• Published 5th Nov 2013
  • 5,529 Views, 67 Comments

The Secret Life of Fluttershy - nanashi_jones

Fluttershy says she's just tired from starting her new band, but Twilight suspects something else is going on since Fluttershy is too meek for that. Is Fluttershy fine or should Twilight be worried about her friend?

  • ...

The Secret Life of Fluttershy

Twilight Sparkle made her way up the hill, Rarity by her side, and they smiled at the beautiful day.

“I’m so glad we could make this picnic happen,” Twilight said. “It’s so nice out.”

“Well, Rainbow Dash does run the weather service, Twilight,” Rarity said. “It wouldn’t surprise me if she scheduled favorable weather for all our get togethers.”

“It certainly feels like it sometimes,” Twilight replied.

Once they crested the hill, they spied Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash already setting up the picnic beside their usual tree. Rarity and Twilight waved as they trotted over.

“Hey girls!” Twilight said. “How’s it going?”

“Goin’ pretty good so far,” Applejack replied. “We got the food.”

“I have brought beverages,” Rarity announced, floating several bottles out of her saddlebags.

“We’re really just waiting on Fluttershy,” Pinkie said. “You two didn’t see her on your way over, did you?”

“No, not even a glimpse,” Twilight responded, pinching her brow in slight worry. “Did she say she was going to cancel or-”

“I’m here!” came a sudden voice.

A yellow rocket of a pony tore down from the sky and hit the ground hard, skidding and kicking up dust as she slammed into the tree. The girls all stood, blinking in surprise, during which time a few cups fell from the pony’s saddlebags.

“Fluttershy?” Twilight asked, peeking around the trunk look at her friend, who was embedded in the wood.

Peeling her face out of the bark, Fluttershy wobbled a bit and grinned.

“Sorry I’m late everypony,” she said woozily. “I overslept.”

As the girls sat down around the picnic blanket, Twilight checked Fluttershy over again. She had initially thought Fluttershy was just shaking off her Rainbow Dash-esque impact. Closer examination revealed her friend looked a lot worse than could be accounted for by taking a header into an old oak. Her mane and coat looked dull, she had bags under her eyes, and her feathers stuck out from her wings at odd angles; she looked a wreck.

“Sorry again, everypony,” she said, attempting to smooth out her mane.

“It’s alright, Fluttershy, darling,” Rarity said, primping her hair. “Just be more careful next time. We don’t want you hurting yourself by flying into trees.”

“I do it all the time and I’m fine,” Rainbow Dash pointed out. “Sick dive too, ‘Shy. Looks like somepony’s getting over her fear of heights.”

Fluttershy mumbled indistinctly into her mane.

Rarity arranged her features in an expression of indulgent sympathy. “We know you’re fine, Rainbow, but Fluttershy doesn’t have your… natural resilience.”

“It’s okay,” Fluttershy said. “I’m fine, really.”

“This time maybe,” Twilight said. “What had you so careless that you hit a tree half-awake anyway?”

“Oh, um,” Fluttershy said. “I was just very, um, busy last… nightwithmyband.”

“What was that, dear?” Rarity asked after pouring full glasses for everyone.

“My band,” Fluttershy replied at more detectable volumes.

“Band?” Rarity said. “Fluttershy, dear, what kind of band keeps you up all night?”

“The radical kind,” Rainbow Dash replied. “I once went to this Princess revival concert with my dad, ‘cause he was a huge fan back when they were big, and I was up half the night watchin’ ‘em rock out!” She sighed happily at the memory while Fluttershy looked like she was trying to use her mane as a camouflage covering. “So. Awesome!”

“Really Fluttershy? You’re in that kind of band?” Twilight asked.

Fluttershy blushed, coming out from under her mane. “Not really… We’re- It’s something else.” She yawned.

“Well, make sure to take care of yourself too, okay?” Twilight said, placing a forehoof on Fluttershy’s back.

Fluttershy nodded, smiling. “I’ll be sure to do so,” she replied.

Reaching into her saddlebag, she pulled out cups and plates to hoots and cheers. Food was distributed and the six friends dug in.

“Oh, I’m so glad we did this, the food is absolutely delightful,” Rarity said.

“No argumensh herr,” Applejack said around a full mouth.

“Applejack, please,” Rarity said sharply. “Some decorum when we’re eating.”

Applejack rolled her eyes, but finished chewing before speaking up again.

“Rarity’s right. This is really nice and I wanna thank y’all again for coming out,” she said. “This was gonna be one of the last times I could do a picnic for a while.”

