time to crawl away. Vestri’s hand on the back of her collar suddenly stopped her, and she glanced up at him with wide eyes. He shook his head slowly and turned his head back to the spectacle going on. Slowly, Top Knot and the other stallion shook their heads, though they looked unhappy about it. Sunrise thought, Perhaps they were given the same thing I was. Accept what is, or else. Quill Ink eventually lowered her head and nodded as well, staying limp within her captor’s grasp. The other two mares struggled and fought, however. A couple unburdened caribou grabbed their shock batons from their belts and touched them to the flanks of both mares. They shrieked in pain and jerked from the shock that went through their bodies. Next to them, Quill Ink folded her ears back and hunched her shoulders, making nary a sound outside of the occasional whimper. A caribou approached from the crowd, various hard-to-see implements dangling from his belt. He grabbed one from his hip and unclasped it, revealing it to be a spreader bar. He grabbed a mare’s leg and clasped one of the cuffs around it, shutting it quickly. She immediately realized what was going on and kicked her other leg, only to be touched by the shock baton again. While her entire body jerked, he cuffed her other leg and handed over an anal plug to the caribou holding her. “No lube,” he muttered. The other caribou nodded and accepted the plug. Thrusting his hand under the mare’s tail, he positioned it into place. As the shock wore off, the mare stood to her tip hoofs, but could not get away from the plug pressing up against her asshole. Tears ran down her cheeks, then a strangled scream broke forth from her throat when the plug found entry and popped into her ass. The other mare looked on in horror and folded her ears back, shrinking in on herself and whispering, “I’ll be good…” Ivangir waved his hand at the three caribou, and they dragged off the two mares. He glanced down at Quill Ink. “Get this one prepared and make sure she’s not just pretending,” Ivangir ordered, turning back toward his brother and the rest of the Council. Durnir stepped forward and grabbed Sunrise by the front of her collar, easily lifting her up, “With that finished, I believe it is time for us to find out what kind of metal she’s made of and put her through the rest of her paces.” Sunrise darted her head frantically about, terrified of what more she would have to go through. She didn’t notice right away that Dainn was missing from the Council group and heading his way toward the docks, where caribou could be seen unloading a great many boxes from a docked cargo ship. She swallowed audibly while Durnir fiddled with his leather pants, an already very evident bulge pushing them outwards. Oh dear Celestia, if that’s what it looks like on the outside… Sunrise suppressed a shudder and clutched her legs together. It wouldn’t help her against what was to come, but it made her feel a bit less exposed. Her eyes drifted to the arm holding her up and she started shaking just as much as her hands. It was going to happen to her again and again until she was nothing more than a quivering mess, wasn’t it? Durnir’s pants parted, allowing his beast of a cock to flop out and lift into the air. Sunrise stared down in horror as he placed her back down on her hooves, then used his massive hands to grasp her by the upper arms and lift her back into the air. Sunrise writhed in his grasp, but it was like iron. She was held steadfast. Using her like nothing more than a toy, Durnir lowered her down until she felt the heated head of his cock poking at her legs. She clamped them tighter until Ivangir came up behind her, grabbed her ankles, and wrenched her legs apart. Sunrise shook her head back and forth when Durnir lowered herself down atop his shaft. “Please don’t,” she whispered pleadingly. Ivangir slapped the back of Sunrise’s head and commanded, “You will be silent, slut.” Durnir himself didn’t say anything. Instead, he only held Sunrise’s arms to her side and pushed her downward until his cockhead popped into her vagina. Sunrise cried out in pain. He was far too large for her, and just the tip of Durnir’s cock stretched her past her limits. Even then, Durnir pushed her further down, Sunrise’s tunnel stretching further bit by bit. Tears streamed down Sunrise’s face and her body tensed up. She arched her back, attempting to in some way pull away from the massive rod of meat invading her body. It didn’t work, and she quickly found herself filled by Durnir. Her entire body shivered just from containing the monstrosity, and whimpers escaped her muzzle one after another. Anvari stepped over and knelt down with a small notepad and pencil, pushing aside one of Sunrise’s legs to study her crotch. “Hm, she could deal with far more training with large objects. Her depth is impressive, though I am using a cow’s average measurements as a basis.” Throtr sighed and pulled Anvari away, growling at him, “She’s here to be fucked, not to be studied. Do that some other time.” Durnir looked on with amusement at a grumbling Anvari. Anvari stepped aside and crossed his arms over his chest. Sindri came up to him and clapped him on the shoulder, whispering something into Anvari’s ear that brought a roar of laughter from his lips. Sunrise panted softly, her hands clenched into fists and her fingernails digging into her palms. Behind her, Throtr stepped forth and unbuttoned his trousers, to Durnir’s continued amusement. “Think you can even reach her, Throtr?” he mocked kiddingly. “You worry about that, Durnir, just get her into some sort of position for us both to use her,” Throtr replied with a roll of his eyes. Sunrise felt Throtr’s dick slap against her ass while Durnir used his grip to shift her about, each movement awakening an ache in her stretched nethers. “There, that should be good,” the Quartermaster spoke. Almost immediately afterward, Sunrise felt Throtr press up against her back. His dick slid up along her ass until it found her pucker. With aid from his hand, Throtr pressed in, his tip popping into Sunrise’s ass. With ease, he pushed the rest of himself in. Sunrise gave a strangled whine. She clenched her teeth and raised her muzzle into the air, a fresh wave of pain erupting and flowing through her body. Oh goddesses! Will this ever end!? Throtr adjusted himself and stood fully upright, his breath passing over Sunrise’s ears. He chuckled and hissed, “Time for a little fun, Durnir. She’s nicely tight and warm inside. Let’s see if her body does its job well.” Behind them, Ivangir remarked, “Seems the ponies have finished choosing their mares.” Vestri watched as a pegasus mare was dragged by, and her wings forcibly stretched out to their full span. While a couple caribou held her down, her feathers were forcibly plucked one by one and set aside for later use. Her screams were ignored until one of the caribou latched his hand around her muzzle and silenced them. “Spread the word that the mares are fair game for claiming, with the understanding that they may change hands at anytime. Let the troops have their fun,” Vestri replied, occasionally throwing back a glance at Sunrise. Ivangir nodded and walked down off the platform. A moment later, Caribou swarmed away from the side and into the crowd of mares. Several younger caribou ran off in various directions, possibly to spread the message to those that were not there. With her ears folded back, Sunrise felt Durnir lift her up, Throtr’s and his cocks sliding out of her holes with ease. Just as quickly, Sunrise was pushed back down until she was bottomed out. Whimpers left Sunrise’s lips and she shut her eyes tight, wishing to all the alicorns for them to save her, or to end all the pain. Durnir lifted and settled Sunrise upon their cocks with ease over and over. She lost track of just how long he used her until she felt Throtr’s seed burst into her bowels and fill her further. The portly caribou withdrew from her ass and smacked her rear, chuckling, “She’ll do. I’ll enjoy seeing her work for it next time.” Sunrise shrank in on herself, pulling herself further into her mind to try and block what was happening to her. With fresh cum leaking from her ass, she suddenly felt Durnir lean her back until she saw Anvari grinning down at her. Sunrise swallowed, her eyes growing wide when he grabbed her by the hair and dragged her head back. “Open,” he commanded. When she didn’t comply quickly enough for him, Anvari grasped his other hand around her maw and wrenched it open. He muttered down at her, “If you dare think about biting in any way, I’ll have you on the breeding line for the rest of your pathetic life, cunt.” Sunrise’s eyes widened. Breeding line!? She opened her mouth further, the dull ache between her thighs telling her Durnir was still buried within her up to the womb. Anvari hmphed and stuffed his cock down Sunrise’s throat, causing her to choke and cough around the meaty length. “I’d prefer this in your womb, female, but your mouth will have to do. And you will swallow every drop,” he snarled. Sunrise wept silently as Durnir began his thrusts, each one rocking the poor mare’s body along Anvari’s length. Each time that Anvari hilted within her maw, she choked and gagged, and she ended up with her nostrils pressed against his balls. The scent of sweat and musk filled her nostrils. All at once, amidst one of Durnir’s thrusts, Anvari reached down and enwrapped his hand around the top portion of Sunrise’s muzzle and pinched her nostrils shut, then bottomed himself out within her maw and throat. Cum filled Sunrise’s throat in spurts, filling it quickly and forcing her to swallow several times just to keep up with the flow. Her head swam with light headedness from being unable to breathe. Anvari released his grip on Sunrise’s nostrils and withdrew his cock from her mouth. A mixture of drool and cum drizzled down her nose and dripped to the wood below while she greedily gulped down air. The caribou wiped his cock upon her face, smearing semen all across her cheeks and muzzle. Durnir had paused in his thrusts to allow Anvari his fun, but soon picked them up again. After only a few, he suddenly lifted Sunrise up, his cock shlurping out of her abused cunt and splattering thick strands of seed across her belly, chest, and legs. Copious amounts of cum drooled from her nethers while strand after strand shot out from Durnir’s cock and left Sunrise’s dress and coat a mess of thick seed. He dropped her to the ground afterward and deeply muttered, “She will do. She will need to learn to cease her whimpering and enjoy it.” Anvari, Throtr, and Dunir buckled up their pants and stepped off to the side to watch. Sindri stepped forward and crossed his arms down at Sunrise. She shrank back and lowered her gaze away from his piercing glare. Please, no more! “Crawl to the edge of the platform and look out onto your new life, female,” the greying caribou commanded, radiating an aura of strength that scared Sunrise. She nodded quickly and did as she was told, crawling out to the edge of the platform and looking out into the crowd. Already, those stallions that hadn’t accepted Caribou rule were being led off while amidst the mares, numerous caribou males wandered, occasionally choosing one of the mares to claim as their own. She could hear begging amidst them, and the occasional scream when one was grabbed. The look of hopelessness amidst many of them shadowed what Sunrise felt inside. This was going to be their lot in life. What could they do? Fight? Didn’t they already try that? Maybe there are ponies that the caribou haven’t found that can help us? She certainly hoped so. If only one pony could escape… that was all that was needed. “Turn and walk back to me. I want you to come up to us and thank us for fucking you raw. I want to hear some sincerity in it,” Sindri ordered, laughing at the look of shame and humiliation that spread across Sunrise’s face. Sunrise’s face felt hot. She lowered her eyes to stare intently at the wooden planks, feeling her dress occasionally catch at the boards, all the while leaving a trail of cum behind from her dress and dripping cunt. All she had to do was do as Sindri commanded and she’d be finished, she hoped. Sunrise didn’t know how much more she could take. Sunrise Splendor crawled to Vestri and Ivangir, choking back a sob and bowing toward them. She sputtered, “Th-Thank you, M-” Sunrise paused and squeezed her eyes shut. She had to get through this. “Masters, for…” Ugh. “...g-gifting me with y-y-your semen and…” And what? Raping me? Tearing me apart? “...filling my e-every h-hole.” Sindri frowned and snorted, “It will have to do. Come to me, little slut. Beg for more of your Master’s seed.” Sunrise looked up with wide-eyes. M-More!? Nonono! She stared right at Sindri, the older caribou’s leather pants opened and his cock hanging out, thankfully looking like a far more manageable size than Durnir’s. He was stroking his hand along it and waiting for Sunrise. She approached Sindri with tears in her eyes and sat back against her rump with a stifled yelp. Beg for more? Why would she ever do such a thing? She met Sindri’s glare and flinched back. He meant business. Sunrise had to do this, no matter how humiliating it was, then when she was done, she could… do something. Anything. She looked down away from Sindri and whispered, “Please, Master. Cover me with your cum, fill my mouth, stick it in my…” Sunrise swallowed and continued, “...rear and fill me there.” She saw him stroking himself faster and shut her eyes. “What was that, female? Say it louder so everyone can hear it,” Sindri barked, startling Sunrise. She spoke up this time, her face flushing a deep red from embarrassment. If the ponies in Canterlot ever heard she’d said this, she’d be ruined. If she wasn’t already! “Open,” was all that Sindri said next. Obediently, Sunrise opened her mouth just in time to catch a thick spurt of cum across her nose and tongue. It was followed by several more, coating her face and mouth. When she felt no more arrive, she wiped it from her face and opened her eyes just in time to see Sindri buckle up his pants. With generous amounts of cum dripping from her ass and cunt, Sunrise coughed and spat out a glob of cum from her throat. She gagged from the taste and glanced down over her cum-covered form. It was ruined. Her dress was splattered from neck to skirt with the disgusting seed. Even her tears mixed in with the cum soaking into her facial fur. She dragged her mouth across her shoulder, attempting to remove the lingering semen from her lips. Instead, she only managed to smear it further. They’d used her with no regard. Vestri had given her to them all without a thought against it. Her asshole and vagina felt aflame from the rough way she’d been fucked, and her rump didn’t feel any better from the smacks. Vestri called over to one of the caribou standing nearby. He approached and Vestri commanded, “Take her home. Drag her if she’s not cooperative. Make sure she’s watched, and warn me if she tries to leave. Better to be safe than sorry.” The other caribou saluted with his fist to his chest and nodded, then came over and grabbed Sunrise harshly around the upper arm. He yanked the mare to her hooves. She didn’t fight, instead she blankly stared at Vestri. He stared back with a calculating expression. Sunrise’s shoulders slumped and her head hung low when the caribou led her from the stage and down the stairs.  