Blackjack, an incompetent security mare from the dystopian Stable 99, suddenly has her monotonous life turned upside down when the stable is invaded by vicious raiders. Blackjack flees the stable with EC-1101, with the wasteland in hot pursuit.
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Wrong character in the closing italic tag there, looks like it italicized the rest of the chapter.
I can't wait until this story has finished updating. It'll be really cool to restart without pausing.
Y'know, I'd really wish you'd get back to updating that. I enjoyed it.
7390635 Okay.
Should be "It seems?
Not short for it is seems, right?
This chapter has me mostly speechless otherwise. Lives up to it's number of innuendo, comedy and entertainment and heartbreak. And if in two chapters what I wandered my eyes skimming over is true.. I'm gonna be really, really sad to the point of liquid tears for Morning. Part of my thoughts in this chapter would be well she did get sheltered.. a lot and left behind again and again so she has a point. Another part of me is like, ah hell no my naive enjoyment of a pairing comes crashing down. What will she do now? Everything seemed so simple volumes ago. However..
Rainbow W. Dash
I always thought of Angel Arms from Trigun... but that's a good choice, too.
Edit: woah... I just saw my avatar in this chapter and was like 'but I didn't read this 10 weeks ago, or leave such a short comment'. ...I finally caught up to the point where this was still updating here. And this is a response from the main index page that ended up here.... I see. Glitchy.
AWWWWWWW SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEET, that's incredibly adorable, nicely done man!
Damn what a chapter... shame about BJ and Glory... mmm...
Loved the messy bits, as in the dripping gooey parts, hahaha
Goddamn I love Blackjack.
Keep it up!
I think i hurt myself laughing. Seriously, this line bent over and raped my humor. I think it gave it Stockholm syndrome too, 'cause i want it again.
Well.... so much happening of late. Hah, things have reached a point where I almost just want to keep reading rather than stop and comment. ...Almost. To the masochists who read my comments: you know the drill. There'll be good, and there'll be bad, and it'll be far too wordy for most to bother with. It's also going to jump around a lot between the last few chapters (63-69, I think). I'd normally be more organized but.... eh, not this time.
I'm done commenting on Luna... I think. Cognitum getting her soul and then becoming even worse was just one more thing to eyeroll at. Cognitum in general... yeah, Goddess 2.0, I stand by that one. Yeesh, it works on multiple levels. Finish off with Goldenblood getting to be there before the princesses' deaths, and her forgiving him and apologizing and
... ugh... I need a drink...
Ooh, speaking of things I stand by. ......Goddammit, Rampage. I called it, but I didn't wanna be right. Hell, my reasoning wasn't even completely right; it had nothing to do with the Reapers. She's just that suicidal. I'm no Vash; I don't disapprove of suicide more than anything. Betrayal's right up there, too. ...But I'll come back to Echo. While we're still on Rampage... oh look Dues is her father. She's a real mare, which is good, might make a difference if she can forgive herself for this choice she's made. As to Deus... interesting, though that little flashback felt like a rerun. He really is lower than scum; continuing to be a rapist is not something I'm going to have empathy for. Once? Okay, bad, really, really fucking bad. But... pay your debt, get past it, spend your life making up for it. Yeah... he didn't do that. He did the opposite of that. Zero sympathy, Blackjack and Jesus can forgive him; I got nothing. He doesn't get to see Twist or his daughter... because as I said before the victim's rights come first. Criminals forfeit a lot of theirs. That's how that works, and that's how it should work; because as Blackjack said to another criminal: 'it's not about you!'. Now... I grant that what was done to him from there wasn't right. So many ponies are complete monsters in this work; it really stretches credulity. Deus doesn't even top the list... and how messed up is that? In many ways, I will be very happy to be done with this soon.
While we're on my least favorite characters... oh look Psalm and Goldenblood are still alive. ...Yay. I occasionally wonder if the war actually killed anyone (other than Psalm's victims). It seems like they're all just hiding under the next rock, ready to get involved again. Hell, Blackjack dies more than Goku, so I guess it's whatever. Disliking them aside, I've more or less forgiven them; may they survive what's coming. Or not, I don't really care (hey, I'm no Blackjack, what can I say?). His little orb flashbacks were pretty irritating, but what can you do? Oh, I will say... showing us Lyra dying fused to a bench... gratuitously mean, Somber, fan disservice. Well, this fic has a ton of that, really. You should have gone with the FMA shout out characters in the Steel Rangers. Some version of Mustang on the phone with some version of Havoc ("JEAN HAVOC?!") getting clutch supplies right before this big set of battles would've been pretty great. Ah well... I must content myself with references that increase misery rather than reduce it. To that end... Goldenblood gets to talk to Rarity before she dies... and the princesses. Seriously, I remember the flashbacks in Fo:E in a much better light. Almost every one here is just terrible, either ponies doing terrible things or terrible things happening to them. Rarity owning a would be assassin would never happen here. No, we're too busy wallowing in awful.
