• Member Since 26th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


A good story isn't measured by how long it is, but by how long it stays with you.


Goldfish. The snack that smiles back. But why? What lies behind their sinister smiles?

[A collection of ~300 word shortfics, because my brain has too much pony. Cover art by Conicer]

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 60 )

That was... glorious. Very short, but glorious.

This. Continue this, I beg you.

When all is fair and all is right

Burn ALL the Gold Fishies!!!! :flutterrage:

There was something sinister behind those smiles. Anything excited to be eaten wasn’t trustworthy.

I fully agree with that line.

I feel as if i have wasted 2 minuts of my life I'll never get back.

Like Goldfish, these are very small and easily digestible. Like Goldfish, they hold a sinister secret. Like Goldfish, they are pleasant but do not quite satisfy.

Moar. :pinkiesmile:

that comic just made my day.

Ah, microfics. Something I've always wanted to try my hand at.

Good reading. Things like this are nice exercises for the brain.

This story collection is relevant to my interests. :eeyup:

Fair is foul and foul is fair.

okay...all I got was that it's Scoots and her dad. no revelation at the end....I'm confused:rainbowhuh:

DaFuq did I just reah hea? :applejackunsure:

Just a 'moment in time' bit as an aside to Transcendence

also its adorable

I take issue with this one.


I actually have a full story prepped for this microfic. Get ready for some [Horror], 087 style!

Apart from making me quite hungry for some goldfish, that was very entertaining. :D

Well, that was mysterious...


Also, yes, it's terrible how the freakin' things take over. Like some sort of mind-virus.

:pinkiehappy: Did you call me?

No! Now go away, darn it!

:pinkiecrazy: I can't! I'm insiiiiideeee yooouuuuu!

...I think I'll go curl up in a corner and cry. ...After I write a few thousand more words.


this story really confuses me, what happened to the goldfish?

This is a collection of randoms, not specifically about Goldfish. I do have scraps of ideas in my brain about how to make the header microfic into a full one, but that's for after I tie up all my current loose ends.

So what, is this some sort of vignette collection?

They're nice, but some indication would have been great. I hate vignettes. They always leave me so damn unsatisfied, because they're usually just a brief moment of conflict, and maybe a twist to finish it off. There's rarely any sort of resolution.

*Literary snob* :twilightblush:

If you don't like vignettes, feel free to read my other two stories.

Core, don't update when I don't have internet. Seriously. I'll cut you. After a bit of stammering.

They don't leave you unsatisfied if you read his other <companion> stories. Trust me, I'm an alcoholic!

I read Reading Rainbow. Goddamn that was adorable. :pinkiesad2:

I'd have read transcendence but I try to avoid sad stories if I can. I'll give it a go when I'm in the mood for a good baww.

I have never agreed more with a poem more in my life. Except for that one with the yo-yos

Verily awesome poetry. You deserve not less than 5 'staches :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:


Once upon a midnight dreary, while I clicked weak and weary,
Thru many a vile and bilious image on slash-b of yore,
Amidst the trolling, tired and phony, suddenly I saw a pony,
With noodly arms like macaroni, and a pastel-hued decor.
"'Tis some anime," I muttered, "with those big eyes that I deplore -
Only this, and nothing more."

Yet so great was all my sadness, I was seized with sudden madness,
despite the years of pony badness, for a torrent of that mare.
Fast I turned to pirate scheming, for some Youtube channel streaming,
to the phosphor dimly gleaming, vector art from everywhere.
Rainbow-coloured pony gladness, in the monitor's flickering glare.
"Just one show, and nothing more."

And the ponies, always grinning, now I fear are just beginning
To drive my feverish brain to spinning ponyfictions evermore.
And my eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is scheming,
And the lamp-light o'er me streaming throws my shadow on the floor;
Pointed ears and nostrils flaring, in my shadow on the floor.
Ponified forevermore!

That made me happy. Thank you.

Hah. Loved the anticlimax. Is Tyco just a random name or is Tyco a character from something other than this little fic?

432240 I just wasted another two minutes replying to this comment. Anypony whose username is Derpy Bucking Sucks doesn't deserve my respect or attention. But whatever.
Anyways, me gusta

Just like the crackers, these micro stories are best when consumed by the handful:pinkiehappy:. Thank you for fueling my addiction to pastel equines. :twilightsmile: Your writing is lovely.

But I like it.

Still finding odd but still reading

That was slightly random.:applejackconfused:

ooh, that was really neat!:twilightsmile:

Woooh... That was.. amazing. Absolutely wonderful!

Darnit, Scootaloo is just so darn cute with her father!:scootangel:

That makes a leads to a possibility of a good story:
Scootaloo -> a (possibly) flightless pegasus.
Her Father -> a wonderbolt (one of the best fliers in Equestria)

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