I’m screwed, figuratively and literally. Sun brushed her mane in front of her face so she wouldn’t have to meet the gaze of anyone in the remaining crowd. She focused instead on simply putting one hoof in front of the other. She just had to get home and then… and then… She didn’t know. I want a bath so I can scrub myself raw. She held up her hands and peered at them through her mane. They still trembled. It was that collar. What did he do to me?” The journey didn’t take long. Sunrise avoided trying to think of anything outside of reaching the cottage. One hoof in front of the other. Left, right, left, right. When they did, her guide opened the door, then practically threw Sunrise through the doorway. She tumbled and collapsed onto the wooden floor. The door slammed behind her, leaving the mare alone. For several long moments, she stared off into space with a blank expression, images of being back in Canterlot floating through her mind. The smells, the atmosphere. Even being around those she disliked. Sunrise choked back the sobs returning. She wanted to go home, back to Canterlot. To see her business again, her assistant, the other Elite! She wished to be anywhere except Lindisbarne. The beaches of Hoofalooloo in the arms of a trusted lover talking about their future. The center display case of Splendid Jewelers haggling with a potential buyer. Even at the Grand Galloping Gala or any other garden party trying to avoid the attentions of a particularly annoying stallion. The cum-soaked fabric of her dress caught her eye. With barely-contained rage, Sunrise stripped herself of the ruined garment and threw it at the wall, resulting in a gross splat. The nipple clamps followed it. Sunrise Splendor unclipped her earrings and slid her bracelet off, placing them on an endtable to be cleaned later. She needed a bath. Every last bit of her will was needed to drag herself up off the floor and climb up the mountainous height of the stairs. Every step felt like she dragged all of Equestria with her. Don’t think, try not to think.  Her mind remained blank as she stepped into the bathroom and sat down on the toilet. As long as she didn’t think, she wouldn’t have to face the truth of what happened to her. The dripping of cum from her orifices into the water was the only sound in the bathroom. Eventually, Sunrise gathered the strength to reach over and start running the water in the tub. I don’t want to think. Sunrise stared down at her hands, at how violently they shook. They haven’t stopped since that collar was first removed. She touched her hands to her collar, feeling along its smooth contours and over the script. Was it truly worth it? To have alienated her family? To have driven away the ponies in this town? To undergo such humiliation? No, no! Stop thinking. Stop! Sunrise clenched her fists and forced herself to stand and lower herself into the tub. While the heat usually felt good against her coat, Sunrise barely felt it this time. Instead, she stared blankly at the bathroom ceiling. The day’s events, and those of days past kept attempting to encroach themselves on Sunrise’s mind. I threw everyone else aside for myself.  My exes would be ashamed. No! Stop it! Sunrise slapped herself across the face and grabbed her brushes roughly. She dragged the brushes through her coat scrubbing herself raw beneath the fur. I have to get clean. I can’t allow any part of them to remain!  She shook her head clear of the thoughts and ignored the warm and wet feeling of the seed within her vagina and bowels, ignoring how much she was forced to swallow alongside it. Sunrise brought those brushes against every inch of her body she could reach, her skin tingling from the intensity of her scrubbing. When she brought them to her nethers, she bit back a scream. Oh goddesses, she was sore, especially from Durnir. Stop it. She forced herself to scrub her lower lips raw, biting back the pain. She had to do it. She had to. Holding back the tears, Sunrise climbed out of the tub, not bothering to even drain it. She grabbed the towel from the rack, drying herself off gingerly. It hurt, but she had needed to get clean, to wash and scrub herself of their touch. Vestri had betrayed her, let her be used by them. He had done something to her to make her want all this. Why? No, she knew why. He wanted an obedient little pet. The question wasn’t why, but how. Stop it, Sun! Stop it stop it stop it! She dropped the towel to the floor and grabbed at her mane. She yanked at her hair in frustration and anger. Dripping water all over the floor, Sunrise abandoned the towel and walked slowly into the bedroom. Maybe, maybe she needed sleep. Yes, that was it. The moment she stepped into the room, Sunrise froze. There beside the bed was something new. When did that get there? A pet bed large enough for a mare to curl up in lay next to the bed. It looked freshly made, though the green cushion itself appeared to be repurposed and sewn to fit into the wicker bed. Wait… Green and… Sunrise dove at the bed and looked the cushion over. The stitching was fine and hidden in places, but there was no doubt about it. Th-that’s my dress, the one Vestri tore off me! For it to be reduced from such a beautiful state to this monstrosity tore at her heart. She stroked her hand against the fabric and bit her lip. This wasn’t fair. The realization made her come to another conclusion. The rest of her clothes were missing. Not even a single undergarment remained. Sunrise whipped her head about to glare about the room, the cage in the corner catching her eye. A cage. There’s only one pony that is intended for. She shuddered and held her arms about herself. She was being treated like an animal. Vestri’s claim of such came to the forefront of her mind. That’s what it was. They saw her as an animal. Sunrise collapsed back onto the bed, her tail and rear leaving wet splotches of water on the fabric, and dots of other fluids she didn’t wish to imagine. Her mind went back to the hours before and she clenched her hands. She had to do something, anything to get her mind off it. Something that would require her full attention. Like my jewelry. Afterward, she practically threw herself at the closet, throwing the door open enough to slam it into the wall. Sunrise picked up and cradled her travel case like a foal. Sitting down, she opened the case delicately and popped the drawers out, removing her tools and the various spools of metal. Just something simple, that’s all I need to do. Her hands shook too much to handle the tools. After the fifth time she fumbled her pliers, Sunrise dropped them to the floor and collapsed in on herself while everything from the past few days rushed back in on her. First, tears began trickling down her cheeks, joined shortly by sobs wracking her body. Sunrise Splendor could still feel them violating her body, and she had little choice in the matter. Sunrise curled up around herself and bawled her eyes out. She was raped continuously, humiliated, treated like nothing more than a fuck toy, and threatened with worse if she didn’t accept it. And her horn. Her poor horn! Her magic! Was she ever going to work with it again? Sunrise rubbed her hand against the hideous horn stub on her forehead and cried harder. Was this going to be her life? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When Vestri returned, Sunrise was in the closet with her knees against her chest and her head buried in her arms. Her mane was an absolute mess and her ears folded back. She didn’t react even when the front door could be heard opening and slamming shut. “Sunny?” Vestri called out. A loud clunk followed that suggested Vestri had dropped something on the floor. When she didn’t answer, Vestri yelled, “Sunny!” Sunrise squeezed her eyes shut and shivered within the closet. No, nonono. Just leave me alone! Vestri’s stomping steps took him into the kitchen and paused, then headed over to the stairs. They creaked beneath his weight. Sunrise held her arms tighter about herself, her entire body shivering with fear. The bathroom door squeaked open. The steps headed into the bedroom next. “Little mare, come out and cease your hiding,” Vestri commanded. Sunrise whimpered, but it was enough for Vestri to hear. He threw the closet door open, allowing light to fall upon Sunrise. She cringed and huddled inward on herself while Vestri’s imposing figure overshadowed the mare. She couldn’t bear to look up at him. Please… Sunrise felt his presence near her, and preparing for the worst, she clenched her hands and dug her nails into her palms. His hand touched lightly over her head with a pet-like quality. He’s not mad? Sunrise thought to herself, up until Vestri’s hand stroked down her mane and he grabbed a large fistful of Sunrise’s hair. Vestri lifted her into the air, drawing a strangled shriek of pain from Sunrise’s throat. Carrying Sunrise out of the closet, he kicked aside her tools while she desperately grasped at her mane. “I called for you, Sunny, and you did not answer and hid away from me. At the Ceremony, you spat my brother’s gift to you onto the stage, and you hesitated several times in an act you should have committed right away,” he accused, reaching around to grab onto the base of Sunrise’s tail, lifting her rear as well. Using his hoof, he pushed open the door of the cage and flung Sunrise in headfirst. She clanged against the rear bars and saw stars before her eyes. Behind her, the door was shut and locked, leaving her trapped inside. Rubbing her head, Sunrise peered through the bars and whimpered once again. This was her fate, to be some male’s plaything. While Vestri looked down at her in disdain, she finally managed to whisper, “Why? What did you do to me?” His eyes narrowed, and the silence between them grew in length. Sunrise hung her head with realization that he wouldn’t answer. He turned and strolled away, leaving Sunrise to settle uncomfortably in her cage. Just as he reached the doorway, he bellowed, “I did nothing that wasn’t already there.” He didn’t look at her, but she could feel the disappointment and disgust radiating from him. “You have all night to think about your place in things, pet. Use that empty head of yours.” By the light streaming through the window, it was approaching evening. Sunrise attempted to sit up and bumped her head against the top of her cage. She had to bend her back to sit on her rump. Think? He wants me to think even more!? She hung her head and sniffled. She didn’t need to think anymore, not after earlier. She didn’t know how long she’d mentally crashed while in the closet. She hated herself right now, for being weak enough not to fight back, for driving everybody away. For letting them take advantage of her like that. She listened to Vestri head downstairs and open the front door. Other voices entered and low conversation drifted upstairs. Sunrise couldn’t quite make out what was being said, but she swore she heard her name dropped once. Cursing silently, she shifted herself about. Whoever made this cage made it to be absolutely uncomfortable. The crisscrossing bars of the sides weren’t too large, but the holes between them were too small to fit anything more than a couple fingers through. The top and bottom were of the same mesh, and the bars dug into her still-sore backside. Whatever this cage was built for, she knew she wasn’t going to sleep well within it. The sound of several males laughing came from downstairs startled her. Those were caribou voices! The Council? No, some of them are unfamiliar, friends? Whoever they were, it made Sunrise feel extraordinarily lonely. The memory of her mother and father earlier drove a spike into her heart. She wished to see them again. I don’t think they want to see me, though. Not after father chose to side with them, and mother was claimed by him after losing her horn. Sunrise chose to curl up in the bottom of the cage, her eyes locking on the small patch of sky outside the window. Birds chirped, and she could hear the murmur of conversation downstairs and outside. A bird flew past the window, while another landed on the sill. She reached her hand up and grabbed hold of the bars. When the bird flew off, she released her hold and turned her thoughts inward. Once, back in Canterlot, Sunrise had visited a pet store. She had seen many animals, from snakes to gerbils and fish. Something that interested her, however, were the birds. Many were allowed to fly about or had open doors on their cages. When Sunrise had inquired as to why, she was told, “The well behaved ones are permitted out of their cages.” Her eyes roamed her prison, and she flinched when she heard her name mentioned again downstairs. What are they talking about? The scent of food trailed upward into the room. Wrinkling her muzzle, Sunrise salivated and her belly grumbled. She hadn’t eaten as much as she should have in the past couple days, and nothing today outside of the Council’s seed. Sunrise gagged at the thought and sighed. She could smell potatoes and carrots, fresh bread, and many other tantalizing scents. And here she sat caged like an animal. She tucked her legs against her chest and placed her chin between them. Sunrise trailed her fingers over the collar and the script emblazoned on the front. Sunny. She shut her eyes tight and listened to her stomach growl. The night for thought, and come morning, then what? Would everything just start again? Would she be given over to Ivangir? Sun shuddered to imagine the cruelty he would inflict upon her. The memory of the nipple clamps reminded her of the tenderness of her breasts. She weighed her options. If she devoted herself to Vestri, she would be cared for in his little way, but she’d have to suffer every deplorable act he wished to do to her, and those of the Council. However, if Sunrise refused, she would be handed over to Ivangir and suffer far worse. The third option was one she’d thrown away twice already. To escape and flee from Lindisbarne. That carried its own set of more severe punishments. Even if she managed to escape, how long would she last in the wilderness? She didn’t know the area at all, and she’d lived in cities her entire life. Sunrise shook her head. As appealing as it was, she’d rather live here than die out there. That left her with two options. Submit, or fight. The scent of food and the uncomfortable cage certainly weren’t helping make the decision easy. If I tried to leave, I’d be caught. He has someone watching for that. If I don’t… Sunrise sat up as best she could and studied the lock on the cage. It was a simple slide lock, but she could barely fit her fingers through the holes enough to fiddle with it. Where did they even get this stuff anyway? She guessed the cages may have come with them, since it certainly wasn’t new. Sunrise slumped and stared down at her hands through strands of her mane. Whatever it was that had been affecting her had worn off, and her hands weren’t shaking as much. I think it was more through the sudden realization than whatever that collar had done. She pressed her palms against her eyes and groaned. They still felt puffy, and she felt raw in other regions. Damned if she did, damned if she didn’t. She had to choose between the lesser evil, or the greater. She clenched her hands and curled back up in the bottom of the cage. Could I actually do that? Willingly subject myself to this? She was terrified and disgusted by it all, but Ivangir and what he may do to her scared her all the more. Maybe she could take it slow? Everything flooded back to her, how her dresses had been destroyed; her body and mind violated; how she’d been treated like nothing more than an animal. No, he wants me to know my place now. Sunrise glanced out the window at the sky as pink and red tinges began spreading across it. She fiddled with her collar and adjusted it to be more comfortable. Could I do it? Could I really be Sunny? The collar felt heavy and Sunrise clenched her eyes shut. No matter how adverse to it she was, she had to! She was caught between a rock and a hard place. Sunrise closed her eyes and shifted about uncomfortably while her stomach gnawed at her spine. She needed to talk to Vestri, but she didn’t think he would approve of interrupting whatever it was going on downstairs. She blew out a sigh while the stresses of the day caught up to her and sent her into a fitful and dreamless nap. Sunrise started awake when a loud slam occurred downstairs, followed by raucous laughter and exclamations of congratulation. She rubbed her eyes and looked out the window. Stars shone overhead, and the bedroom was cloaked in shadow. How long have I been asleep? She groaned and shifted about, half her body protesting from the uncomfortable position she’d fallen asleep in. Her mind came back to the topic she’d been considering and she shuddered. I have to. It’s either Vestri, or I get Ivangir. She opened her mouth to call above the noise, but nothing came out. Come on, Sunrise. You have to do this! She tried again, and she spoke a soft, “M-M-Master?” Louder. “Master?” she cried out, though by the sounds coming from below, she wasn’t heard. Sunrise hated herself for using the term, but it had to be done. “Master!” she yelled again. This time, by the sounds below, she must have been heard. The laughter and talking quieted down for a moment, then sprung back up, though at a lower level. She heard hoofsteps stomp up the stairs. Sunrise kept her eyes downcast to the floor, hoping she looked properly submissive when Vestri walked into the bedroom, turned on the light, and crossed his arms silently. She could feel his gaze bore into her. Say it. I have to say it. She licked her lips with a mouth suddenly gone dry.  “I-I-I’m-” I can do this. “I’m s-sorry, M-Master,” she said, a tear sliding down her cheek. “I acted stupid and embarrassed you in front of everyone.” She bit her lip and forced herself to continue, “I forgot my place! But I remember it now. It’s by your side on my hands and knees, my leash in your hand and my devotion solely to you.” Sunrise swallowed and clenched her eyes shut, “I will suck your dick. Ride your cock any number of ways in front of any number of ponies. I will do whatever depraved acts you wish.” Sunrise shivered, her eyes staying pointed at the floor. She didn’t need to give Vestri any reason to think her anything less than appropriately chastised and apologetic. He walked over to her cage. For a moment, he paused, then to Sunrise’s relief unlocked the cage and slid the door open. “Come,” Vestri commanded, strolling to the bed and sitting on the edge. When Sunrise managed to get herself turned around enough to crawl out of the cage, Vestri barked, “Stay on your hands and knees, and lay across my lap.” Sunrise swallowed and folded back her ears, but nodded. She edged out of the cage, cringing at how the metal bars dug into her knees. Her head stayed low and her eyes downcast when she crawled across the floor. Her eyes took in her scattered tools and supplies. Even her jewelry box was overturned and its contents spilled. Just like her life. All she could do was put things back into order as best she can, even if it’s a far different order than she was used to. She climbed into Vestri’s lap and swished her tail to the side. He means to spank me, I just know it. Sunrise tensed herself up and waited, but when nothing came, she dared to peek up at Vestri’s face. That’s the moment that the first smack on her ass came. It surprised her, not just with the suddenness but with the strength too. Sunrise bit back a yelp at the pain that erupted. A second quickly followed, then a third and a forth. Each one threatened to cause Sunrise to burst out in tears, but she weathered through it. If this was needed to show she would behave, then she’d do it. She could only bite back her tears and outcries for so long. With each added smack harder than the last, eventually tears ran down Sunrise’s face. She rose a hand to her mouth to muffle herself, her entire body shuddering with the intensity of the spanking. Oh goddesses, Sunrise felt sorry for earlier, just from the pain and heat radiating from her backside. When the sound of smacks faded away, and nothing more landed on her rear, Sunrise sniffled and dared to glance up at Vestri. His face was a mask hiding his emotions. Removing her hand from her mouth, Sunrise ventured a question, “Am I permitted to leave your lap, Master?” “You may,” was all that Vestri replied with. Sunrise eased herself off Vestri’s legs, cringing and gasping from her sore backside. Just the act of moving pained her, and she climbed into her pet bed to sit on something soft instead of the hard floor. Even then, her rump burned from the touch of the fabric. Don’t think about what the pillow was made from. “You will stay silent until morning,” Vestri commanded and stood up. Sunrise nodded emphatically. “If I find you’ve left your bed, the spanking will be the least of your worries, pet.” Sunrise swallowed and glanced at her tools and jewelry crafting materials strewn across the floor. She nodded again and grabbed the folded blanket next to her bed. When Vestri turned away and walked out of the room, the tell-tale sound of a piece of jewelry crunching beneath his hoof reached her ears. The mare gasped with a cringe and nearly leapt out of the bed then and there. Sun kept herself from doing so just as Vestri flicked off the light and left her in darkness. The bed was just large enough to curl herself in with room to spare. Tucking the blanket about herself, Sunrise stared off into the darkness, noting the occasional pass of somebody carrying a lantern outside. With delicate maneuvering, she shifted herself into a position that wouldn’t further enflame her already tender rump. Live in punishment, or live in comfort. I did what I needed to do to keep myself from the former. Her stomach growled and she curled up just a bit tighter. She could not see what her decision tonight would bring. What she did know was that things were changing fast, and she had to adapt quickly. Just like in Canterlot, except the changes are far more severe with greater risk of things going to Tartarus. I’ll have to watch myself and play by their rules...  The laughter downstairs felt like it was aimed at her. > Sun's Setting Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunrise Splendor started awake and shivered in the dark. A cold breeze blew through the room, and she could hear a heavy rain splashing against the cottage and ground outside. She pulled the blanket around herself tighter and groaned. Her asshole and nethers burned with soreness. Another breeze told Sunrise just how futile it was to huddle within her blanket; the cold cut right through it and sucked away her warmth. Blinking open her eyes, she noticed the time was shortly after three in the morning and the two bedroom windows were both wide open. Two pressing needs took ahold of her and she curled up all the tighter within her pet bed, feeling the soft fabric of what was once a dress against her skin. He said not to leave the bed, she thought, pulling the blanket over her head. Would she chance wetting her bed? Or worse? Sunrise threw her blanket aside and involuntarily gasped as a blast of cold air slammed into her body. No, she would not. She stood and stretched her legs, her body protesting from being curled up in her bed for so long. Traversing the cold wooden floors as quietly as possible, Sunrise glanced at the sleeping form of her Master. He snored lightly, his body barely covered by a blanket of his own while most of his lower legs hung over the edge of the bed. Sunrise snuck away to the bathroom, a little while later coming back with all her aches re-inflamed just from the act. Nestling back into her bed, Sun tucked the blanket around her and ducked her head under the covers. Thoughts bubbling in her mind prevented her from quickly going back to sleep. I doubt a simple caging and spanking was all that my punishment would be. A shudder ran through her body and her blanket rustled from another breezes passing through the room. Listening to the falling rain, Sunrise shut her eyes and took a deep breath. Vestri was angry, but he still listened to me. He gives me chance after chance…. Was he serious about giving me to Ivangir if I don’t go along with this? Sunrise swallowed. It was best not to test that. She needed to get into his favor. If Sunrise could do that, then maybe her restrictions would lift and she’d be able to do far more. If I’m… Sunrise swallowed. If I’m good, then things will go better for me, right? They have to. Yesterday was a nightmare. If it’s always like that… Sunrise stopped that line of thought and bit her lip. Being completely beneath the blanket helped, but it wasn’t enough. The mare still felt cold. She poked her head out from under the blanket and peered up at the bed. Maybe? It could help. She’d be warmer, and she’d be showing to Vestri that she was willing for the most part? She’d probably hate herself for it in the morning, but she needed to do it. If not for the warmth, than at least for the chance to gain some favor. Sunrise stifled a groan and stood up enough to climb onto the bed and slip under the covers with Vestri. She nestled herself in against his side and laid her head upon his shoulder. He shifted a moment at her touch and he mumbled something in the ancient language of his people. While her hand shook, she slipped it down the front of Vestri’s pants and caressed along his flaccid length. This certainly grabbed his attention, as he snorted a couple times and his eyes shot open. His gaze locked down on her and narrowed somewhat. Sunrise Splendor kept her voice low and focused on not withdrawing her hand in disgust at her actions. “I’m cold, Master. If I’m good, can I sleep with you tonight?” A simple grunt was returned and she felt Vestri relax beside her. A breath that Sunrise hadn’t realized she’d been holding was released. She withdrew her hand from Vestri’s pants and pulled the blanket up over the two of them. It was far warmer now with the body heat of two people beneath the covers, and Sunrise sighed with something akin to content. Vestri suddenly surprised her when he leaned his head over to nuzzle over her ears and mane, whispering, “It is good to see you accepting your place without a collar needing to push you along.” Sunrise’s eyes whipped open. That nuzzle seemed affectionate, as did the tone of the words. Did Vestri actually care for her? Her eyes shut while she thought about that development. If he cares for me in some way, then perhaps… perhaps I have a good chance, then! What would happen if I pretended to show the same? She only had to pretend. That’s all she had to do. Sunrise lifted her head, then planted a delicate kiss upon Vestri’s cheek before setting her head back down. “Good girl,” Vestri muttered. Sunrise’s face flushed, and some small part of herself felt proud at being called such. A yawn broke broke her thoughts and she pressed herself tighter against Vestri’s body. If anything, he was at least warm and his fur soft. His arm snaked out from between them and slipped behind Sunrise to settle along her back, with his hand over her rump. Right now, Sunrise was too focused on trying to fall asleep to care. She was warm, she wasn’t curled up, and she was sleeping in the first real bed she’s had in days. It didn’t take her long to fall into a deep sleep and dream of having tea in Canterlot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The sound of birds chirping outside brought Sunrise out of sleep and into the waking world. She froze up when she felt an unfamiliar warmth next to her, and the feeling of being in a bed rather than on her clothes. The body next to her shifted and yawned. Her eyes shot open, and she relaxed when she noticed it was only Vestri. Just outside, the sun was just cresting the horizon, sending streams of red light in through the windows. Sunrise Splendor yawned widely and pressed herself tighter against Vestri. He was warm and comfortable enough for her to ignore any other feelings she may have about him, plus, when was she going to get to next sleep in a bed? It was all for naught when Vestri sat up and slipped off the bed. Sunrise grabbed the covers and tucked herself into them, curling beneath them and shutting her eyes tight. It was far too early. “Sunny,” was all that Vestri said, in a tone that told her that she’d better be out of the bed in fewer than three seconds. Sunrise groaned and threw the covers off herself, shivering momentarily from the chill morning air. She climbed out of the bed and immediately knelt before Vestri. There was no need to give Vestri any excuse to second-guess his choices. Sunrise stifled a yawn and said sleepily, “Morning, Master.” Vestri reached down a hand and rubbed his thick fingers over Sunrise’s ear. To be honest with herself, it felt quite nice. “I have important matters I need to work on today. You will be on your own, and you have permission to leave the house,” Vestri spoke while Sunrise listened. I get to do things on my own? She shifted her eyes to stare at the mess on the floor and sighed softly to herself. After I take care of this and assess the damages. I hope it’s not too much, some of those are irreplaceable. “However.” Sunrise folded her ears back, no longer enjoying the ear rubs. “You do not have permission to have any sex today unless I allow it, you will crawl everywhere, and when you go out, you will immediately check if anybody needs aid. I will not have you sitting indoors all day doing nothing,” Vestri revealed. No sex? Oh thank the goddesses! Sunrise thought until a look of horror passed over her face. Crawling? After this heavy of a rain? The streets were packed dirt, but even they would be muddy after what she woke up to during the night. There were also plenty of places that weren’t packed and had grass. A whimper escaped her lips while she felt faint from the idea of having to wade through that muck. A smile passed across Vestri’s face and knelt down to nuzzle between Sunrise’s ears, surprising her again. “Your breakfast will be ready soon. I want you to be good for me, my pet,” she heard him whisper into her ears. When he stood and turned around, a thought passed through her mind and she looked up at him “Master?” she queried. “There’s more to it, isn’t there? About you choosing me instead of a caribou female?” He looked over his shoulder and replied, “You’ll see soon enough once you meet one.” He walked out of the room, and she heard him slip into the bathroom. Sunrise stayed in place for a moment, then set about the sad business of gathering all her jewelry and crafting materials together into a pile. She picked up the earring that Vestri had stepped on and looked it over. The gems had popped out of their settings and the working was twisted beyond recognition. A pang of sorrow stabbed through Sunrise’s heart at the thought that a long ago gift from one of her former love interests had been destroyed. A touch of irony, I suppose, now that I ‘belong’ to Vestri.” She heard him pass down the stairs, and imagined just how terrible the place must look after that ‘celebration’ the previous night. If the caribou so far and the sounds last night were any indication, it’d look like a disaster zone. She sat about sorting everything back into their respective compartments of her box when she heard Vestri call from downstairs. Biting her lip, Sunrise Splendor picked up everything and simply dumped it into her box to be sorted later. She gathered her legs under herself to stand, but thought better of it and crawled out of the room. The stairs gave her a major issue of getting down until the mare took her time and crawled down them backwards, taking each step meticulously. Once she got down them, Sunrise’s mouth gaped open in shock. The entire living room was spic and span. Nothing was out of place, there were no dishes lying everywhere. In fact, it was left in better shape than how she’d left it. Everything was dusted and cleaned, leaving her quite impressed. Breakfast called to her, however, and she passed through into the kitchen to find Vestri standing over the counter making something she couldn’t see. Her eyes scanned the table, but she couldn’t see a bowl or plate of anything that could be her food. Her gaze roamed until Sunrise spotted something on the floor that hadn’t been there before.  