“Any place I can get a peanut butter and zap apple jam sandwich is a place I need to be!” Rainbow said from the air as she dribbled crumbs.

Twilight caught the crumbs in a magical field and directed them to the grass.

“It stinks that we can’t get together again any sooner!” Pinkie chirped. “I was all set to throw my Yay It’s A Little Springed Party.”

“Yeah?” Applejack said. “When?”

“This Saturday,” Pinkie replied, wolfing down three cupcakes.

Applejack tapped her chin in thought, then brightened. “You know what? Maybe I can squeeze ya in. Mac’s doin’ inventory, and I was gonna stay out of his way by repairing some broken cider barrels, but I can get at those any old time.”

Twilight used her magic to float a book from her saddlebag. It was notated with little colored tabs sticking out.

“I believe I’m free as well,” Rarity said. “Though I, too, may disappear soon with Gala season coming up. Just be sure to drop by in the near future to prevent another… Diet Soda incident.”

The girls chuckled at the memory of Rarity’s last designing jag. They’d gone to see her while she was knee deep in orders and new season designs, and binging on caffeine to get through the rush.

“Yep, I can move things around in my schedule,” Twilight confirmed. “I’d be happy to attend.”

“You know I’m always free,” Rainbow replied. “I’ll just bump my training around. No big.”

“Yeeeeess!” Pinkie cheered, tossing confetti. “I love it when a plan comes together!”

“I, um, ah, can’t make it,” Fluttershy said, softly. Dropping her voice further, she added, “Sorry.”

“Aww,” Pinkie replied wrapping Fluttershy in a side hug. “That’s okay, ‘Shy. Your Auntie Pinkie’ll be sure to save you some cake for later.”

Fluttershy blushed, returning the hug. “Thanks, Pinkie, that’s very nice of you.”

Twilight flipped through her planner a few times, noticing how often Fluttershy had been bowing out of social gatherings. “Is everything okay, Fluttershy?”

“Everything’s fine,” Fluttershy said quickly, raising her hooves. “Really it is. Those have just been… Um. Rehearsals.”

Twilight looked at her planner again, confusion apparent on her face. “You rehearse that much?”

Fluttershy ducked her head meekly. “Yes?”

Twilight squinted at Fluttershy, who looked positively panicked, but let the matter drop. The picnic wrapped up shortly after. As the other girls went their separate ways, Twilight hung back as she helped Fluttershy pick up her plates.

Is everything okay Fluttershy? I mean, I don’t know much about rock bands, but you look really tired.”

“Oh I’m-” Fluttershy loosed a big yawn. “I’m fine, Twilight. Just having trouble getting used to staying up later than I’m used to. That’s all.” She smiled and hugged her friend. “You take care now,” she said and trotted away to her cottage.

Twilight watched her go. “You too,” she said, her brow set in worry.

The next day Twilight was in Rarity’s boutique with Pinkie. She’d promised to give Rarity her input on some new dress designs while Pinkie modeled. However, after she gave the third “uh-huh, looks nice” Pinkie and Rarity exchanged looks.

“Twilight, darling. If today’s a bad day and your mind’s elsewhere, Pinkie and I can do this by ourselves, you know.”

“Hm?” Twilight said, with a blank look.

Pinkie giggled. “I make that face a lot.”

Twilight blushed, embarrassment heating her cheeks. “Sorry, girls. It’s just, I’m still worried about Fluttershy. Do you remember how evasive she was at the picnic? If she’s in a band and she’s rehearsing, why was she so shy about it? It’s not like that’s a crime or anything.”

“That’s good!” Pinkie said, shimmying out of the last outfit. “I’d hate to give up Polka Thursdays!”

Twilight smiled at Pinkie before looking back to Rarity. “I don’t know,” Twilight said. “Am I crazy here?”

“Yes, dear, I think you’re going a bit overboard,” Rarity said with a toss of her mane. “It’s good to worry about a friend, but this is Fluttershy we’re talking about. You know how skittish she can be.”

“Yeah, but we’re her friends,” Pinkie said. “You’d think she’d, like, tell us more. Or allude to it. Or maybe blink it in horse code.”

“Blink it…?” Twilight said.

“Yeah! But if she’s blinking horse code, lately it’s just been a-s-l-k-d-f-;-l-k-j-s-k-k-f-l-a-s.”

“Uh-huh,” Rarity said. Smiling back at Twilight, she returned to the subject at hoof. “Twilight, I believe Fluttershy is just having butterflies. I know how nervous I was when I first started showing my dresses to other ponies. That can be a harrowing time for a budding artist. Riddled with doubt and worry- Why, I’m surprised Fluttershy told us anything at all, since it sounds like she just started a little while ago.”

