Blackjack, an incompetent security mare from the dystopian Stable 99, suddenly has her monotonous life turned upside down when the stable is invaded by vicious raiders. Blackjack flees the stable with EC-1101, with the wasteland in hot pursuit.
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Chapter added couple seconds ago : great chapter :D
And this is when I first caught up to the story, way back in January 2012. Damn, it's been a while...What a hell of a place to catch up to, too.
Fitting song for the battle on the Celestia up to when BJ fires Folly:
And immediately thereafter until the end:
Next up is 33.
Well, fasten your seat belts. It's gonna get loud in these comments...
Goddamn it Blackjack, you fucking idiot! Dx Only you would have the fucking luck have have a battleship dropped on you.
Oh lordy... I've heard... things about 33, god just saying the numbers gives me chills...
Ol 33... lordy, will I get through it!
Fucking brilliant work Somber, legit saucy!
the shooty look ?
Of course Folly shot straight down!
Fuck. Is this where things fall to pieces..? Hmm only one way to find out.
Up next Ch. 33
And. Here. We. Go.
Blackjack!! I can only imagine how hard Glory screamed when the Celestia sank with Blackjack on it.
Well... that's one hypothesis.
What the hell is this stuff? Wingdings?
Looks like a bunch of errors and exceptions.
Man, of all the fucked-up monsters Blackjack has encountered thus far, I think the Choir (or whatever that room of living warped pony flesh is supposed to be called) is one of the fucked-uppiest.
Yep, don't mind her. She's just walking out of the explosions like its nothing. XD
Stronghoof and Lacunae. An Alicorn and a Steel Ranger. What a love interest XD
Yes! Captain Thrush and the Seahorse crew return! And I hope Capri and Pisces are alright...
Bad luck Blackjack there at the end. Only she could fire Folly straight down.
I finished this chapter directly before going to work yesterday and didn't have time to say anything about it. I'm trying to power through chapter 33 today, since I won't have any more time for another week.
The Choir hits new levels of perfect, tragic body horror. It's the kind of thing I want to rip off and turn into an SCP.
Stronghoof x Lacunae 4eva
I'm glad Scotch isn't taking well the revelation of what they did to her. I'm also pretty glad that Blackjack took responsibility for it.
P-21 is still tsundere as fuck.
It was good seeing the Seahorse crew again, even if the circumstances weren't the best. I couldn't help thinking that breaking out of the brig wasn't the best way to ingratiate themselves to the Elder. That said, I liked Crunchy Carrots immediately, even if she did nothing but possibly die. You're doing a good job keeping the imagery non-visual after she loses her eye, and that carries over into next chapter.
My big horrible thought is where did the shell hit? I mean, I'd assume they were aiming at where the battle was taking place, but I'm not willing to trust that assumption. I just hope it's not Chapel. :(
You mean, like with humor and levity and frivolity? What makes you think that kind of thinking is appropriate to apply to this story? >:V
Is it things like everything involving Stronghoof, or Suddenly, BDSM, or how funny or silly things happen regularly? Because if so, you'd be right to think that. :D
I liked the Choir. There's even a bit of decent fan art of it, but unfortunately I think it's one of those cases where actually showing it isn't going to do the idea justice. Like horror movies, whatever you imagine and its mutability in your mind is probably going to be worse. If you ever do the SCP thing, I'd be interested to see it.
+1. Actually, that probably played a role in my gradual warming to the guy.
Yeah, but if I remember things correctly they were playing by a variant of the "you made Fluttershy cry" rules due to the state of the seaponies. There's not much coming back from that.
120mm? that is tiny compare to many of our WWII era battleships or even battlecruisers.
6945850 To them, and their smaller size, 120mm is big...
6945850 That's them talking about the howitzers Steelrain had on his armor the first time, not the Celestia's cannons.
Did she just fall out of bounds... Buck bethseda Fix your games
Okay, I'll be damned if that choir scene isn't stripped from 40K.