It was a large, red food bowl, the same kind used to feed a dog. Within it were lettuce leaves and strange, brown granules. Next to the bowl was a second filled with water. “You can’t seriously be expecting me to-” Sunrise began, humiliated at thinking she’d be forced to eat from the bowl like a common dog. There was only so far her pride would let her go. She was interrupted when Vestri countered, “Sunny, you can either eat what you’re given, how it’s given, or you can go hungry.” Sunrise’s stomach growled at her and she held a hand against it. To be honest, I’m starving, but to reduce myself to…. that… She bit her lip and sat back, watching Vestri fix his own breakfast, which appeared to be hearty helpings of what was brought the night before. Her mouth salivated at the thought of mashed potatoes, and the many delicacies in Canterlot. She turned to the bowl of ‘food’ and squeezed her eyes shut. Just the lettuce. She made her way over to the bowl and reached in to grab one of the leaves of lettuce. “With your mouth, Sunny.” Sunrise froze and a blush of humiliation tinged her cheeks. She shut her eyes tightly and lowered herself down until her muzzle was nearly in the bowl. Amidst the scent of fresh lettuce, she could also smell the strange pellets. They had an unpleasant odor that nearly overwhelmed that of the greens. Gagging, Sunrise grasped one of the leaves in her mouth. She attempted to take a bite from it, but without something to hold it down, all the mare could do was pull the entire thing out of the bowl and stuff the leaf into her maw. It didn’t take long for her to finish the lettuce and eat the second, then the third leaf. When Sun went back for another, she quickly discovered all that remained were the strange pellets. She wrinkled up her nose and sat back. She was still hungry, but she refused to touch whatever was in the bowl. Vestri suddenly walked by and sat at the table with a heaping plate of food and a glass of wine that made Sunrise almost drool; her wine! She opened her mouth to protest, only to be interrupted by Vestri again. “All of it,” he simply said, but in a tone that said that would be all she’d get if she didn’t eat it. Sunrise gagged and held a hand to her mouth. He can’t really expect her to keep down whatever swill those pellets were supposed to be. “Goddesses, what I wouldn’t give just to be back in Canterlot. I’d even take over Fine Line’s work,” she muttered under her breath. Vestri had a fork halfway to his mouth when he suddenly rotated his ear and glanced strangely at Sunrise. “Care to repeat that, pet?” he said. She laid her ears back and shook her head several times, “N-No, Master.” “Repeat it,” he insisted. Sunrise swallowed and lowered her head to avoid Vestri’s gaze. “I was merely wishing that I had something better than whatever’s in that bowl, say, actual food or my wine,” she lied, hoping to Celestia that he hadn’t heard right. Her Master grasped the wine glass and downed the entire thing in a single gulp. Sunset flinched and thought, He barely tasted it! It’s meant to be savored! “You own nothing, Sunny. Everything that was mistakenly yours is mine now. As for your food…” Vestri shrugged and pointed at a brown burlap sack in one corner of the kitchen that Sunrise had missed. “The food we give our cows will have to do for you until we start producing something for you mares,” he mentioned matter-of-factly. He then raised his eyebrow and gave Sunrise a look that said what next came out of her mouth better be the right answer. “Unless you feel you deserve more?” It’s a trap! a little voice exclaimed in the back of Sunrise’s head. She clenched her hands together and shook her head again, bowing her head further to show submissiveness. I can’t give him any reason to lose what progress I’ve made so far. “No, Master. I just haven’t eaten well the past few days,” Sunrise answered tentatively. Vestri turned back to his own meal and waved his hand in the direction of Sunrise’s bowl, as if saying ‘now you are’. Her stomach grumbled as she stared at the bowl. All the while, she could smell Vestri’s far more appetizing breakfast. Grimacing, Sunrise leaned in and slipped her muzzle into the bowl. She grabbed a single pellet and pulled it into her mouth. It was very dry, and left an odd taste on her mouth. When she bit down upon it and crushed it, Sunrise nearly lost what little breakfast she’d had right there. By the goddesses, the taste was disgusting! It was worse than the hors d'oeuvres Honey Glimmer served at her garden party. At least those were edible, albeit unsavory. She nearly quit right there and then, but Sunrise knew that if she didn’t eat them now, Vestri would make her eat them later. Sunrise Splendor buried her muzzle back in the dish and took a large mouthful of the pellets. It was better to get this over with than draw it out and have to choke down many mouthfuls of this ‘cow’ food. The unicorn forced herself to chew the offending food and keep her stomach from rebelling, even though she gagged several times with each mouthful. Even when she swallowed, the taste wouldn’t go away. After three bites, Sunrise dove her muzzle into the water dish and took several large gulps of the water, more from the need to wash the taste from her mouth than from the dryness of the ‘food’ or thirst. Why would he feed me that shit!? Sunrise though, wiping water from her muzzle. That was utterly disgusting! Her stomach grumbled uncomfortably and she felt bile rising. Swallowing to keep it down, Sunrise glanced up at Vestri and muttered, “I’m done eating, Master.” She held her hand over her mouth and swallowed again, “Please feed me something else later? I don’t think it agrees with me…” Though Vestri turned to answer Sunrise, she didn’t hear anything he said. Instead, she heaved, then jumped to her hooves and sprinted upstairs to the bathroom where she emptied everything she ate into the toilet. Whatever had been in that food hadn’t agreed with her in the least either from the taste and sensation, or something in the food itself. The clomping hooves of Vestri coming up the stairs only set Sunrise off again at the thought that she may be punished for not only losing breakfast, but also having stood up. He came into the bathroom and crossed his arms over his expansive chest. Sunrise Splendor said nothing. She clung to the toilet bowl and breathed heavily with her mouth agape. Her nose was wrinkled in distaste.  Another heave found her facedown once again, though nothing came up. Vestri walked over and knelt beside her, laying a gentle hand upon her shoulder. In one of his rare displays of caring, his face softened and he muttered, “I will make sure to feed you something else, but do not waste what I give you again.” Sunrise swallowed and made a face. The smell and taste combined made her wish to vomit yet again. “Thank you… hurp… Master…” she gagged. Vestri stood and brushed off some dust from his pants. “I must be off. You will behave for me, Sunny. I will find out if you haven’t,” he explained and walked back down the stairs. Even after the door closed, Sunrise hovered over the toilet just in case. After what seemed an hour, though may have only been several minutes, Sunrise cleaned up, not just the bathroom but also brushed her teeth several times in quick succession to rid her mouth of the taste of breakfast going down and coming back up. Afterward, Sunrise set about the task of cleaning up, re-organizing, and assessing the damages to her jewelry collection, supplies, and case. Throughout the process, Sunrise came up with the ideas for several more designs. Something to try if I can get my hands on the necessary tools or ever get back to Canterlot. It’d been half a week and already Sunrise felt as if a year had gone by. Sooner or later the Princesses would find out, then either she’ll send the Elements or the Guard to deal with the caribou and free them all. And then what? What will happen to Vestri? What about the others. They’re all rapists! Sunrise clenched her backside in memory at the violations and held a hand over her mouth. No, now was not the time to break down. Especially not if Vestri returned. She had to be strong and behave. There were worse experiences waiting for her if she didn’t. To behave and get raped every day and night, or to rebel and get beaten, raped, and worse. Sunrise took several deep breaths and let them out slowly to calm herself. This was not the time and place. She’d ingratiate herself with Vestri and get treated well. Packaging up her case, something on the dresser at the far wall of the room caught her eye. Avoiding her cage, she set the case on the dresser and stood up warily. There sat her silver collar and beside it a note. For some reason it was in Equestrian instead of caribou script. Am I meant to see this? Grasping the rough sheet of parchment anyway, she skimmed her eyes over it, then read through it fully. While most of it seemed to be gibberish of some sort that Sun didn’t understand, several things caught her eye. ‘Final test of the control rune deemed a failure.’ Something about marks and lines? ‘Rune works off behavior already present and amplifies it to better tame the subject. Effects not permanent, several clues pointed to longer lasting issues prevalent in previous tests. Even change to a metal collar did not affect the outcome. If test had continued much longer, serious neurological damage may have occurred, with a possibility of making Sunny comatose or worse. After removal, pet reverted and broke down. Strongly advise using normal techniques to tame females.’ Sorrow that both the test didn’t work, and that he had done it to me. ...I was a test? Mental issues!? Normal techniques! How did he even know any of that could happen!? The threats of being given to Ivangir, her punishments, everything was meant to tame her. And her previous collar had been an experiment on her. I-I thought it had just been other things! Hold it together Sunrise. She wiped her eyes and set the sheet back on the dresser. As if things could get any worse. What about those previous tests? What happened to them. Better not to think on it. Probably other mares, or whatever their females looked like. In fact… Do they treat their own women the same way? Another few deep breaths followed and she made her way down the stairs. Walking on hands and knees would take a good deal of getting used to. Reaching up to open the front door, Sunrise wrinkled her nose up. She didn’t want to know how raw and scratched up her hands and knees would be at the end of the day. Opening the front door, she blinked several times and shielded her eyes from the sunlight. The day was bright and warm, a huge change from the wet and cold night before. A cool breeze blew through the buildings, and the sky was a delicious blue with puffs of clouds here and there. The streets were also greatly different. Now not only did caribou walk through them, but so did stallions and a good deal of mares. Many looked like they’d been crying at some point, though a happy Red occasionally passed on by. What mostly took Sunrise’s attention weren’t the ponies, but the streets. The grass around each house had puddles of water, and while the streets were mostly smooth and compact, enough rain had fallen to make them slick and muddy. Sunrise sat back with her eyes wide. There were many things wrong with the past week, but being forced to frolic in the mud was just another cherry on top of everything else. She nearly closed the door to stay inside when she saw a caribou across the street leaning up against the side of a house. He wasn’t watching the caribou and ponies walk around. He was looking straight at her. Vestri left a sentry? With a deep sigh, Sunrise made her way out onto the steps and closed the door behind her. Shutting her eyes tight, the mare lowered herself down to the muddy street and whimpered at the feel of the cold mud soaking into her fur. With each squelching step Sunrise felt the water and mud soak into her ruined coat. At least the streets are…. soft and I won’t hurt hands and knees, she thought, attempting to look on the bright side of things. It wasn’t working too well. Sun wished to stand, vomit, and cry all at once. However, none of that would accomplish anything, so she swallowed and bucked up. One step was all it took before she found her mane grabbed roughly and a leash clipped to her collar. Gritting her teeth, she turned her head to see the sentry towering above her. “Come, I’ve got a little chore for you, female,” he growled, immediately setting a stride that found Sunrise struggling to keep up and more often than not slipping and sliding in the slick streets. After a short time of splattering herself with more mud than she’d ever had the misfortune of being covered with, Sunrise spotted the courtyard ahead with its flagstones. Oh goddesses don’t make me walk on those! she inwardly begged, only to slip and splat face-first into the mud. Gagging while the caribou laughed down at her, Sun wiped as much mud off her face as she could, though mostly she just smeared it. Dragging her closer to the courtyard, Sunrise was relieved when the caribou turned down a side-street instead. The travel didn’t take long. She found herself outside a relatively nondescript house. When he dragged her inside, the first thing she noticed was it was completely empty of any furnishings, as was the second room when her caretaker opened another door. Before Sunrise could peer at anything else, she found herself tossed awkwardly into the room. Yelping when she tumbled unceremoniously into a wall, Sunrise rubbed at her back and sat upright. The door quickly closed and she heard a lock click. Well, looks like wherever I am is where I’ll be for a while. Why am I he- Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard another mare from one side of the room call out, “Well, look who we have here. The caribou slut.” Sunrise froze in place and turned her head with her hand still on her back. There on one side of the room near the windows were five mares. A unicorn, two pegasi, and two earth ponies. All wore black collars and were bound in some way. One of the pegasi had black sheaths on her wings, while the other’s wings were bare, looking like those of a feather-less chicken. They flexed every so often. The unicorn rubbed her horn stub every few minutes, the mare’s legs curled up and bound to her chest to limit her movements. The pegasi mares had their arms bound behind their backs, one in a sheath, the other with her arms crossed and tied. The earth ponies themselves, however, wore