OR ARE WE? Because... just in time.... the return of DRUNKJACK! (I dunno who coined that, but I'm borrowing it; it's too good). Everything about that sequence was perfect, including the timing. If anyone deserves to get run over by Drunkjack, it's Goldenblood. Whisper's response later was rather on point... I'm often reminded of the line at the end of Kill Bill 2. It pretty well applies to Blackjack.
I'd address the whole Discord thing... but I'm still trying to cope with what I saw. I don't know if what he did to the 4th wall there was consensual, but it was certainly disturbing to witness. Referencing the show that directly and basically blaming the writers for what he was doing.... yeah I dunno about that choice. Reminding us of the framework is something Pinkie and Discord can do... but perhaps shouldn't always do, especially in such a dark, suffering filled fic. Basically, I think any of your characters that could escape this horror you've inflicted on them would probably murder you... hard. I'm not sure even Blackjack would spare your ass (though I suppose you'd know better than I would). ...Then again, I'm reading it for entertainment, so I'd be pretty boned, too. Sorry, Blackjack. Boo though... I didn't touch on it back when she started talking, but I did squee a little bit. I'm about 230 pounds, 6'5"... so when I squee at my phone in the break room... it draws looks. Eh, I regret nothing. Her connection with him is something really intriguing, even as he exits stage right...
And now Blackjack is along the same lines. I'm not convinced it was a downgrade, especially with Flux having such an interesting seeming effect. I'm also quite happy she gets to feel alive again... the robotic disconnection thing was depressing. Of course... we're coming towards the end now and if the sad/angry/'IHATEYOUSOMBER' comments are to be given any credence... this will be short lived. Her comments in 70 (which I've started but barely) about adopting a bunch of foals... I don't see it happening, and I'm sad about that. Somewhere, there's a happier universe where it'll happen, but I doubt it'll be even close in this one. Well, I at least know Scotch is going to make it (thanks, sequel description in the margins over there...), but the rest... Man, I want to tell Storm Chaser to buck up (err, as it were... that expression is now weird). History is written by the survivors, not just the victors. Don't neglect your memoirs... you know, if you live through this. That said... I get the feeling she's going to go all 'ramming speed!' with the Castellanus here for whatever reason before long. Too many little hints on that one, but hey may I be wrong this time. Seriously though... if the remains of the Enclave are damned by bad press lacking nuance... you gotta admit it's poetic justice after they basically spent 200 years damning the surface ponies in the same fashion. Plenty of good surface ponies died without ever seeing the sun in the last two centuries, Stormy, so forgive me for my limited sympathy. Still, I like ya, I really do, so I hope that you or at least a few like you make it through what's to come. The pegasi could really use some decent, non-Dashite representatives if we manage to make it to a rebuilding era.
Guess I'll wrap up this installment with Blackjack's cutie mark... victory, huh? I'm not sure I buy Cognitum's assessment there. To me, her talent was always tremendous luck (both good and bad). I feel like references to such were made more often early on. Besides, an ace queen isn't victory in blackjack... if the Dealer (...heh) has the same, he wins (or it's a push, whatever I don't gamble). Further... I doubt Cognitum dwells much on the fate of 99, or Fluttershy medical, or the Seahorse assault, but there's not many who could call any of those 'victories'. They were all instances of absolutely horrible luck though. Time will tell, perhaps.
Oh, almost forgot.... I don't really care about the whole Blackjack/Glory thing. I just.... don't. With all the horrible shit happening in this plot... a breakup doesn't even register. Glory's reasoning is... iffy; I will say that. Blackjack has left everyone behind, more than once, and she's taken them all along, more than once. P-21 laying into her (uhh, into Glory, with the lecture, not into Blackjack... with the dicking...) was pretty satisfying, but at the same time, I just don't feel much anger towards Glory over this. Blackjack's a lot to handle, and Glory's not mentally set up for the whole 99 'sex is meaningless fun' mentality. She's a monogamist; Blackjack really isn't. Ah well, hopefully they'll reconcile before one or both dies. As to BJ/P-21... that actually feels like a more meaningful character arc, even without the whole pregnancy thing (no strong opinion on that, either, it's one of those 'too obvious' drama points that feels like schmuck bait). The interactions between those two have always felt more powerful throughout the work. I'm fine however that triangle plays out, but this development was engaging to witness. And yes... Velvet with the 'anti-Pip' line was hilarious. Though... the whole 'welcome to the Hoof' line directed at Calamity felt a smidge.... err.... masturbatory. Yes, we know, Project Horizons is over the top compared to Fo:E, and yes, that's saying something. Having your characters say it though.... *chuckles* well, another eyeroll, I suppose. What's one more?