Okay, this was an epic chapter. Folley is... amazing. I just wish she wasn't blinded beforehand, because I really want a good visual description on what in the blue hell just happened. Oh well, you sunk my battleship!
Blackjack used Folly. It was very effective.
This was just perfect.
7795050 I don't get it...
7739861 dude. She just sunk something akin to the Titanic...
Too bad it cost her her last Silver Bullet. I really, really likes those things.
I think it might have cost her more than that...
Your exiting 'older sister' territory and entering 'suragate mother' Blackjack. Better be careful!
Curse him!
What the hell....?
I just wish I could have seen the look on Steel Rain's face when she fired Folly. Better still would be if she'd held onto it. Even without bullets she could have made him wet his armor just by flashing that gun at him. Yeah, fuck your 120mm cannons, that little gun can punch through mountains.
Because, in mass combat, most shots are fired to intimidate or suppress, rather than to hit -- and this is probably even more true among Ponies than among Humans. Security, who is imperfectly educated and one of the purest examples of a "natural fighter" in fiction, wouldn't realize this.
"WTF" indeed.
The Choir kinda reminds me of John Carpenter's The Thing. From what I can tell, it's like a bio-mechanical version of the Thing specimen.
When they said it was "the ultimate in science horror", they fucking MEANT it.
Healthy weight for an average size pony is approximately six hundred sixty pounds. Rampage, being a Large Frame muscular thing, would probably be closer to 750-800, not 200.
Something back access, port engine navigation, something exterior something.
I just realised these talismans are completely ridiculous, especially the ones that make a physical substance like the chlorine one in stable 99, or the ethanol one used in this chapter. Seriously, where are these things coming from, is there a fusion reactor fusing things like oxygen or nitrogen with other elements up into chlorine. And rampage is even worse, literally regenerating her entire body from nothingness. E=mc^2. Creating the mass of rampage from scratch would require the energy of a few dozen nukes. Whatever, It’s just a story, I can deal with it.
Also, a battleship is a ship, not a boat. So technically she still has had only 1 boat dropped on her.
*snort snort
You're reading a story about magical talking ponies, and you're worried about physics?
Different world. Different physics.
They literally use magic.
You literally just read blackjack using a pistol strong enough to blast that massive hole in a battleship and she held that in her hand. But you're worried about the earth's physics? What are you on mate?
His will be an evil laugh.
I finally figured it out. This isn’t a Fallout/My Little Pony Crossover. It’s a My Little Pony / Call of Cthulhu crossover. Blackjack is just your usual investigator going slowly insane. Suddenly everything makes a lot more sense! Here almost killing P-21 was a side effect of the sanity lose because she's almost at zero.
How polite of it. This is the point where I would suggest to run, but that would be smart. So it’s not want Blackjack is going to do.
Rampage, find something heavy, hit her over the head and then drag her out.
This also sounds awfully familiar to what happened to a certain grey Unicorn from another story....
Still, no complaints from me. That’s a really good twist and there was some very subtle foreshadowing right from the beginning. Sp it's like like it came out of nowhere.
Interesting. Another “Goddess” . Created in a similar way, but different. Explain why it knows about Trixie and the Unity. They can feel each others presences.
This is getting real gross.
Early Dealer is weird. Giving actual useful advices all the time instead of trying to be cryptic with his cards.
First thing that came to my mind when reading the title was the choir in Chapel, but I didn’t expect it to play a role in this part of the story.
The power of Celestia compels you!
This began as another horrifying encounter with one of the many, many, many abominations lurking in the dark corners of Hoofington. It’s a very horrific scene with Blackjack being close to become one with the choir.
Then suddenly it turns from horror to sadness, when the music plays and the ponies trapped in this living hell have a moment of lucidity. Suddenly it’s not longer a monster to be slain but suffering souls that need to put to rest. Within a few sentences the mood of the whole scene changed in an unexpected way.
Only in PH.