padded boots to offset their strength and were bound by their wrists and ankles, then those tied together. Altogether, outside of the unicorn who worried more about her missing horn, the mares all glowered and glared at Sunrise. Sunrise folded her ears back and rubbed her arms, keeping her gaze away in an attempt to avoid the heat of their glares. “Let me guess, you’re going to berate and call me filthy names just like everybody else?” she demanded, having dealt with it the past few days. The mare pulled her legs to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. The earth pony that had yelled at her before replied, “Fuck yes I am! You helped them do all this to us, you deserve everything you get!” Sun twitched and ground her teeth. After everything she’d dealt with the past few days, Sunrise just snapped back at the offending mare, “Oh yes! I fucking deserved being grabbed out of the middle of the fucking street in the middle of the night and told that I now belong to Vestri! I deserved having a fucking collar shoved around my neck that had mind controlling magic in it! Oh yes, I got to find that out this fucking morning that everything I’d done was because of that collar!” She stood and continued yelling down at the earth pony, hers and the others’ eyes wide at the sudden outburst. “I fucking deserved getting raped while mind controlled, not knowing that I was under the influence of that collar. Oh yes, I deserve being treated like shit by everybody because they don’t fucking listen! And I deserve having the choice that if I don’t behave and follow Vestri’s rules, then I’ll be handed over to his brother and be made into a broken, mindless fuck slave!” Immediately realizing she was standing, she dropped back down to curl her arms around herself. “And here I am,” Sunrise continued, “knowing everything that’s been done to me and I can’t cry, scream, or do much about it than expect more of the same, and I have to go along with it and enjoy it because if I don’t something far worse happens.” A couple of the mares whispered to each other, but in the middle of it, the earth pony barked out, “Uh huh, and what was that all about in the warehouse, that we should just sit down, listen to them, and take it like a bitch, huh!?” Sunrise wiped her nose and eyes, trying not to cry again. It wouldn’t help her situation at all, and though it’d make her feel a little better to let it out, she certainly didn’t want to cry in front of the five mares. “What do you think it was!? Tell me, how have they been treating you?” she demanded and pointed at each of them in return. At this point the unicorn spoke up, “I-I keep trying to use my magic, to do something, to try to get my horn back. Anything that lets me have my magic back. And every time they tell me I’m not allowed to have such useless things.” The mare wrung her hands and again rubbed at her hornstump. “They say that I’m just some dumb female! The more I try, the harder they smack my hindquarters. They won’t even let me have food. I haven’t eaten since we were in the warehouses.” “Hah! At least you have it lucky,” the same earth pony replied mockingly. “My sister and I got beaten yesterday for refusing to let any of those bastards fuck us in the ass. We were in cages far too small for us all night, and that was after they… Let’s just say I’m sitting rather sore now. At least it’s not like our pegasi friends here. They haven’t said a word since we were all shoved in here.” She flipped her mane and bit the end once before continuing. “They can’t even fly anymore, can you imagine what that does to a pony?” “The same as what happens to a dehorned unicorn!?” the one unicorn shrieked back. “Except the winged ones get to have their feathers grow back. When we get out of here, I don’t even know if I’ll ever get my magic back! Sooner or later the rest of Equestria will notice. Then the Princesses will come, take care of the caribou, and we’ll all be free for extensive therapy!” She burst into tears and huddled in on herself. Yes. When. How long will that take. And until then, we’re all their playthings. To be fucked and used in any way their minds wish. And worse if we don’t play along, Sunrise thought while her mood plummeted. “And that’s what I was trying to warn you all against. I’d rather play along with Vestri for the time being until that happens. The alternative is that I’m given over to his brother and I don’t know how much of myself will be left by the time the Princesses help us. That’s what I was trying to explain. As long as we behave and work with them, they’ll treat us a lot better than no beds, no food, and beatings whenever we twitch the wrong way.” A deep sigh overtook her, then Sunrise’s head whipped around to glare at them, “But I guess it’s easier to blame me rather than realize that we can make ourselves a little more comfortable until that point. Doesn’t mean we have to like it.” “Yeah, fuck you too, bi-” the earth pony started when suddenly the unicorn spoke over her. “Wait, I’ll get a real bed, food, and treated a lot better if I just let them do what they want!?” the unicorn mare demanded to know. “Will they let me have my magic back!?” The outburst drew the attention of both pegasi. The one with the wing sheaths spoke, “I’ve had these on since they caught us in the forest. I just want them off, but no matter what I do they can’t be removed! They hurt so much, it’s like my wings are constantly cramping.” She burst into tears and buried her face against the other pegasus, who laid her head over the poor mare’s. “You can’t be serious that you all want to be fucked by those assholes out there. I can’t beli-” “Just shut the fuck up already! We’re trying to deal with this situation as best as we can, and it’s not being helped by a fucking loud-mouth mud pony who doesn’t know when to shut their fucking mouth,” Sunrise yelled at the earth pony, digging out the slur and throwing it at the mare. The earth pony shrank back and shut her mouth, then hmphed and scooched herself around to have her back toward the unicorn. Sunrise took several deep breaths and stretched out her legs, crumbling off bits of clumped mud and dirt to clear them as much as she could. After a moment, she finally spoke, “I don’t think they’ll let us have our magic or flight back. But what I do know is this. If we’re willing to follow their orders and the life for now, we get red gear. I guess it’s all color coordinated, but black gear is extremely uncomfortable and painful.” Sunrise shivered at the knowledge of what her collar was supposed to be like. “But reds are comfortable. My guess is we’ll get red collars, and in the case of you,” she pointed at the pegasi, “sheaths that aren’t painful. I mean, as for the rest, Vestri gave me a pet bed, he feeds me, though if they give you caribou pellet food, don’t eat it, it’s disgusting. He said he would give me something better. And the best thing is if he knows I’m pretending now, or just trying to keep him happy, either he doesn’t care or actually doesn’t know.” Another deep breath, then Sun continued, “So our best choice for now is to follow along. We stay semi-comfortable, we get fed, and of course we’ll…” Sunrise paused for a moment and collected her thoughts. It was hard having to say all this. Deep down, she wanted to bawl, panic, run away, but she knew it wouldn’t help, or even would be detrimental to her. “We’ll probably get fucked often enough, but we’re ponies. We have each other and we can all be strong! Sooner or later the Princesses will find out and they’ll come save us!” she exclaimed, kicking away a dirt clod. Now if only I believed that myself. It could be months before the Princesses hear anything. Then what? Could the entire town handle being under the caribous’ hoof for that long? Could the mares even last that long waiting for the Princesses before we all revolt? What about the stallions? Sunrise shook her head and went silent, instead brushing dirt off herself and constantly adjusting her collar. It was a heavy weight, but if what she heard was true, they’d all be getting leather soon. The thought made her shiver. Leather would certainly be more comfortable, but… leather. The mares whispering in the corner brought Sunrise’s attention and she flicked her ears as she attempted to listen. She caught a few words here and there, such as ‘collar’, ‘food’, or ‘raped’, but otherwise couldn’t make it out. She even heard one of them mutter ‘dirt pony’ in disgust. Both earth ponies were also shuffling their way to the other corner away from the mares talking. Sun stayed right where she was, waiting as time ticked by. Why had I been put in here? Was this like a daycare for mares? If so, why aren’t there more? She groaned, unable to understand how the caribou did things. Time passed slowly, the sunbeam barely moving across the floor. In that time, Sunrise scraped off as much of the dirt clinging to her body as she could. The door suddenly slammed open, startling all six mares, Sunrise herself letting out a rather shrill shriek. Standing in the doorway was the caribou from before, who crooked a finger at Sunrise. Biting her lip and crawling toward her temporary caretaker, Sunrise stopped beside him and glanced back at the group of mares. Leveraging herself up to stand on her knees, Sunrise motioned at her caretaker. He lowered his head just enough for Sunrise to whisper, “I think those mares in the corner wish to behave for…” she paused and swallowed. “The masters.” I hope I’m doing the right thing. What was the term? ‘The road to Tartarus is paved with good intentions?’ Sunrise shivered uncontrollably at the thought. The caribou merely nodded and replied, “You’re free to go for the time being, but I suggest you stay around the port.” The suggestion sounded more like a command than anything else. Sunrise Splendor nodded meekly and turned around to crawl out of the house. Turning her head back to watch her caretaker, she saw him walk into the room and close the door behind him. I guess I won’t ever know why I was stuck in there in the first place. Making her way back out into the street, Sunrise wrinkled up her nose at the first splorch that greeted her ears and the feeling of mud back on her hands. Oh… yes… mud… Making a face, Sunrise slogged her way toward the town center, weaving her way in and out of ponies and caribou alike, half the time being bumped into by those who didn’t see her. In one case even being kicked in her ass by a caribou who found her in his way. All that managed to do was plant her face into the mud and reinflame the soreness from the night before. Once Sunrise found herself upon the flagstones, she nearly flinched back. Bare hands and knees did little to help the impact against hard cobblestone. At least they’re not really muddy, Sunset thought, staring down at the muddy hoofprints that linger around the edges but dwindle and vanish the further in they go. For the most part, the stones were still wet, though drying in regions. The town square itself was a bustle with activity. Everywhere caribou carried crates, boxes, and other assorted objects to and fro, mostly seeming to be from the ships themselves. Stallions, mares, and some other creatures she couldn’t see well were also interspersed throughout, many seeming to be there unwillingly. Sunrise cringed to herself and looked away. In the new direction her gaze followed, the warehouses were filled to the brim with activity to the point of over-spillage. Something was being built there, but what, the mare couldn’t tell from her vantage point. It was at that moment that Sunrise found herself bumped into and a rather frail crate of naught but balsa wood was broken upon her head. Yelping and covering her head, Sunrise peeked around her arms to notice that what appeared to be junk and the remains of the crate were scattered around her. Crumpled up parchment, broken quills, even odds and ends that looked like they went to other things. Daring to look up, her eyes met with those of a small creature panicking. I guess this is a female caribou? Sunrise thought to herself, watching the female dancing in place and hold her hands to her mouth. To be honest, Sunrise Splendor was rather surprised. While rather curvy, the female caribou’s body was… small. Smaller than her by a head, it looked like. She was also clad in nothing except a red, leather collar “No no no! Master will be so mad! Freea not mean to do this, but he will be mad!” the cow whined in a high-pitched tone that forced Sunrise to pin her ears back. Almost as if Sunrise wasn’t there, the cow dived forward, knocked her aside, and attempted to put the box together before filling it back up. When she lifted, it would only fall apart again and spread the useless junk all over. The panic began all over again. The process continued from there, leaving Sunrise flabbergasted. She’s dumber than that bimbo I saw in lower Canterlot a few years back! she thought, scratching the area where the box hit. It stung, sure, but outside of a bit of pain Sunrise doubted it would even bruise. Backing away slowly, Sunrise wrinkled up her nose in thought. I guess that’s what Vestri meant. Are all caribou females like that? I mean it would probably explain things if they were all rather unintelligent, but this is the first I’ve met. Making her way through the square as carefully as she could, Sunrise gingerly stepped to avoid hurting her knees. For the most part, both ponies and caribou ignored her, though the occasional one gave her a weird look or a raised eyebrow. Sunrise ignored them in return. For the most part, her attention was on the activity going on near the warehouses. At least it was until yet another caribou female bumped into her. What did I hear them be called? Cows? They didn’t look like cows. This one was also carrying yet another box of useless junk, and barely gave any notice to Sunrise even after the bump. Sunrise glanced about, noting the few cows about all seemed to be doing useless tasks. One was hammering pieces of scrap wood together into a nonsensical shape, and a second female seemed to be counting each and every flagstone. The poor girl kept shaking her head and starting over. A third was picking up stray leaves from the ground and placing them into a basket in her other hand. Make them feel like they’re helping? Get them out of the way? Whatever it was, Sun shook it from her head and edged her way around the various caribou walking about until she had a good view of the warehouses. Whatever was going on inside was loud. Clanking, hammering, and plenty of metallic sounds. But the outside she could see aplenty. Stacks upon stacks of metal cages being set up, with one end of the warehouse set aside for building them out of parts from crates of supplies, and the other end was used to stack them three high. Already they were being filled by mares of all colors, each one having a brand new Black or Silver collar strapped around their neck, their previous ones removed if they wore one. The more Sunrise looked, the more she realized that these mares weren’t fighting their captors. Maybe they’re the ones who weren’t fighting? Or…. she swallowed. Or have had the fight beaten out of them. If that’s true, what about the ones that are still fighting this? Luckily, something took her attention away from the depressing thoughts. A strange wailing distracted the mare. Turning her head in its direction, and yelping when she had to leap aside out of a caribou’s way, Sunrise watched as a herd of warbeasts were, well, herded from one of the docks. All she could guess was that they were being moved to the fields she knew lay outside the town. After they rather slowly passed, several trolleys with more crates were brought to another warehouse. What little Sunrise could see inside of the crates confused her. Are those… foxes? If they were, they were the strangest foxes she’d ever seen. They appeared bipedal, but with a fox’s coloration.  