A few more chapters and you'll be rid of me. Exciting stuff.
8020281 Dud, you didn't see this coming from a mile away? Their relationship has been fucked up for a long while now...
Blackjack is starting to suffer Commander Shepard syndrome.
fucking appropriate name title my head is actually hurting form the shear whiplash of this chapter
i love it and hate it at same time 
8020281 soz no ships allowed
Cri Cri
Not quite my tempo
. In all seriousness, I loved this chapter. It had the part five trend of immense feels, but it wasn't quite as serious as the other chapters. Glory leaving Blackjack was heartwrenching, but expected. Definitely didn't expect the copycats, but it sure made things more interesting.
What indeed. I just can't fathom what their deal is.
You just came down there, drenched in fluids, from one of the most natural things imaginable.
Not like it was super lewd and or Inappropriate in company or anything.
What I don't get is the "anti-Pip" comment.
What does that mean?
This remind you of anything?
Say...the life and times of a certain winning pony?
Wow. Talk about complications.
As if the end of the world wasn't already on her shoulders, now she has to deal with sentimentals.
Still persisting. Even after (assumed) death.
Anyone else smelling "servant of the Eater" in this?
Why isn't she telling anypony? Isn't that kinda super important?
Or nah?
Oh no. Its just a giant star that wants to destroy the world.
Much less important then the Legate or a world dominating machine with Luna's soul in it.
War plan! Anyone else smell some Mobile Strike in this?
But seriously, I can't think of anypony more qualified to lead this merry band of Wastelanders.
I am definitely seeing some Maiden in her now.
The anti-pip comment is that in FO:E anytime someone mentioned sex around Little pip she would turn red and not be able to speak from embarrassment
Where as Blackjack has no shame in her game ;)
Congratulations, Morning Glory, you’re worst pony now. >:V Seriously, P-21 may have been a little harsh on her, but he was 100% right about everything. (And I mean, she’s right about what was wrong with their relationship, but she’s still worst pony.)
Of course there’s sex in chapter 69. (Has anyone written that scene as a side-story?)
I really want to know how Boo got back. If Blackjack ever makes up with Rampage, I guarantee she will never let her live down “Peppermint”. (OKAY BUT LITERALLY HOW DOES ANY OF THAT MAKE SENSE I CANNOT WORK IT OUT IN MY HEAD NO MATTER WHAT I DO)
“Science sucks!” was way funnier than it had any right to be. XD I found it interesting that BJ ended her speech with “Hoofington rises”, when that’s the exact same thing she saw Cognitum do for her speech. (Or is that what Goldenblood was referring to toward the end? I’ve forgotten more of this story already...) Xanthe’s appearance at the end was funny, but mostly I was taken by how natural a leader Sagittarius is. I mean, turning a challenge of dominance into a fun contest instead? That’s politics!
8221379 Please don't judge Morning Glory too harshly.
Morning Glory and Blackjack are good and bad couple. Morning Glory saw in Blackjack her father. Blackjack not only wanted to change the world for the better, but could. She saw Blackjack as a good pony, and despite it all wanted to work out their relationship so that she had something equivalent to her father and mother's marriage. She hoped that, over time, they could settle down into an actual family and share experiences and share a life together.
Blackjack wanted to have sex and not hurt anyone.
Glory's been hurt many times by Blackjack. She knows Blackjack doesn't mean to. She's not actively abusive, just passively neglectful. When Blackjack told Glory that she was pregnant (Or rather her body was) it essentially told Glory that Blackjack would never be able to share her life with her like she wanted. And she wants it. She loves Blackjack so much it hurts and yet knows she will never, ever, have it. She wants to be happy. She wants monogamy and intimacy and for her and Blackjack to have one life. Where she can do her research and Blackjack can make the world better, then come together at night for snuggles and sharing their experiences.
Blackjack wants to not feel like shit all the time. Hurting Glory makes her feel like shit. She's tried to be the better pony again and again.
When Cognitum rejected her, it hurt Glory worse than she'd ever been hurt before. It's easy to say 'oh, it wasn't Blackjack', but that does nothing for the hurt. And deep down she fears that if Blackjack was annoyed enough it would be her that rejected her. So she did what she saw as the only honorable, best thing she could: she ended the relationship.