Twilight nodded. “You’re probably right. Still… I can’t shake the idea that something might be wrong. I mean, did you see her fur? Practicing something you enjoy usually makes you look healthier, not that bedraggled. And plus she said she’s out nights. What if she’s not taking the right precautions?”

Rarity nodded indulgently, and laid a reassuring hoof on Twilight’s withers. “Darling, Fluttershy has lived near the Everfree forest for years. She knows how to take care of herself. Also, if she were involved in anything untoward, I am certain she would tell us.”

Sighing, Twilight rested her head on her hoof in thought. After a several moments of consideration, she finally said, “I guess you’re right Rarity. If anything bad was really happening, Fluttershy would tell us.”

Rarity straightened in delight. “Glad to see you agree with me. Now, with that out of the way... Pinkie, please slip into selection number 4.”

Pinkie stared at Rarity blankly. Rarity sighed.

“The ‘blue, sparkly oh yeah’ one.”

“Gotcha!” Pinkie chirped.

Twilight focused back on the mini-fashion show, but she’d be lying to herself if she tried to say that a tiny part of her wasn’t still worrying away about Fluttershy.

The date for Pinkie’s Yay It’s A Little Springed party came. Like many of her recent parties it was just a small affair with her bestest friends. Pinkie had provided music, punch and spring themed snacks and everypony was enjoying themselves. Everypony except Twilight.

While every one of her other friends were dancing, chatting, or trying the spread, Twilight found herself gazing out the window. Pinkie, ever in her hostess with the mostess mode, sidled up along her bestest unicorn bud.

“Heya Twilight,” Pinkie said. “Did the party spill outside?”

“What?!” Twilight started jumping in the air. When she landed, she looked at Pinkie, blinking too much. “What? No. No. Why would you say that?”

“Because you’ve been looking outside so much tonight, I figured that was the case.”

Twilight blushed, caught. Shaking her head, she said, “Sorry. Sorry. The party is fun, Pinkie, really it is. I just can’t stop thinking about Fluttershy.”

“Ooooo. Does somepony have a crush?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Yes Pinkie,” she said, flatly. “I have a massive crush on Fluttershy.”

Pinkie squealed in delight. “Well then you should tell her! Then she might crush back!! And then I can come up with a shipping name!!!” She bounced in place, her brow furrowed in thought. “Maaaybe Twittershy? Nope. Fluttersparkle? Nah…”

Twilight put a hoof in Pinkie’s mouth.

“Pinkie, I don’t have a crush on Fluttershy. What I really mean is that I’m still worried about her not being here.”

“Worried about who?” Rainbow asked, floating over to see what Pinkie and Twilight were talking about.

“Fluttershy,” Twilight said.

“She said she had band stuff,” Rainbow replied. “So what?”

“But she’s been so busy, and she looks so tired, and she’s avoiding us! I’m concerned about this ‘band stuff,’” Twilight said, making air quotes with her hooves. “There may be more than she’s letting on. She could be in real trouble.”

“It’s Fluttershy, Twilight,” Rainbow said. “She gets in real trouble from falling leaves. If it’s really bad, she’ll tell us.”

“Tell us what?” Rarity asked. She and Applejack had come over, completing the party’s drift to the window.

“Twilight’s just freaking out ‘cause Fluttershy’s not at the party,” Rainbow replied, dropping down to get some punch.

“Again? Darling, I told you, she’s fine.”

“But...” Twilight protested.

Applejack moved over to Twilight, smiled, and draped a hoof across her friend’s back.

“Twi, just ‘cause Fluttershy misses some time with us, don’t mean she’s in trouble. She’s got a new hobby and she’s entitled to explore it.”

“Yeah!” Pinkie chirped. “Especially a new hobby that involves ponies in funny looking clothes!”

Everyone stood staring into space before Applejack looked at Pinkie and said, “What?”

“Oh, well I was out the other day, getting in primo bouncing time when I saw a bunch of ponies in really funny clothes following Fluttershy around. Only they weren’t funny ha-ha clothes, they were more like clothes that got attacked with scissors and lots of black. And she was all, “I’m sorry, I just can’t right now!” and one who kinda looked like my sister was all, “But it’ll only take a little time tonight.” and Fluttershy was all, “I know, but I really have to go!” And then she flew off.”

Pinkie mimed wings with a flap of her forehooves.

“And what am I supposed to make of that?” Twilight said, gesturing bodily at Pinkie.

“Now, Twilight, I agree that sounds… pretty confusin’, but really you should talk to Fluttershy next time you see her,” Applejack said.