They were about the size of a caribou female, and just as curvy. Though Sunrise couldn’t see them very well, by what she could see, their chests and hips would give some mares in Canterlot a fit of jealousy. Shaking her head at the strange sight, Sunrise came close enough to the nearest warehouse to peek inside. While cages were lined up outside, the inside had been stripped down of all the supplies and boxes and instead already had several rows of yet more cages being built. Sunrise Splendor gaped at the spectacle. Doing a bit of not-so-quick math, as she wasn’t sure how much the warehouse could hold nor how high the cages would be stacked, Sunrise swallowed when she realized just how many cages there would be in there. Enough. Enough to hold a good many mares and spare plenty of housing space in the town for the caribou. Just then, a cart with several chittering crates passed and stopped nearby while the caribou pulling it waited for some workers to pass. The noise caught her attention, bringing out Sunrise’s curiosity. Edging closer, the mare lifted herself to peek into one of the crates. She nearly leapt backwards when a tendril of… something poked through one of the holes. Looking through another, Sun wrinkled up her nose. While she could get a good look, whatever was in there looked like… Actually, I’m not sure what those are! They look like the rear half of a chameleon with a giant mouth filled with tentacles. Peering inside another, she shook her head. What was inside was even stranger, but before she could get a better look, the mare lost her balance and fell forward when the cart started moving again. Wincing in pain, Sunrise rubbed her scuffed knees and grumbled. Sitting back and watching a bit more closely, the unicorn noticed something a bit more queer, and something she should have understood. The stallions aren’t here because they want to be. The tight knit eyebrows, frowns, and in some places near aggression towards the caribou. Most of them are here because they’re being forced. Well, least some of them are still good guys. Squeezing her eyes shut, Sunrise tried to avoid a single thought. Unlike father. Okay, deep breaths. Slowly in, slowly out, calm down, don’t let them see tears, aaand… Let’s get moving again. Past the warehouses Sunrise crawled until she noticed another queer scene laid out next to them. Making her way nearer to the harbor rocks, the unicorn squinted her eyes, then gasped to herself. Is that? It is! A stockade! Where the docks merged with the cobblestone, sat a rough-looking stockade large enough to hold several ponies. Already it held two mares at opposite ends, both as nude as the day they were born and covered in… Best not to think about it. As she watched, one caribou approached from a ship and unbuckled his belt. Untying his pants, he opened them to pull out his rapidly hardening cock. Slipping in behind one of the mares, he just shoved himself into her, leaving Sunrise to cringe and look away. Curiosity got the best of her and she glanced back to see the caribou just jackhammering into the mare and the entire scaffold rocking with each thrust. That poor mare... Near the stockades were another three mares with silver collars and a rather towering caribou standing before them. Though Sunrise couldn’t hear anything that was going on, each time the caribou barked, the mares would do something, though one usually slower than the others. Sit. Crawl. Kneel and bow. When the mare was too slow to turn around and part her rumpcheeks, she got a rather heavy smack from a switch on her bare ass. Her yelp carried enough for Sunrise to hear it plain as day even amidst the din and noise. Slipping her way back through the crowd slowly and surely, Sunrise made her way toward the stage. Sitting upon the steps, and occasionally climbing higher until she sat upon the stage itself, Sun watched over the ponies, some of which appeared to just be trying to ignore the caribou and get some shopping done at the few stalls that were still open. The ones run by stallions, I guess. Time ticked by, and first what felt like half an hour passed, then an hour. Out of nowhere, the caribou caretaker from earlier appeared in front of her. Sighing to herself, Sunrise pushed off the stage and dropped to the ground, immediately settling to her hands and knees. Except this time, instead of the click of a leash, Sunrise found herself roughly yanked up and thrown over his shoulder. Not this again! ...Of course. His free hand also found its way to her ass, patting and squeezing it with abandon, leaving a blush of embarrassment and annoyance to infuse her face. Just where am I going now? She thought while her handler waded through the crowds near one of the building walls. The abrupt drop, and the even more sudden splash and instant soaking with rather cold water brought a shriek to Sunrise’s lips. If it weren’t for the caribou holding her in the water to shiver, the unicorn would have found herself leaping out and running halfway to Canterlot. The bath itself was rather sudsy and in a large, metal clothing washer. “The Lieutenant wishes you clean and in presentable shape, slut,” her handler growled. Shivering mostly from the shock of being dumped into the cold water, Sunrise nodded and didn’t say a word. At least, she didn’t complain verbally. Of all the… Goddesses, why can’t I catch a break!? The least he could have done was warm it up a tad! Dear Celestia it’s like it was pulled straight from the well! The moment the large bristle brush made its debut, Sunrise’s eyes widened and she froze in place. I’m going to be raw for days… Of course, there wasn’t much Sunrise could do, especially once a bucket of even colder water was dumped over her head and before she could react the brush found its way into her mane. Not only did the caribou scrub her mane thoroughly, but he also tangled and, what felt to Sunrise, pulled half of it out with the ferocity of the tugs. All the mare could do was grit her teeth and ball up her hands. It’s going to take me hours just to get my mane back into order and repair all the damage. No way was she going to freak out and fuck things up. After what felt like ages, the ‘torture’ ceased. Drawing a sigh of relief too soon, the unicorn involuntarily gasped in pain when her handler grabbed her by the mane and lifted her into the air. Scrabbling her hooves against the bottom of the tub, Sun claimed her footing and glared up at the caribou. In response, he growled, “Turn around, bend over, and lift your tail unless you want to find me doing it for you.” Swallowing and lowering her eyes, Sunrise thought, It’s okay, it’s alright. I’m already nude, they see everything anyway and…. For pony’s sake I can do this! Slowly but surely, Sunrise turned around, taking several deep breaths until she bent down until her chest was parallel with the ground. Biting her lip, the mare lifted her tail partway. That should be enough, right? The strong hand on her back bending Sunrise down further proved her wrong. Down she went until all that was holding her back from springing back up was the hand, Sunrise grasped her ankles to prevent herself from doing so, even with her muscles stretched to their limits. Wrenching her tail high and eliciting another yelp, the caribou threw it over Sunrise’s back. Parting her cheeks so that the mare’s anus and nethers were both on display, leaving Sunrise with a powerful blush on her face. While her handler washed her, Sunrise shivered in fear every time the brush even came close to her pussy. There was a massive difference between a light brush masterbation, and a rough outright scrubbing of her nethers.When the caribou stepped aside and lifted her tail to deal with it next, Sunrise flushed horrendously at what she could see from between her legs. Her ass on display for all to see, and more than a few ponies and caribou turning their heads to look, and even a couple caribou standing nearby to watch. Shutting her eyes tight, the mare rocked with each stroke of the brush over her back, then down along her legs. While it was nice to be feeling clean, the humiliation of being washed in public sorely outweighed it. Sunrise let out a breathe she didn’t realize she was holding when the caretaker ordered, “Stand, bitch.” However, she whimpered when he continued, “Turn around and spread your legs.” Lifting herself back to a standing pose, Sunrise’s mane came out of the water soaking wet and plastered to her face when she stood. Turning around and allowing her mane to hide her blush, Sunrise did as she was told and crossed her arms over her breasts. When her handler, whatever his name was, knocked her arms back down, she merely clenched her hands against her sides. Even that wasn’t enough when he forced her legs to part further, placing Sunrise more on view for anyone looking. While the male took care of her belly and chest, Sunrise grumbled inwardly, Next he’ll probably dry me off like a dog and throw me over his shoulder again… Brushing her mane briefly off her face, Sunrise watched her caretaker drop the brush to the ground and grab a large towel that had seen far better days. It wasn’t something she’d even use as a rag. “Get out and dry off,” he growled impatiently, throwing the towel over Sunrise. Well, at least I got one wrong, she thought, hurriedly pulling the towel off her head and holding it aside while she squeezed water out of her mane and tail. At least my spectators have moved on. Drying herself quickly, with ‘dry’ being as far from the truth as possible, Sunrise jerked to the side when the rag was yanked from her grasp and tossed aside. With no warning, the mare once again found herself flung over the caribou’s shoulder with his hand on her ass. This time, blushing furiously, Sunrise was fondled quite a bit more between the legs, leaving her to squirm futily. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunrise fiddled with her thumbs upon the stone steps of the Meeting House her ‘caretaker’ had set her down at. Already an hour had gone by, and the last activity she had seen was a stallion she didn’t know being escorted inside. He hadn’t returned yet. Sighing to herself, Sunrise Splendor shoved her thoughts to the rear of her mind and cursed silently. Having time to think was the exact opposite of what she wanted. She was teetering on a precipice, and it would be so easy for her to just break down where she sat. Vestri can’t see me do that. I can’t do that in front of everyone, not like other mares I’ve seen. Reaching up and wringing her damp hair, the mare lamented the harsh way she’d been bathed. It’ll take forever for me to comb out my mane and tail and get them back into a semblance of any sort of civility, which is greatly lacking right now everywhere I go. The caribou are just turning everything on its head, and that’s after having to deal with a back country village. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that fish smell. Sunrise shook those thoughts out of her head and sighed, running her hand across her collar. With everything going on,  here I am thinking of frivolous things. Guess you can never take Canterlot out of the girl. At least I don’t have to wade through the mud and muck anymore. Though Sunrise couldn’t see him, she knew her watcher was still out there keeping an eye on her. The more she thought about it, the more she realized it was Vestri’s way of making sure that what the mare had promised would be true. One slipup is all it needs. I just don’t know why Ivangir scares me, he just has that aura around him. As time ticked by, Sunrise grew more and more agitated, not to mention hungry. Her stomach growled every few seconds and gnawed at her spine, and the fact that a nearby eatery was in full swing around the street corner with Sunrise able to catch the wafting scents of the various foods annoyed her greatly. It all made for one perturbed unicorn. So she spent her time counting collars. It really was interesting in a morbid way to see all the various kinds, both metal and leather, of all colors. For the most part, the overwhelming number were Silver, with many mares looking defeated or still in shock. Then the Blacks, who were usually kept in some sort of bindings. Arm sleeves, gags, and even hobbles. The occasional Red even showed up, though like Sunrise, more than a couple looked unsure of themselves. I don’t blame them. I mean, am I even doing the right thing? Sudden yelling from a couple streets over broke through the ambience, though it was quickly cut off by a slap and yelp of pain. Pinning her ears back, Sunrise took in a slow breath to calm herself. It’s one thing for me to act this way, but should I really be telling other mares that our time under their rule will be better by going Red? Is is really the best- Sunrise’s thoughts were abruptly cut off by the door next to her opening and a glowering stallion being led out by a caribou. Vestri followed behind him and crooked a finger at Sunrise. Well, whatever this is about, it’s about time that I see what it is. Crawling inside, the last thing Sunrise saw before the door closed was the stallion whirling about and sucker punching the caribou across the muzzle. Oh dear… Whatever else happened became muffled by the door. Even the windows were set at the wrong angle to see anything. Turning her head, Sun blinked at what she found. A restaurant space that was completely barren except for the fireplace, the order counter, and several of the tables arrayed into a semicircle in front of a lone armed-chair. The chair had various leather straps that appeared to have been hastily fastened into place. The rest of the Council sat at the semicircle of tables, with Dainn and his imposing presence smack dab at the center of the middle table. Behind them stood four robed figures. Those must be those strange caribou from the day of the invasion. I wonder who they are? Vestri led Sunrise Splendor over to the chair and lifted her into it at the mare’s indignation. With a low voice, Vestri whispered, “The King has several questions for you, make sure you answer them, Sunny.” All the while, he wrapped the straps around Sunrise’s limbs and tied them into place, leaving the unicorn to bite her lip in uncertainty. One even went around her forehead, locking her into place. Though Sunrise tried to whisper back her confusion, Vestri ignored her and joined the others, taking his seat at Dainn’s right side. Sunrise’s nervousness grew and she shifted about in her seat, cringing from a twinge of discomfort in her backside. Questions? Of what kind? With all eyes on her, the mare only wished to melt out of her seat and hide. It was like they were a group of circling sharks and she a rather tasty morsel. With what happened the day before, it was all Sunrise could do to not quaver in fear. One small mare against several large caribou? They could easily take advantage of her in every fashion of the word. Across from her, Dainn’s eyes drilled into her. Sunrise sweated arrows up until the King crossed his arms over his chest and announced, “You should be quite honored, female. If it weren’t for my Lieutenant, I would not have permitted you this chance to make him proud. It seems the males of this village know very little about this land they inhabit.” His entire voice