The mystery of the respawning items continues. *X-files music plays*
And I’m glad we’re back on track after almost 4,000 words of Blackjack begin a colossal idiot. It’s was not a bad scene. On the contrary. I just wish it would’ve happened in a more natural way, without reducing Blackjack’s Intelligence Stat to 3.
Just like you wanted to never use Hydra again? It’s only going to be a matter of time before you're forced to use it again.
It’s an extremely powerful weapon than can be wielded by a single pony. You can kill a dragon or a whole army with one shoot. Put it into the hooves of a trooper willing to sacrifice his live (or one who doesn’t know about the side effects) and you get a weapon than can win a battle with a single shoot.
This story leaves nothing to the readers imagination when describing all the grotesque cancer tumors inside and outside of Blackjack. Probably shouldn’t have read this three minutes before lunch.
A bit to late for regrets now.
She already did a lot of good in the short time she was on the surface. More than most ponies could do in their whole live.
Wow a lot of assholes among the Rangers. I know the Brotherhood of Steel aren’t nice people, but usually they don’t go around executing random peoples.
They are also trying to end this conflict peacefully and the Rangers are more likely to listen to her, if she doesn’t start killing them. Even when they are assholes.
Not your fault. The only alternative would’ve been to let Ms. War Crimes slaughter a bunch of innocents.
Okay, I really want to hear the story behind this. Why would so many Steel Ranger travel to Hoofington just because of Blackjack?
I really like this guy. He certainly knows how to assert his authority.
Sounds like the first Ranger who’s actually acting like a member of the faction that inspired them.
Overall I'm not a fan of how the Steel Rangers are portrayed. Almost all of them seem to fall into one of two extremes: Goody-Two-Shoes (Stronghoof) or outright Villains (Steel Rain). Was hoping for a more neutral faction like the BoS who inspired them. But to be fair, I don’t know much about the Steel Rangers in the original story. Maybe they already had been acting like this in Kkat’s work.
Still, when the Enclave out of all factions, comes across as more nuanced than the Rangers, then there’s something really wrong.
Oh no! How terrible!
At least this time there’s a good reason for it.
Ouch! But she has a point!
It wasn’t Blackjack’s decision to be made. Only Scotch had the right to decide whether or not she wanted to keep these memories. But nobody even bothered to ask her and instead they did what they thought would be the right choice.
At some point I want P-21 to actually pick up and gun shot somepony or creature that is attacking Blackjack. Just to show how far he has come since the beginning of the story.
Who did piss in his cereals to make him this super-bitchy?
Well he’s not wrong. They are all messed up and Blackjack is dying while all he can do is helplessly watch it happening. God, I want to give him a hug.
It’s sad that the group is still a bunch of strangers only hold together by Blackjack. We’ve followed them for 32 Chapters and there’s still no friendship or close bound between them. It’s a shame because it would be interesting to see, for example, Glory and P-21 becoming friends who care about each other.
In hindsight this has been a really bad idea. All it did, was put the fix idea in her head, that she has to sacrifices herself for the sins of the whole Wasteland.
Yeah that’s 100% your fault.
Not a mistake. Just two bad options. Kill them or keep them trapped inside theses pods forever.
Who was Clover again? I really can’t remember. Some many people did in this story.
Again, how could you’ve known that Lancer was going to kill them? You only got vague mentions from the Crusaders how the Remnants are bad.
That was one Rivet, who was more focused on being the next Overmare and preserving a corrupt system than listing to your warnings.
If I was a character in the story and had witnessed everything they did, I would turn around, run back the way I came from and not stop until I’m back at the surface. Because at this point I know this is the first and only warning sign before the real fucked up shit happens.
Okay, what’s it going to be this time? My money is one three ponies stitched together by a mad scientist, fused with a flamethrower to serve as living weapon, who constantly screams about having to kill the Zebras.
Hey, I got the Zebra part right.
It will be interesting to see how that place turned out after Blackjack solved the standoff between the Colligate and the Society.
I have no idea what this plan could be or why Scotch would be the only one able to end this war if Blackjack fails, but I’m intrigued. It may have something to do with a Pipbuck or the EC-1101.