“Or you could tell her now,” Pinkie said.

“What?” Twilight said.

“She’s outside in a mysteeeerious cloak. A really good one too. I wonder if she’ll let me borrow it for Nightmare Night.”

Twilight rushed to the window, then immediately dropped down so she could just peer over the windowsill. Pinkie was right. Fluttershy walked by in a forest green cloak, only her mane and tail visible. She didn’t seem to be in a hurry, but she moved with definite purpose.

“Now she’s in a cloak?” Twilight whispered hotly. “What band wears cloaks?!”

“That is pretty strange...” Applejack admitted. “But I’m sure it has an explanation.”

“Yeah, we can just ask her why she’s being mysterious,” Pinkie said, hopping to her balcony and opening the door. “HEY FLUTTER-”

Purple magic enveloped her mouth, then her whole body, and Pinkie was pulled back inside by Twilight’s twinkling power.

“Don’t!” Twilight hissed. “This is our chance.”

“Our chance?” Rainbow said.

“To find out what she’s doing! Whatever Fluttershy has been up to is happening tonight. If we follow her in secret, we can find out!”

Rarity and Applejack shared a look. Rainbow was clearly confused. But, Pinkie hopped up and down, excitedly.

“Oooo! Secret mission! Secret mission!” she cheered.

“I don’t think that’s the best idea, sugarcube,” Applejack said.

“It may not be, but I don’t want Fluttershy to be in any trouble with dark ponies of the night! We have to make sure this ‘band’ she’s with is on the level! Pursuing her in secret is the only way!” Twilight said, triumphantly.

“Wow, that’s nuts,” Rainbow said. Grinning, she added, “I’m in.”

“Rain-bow Dash!” Rarity chided.

“What? I’m kinda curious too. Fluttershy’s missed a few nightly training sessions. I wanna see what’s more awesome than me.”

Rarity frowned, but before she could launch into a tirade, Applejack rested a placating hoof on her withers. Rarity took the cue and took a deep, relaxing breath.

“Are y’all nuts yourselves?” Applejack said. “This is our friend. Why would we want to follow her in secret? It… It ain’t right!”

“But it would be right if she’s in too deep with the secret night cartel to tell us about it!” Twilight retorted.

“Oooo,” Pinkie said. “I didn’t know there was a cart! Does it have pastries?”

“No, Pinkie it- That doesn’t matter!” Applejack snapped. “Twi, you’re lookin’ really worked up here and I think it’d be best if you just calmed down and enjoyed the party. Don’t go followin’ yer friends in secret. Remember when you tried followin’ Pinkie around like she was a critter?”

Twilight shook her head. “This isn’t like that, AJ. I’m not studying Fluttershy, I’m worried about her. I can’t run the risk that Fluttershy’s seduced into a band of a evil musicians and was only able to offhoofedly mention it in hopes of us rescuing her!”

Applejack stared at her friend. Twilight smiled at Applejack and nodded, turning back to the other assembled party members.

“Rainbow? Pinkie?” Twilight said. “I need to consult with you, immediately!”

“Sweet!” Rainbow said, zipping down to join the huddle.

Just as Applejack was about to blow her top, Rarity placed a comforting hoof on her back and the farmpony calmed down.

“This ain’t right,” Applejack said heatedly as Twilight, Rainbow and Pinkie discussed the best strategy for an unnoticed pursuit. “Fluttershy’s our friend. I have half a mind to end this right here by goin’ and talkin’ to her.”

“That may be,” Rarity replied. “But Twilight’s in a bit of a mood and you know how she can get. Can you imagine if you just approached Fluttershy? She may try to bodily restrain you and think of how embarrassed she’d feel after. No, Applejack, I believe this calls for a delicate touch.”

“Delicate touch, huh?” Applejack said, cocking her head.

“Yes. This actually puts me in mind of her recent genre binge,” Rarity said with a nod.

“Her what now?” Applejack said.

“Oh. About a week ago, she’d been reading quite a lot of spy thrillers. When I came to check up on her about another matter entirely, she put me under a hot lamp and attempted grilling me under the notion that I was a changeling spy. Fortunately, I was able to swerve her out of her delusions.” She tossed her mane dramatically. “And I believe I may be able to do so again. After all, delicate touches are the forté of any true lady.”

“I like the sound of that,” Applejack said. “So how do we delicate touch her out of this?”

“Well, first, we must remain objective and focused. Then, we need to get her mind back on the party while acting as though we still support her schemes to follow Fluttershy in secret.”

“So just distract her with reality, basically?”