dripped with a mixture of scorn and annoyance, though he quickly continued. “As he has vouched for your ‘knowledge’, tell us of those who rule this land.” What? Why!? Sunrise wrinkled her nose up when he mind suddenly went blank. All the mare could think to say was, “Why do you want to know this?” What she said, however, didn’t seem to make Dainn too happy, if he was in the first place. Almost imperceptibly, his eyebrow rose while the other Council members glanced at him. All except for Vestri, who’s face took on a more worrying glare. “That was not what I asked you. Etadys?” Dainn replied. One of the robed figures in the back stepped forth and walked around the tables to approach Sunrise. The mare sunk down into her chair and clenched her hands once she got a good look at him. Etadys’ arms and face were riddled and crosscrossed with old scars, and every so often, a faint glow would emanate through his hide. When one of the glows was bright enough to be discerned, Sunrise quietly gasped. He’s carved runes into his bones. That immediately turned the ick factor up past ten and made her shudder. This must be one of the Runemasters I’d heard about. When Etadys reached her, all he did was bend down, giving Sunrise enough of a whiff of him to wrinkle up her nose at the mustiness and slight decaying stench coming from him. Numerous runes up and down his arm began to glow, and he traced his finger down along Sun’s forearm. While nothing happened for a moment, Sunrise stared at him strangely and with more than a little disgust until a sudden and intense bout of crippling pain wracked her arm, and through it the rest of her body. A shrill shriek burst from her lungs and tears immediately trailed down her cheeks. The pain was so strong it banished any thought from her mind. It felt like her bones were shattering into a thousand pieces, bit by bit. Each time Etadys dragged his finger down Sunrise’s arm, a fresh wave of pain coursed through her body, until such a point as Sunrise caught a glimpse of her arm. The glimpse alone directed the rest of her gaze to follow. To her, it looked less like her arm was broken, and more like the bones were shifting and rippling beneath her skin. Ridges raised and lowered constantly, forming all along her forearm’s length. The excruciating pain made her howl in anguish and jerk at her bindings. Just barely in her reddened sight, Sunrise Splendor could see Vestri balling up his fists and gritting his teeth. Calling out to him for any relief from her torture, Sunrise exclaimed between her shrieks, “Vestri! Vestriiiiiiii!” Sobs choked in her throat, and she shrilly shrieked again, “Masteeeeer!” For a moment, Vestri sat there, then suddenly stood and smashed his fist against the table. “This is not how we treat mares who have accepted our way, and it is certainly not how we will treat my mare!” he bellowed. Dainn took a slow look at Vestri, then waved his hand at the Runemaster, “Etadys, that is enough. More will not be needed.” While Sunrise’s sobs echoed through the room, Etadys passed his hand over Sunrise’s arm one final time, all the changes and pain vanishing. He strolled away as if nothing happened, joining the other three caribou in the back. They quietly spoke to each other, though Sunrise could hear none of it. Though the pain was gone, the memory of it remained, and Sunrise’s cheeks lay stained with tears having soaked into her coat. The unicorn flexed her hand constantly, and Vestri pushed out his chair and strode silently over to Sunrise. Ivangir called out after him, “She is just a mare, brother, there is no need for these theatrics.” Beside him, Throtr laughed and Anvari merely nodded his head. Calling back to the others, Vestri replied, “And yet, she is my property, and my property is in distress, so I will handle this.” “Be quick, Lieutenant. If she is unreliable for this, then we will merely find another to replace her for the deliberations,” Dainn ordered. Vestri crouched in front of Sunrise and delicately undid all of her straps, making soothing ‘shhh’ noises the entire time. The moment Sun found herself completely unstrapped, she threw herself at Vestri, wrapped her arms around him, and buried her face into his chest to bawl her eyes out. All I did was ask why! “I only asked why!” Sunrise Splendor burst out, mirroring her thoughts. The caribou hushed her a few more times and stroked his thick hand over her mane, lowering his head to whisper into her ears, “I did not expect that it would come to that, but you now see the seriousness of the situation, pet.” He paused and bit the tip of Sunrise’s ear to gain her attention, causing the mare to yelp and stare up at him with reddened eyes. “You will answer whatever questions we ask, fully and to the best of your knowledge. This is our King you’re talking to, act like it, Sunny. Do not stray, do not say anything else unless you are commanded to. Only answer the questions.” Blinking tears from her eyes and burrowing her head back into Vestri’s chest, Sunrise sniffed several times and wiped her nose on her arm. All decorum was gone and just her face alone looked a mess. They’re just questions, Sunrise, you can answer them! Especially if it avoids that again! An involuntary shudder passed through her body. “Yes… master,” she said after a moment of silence. “Can I please not be tied up again?” Vestri thought for a moment and settled Sunrise back into the chair. “As long as you behave and do what you are asked, you will remain unbound. Now, the quicker we are through this, the quicker we will break for dinner,” he replied, tantalizing her with the thought of food. Sunrise Splendor sat back in the chair with more than a touch of trepidation, the entire time rubbing her forearm, squeezing it in places to be sure everything was right with it. I’ll do anything just to not have that happen again! Suck them all off, debase myself, even renounce the Princesses themselves! “Y-Yes, sir,” she replied. And the further away I get from Etadys the better, I think he gives Ivangir a run for his bits. “I imagine you would be hungry, Sunny, so we shall make this quick,” Vestri whispered. Her master nodded once and stood, walking back over to take his place at the table while Ivangir kidded with him about his tear and snot-covered chest fluff. Dainn, however, was once again staring at her. Or more, at a spot above her head, like she wasn’t worth the attention otherwise. “Let us continue. Who rules these lands, female?” Dainn asked… no, commanded. This time, Sunrise didn’t ask anything back, nor did she hold back at all. “The Immortal Alicorn Princesses Celestia and Luna, who respectfully raise the Sun and Moon each day and nig-” A bark of laughter from Sindri interrupted her, with Anvari joining in shortly after and followed by the others. Except for Dainn. “To think, it’s understandable for the females to believe such nonsense, but the males to do so as well? The female ‘rulers’ of this land really must have everyone under a spell for them to believe such nonsense. Raising the sun and moon. Hah!” Sindri guffawed, though went quiet when Dainn rose his palm into the air. Dainn lowered his hand and crossed his arms back over his chest. “It is to be expected from weak females to allow their lies to infuse others. Either way, continue, female. Leave nothing out.” Sunrise wringed her hands in worry, wracking her mind for anything that she thought would be useful. Better to give them everything than to leave any of it out. Better safe than sorry. “There is also the Alicorn Princess Cadance. She and Prince Shining Armor rule the Crystal Empire to the north. I am not sure why it is named such, it is more a protectorate I think. Princess Celestia has ruled Equestria for thousands of years, and her sister Princess Luna returned to the throne recently as well.” What else what else what else? “I heard rumors that she was the Mare in the Moon, or was held captive by the Mare in the Moon and was rescued by the Princess’ student when Nightmare Moon was defeate-” The mare was cut off again when Dainn raised his hand a second time. She didn’t dare continue talking and went silent. “This Nightmare Moon,” the King started. “What do you know of them? Were they a threat to this land? What of other threats?” Change of subject? “I’m… not too entirely sure. She was an Old Mare’s Tale.” Ivangir barked a laugh. Sun swallowed and continued, “On the Thousandth Summer Sun Celebration, when we are supposed to stay up all night and enjoy ourselves to see the Princess raise the Sun in the morning, I heard she was not there, and in her place a dark alicorn had appeared and refused to allow the sun to raise. She threatened ‘Night Eternal’ and for several hours it remained night. The sun then suddenly rose and the Princess Luna was returned to us.” Sindri said aside to the others, “That would fit in with the longer night that baffled even our strongest minds.” Waiting for Sindri to finish, Sunrise took a deep breath, “There was also Discord, the Spirit of Chaos.” Whatever Sun was going to say next was drowned out by Sindri speaking up again. “Discord?” He immediately rose from his seat and strode over to Dainn, whispering into his King’s ear and listening to what the caribou had to whisper back. While the other Council members and Splendor looked on, the conversation seemed fairly private until Sindri returned to his seat. “Continue, female.” “Equestria, namely the area surrounding Ponyville was turned into a chaotic wasteland where there was little rhyme and reason. He too was defeated by the Princess’ student,” Sunrise explained, bringing a real reaction from Dainn this time. A very noticeable raised eyebrow and what appeared to be him muttering ‘Interesting’ beneath his breath. “There was the changeling invasion during the Royal Wedding, led by Queen Chrysalis. I was in the midst of that and nearly became a meal. From my understanding, Princess Celestia’s student as well as Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadance were involved in her defeat that rid Canterlot of the entire invasion force.” This time, she watched Vestri lean over and whisper something to Dainn, who nodded and mumbled something in return. Whatever mocking laughter the Council had was now replaced by knitted brows and serious expressions. Clenching her hands and hoping she was doing the right thing, but after this past day, Sunrise barely knew. She explained, “There was also King Sombra. I’m going on knowledge from the circles I belong to, but after a thousand years, the Crystal Empire returned, along with the Tyrant Sombra. The Princess’ student was dispatched and once again with the aid of Shining Armor and Cadance, he too was defeated and the Crystal Ponies freed. Er, well, more the student’s pet dragon freed them. They rule there now.” Sunrise afterward went quiet and shuffled her hooves in place. She doubted drama amidst the aristocracy could be counted as terrible events, and thus had nothing left to add. “Intriguing. Dainn, I do suggest we learn more about this student,” Sindri rubbed his chin in thought. “He sounds like a mighty warrior that could come quite in handy. Or at worst case, we should know enough to remove him from the equation.” “Agreed,” remarked the King. “Female, tell us of this student.” Folding her hands in her lap and fidgeting, Sunrise exhaled a slow sigh. Here goes nothing, hopefully I remember enough about them. “The Princess’ student is named Twilight Sparkle. She is a Canterlot unicorn, and from my understanding proved herself so powerful during her Celestia’s School for Talented Unicorns entrance exam that the Princess took her as a personal student. The Princess had a student before her, but nopony knows what happened to her.” Ivangir groaned and rolled his eyes, “Another female. Pathetic.” “She and her five friends are something called The Elements of Harmony. It has something to do with magical items. The others are Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and, erm…. Applejack.” Sunrise strove ahead even with the looks being given. “Rarity is also a unicorn and is fairly known for being a fashionista and her work with clothing and dresses. The others I don’t know much about. Fluttershy I heard likes animals, Applejack is a farmer, Pinkie Pie is a chef, or a baker, something of that nature, and Rainbow Dash is a weather pegasus who strives to become one of the Wonderbolts, our Aerial elite team of flyers.” Prodding her fingers together, Sunrise flashed an uncertain smile, but quickly lost it at the glances of the Council. Oh please be doing well please be doing well! Sindri walked back over to Dainn and began another whispering session, this time Vestri joining in at times along with Ivangir. For several long moments, Sunrise shifted and inspected her arm, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible. After deliberating, Sindri stood up and commanded, “Tell us of these ‘Elements of Harmony’ and of other magical artifacts this land has.” Her face flushing at her lack of knowledge on the matter, Sunrise began what little she did know. “The Elements are gems, or were. I don’t know much about them other than what I’ve read. They’re supposed to be the strongest magic known to ponykind, able to defeat any foe. Now they’re jewelry. I haven’t seen anything except for Twilight Sparkle’s crown, so I assume they’re all crowns as well. They were used for all but King Sombra.” Well, at least I know more about the Crystal Heart. “And what was used to defeat this ‘King’,” Sindri inquired, leaving Sunrise to finish with the rest of what she knew. “The Crystal Heart, the centerpiece of the Crystal Empire. It’s exactly that, a giant gemstone heart that powers the kingdom. When I was last there, I was told that it also empowered emotion, too. The ponies who live there keep it charged with love for their nation,” Sunrise explained, remembering her trip. She was there to visit a potential client to sell some of her stock to, and pick up rare gems that could only be found that far north after the Empire’s reappearance. Quite the fruitful venture, both with knowledge and bits. Sindri seemed about to respond, when Dainn raised his hand a third time and cut him off. “Tell me, female. What are the capabilities of these ‘Princesses’?” His gaze turned predatory and he hissed. “I would like to know why such weak females have permitted this land to nearly come to destruction time and time again, and leave it to their subjects to fix these issues instead of dealing with it themselves.” The other Council members nodded their agreement, with mutters spread about. Oh dear… She suddenly felt like there was more to this than some simple knowledge gathering. “Well, uh, I don’t know much, outside they are extremely powerful and wield enough magic to manipulate the sun and moon. Princess Celestia seems to radiant warmth, light, and love wherever she goes. It is rumored that Princess Luna can walk the dreams of her subjects. I have not been personally visited by her, but a few ponies I knew who were having trouble have admitted that she came to them. She seems to be able to sense trouble and aid the one in fixing it?” Sunrise gave her best shrug and apologetically shrugged. “I am only going off rumor and what I’ve been told. These are dre-” Dainn stood, leaving Sunrise to trail off. He turned to the Runemasters and with an air of authority commanded, “Modify the stones. I want to see that it is impossible for ranged scrying to discover us, both here and with dreams.” One of the Runemasters nodded and walked past the tables, followed by the other three, Etadys taking the rear with his eyes fixed on Sunrise. She gave an involuntary shiver and lowered her eyes. What did I just do? That was probably one of the only ways for the Princesses to find out, and that’s if it was true! The unicorn mare kicked herself inwardly and cursed silently. To think she would just blurt something like that out! The Council members stood one by one and followed Dainn to the rear of the restaurant, where they made a circle and discussed quietly things of which the unicorn could not hear or understand except for bits and pieces. Things such as ‘dragon pet’, ‘Crystal Heart’, and ‘Elements’ drifted over to her. Straining her ears, Sunrise managed to catch one of them say, “Even if we believe a quarter of what the bitch said, that leaves a good deal of information that could prove dire to our efforts.” Maybe I was meant to hear that? It did sound louder than the rest. Her belly growled and took her mind off everything for a moment. Sniffling to herself, Sunrise rubbed her stomach and flicked her tail. I just want to be done with this, eat, and get back home before I have another breakdown… Sun pulled her legs up onto the seat and hugged them to her chest while trying her best not to appear like she eavesdropped. For a good twenty minutes the caribou discussed and debated all the while Sunrise grew more bored and hungry. Her mind was filled with static, the mare trying not to recall what just happened to her no more than an hour ago. With each passing minute, Sun stared down at her arm and rubbed her coat. