Celestia In Excelsis
Tells the story of how princess Celestia came to be; An incredibly mature story almost professionaly written(Action, Death, Slice of life, Sad)
Twilight's Midnight Violations
A curse in the sparkle family turns Twilight upside down making her do something that will change her life forever, this is clop but really nice one with a deep story and consequences(Adult, Herm(futa), Dark, Evil, Slice of life)
An affliction of the heart(all of them)
Know the awesome story of Kuno, a changeling with an attitude as she finds out about love, the equestrian way. This is pretty much the fic that made me love changelings(Comedy, Romance)
An alternate universe where Spike never was hatched by Twilight so he grows up on his own, best Spike-Rarity story ever made(Romance)
Millenium Wake
Rarity Falls into a 1000 year slumber and the world has changed for the worse, follow her into a post apocalyptic mayhem...IMHO this story puts Fallout: Equestia to shame...also for some weird reason developed a fetish for scorpion tails...as long as they come attached to a marshmallow (Sad, Dark, Adventure)
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Thank you for listing up a tale like Velveteen Dream. Keep sticking around, you won't wanna miss a moment of Vis.
Lemme know in the fic's comments just what drove you to it - or anywhere you can what drove ya to me!
I appreciate the faves on "Can Ya Fix Her?" and "I Feel Beautiful". Thank you!
Thanks for reading Rainbow Dash Comes Out of the Closet! I hope you enjoyed it!
Thank you for adding This Isn't War to your favorites! Feedback is always appreciated!