“Sounds tricky, but I think I can manage it.”

“And remember- remain objective. Don’t get sucked into her delusions!”

As her hooves crunched softly on the shadowed path under the moonlight, Applejack looked at Rarity and said, “And how are five ponies in black sneakin’ around Ponyville remainin’ objective?”

“I couldn’t help it,” Rarity sighed. “She made such a good argument for stealthy nightwear and I had the spare fabric… I guess I just got carried away.” She added, “And it’s not black, Applejack. Black actually shows up at night. Proper camouflage is a mixture of greens and grays with a dash of black for shadow.”

Applejack looked at Rarity, who sported a similar gray, green, and dash of black fitted outfit. Only the tip of Rarity’s white horn poked out from under a hood to hint who she was.

“So how are five ponies in gray, green, and a dash of black sneakin’ around Ponyville remainin’ objective?” Applejack said.

Rarity muttered darkly. She did so in a lady-like fashion.

“Purple eagle, this is pink beagle, over.”

“Pinkie I’m right here,” Twilight whispered.

“I’m not Pinkie, you have to call me pink beagle or our target might get suspicious!”

“Will you guys keep it down?” Rainbow hissed, dropping between Twilight and Pinkie in her favorite ninja suit. “Fluttershy stopped.”

“She has?” Twilight asked, peeking from the cover of the bush they were all hiding in. Bringing up her binoculars, she saw Fluttershy talking to a burly, brown pony at the back door of a bar. He was large- not as big as Big Mac, but big enough. And he looked like a rough and tumble sort. Twilight’s imagination went into overdrive at the sight of him.

“She has!” Twilight confirmed. “She’s conferred with somepony obviously in the dark cult. She’s going in back of… Berry’s 40 Watt Punch?”

“Oh yeah, that’s a fun place,” Rainbow said. “They have Two Bit Tuesdays and do all kinds of shows. Lots of famous ponies got their start here.”

Twilight squinted at Rainbow, regarding her. Leaning over to Applejack she whispered, “Keep an eye on Rainbow Dash. She may be a possible double agent.”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Sure thing, Twi,” she said, flatly.

Rarity cocked her head as she watched Fluttershy enter the establishment.

“But what is Fluttershy doing here?” she asked. “I’ve known her for years and… Even if she’s in a band, this definitely doesn’t seem like the kind of place she’d frequent.”

“Looks like we’re going in,” Pinkie said, punching one hoof into the other.

“Excellent,” Twilight said. “We sneak in, get to Fluttershy and save her before she’s made a lieutenant and can’t back out of the secret pact sealed in the hair of her beloved.”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Or we could pay at the front, walk in normally and talk to the staff.”

Twilight considered that with a hoof to her chin. She nodded. “That works, too.”

“I got this part guys,” Rainbow proclaimed proudly. Taking off the hood of her ninja suit, she looked back at her friends. “Actually, don’t move.”

In a blur of rainbow contrail, her friends felt tugs on their clothes, heard the tear of fabric, and saw they’d had a quick makeover courtesy one of the fastest ponies in Equestria.

“Rain-bow Dash!” Rarity exclaimed, staring down at her torn cloak, sleeveless gray-black shirt and jagged cut of fabric around her cutie mark. “This is positively punk! I love it!”

Rainbow preened, her sleeves rolled up and her pants sagging a little.

“Yeah, going in like we were would’ve raised eyebrows. Now, we look like we’re ready for the Watt!”

Applejack walked up to Rainbow and offered her hoof, which Rainbow bumped.

“You know, sneakin’ around aside, nice job on the duds. Think you can handle the rest of my wardrobe?”

Rainbow grinned. “Nah. That’s a one-time Dash special. Rarity might think I was horning in on her gig.”

The inside of Berry’s 40 Watt Punch was fairly crowded. The ponies all had a similarly disheveled appearance to the look Rainbow Dash had created in her friends. A few patrons greeted her with hoof bumps and wing slaps.

“Come here often?” Applejack asked.

“Two Bit Tuesdays, AJ. Two. Bit. Tuesdays.”

“And their punch is sooooper tasty!” Pinkie said, shooting back two bottle’s Berry’s 40 Watt in one go. “The bubbles make my mouth all tingly!”

“I don’t believe those are the bubbles,” Rarity commented, sliding on her glasses to peer at the ingredients listed on her own drink.

Twilight came back from the bar, looking upset.

“The bartender didn’t recognize my description of Fluttershy at all!” she said, a hair frizzing out of her mane and eyes wild.

“Did you ask for her by name?” Applejack asked.