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she sniffled again. It wasn’t until she felt a hand beneath her chin did she open her eyes and look up into Vestri’s face. “Cease the tears, pet. We’re almost done. Your bowl is ready, and our food is nearly done as well. You will be sitting on the floor next to me, so be on your best behavior near the King,” he explained, arching his brow at the sudden rumble from Sunrise’s belly. Wiping her eyes, the mare nodded and snuffled, forcing the memories of earlier deep inside her. Just a little bit more now, then I can eat. Watching Vestri retreat back to his seat, Sunrise willed some of her Canterlot poise to bring some calm back to her. Once the Council were all seated again, Sunrise placed her hands in her lap, ready to field whatever else the King asked her. “This dragon you spoke of,” Dainn mentioned. “What do you know of it?” Swallowing, Sunrise said, “He is a hatchling. He is almost always with Twilight Sparkle.” Squeezing her eyes shut, she took in a deep breath. She had to know. Turning her head toward Vestri, Sun inquired, “Master, am I doing well?” Vestri crossed his arms over his chest and merely nodded once, bringing Sunrise to release her breath in a sigh of relief. At least I have that going for me. It was Vestri who asked the next question, drawing the eyes of his brother. “Now, mare, tell us of your stature within this city you call ‘Canterlot’. Tell us of who you know.” W-What? What does that have to do with any of this!? “I-I-I…” Her eyes widening and her gaze passing from member to member like a deer blinded by the lantern on a cart traveling at night. “I-I’m a jeweler and part of the aristocracy, the Elite. I craft everything from piercings to necklaces, bracelets, and everything in between,” she forced out, hearing a mutter of very slight approval from Durnir. “She may prove to be useful if provided the materials. It would also give her something to do than whine at home while her Master is away,” Durnir offered, tapping a meaty finger against the table. “Even a female’s clumsy craftsmanship will be better with the amount of new females under our thumbs taking up precious resources.” Sunrise shrunk down on herself, not just from the attention of the caribou who nearly split her in two, but also having her work being called ‘clumsy’. A heated tinge spread across her cheeks, both from embarrassment and a bit of unspoken anger at the insult. “Perhaps if something could have been done with all that metal you discarded as worthless, we wouldn’t have had to delve into our dwindling stores of leather and collars to create more. Even as temporary as they were supposed to be, they were needed,” Throtr grumbled from the other end of the table. “Enough,” the caribou at the center of it all barked. “We need not be at each other’s throats while we have not only this information to digest, but also the upcoming meal.” Durnir grunted and settled back into his seat, Throtr joining him shortly afterward. Vestri shook his head and stared over at Sunrise. “Sunny, go to the kitchen and tell them we’re ready. They’ll also bring out your dinner.” Tentatively lifting herself out of the seat, she crawled past the side of the restaurant’s counters to the double doors and pushed them open. They must have been enchanted not to let noise out, or in, because the moment Sunrise did, a cacophony of noise hit her. Dishes banging, sizzling from the stoves and grills, mares talking to each other, and the sound of washing dishes. The cornucopia of savory scents also hit her nostrils, immediately causing Sunrise to salivate at the idea of a full dinner. Once the momentary sensation passed, the mare cast her eye across the kitchen from her lowered viewpoint, trying to ignore the bowls of mashed potatoes, fruit salads, braised vegetables of all kinds, and even a few kinds of pastas. There was even a carrot cake! So much for ignoring them. ….Huh, they’re all wearing Silver collars. Each mare in the kitchen had a collar of silver, and standing at the far end was a caribou watching over them. Outside of the usual nudity, all the mares wore aprons and hairnets. When they turned, their bare asses showed that even with kitchen protection, it wasn’t meant for much more than safety. Wandering through the ever changing maze of mares and kitchen without getting bumped too roughly, Sunrise bowed her head toward him and said, “The Council is ready to eat and desire the food be brought out to them, Sir.” Hopefully that is formal enough. The male clapping his hands startled Sunrise into jumping, and she sheepishly turned her head to watch the mares standing in place and staring back at him. “Hop to it, mares. Your masters are hungry. I want those dishes out on their tables pronto or each and every one of you gets to sleep in a pillory tonight and spend all the next day being fucked until you can barely crawl!” he barked. Sunrise flattened and rubbed her ears at the volume of his voice and retreated through the mares before the kitchen became a no passing zone. Heading back out through the double doors, Sunrise made her way back to the tables to find they had been moved into a triangle shape. Sitting beside Vestri and flicking her ears at the minor conversation involving mares and the housing of such, Sunrise tapped her hand to her master’s leg. Her stomach growled angrily and the mare rubbed her hand over it. Nearly dinner. I can just taste it all now. The doors at the far corner clacked open and mares began filing out with each of the dishes and plenty of dishes as well as the silverware to go with them. Behind them, their watcher crossed his arms and kept a close eye. It took two trips for each of the mares to bring everything out and place it over the three wide tables. Once they were finished, Sunrise lifted herself up while still on her knees to eye the literal smorgasborg. I think I’ll try the four cheese pasta first, then some of the mashed potatoes. I definitely have to get a slice of that cake at the end if Durnir doesn’t eat it all first. There looks to be enough there for me to even have seconds!  Out of the corner of her eye, Sunrise saw the servers shuffle back to the kitchen one by one to clean up. All except for two which the caribou overwatcher pointed out and gestured nearby. The two mares nodded solemnly and made their way out of the line to take up positions near the table, but far enough to not be immediately noticeable and an issue. Merely decorations for the occasional glance. The earth ponies then posed themselves, for what Sunrise guessed was to be eye candy. One turned around and bent down nearly double with her tail lifted high and her nethers in full bloom for all the world to see. The second, which Sunrise couldn’t see very well past the tables, parted her legs wide and bit her lip while she set her fingers to slowly work over her labia and clit, a heated expression overtaking her almost immediately. Occasionally glancing over at Vestri, who was still talking to Durnir opposite him, the front doors suddenly opened and a gruff, scarred caribou entered, laying his eyes on the tables before them. Throtr moved over and pointed to a bunch of chairs near the wall. “Apologies for being late, my King. The animals have not been off that boat since we made landfall, but they are all properly secured now.” Dainn chuckled and pointed to the new room, “Come, sit Hrathr, it’s good to see you finally join us. We will catch you up on the various news later. For now, sit, eat!” At that, Hrathr grasped one of the chairs as he passed by and dragged it over to the table, plunking himself down. The moment Dainn reached for one of the dishes, all the other Council members did. Whining to herself, Sunrise watched Vestri with intense interest. Sooner or later he’d pass her a plate, right? Halfway through reaching up to tap his leg, a mare stooped beside her and lowered a wooden bowl down to the floor next to the unicorn. “This must be for you, then,” she muttered and walked back to the kitchen. Staring down in confusion, Sunrise wrinkled up her nose. Tomato soup? That’s it? Ivangir’s raucous roar of laughter startled her and she looked up at Vestri. The mare tugged at his arm. Turning his head mid-bite, Vestri glanced at her in confusion, then down at Sunrise’s dish. He chuckled beneath his breath and muttered, “You were sick earlier, pet, I’m not taking chances that you still are. Finish your dinner, then perhaps I’ll give you some table scraps.” Lowering her head, Sunrise cursed to herself. What I think I need is just some real food instead of that dog food shit and some soup. Still, it’s something. Lifting the bowl, Sunrise brought her lips to the rim and drank the insubstantial, if rather tasty soup. Within seconds, she’d drained the entire bowl, and the pit in her stomach felt no more full than before. Her stomach still rumbling, Sunrise licked the remaining liquid from her lips and thought, Time to see if I can get more. Grasping her bowl in her hands, Sunrise folded her ears back and tugged on Vestri’s pants. Oh please let this work. Eyeing her for a second, then the bowl, he sighed and lifted his plate over it, scraping the amalgam of food upon it into her bowl. Once it heaped, he reached over and scratched between her ears, “Consider it a reward for behaving, Sunny. Hm, one moment.” While Sunrise sat back drooling over the food in her bowl, Vestri reached over, then returned with something in his hands. Upon placing it in the bowl, he sat back and patted her upon the head again, “And that’s for what Etadys did.” Right there on top of all the mish-mash of food was a morsel of carrot cake. Not more than a couple bites, but to Sunrise, it was ambrosia. With all decorum lost, Sunrise immediately snatched it up and stuffed it into her mouth. Nothing tasted sweeter, more savory. It was as if she’d been without it for years rather than a few days. The cake and frosting melted on her tongue, leaving Sunrise with shivers down her spine, but just as fast as the taste came, it went. Sighing momentarily, she dug into the rest of her food and reached the bottom of her bowl all too soon. The bite of hunger was gone, however, leaving a pleasant fullness in her belly. Setting her bowl aside and leaning against the table leg, Sunrise blinked when Vestri spoke down to her. “Sunny, slip under the tables and stand in the middle. Keep your eyes lowered,” he commanded, leaving Sunrise to swallow. Nodding slowly, the mare did as she was told, careful not to hit her head on the underside of the table or against legs. Once she stood, Sunrise immediately downcast her eyes and trembled while this close to Dainn. All he has to do is give an order. And right now I’m trapped. Memories flooded back about her Red collaring. Dainn seemed to smile at her discomfort, or maybe it was about something else, as he said while looking over the bountiful feast, “Female. Tell us more about this ‘Crystal Heart’.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Below the sunset skies, Sunrise’s crawl back home was slow, albeit dry. The paths had already dried for the most part, though the poor mare’s hands and knees were dusted with a good amount of drying dirt by the time she got into the door. Blehing to herself, Sunrise took a quick trip to the bathroom to wash and dry herself off, then strolled into her bedroom. Lying where she left it was the unicorn’s jewelry box. Including the jumbled up mess of jewelry and tools inside. Might as well, until Vestri returns. Sitting cross-legged on the floor, Sunrise opened her box and removed the jewelry and tools she’d simply dumped inside. Let’s see if I can remember where everything goes. Sort the tools from the materials and jewelry. Put these here and this there... While she sorted, thoughts of earlier events rushed to the forefront of her mind. And not just of the day, but also the days past. Squeezing her eyes shut and taking a deep breath, Sunrise worked through the horrid memories, occasionally reaching up to brush tears from her eyes or pausing to sniffle. I can hold it together, I can’t let Vestri see me like this, he’ll think I regressed. Press onwards. Piece by piece Sunrise’s tool and jewelry came back together, but with each piece put into place, a mental piece of her broke off. By the end, Sunrise was reduced to a sniffling mess. Shutting the case, she held on for several last seconds, then burst outright into tears and buried her face in her arms and knees, curling up by the wall. Long after the sun set, Sunrise bawled her eyes out until the tears would no longer come and her body ached from being in a single position for so long. Even when the tears stopped, the mare kept her face hidden in her arms all the while the images of everything that happened to her went through her mind, and all the choices she’d made. When she heard the front door open and clomping hoofsteps enter, the mare gasped and panicked. Oh nonono! He can’t see me like this! Dashing over to her blanket, Sunrise wiped her face and cheeks, then her arms and legs, trying to not look too bad. When she heard Vestri call for her, Sun yelled back, “Coming Master!” Her voice almost choked, but she still crawled out of the room and down the stairs to kneel before her master. Vestri studied her for a few seconds, then commanded, “Sunny, stand up.” Oh no, he knows! Obeying, Sunrise stood and smiled as much as she could at her master. It was as fake as a zirconia and bronze earring. My face looks like a mess.  Grasping her chin, the caribou moved her head back and forth. He snorted, “Have you been crying again, pet?” Quaking on the inside, Sunrise nodded and stuttered, “I-I was crying over a f-f-favorite piece of jewelry being broken, M-Master.” Please buy it, please oh please! For a long moment, Vestri studied Sunrise, before he nodded and patted her breast. “Hm, perhaps you can make more sometime. Come, let’s get upstairs and you can service your Master.” Following behind with trepidation, Sunrise Splendor could only think, I don’t know how much more I can take of this.