Carrot Top is baking some muffins but she needs some last minute ingredients so she can finish the final touches on her muffins. Since she doesn't want to leave Derpy Hooves alone, she recruits the help of Lyra and Bon-Bon to keep her at Bay. Will they be able to prevent Derpy from eating the muffins? Or will Derpy have the last laugh?
Let me be you Muffin King Derpy!

You broke Derpy!!!! How dare you
Oh Derpy, your so insidiously smart
Dexter's Lab FTW!
I haven't read it yet but the first line confuses me i thought Carrot Top was an earth pony.
Don mind that comment im being an stupid head and misunderstood the context of the sentence.
oh i forgot the
Must. Nom. Delicious. Muffins!
its certainly got the humor
86492 I knew this plot seemed familiar.
well this has a fan drawing
Tracking this so i remember to read it!
Loved it! Evil genius Derpy is best Derpy
Nicely done, congratulations. Mischievous Derpy is best Derpy.
Oh, wow... that line about being eaten alive... This is truly hilarious, and a fascinating read. Have a like, a fave, and some moustaches.
This was so funny!!!!

I love it! It's so funny you deserve some of me XD
This story is a
Muahahahahaha I am your father Lyra!
Here is my plan to kill the entire world with derpy:
(Viewer discretion advised. Reason: Cuteness content of video can cause death)
Not to nitpick or anything, but where was Dinky? Summer camp?
Yea, she wasn't there during the story but in my headcanon, she lives with Derpy and Carrot Top also.
Deviously brilliant. Bravo
For that you get one thousand derpies!

4853553 Sorry I couldn't do it, the character limit was blown!

2539287 10 Derpies!

I like the story that you made. How did you come up with it?
So it was all according to plan...
2539287 *dies*
Pretty sure this is based off an episode of Dexter's Lab.