• Published 6th May 2014
  • 9,291 Views, 399 Comments

A Blouse Unbuttoned - Seven Fates

Months have passed since joining Diamond Tiara's and Silver Spoon's game. Button Mash keeps going back wanting more.

Comments ( 66 )

...Molly concerns me a tad. Still, she seems likely to be supportive.

7667498 Don't worry too much. She's kinda just been hit with the whole "Oh fuck, I've been masturbating to my own sondaughter!" sort of squick. Give her some time to think [and get that bile up], y'know?

Yeah, though for that to be a thing in the first place...:derpytongue2:

Don't mind me, I'm just applauding.

Wow... Just wow. What a way to tell a mother you're trans."Hi mom! Remember those trans porn vids you watched? We'll, I was the femboy that was getting fucked." Reeeaaaal smooth Molly.

It's good to see you back. I missed this.

What a comeback!

This chapter was quite enjoyable to read and I cannot wait to see what you do next

7668244 If you don't mind my asking, is your avatar supposed to be Neapolitan from RWBY? Or am I just thinking it's her after binge-watching season 2 and half of season three last night?


And well worth wait

7668298 why yes it is Neo. Thanks for noticing! :)

I just about lost my mind laughing in shock. Reminds me of when i told my parents I was a Brony.

I have read a good number of 'coming out' fics over the years, and I must say, this was certwinly the most... unique.

Goddamn that's hilarious. Dee's mom seems pretty ok about her transition, so that's good.

Crap this was updated. Actually have to come back to this site now.

See you in another year then?

THANK YOU for FINALLY updating this story!! <3 <3 <3

It's been so long, I was starting to loose hope T_T

A good chapter, and one that promises some VERY interesting new directions to take!!

Also: That's just hilariously terrible that Button/Joy's mom fapped to her child's porno....just...wooooooow

7669482 No. A couple of weeks at most.

Tbh, i like the name Molly Coddle a lot more than the other fandom name. Thank you so much for writing this fic, its actually has helped me a bit through life by giving me something enjoyable to look forward to. :heart:

7668590 NEO! Also, Seven, you enjoy RWBY? It's cool to find parts of the FNDM where you wouldn't expect.

On another note, this story has quickly rocketed to the top of my watchlist, if only because I can relate to it so much(I can definitely relate to Dee, though I haven't started any of the therapy or hormones, or, well, you get the point.)

And on ANOTHER note: Seeing the update for this story makes me think I should get back to work on my stories... I haven't continued typing up the chapter for a while.

I've certainly enjoyed the... absurdity... of this story. "A transmare, hermaphrodite, and asexual walk into a bar" had me legitimately rolling on the floor laughing. You're a great writer.

I'm certainly not an expert in trans* issues, but I think what you've got here is more depressingly realistic, with DIY hormones, odd sex and anxiety attacks. I read it all a few months ago, and was sad to realize it was on hiatus. I was worried it would go the way of so many good things I've read and just vanish without an end. Glad to see it's back up.

7674267 I wouldn't necessarily say it is realistic, but it certainly does draw attention to things that did, and continue to, happen in places where transition is either socially or economically unavailable. Sure, there aren't any magically enhanced hormones out there to do in months what would take at least a year, but there is a black market of unregulated and unsafe options out there for those who for whatever reason cannot get a legitimate prescription. The one thing I probably haven't touched on is the dangers of self-medication without an endocrinologist looking at your blood from time to time. Another is that Dee is, for the most part, not showing any side-effects from the medication. For example, the antiandrogen I am on doubles as a heart medication and lowers blood pressure, meaning I am prone to dizzy spells when getting up.

First of all congratulations, you're the fist author that IMO pulled something I hadnt seen in here before: Pulled an interesting story with a TG character.

[add a bunch of stuff about hormones and passing in here that its meaningless to comment on since it has been covered already by other people]

Ah, its sad the updates are so slow, hope they come more often because now im itching to know whats going to happen...

Dee, Sweetie, I say this because i care but the two of you need to get laid now if nothing else get all that frustration out.

well I can't say that this is the most believable story I've read about a transgender character I can say that this one has a good heart behind it so bravo

*Sqeeeeeessss* new chapter!! *starts to read*

OK realistic might not be the right word. We are dealing with a fantasy realm of sorts, first off, but I meant you're more real than some things I've read.

I can't even wrap my head around how terribly awkward that would be. I was really drawn in by the fact that she didn't recognize Dee (it's a bit of a recurring daydream of mine that I meet someone I used to know and I'm so far along in my hormone treatment that they can't tell who I am), and then, after having been so drawn in by that, you went and hit me with 'Her mom has seen porn of her.'
Oh. My. Celestia! If I try picturing my own mother in that scenario, abandoning the idea of doing anything sexual ever again seems really feasible. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Molly is a little turned off of the Tgirl porn now.
It would've been nice if they could've broken the news to her under less shocking circumstances and with a shred of tact, but I guess that's life.

Wow, a new chapter, and it is so great!

Yay! Seven Fates basically confirmed that there are going to be more chapters! After the note at the end of the last chapter, I was sad because you implied there would only be one more chapter.

7822566 Aye, and it'll be coming Soon™, but writing the next chapter has been rather slow for a rather obvious reason: with the awkwardness introduced in the last chapter, it's something I've gotta handle with care, and I haven't had much time to sit down and write lately.

7822726 Well, I can't wait for more, I just love this story. You know, I'm rather jealous of you. you are writing 3,000+ word chapters and I barely right that for an entire story.

I'm very apprehensive about continuing. The first story was based around blackmail, and now we have Stockholm Syndrome/Conditioning thrown in the mix with the first couple chapters of this.

Dark and Drama tag where?

Is Button Mash ever gonna go back to his old gamer colt self?

7984339 7996321 That isn't to say Dee won't play more games; just not with such fervor that everything else is background noise.

7996653 So that's a yes?

7997309 Let's just say we'll be revisiting the tournament mini-arc.

So is this done then or?

8049023 The story is not finished, but as of this moment, I am not in any position to write for a few days.

8049657 For context, I've been out of town for the last few days, sleeping on a couch as we pck my grandmother's stuff to take her to a home, writing this and the previous message from my phone. Between the constant headache from lack of proper sleep and the lack of patience for touch-screen typing, I don't have it in me to write.

Ah, I see...
Well, here's to hoping that you get better.

Oh my gosh, the end of this chapter had me audibly laughing and wincing and practically dying of secondhand embarrassment all at the same time. I really needed that today, I think, so thanks. I'm definitely looking forward to whatever eventually comes next! Until then though, I can only hope that you'll find yourself in a better position in life soon, one that leaves you happy and driven to continue this. Best wishes! :twilightsmile:

Button's mom:

Never before has a family guy clip been more accurate.

Sending all the positive thoughts and love to you!! <3 <3 :twilightsmile: :twilightsmile: :twilightsmile:

Huh, this died last year? Damn, time flew by.

Shit, has it really been that long?

So is this story cancelled? Rats it was the best transgender transitioning story I could find in this site.

I don't wanna say yes. It's just in hiatus. I'm hoping to find time during Christmas break to finally finish it.

This is the first I've read can you link me a few decent ones I'm curious on the subject?

I must say I've just found this and its incredible. Sadly like others I've come really invested in emotionally (the unconverted one) I now wait with egar anticipation. I'm not a writer but I do know the pain that comes with not being able (or waiting to emotionally) work on a labour of love. Keep up the good work and I guess we will see the new chapter if/when it's ready. Don't rush your writing on our part. Thankyou for this story.

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