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This is ending is rather foreboding, quite the contrast from last chapter that started full of hope and purpose, then turned out quite different from expected, but ended on rather sweet note. Something tells me worse may be waiting in Appleoosa than just a potential rejection.
One of the more intriguing aspects of your story is how much of a stuggle Soarin is going through. As cute or sweet as a general romance story might be of a fairly quickly formed relationship, or both characters having been secretely into each other for a while, these challenges for Soarin to overcome, both with the setback in the wonderbolts and his initial encounter with Brae add a layer of realism or relateability not generally found in a story. Reading of Soarin explaining his initial mistakes, to his realization of what he really needs or wants, to acting upon it, is both quite the roller coaster in ups and downs, but makes his struggles, genuine? for lack of better words.
Of course I'm secretely cheering for Soarin to apologize to Brae and set things right, and of course get his chance to explain his feelings to the Apple stallion, but I'm not yet decided on where I think the story will really head towards. The story is being told by Soarin after all, in a setting where I don't quite know if Brae is a part of his life, or whether this retelling takes place after these events, or if the story continues afterwards. I guess being rather invested in a character and story as I am in Sensation says enough about the quality and style of writing.,
I'll be eagerly awaiting next chapters, when you actually have the time to write them ^^
Keep it up
4820548 Will do!
More than anything else for this story, I want Soarin' to feel real and be a character that you can relate to and understand because, hey, we've all been there in one way or another. I'm glad you're so invested, and I'm doing my best to make it worthwhile for you to read. :SoarinSmile:
Thanks again for all the feedback!
I now think I know what will happen after this. Judging by how Soarin seems to feel about talking about Bronze, my thought is that Bronze is Braeburn's old boyfriend, and after dealing with Soarin, Braeburn went back to Bronze, then when Soarin found Braeburn, he told Soarin that he was with someone else. I have never been into a story on Fimfiction as your story, and this thought about the future in it saddens me.
That's such high praise! Thank you! I won't spoil anything, but I'm so happy you feel invested. I promise I'll do my best to make 'Sensation' worth your time.
I'm guessing that Bronze was either Braeburn's abusive ex, and/or that Braeburn went back to Bronze after his encounter with Soarin. Only time will tell...