She didn't end how she felt.
The heck of it is, she's absolutely right about their relationship, and the ways it doesn't work out. The details you add in with this post only make it starker that breaking up was a necessity. It's just her timing was 3000% shit, and P-21 was right to ream her over it.
But it's okay, after Homage starts whining in the next chapter, she's back to being worst pony. :B
8221379 8222242
Generally agreed on Glory, P-21. He was substantively right, but how he handled it wasn't helping at that point either (having Glory at her best matters too), especially if you assume he wasn't aware Blackjack was listening in.
As far as Boo getting back, well, as someone's said, her Luck stat is like 10,000, and she might have had some help from Harbingers on the basis that Cogs looks better returning with the blank Blackjack disappeared from Shadowbolt Tower with than without it. But yeah, that's just a guess.
I think Goldenblood was referring to his speech, and I'll confess to finding it a bit weird that nobody else felt a bit uneasy over her using the same climax line as Cognitum.
I certainly agree that those are two things that Blackjack wants, but it really didn't seem like they were particularly close to all she wanted, unless I seriously misread everything. I don't think you could just switch out Glory with Generic Interested Person Hanging Around and end up in the same place (see: Caprice, even before revelation; related subsequent conversation with Glory; 99; Stygius). And besides the rest--and this is an important point Glory herself was getting at--Blackjack didn't just want to not hurt her (/anyone), she doesn't want her (/anyone) to be hurt, she wants to protect them, and the more so Glory/romantic partner. And that's a source of serious tension.
As to the pregnancy announcement, I took that as something between an overreaction (immediately breaking up, anyway) and just plain not thinking it through. I just don't see it as being the case that Glory couldn't have something very like what you describe, even given the pregnancy; the probable outcome is one I read as being similar to being married to someone who is on good terms with their ex-spouse, with whom they share custody of a couple children. Is that Glory's ideal outcome? No, but it's far from unreasonable (granted, it's not unreasonable for her to take a pass on it either). Is it Blackjack's? No, but I think she'd try her ass off to make it work.
Also, her justification related to Blackjack being able to deal with her in danger without it distracting her, etc., frankly doesn't hold up. It doesn't hold up in general/in the long term, unless you ignore that Blackjack doesn't deal well with just-friends in danger either and her extreme susceptibility to hostage-taking--and even granting that it doesn't hold up in the immediate case unless you think Blackjack can make the Special Somepony I Love More Than Anyone (or Glory's slightly uncharitable Special Somepony I Love More Than Anyone Except P-21 Specifically) to She's Just A Friend Like Rampage Or Lacunae Or Whisper transition almost literally overnight. And thinking that strikes me as requiring either believing that Blackjack hardly loved her at all (which seems at odds with the recognition of how hard Blackjack would try to change to make her happy, and might take believing that she can hardly love anyone at all) or a failure to think through how people's minds work almost on a level I'd expect from Blackjack in the single digit chapters.
Which informs the timing issue, and the fact that "there is no good time" does not fucking imply that all times are equally not-good; as an example, before dealing with the giant superweapon that could kill everyone on the planet and/or unleash a cosmic horror upon the universe is a worse time than after, especially when you know the difference is a matter of days. Granted, that's not to say she doesn't have the right to cut it off then, but...
...let's just say that I'm a lot more sympathetic to the idea that it might have been morally wrong to say "if we get a clear shot on Cognitum that will kill her and also the babies, we're not going to take it" than were P-21 and Glory. And pretending the relationship was still a thing, if perhaps kind of put on hold for a bit while she got over the Cognitum shock, accidental cheating, etc. is a rather smaller ask than that.
Blackjack needs to learn some modesty. But that glaring, if humorous character fault aside, SO glad the ship has set sail! Glory always felt like a mixture of puppy-love and emotional dependency. The give and take of BJ and P-21 is much more interesting to me. Plus their history together, AND the kid... ya, I aprove.
Does this mean if all goes well, BJ is Scotch's new step-mom? Yes please, that would be amazing!
"Also, Goldenblood. I accidentally destroyed your house. Sorry!"
edit: oh, i just remembered a line from an old cartoon:
someone was impersonating the police chief, so the junior superheroes challenged both "chiefs" to call them all by name...leading to this zinger:
"he's never gotten our names right!"
Eyup,the one that got their names wrong was the real chief!
YES! I can't believe Blackjack x P-21 has finally happened, I've been shipping them since the earliest chapters, it feels so good now that the two are finally together.