“Why would I do that?” Twilight said, eyes darting around. “She’d clearly use an alias in a place like this. If only I’d brought a picture!”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Twilight, look, this has gone far enough. Are you feelin’ like you owe the Princess an extra friendship report?”

Before Twilight could retort, the lights in the club dimmed to hooting, cheering and light applause. The girls all turned and took notice of the stage for the first time, seeing that band equipment had been set up earlier.

“Evening ladies and gentlecolts…” came a mare’s voice from the P.A. system, which earned a ripple of laughter from the ponies present. “Glad to have you back because we have a real treat for you. Back again by popular demand is Ponyville’s own Night in Gale!”

The applause rose, as did the cheers, and the girls watched as five ponies in dark robes trotted out, completely hidden from the audience and unrecognizable. Except one.

“That’s Fluttershy!” Twilight exclaimed. “What’s she-”

“Shhh!” whispered a pony next to her.

Fluttershy stepped up to the mic and her muzzle poked out from under her hood to reveal a small, but delighted smile.

“Good evening everyone,” she said in what was the firmest tone her friends had heard out of her since she’d gone overboard with assertiveness training. “It’s so nice to see you all here tonight. My friends and I thought we could play some songs for you. If that’s okay?”

The audience cheered again. Fluttershy’s grin got just that much wider.

Turning to her bandmates, Fluttershy nodded. They nodded in return, their hoods bobbing.

Fluttershy tapped her hoof- one, two, three, four-

“What’s she-” Rarity said.


The crowd tilted back as Fluttershy’s voice exploded through the venue. She also exploded out of her cloak along with her other bandmates. Twilight’s jaw, along with Rarity’s, Applejack’s and Rainbow Dash’s, dropped to the floor.

Stripped of her cloak, Fluttershy barely looked like herself. She looked… like a rockstar. Her pink mane was shot through with heavy black streaks, eyes rimmed in thick liner and mascara. She wore a form-hugging sleeveless white blouse above a skirt so dark green it was almost black with a netted fabric overskirt. Her feathers were alternately colored black and a dark green.

The rest of her bandmates sported similar gothic-punk motifs and Twilight’s brain had to do some impressive mental gymnastics to take in what her eyes were reporting.

“Fluttershy sings this loud? And where did she get that outfit?! And Is that Lyra? Playing the guitar?” Twilight yelled over the din of Night in Gale’s music.

“And that’s Octavia Philharmonic!” Rarity gasped. “I saw her in Canterlot last season with Hoity! What’s she doing playing bass in… this place?”

“Hey that’s Bon Bon!” Pinkie yelled, bouncing up and down. She’d somehow picked up glow sticks and secured them in her mane and tail. “I didn’t know she played drums!”

“Ohmygoshohmygosh!” Rainbow exclaimed. “That’s Vinyl Scratch! DJ-P0N3! I didn’t know Fluttershy knew her!”

“How about I didn’t know Fluttershy could sing like this!” Applejack yelled.

That got every girl’s attention. Fluttershy was their friend and as long as any of them had known her, she’d always sung softly and sweetly. Dainty tunes that complimented her birds and animal friends. When she’d said she’d joined a band, they thought at most she was singing melodies to the elderly. What came out there in Berry’s 40 Watt Punch was pretty much the opposite.

Operatic and powerful, Fluttershy’s voice filled every corner of the venue. The skill of the musicians was just as impressive. Lyra riffed hard and fast on the shining, black guitar while Octavia’s head was ducked down in her own world over her gleaming red bass. Vinyl practically danced as she worked the keyboards and Bon Bon never missed a beat back on the drums.

“She is in a band!” Twilight exclaimed.

“A good band!” Applejack said, her back hoof tapping.

“A totally awesome band!” Rainbow cheered flying above the crowds to dance with the other pegasi.

With Rainbow’s declaration, the girls were swept up in the spectacle. Night in Gale’s concert was a night they never forgot.

While the band tended toward fast and loud rock and roll, they managed to slow down in a few songs with less overwhelming fare. At one point, Fluttershy sang with Vinyl playing a simple melody on the keyboard. The contrast made it all the more beautiful.

Rainbow danced in the air while her friends danced or jumped around below. At the simple keyboard song, Twilight and Rarity joined the other unicorns in setting the tips of their horns to a soft glow. Pinkie even managed to get Applejack to crowd surf with her.

By the time the concert ended, their ears rung, their legs felt wobbly, and Rarity was certain her coiffure was beyond ruined. Yet, they giggled and smiled as they gathered near the front of the stage.