Looks like Blackjack isn’t the only one who had a bad week.
Or just ask Doctor Triage how dangerous an weak and injured Security can be. Best to stay out of her grab range.
Okay now the Rangers are being jerks just for the sake of it. At least it get trigger happily executing defenseless ponies for thinking they are spies. There’s a reason for it, even if it’s fucked-up. But throwing the Sea Ponies into a cell without water to led them slowly dry out is just cruel.
Ironically if it had ben any other Paladin the EFS wouldn’t have given Blackjack away. She just had to happen to come across the one she genuinely wanted to kill.
Good thing Steel Rain loves hearing his voice. If he just started blasting instead of talking, Rampage may not have had enough time to react.
Something tells me Steel Rain is he’s having a huge boner right now.
Usually after the bad guy has been tricked into accidentally making a public confession, everyone turns on him. Great way of playing with the readers expectations and a lot more realistic, considering that he purposely tried to put every Ranger disagreeing with him on the front line.
Color me surprised! I thought he would be siding with Steel Rain, after their little conversation below deck.
Ouch! Now she has gone blind. Good thing it has been established earlier than Hydra make eyes grow back.
Man this guy sure loves giving speeches about technology. Also so much for every villain in PH having a tragic or symphatic backstory. Steel Rain is a 100 % asshole.
Not even a day and she’s using it again. Not that there are any other options left.
Hey Steel Rain, you like technology, right? Then you’re going to love this!
Blackjack? Blackjack! Blackjaaaaaaack!
Blackjack’s On-screen Body Count: 155 (+1)
(General Shimmerstar was insane, but he could still talk and form coherent sentences. So, he gets added to the count. Even if it was a shared killed between Blackjack, Glory and P-21.)
I’m going to talk a bit about Scotch Tape.
She’s the most useless member of the team. She’s not a powerful, minigun-wielding Alicorn. She’s not an immortal warrior with Deadpool’s regeneration powers . She’s not the worst security pony of Stable 99, who can effortlessly dispatch dozens of Raiders and go toe to toe with Rad Dragons . She’s not good at picking locks, hacking terminals and blowing up things. She’s not good with energy weapons and can’t use her medical knowledge to save Blackjack’s life. All she can do is repair stuff. It’s like having Sulik, Vic and Cassidy in your party and then chose Myron out of all available people for the last spot. *
And I’am really happy that she’s in this story. Among all this powerful, highly-skilled individuals Scotch is refreshingly normal. Having someone in the group who can’t contribute much in a battle and needs to be protected by the rest of the team is something new.
There's also to recurring theme of her being upset that she’s threatens like a child instead of an adult. Despite still being a child. A smart, competent child, but a child nonetheless.
Totally unrelated to this story, but I think it would be interesting to see a reverse of this situation in Homelands: Scotch, now at the same age as Blackjack, is temporarily accompanied by a young Zebra foal. Then at some point she has to tell the Zebra foal to stay behind, while she goes somewhere really dangerous, despite the foal’s protests. Basically, allowing her to see things from the perspective of the adult and makes her understand why Blackjack tried to protect her so much.
*I wonder how many people will understand this comparison.
Hehe father daughter bonding time! 😁🤣
At this point how much more can Blackjack fuck up her body. Jesus, she has cancer, lost one eye, and had to wear braces to even wall. Not to mention everything exploding around her
This hymn was beautiful.
Oh, so while balefire is a magical nuke analogue, this is a literal nuke. Well, more literal.
I hope he survives long enough to found the Hoofington contingent of the Applejack's Rangers.
SHOO BEE DOO! SHOO SHOO BEE DOO! But who do the sea ponies call upon when they are in distress? Blackjack 'n Friends, of course! I love that these two were not just a one and done cameo.
How terrifying it must be to be blinded in the middle of a fight for your life like that. It would be so easy for her to just give up and die then. But she doesn't. She just doesn't quit.