Another great chapter; filled with heartache, laughter, and confusion.
Confusion towards relationships, and the things around that (I'm tired and I'm not going to rewrite my long comment twice because my phone decided it didn't want to post and also that it needed to reload the page).
Goldie's 'Hoofington Rises' speech from the earlier chapters was rather fun to see Blackjacked. There was supposed to be a speech similar by Cogs... but I don't remember it at all.
I don't hate Glory, not in the least. She lied to herself and Blackjack. But it was for a good reason, and I respect her for making such a tough decision.
I almost wanted to hit Blackjack when she asked one, simple question...
Her baby is something worth fighting for!
The war council was fun to see, I can hardly wait to see the result. Until next time.
Congratulations! This comment has enough words to qualify as a story on FIMfic!
I'd like to hope that was one of the longer ones I wrote here, but I can't even be sure
This fic is definitely worth the effort if you can get past all the horrible, horrible squick moments. But for me it was an effort.
Ouch ouch ouxch
The beggining hurts heavily hurt s
I wonder whatt would be the pain level if absolutely nothing recognized blackjack there
"911, what is your emergency?"
"I'm dead. Somber has killed me."
Yeah... I'm just on the fence on that. I thought they couldn't die short of disintegrating or massive amounts of fire or something.
Nice chapter love the war council and how Blackjack not being a clone was cleared up. I hate stories that drag on meaninglessly because of set ups like this.
Not really sure hiw to feel about the P 21 and Blackjack relationship
In my first reading of Horizons I was confused as to why Glory had broken up with Blackjack. I mean, I didn't saw a real reason behind it.
In my second reading I was outright mad at her for leaving Blackjack in the hardest time for her and adding more to her suffering just because of immature whims.
"What a cunt" - I thought.
Now, reading this fic for the third time, I understand them both.
It's really a situation with no one to blame.
It's just a tragic turn of events for both of them.
One wants to protect what she love, the other wants to be important, not just as emotional relief.
It would be so great for them to meet in other circumstances.
Very sad relationship, and thus, my favorite.
Yeah, it's pretty much what I loved about it.
During my first read I was confused, during the second one I actually understood why Glory did what she did, and could empathise with her.
That said, I was still so damn happy with P-21 standing up for BJ.
Didn't the filly already disappear when Cogs absorbed Luna's soul?
In Deus' mind
This is another contradiction, unless the former was a result of his imagination, but the context says otherwise.
Anyone think that the scene where the stallion drank flux didn't fit? It's too goofy for this setting. It might have been some ex-raider, but then what would he be doing here? Was he in the area? This was a gathering of ponies that cared about Blackjack, so who was he? A harbinger trying to discredit? Why not contact Cognitum then? What is his end goal? The crowd is universally convinced, except for him, there is no need for more proof. Was it for comedy? I don't get why this bit exists, it adds nothing.
Just wanted to shed some light on something not mentioned before. Besides that, the chapter was great!
So did Glory just not get pregnant too? I could've sworn there was a line about a contraceptive spell Splendid cast on her? But now I can't find it.
This has to be her lowest point yet. Even lower than the times she died.
Bless your heart, Boo.
Oh, P-21
Damn you, Somber. DAMN YOU! There I was, tears running down my face, wondering if I was actually going to start sobbing like a baby. And then I get to this, and my brain crashes. And I laugh. I LAUGH! I actually laugh out loud. And now I’m wondering if that scene with Goldenblood was so overly long and overly complicated all just to set up this one line. You got me. You fucking got me you bastard!
Awww. It’s too bad that stallion doesn’t have comedy relief plot armor like Mr. Satan. Oh well.
Hoofington Rises Watch Level 10! Wait! What?!!?
Lol. She’s all protective of her daddy. That’s cute!
On the one hoof, this sounds utterly pathetic. Especially coming from Goldenblood of all ponies. On the other hoof……..what else can you even say at this point???
1) With everything you’ve seen and heard from her since she came for you, what do you think???
2) Eat shit and live!
I’d LOVE to be a radroach crawling around in Rainbow’s head during this scene. I can’t even imagine what she’s thinking/feeling seeing Goldenblood alive. She’s definitely upgraded her self-control over two centuries to handle this as well as she is!
Oh Goddesses. If the Legate actually kills him, then this will basically be the most convoluted execution of all time. And it will certainly be a very significant death. Contingencies my ass! His “contingencies” are going to be arranged to guarantee that he dies in the process of killing/neutralizing the Legate. He’s………he’s going to get exactly what he wanted all along, isn’t he?!?!?!?!