“That. Was. Awesome!” Rainbow exclaimed as the bulk of the crowd dispersed and other ponies milled about, chatting amicably. “Who knew Fluttershy knew all those ponies?”

“Yeah,” Twilight said. “I never thought she had this side to her.”

“We gotta tell her how great she was,” Rainbow said.

“Looks like this is our chance,” Applejack said, inclining her head to a corner where Fluttershy was emerging next to Vinyl Scratch. They were chatting energetically.

A brief cheer and some applause went up and Vinyl smiled, sending a kiss into the audience. Fluttershy just blushed. The rest of the band came up behind them as Twilight and her friends approached.

“Fluttershy that was amazing!” Twilight said.

“I never dreamed you could sing like that, darling,” Rarity cooed. “It was positively electrifying!”

Vinyl cocked her head at the girls then looked to Fluttershy. “You know these mares, filly?”

Fluttershy nodded, trying to hide her face in her mane.

“Yeah, we know her,” Rainbow said. “We’re her best friends. Rainbow Dash of the famous Sonic Rainboom. Whassup?”

Vinyl’s eyebrows rose from behind her shades in appreciation. “Whoa. Rainbow Dash? You’re that pegasus?”

“One and only. I’m a big fan of yours too! Your third album, Welcome to Canterlot Electric, was insane!”

“Dude, thanks! I was completely trying new stuff there. Glad you liked it.”

“Whoa! Time out!” Applejack yelled, raising a hoof. “Anypony mind telling me how our Fluttershy got here and what in the sam hill is goin’ on?”

“What? This filly here?” Vinyl said, wrapping an affectionate hoof around Fluttershy. “Well me an’ Tavi were cruisin’ through Ponyville one week on vacay and caught her singing.”

“Indeed,” Octavia said. “It was very lovely and after a little… *ahem* coaxing, we were able to engage her in conversation.”

Fluttershy curled even further into herself.

“See, Tavi and me were talking about trying something new and then we heard the ‘Shy gal here. It clicked. It’s a little mainstream and less electric than my usual beats, but like you saw…” Vinyl gestured to the crowd. “It works out.”

“But… Lyra? How did you and Bon Bon…” Twilight asked.

“Heh,” Lyra said. “I knew Octavia from music school and she knew I was local and could play guitar in addition to lyre. I brought Bon Bon along for a jam session and she mentioned drums and we all just started riffing and…” She shrugged. “The rest is history.”

“Well you certainly look to bring an entirely new sound to Equestria,” Rarity said with an approving smile.

“But why didn’t you let us know you were bringing a new sound?” Pinkie asked, getting down on Fluttershy’s level. “You were really awesometacular Fluttershy.”

An eye peeked from the mane. “You… you really think so?” she whispered. “You’re not just saying that?”

“Uh huh!” Pinkie said. “Haven’t you heard us for, like, the last two minutes? We thought you were great!”

Fluttershy’s other eye peeked out from behind the mane.

“You do?”

“Fluttershy, dear,” Rarity said. “I assure you that while not my usual tastes, what you and your musician friends have created is nothing short of dazzling!”

“Same here, ‘Shy,” Applejack said with a nod. “I ain’t gonna lie, I’d never have picked this up on my own, but I’m glad I did. Ain’t tapped my hooves like that in a while.”

More and more of Fluttershy was appearing from beneath her hidey-hair.

“Really? You really liked how I sang? Even though it wasn’t how I usually sing?”

“Of course we did, Fluttershy,” Twilight said, getting up close. “Yes it was different, but it was an absolutely terrific different and I’m glad I got to see it.”

Fluttershy blushed intensely, looking at the ground. “Wow. Um. Wow. Thank you everypony.”

“Fluttershy!” Pinkie exclaimed twisting her neck so she was looking up into her friend’s face. “Didn’t you think we’d support you?”

“Oh it wasn’t that!” Fluttershy exclaimed. “I just thought… well… I was nervous. I wanted to share this, but I didn’t want to bother you and I wasn’t sure if you’d like it.”

“Fluttershy,” Rainbow groaned. “We’re your pals! It’s not bothering us to tell us you’re in this totally awesome band with totally awesome ponies! I would’ve come just because it was Two Bit Tuesday.”

“But we usually play on the weekends,” Fluttershy said.

“Either way! You’re our buddy.” Rainbow flapped over to wrap her hooves around Fluttershy possessively. “You can totally share new stuff going on in your life.”

“Even if it’s different from what you normally do,” Twilight agreed.

Fluttershy’s smile didn’t look like it was going to quit any time soon. “Oh my. I never expected this,” she said.

“Really?” Bon Bon said. “You didn’t tell them? I mean, I know Vinyl’s already famous in this scene, but we can always use more bodies at a venue.”

“Yeah, Fluttershy. Did you think we wouldn’t want them here?” Lyra said. “Hay, I know Twilight back from the Gifted Unicorn days.”

“I was just- I just thought if they were into the music, they’d- they would come to me,” Fluttershy said. “I didn’t want to be a bother.”

“Silly filly,” Vinyl admonished, giving Fluttershy a noogie. “You gotta tell more ponies than the ones who’re already our fans- how else are you gonna get your music out?”

Fluttershy nodded. “I see that now.”

“I wish I’d seen the error of my ways too,” Twilight said. “I’m so sorry, Fluttershy. I should have just asked you directly what you were doing instead of sneaking around. After seeing how you looked and how evasive you were, not to mention Pinkie’s story about funny-clothed ponies- I thought you’d been seduced into some secret life.”

Fluttershy smiled with a blush. “No, Twilight, I’m just in a band.” Cocking her head in confusion, she added, “But what do you mean about ‘funny clothes?’”

Those clothes are a lot of fun,” Vinyl commented, looking Twilight and her friends over. “Where’d ya get ‘em?”

“Yeeeeah, this was originally nighttime sneaky wear,” Rainbow admitted, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly.

“But Rainbow and Rarity made it into rockin’ funwear!” Pinkie proclaimed, hopping up.

“I’m diggin’ it,” Vinyl said, tilting down her sunglasses to give Pinkie an appreciative look.

Fluttershy stared at her friends, taking in their appearance in a new light. “Wait. You mean you were following me in secret because you were worried I was in trouble?” Fluttershy asked.

Twilight cringed, but took the plunge. “Well... pretty much. Yeah.”

“Twilight…” Fluttershy said, her tone perplexed. “If I was in any trouble, I would have told you.”

Rarity and Applejack shared a laugh as Twilight turned bright red in embarrassment.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I recently started a new hobby that brings me and others a lot of joy, but I was worried my friends wouldn’t be accepting since it was so different than who I am. This wasn’t fair to my friends and it wasn’t fair to me. Tonight, I learned if I find something that makes me happy, I should share it with my friends, rather than hide and make them worry.

Your faithful subject,

P.S. - I’ve attached an album and a group shot of tonight because Rarity said I should. I’m in a band called Night in Gale and I’m told we’re really, very good.

Celestia smiled at the letter as she lifted the record in her magic. Finding the appropriate side, she set it in a player. As the music filled her room, Celestia pulled out the photo.

The photo showed her most faithful student and the other Elements of Harmony seated next to a group of four other ponies who wore fashionable rock and roll attire. They all looked tired, but smiled broadly. And none smiled wider than the demure-looking yellow pegasus in the middle of the group, who held a bouquet of flowers with a card reading, “To The Rising Singing Talent in Equestria, From Her Best Friends.”

Author's Note:

As always, my thanks to Jess for bringing the best out of my words.

This story was inspired by Doll Boxx and their video "Take My Chance."

Comments ( 67 )

That was fantastic and beautiful.
Take a like and a fave, you magnificent bastard.

Wow! You just made Fluttershy 100% more zangy! OMG IMMA HAVE TO KEEP UP TO DATE WITH YOU:heart:

Not bad at all I liked this a lot.:twilightsmile:

On the one hand, not gonna lie, the "shipping name" joke made me cringe a bit. On the other, Diet Soda Incident is clearly canon, I don't care what anyone says. :raritywink:

Otherwise, wow. The gags, the timing... this feels like a Dave Polsky episode. As in, the Season 3 ones that I enjoyed and rank near my all-time faves rather than the Season 1 ones which I... had to struggle with. :twilightsheepish: Seriously, some of my most favorite episodes of the show are ones he did where the ponies pretty much just talk to one another for 22 minutes and it's clear you love writing dialogue for the characters. I'm a bit jealous of how you manage to handle all six at once, actually -- I know I usually have to break my interactions into character chunks.

The last act was a bit of a curveball (mainly because I did not expect you to play the premise completely straight -- and if you want to keep the discovery factor I'd even suggest taking out those latter four character tags) but the whole revelation is one of those happy moments straight out of the show, complete with a nice fun moral at the end. If this became canon I actually wouldn't mind. It'd certainly give her character a nice shot in the foreleg.

So I guess what I'm trying to say was, gosh this made me nostalgic. A nice simple tale of pony friendship. I missed this. :twilightsmile: Nice job.

That was a really good story. It's funny, witty, and pays attention to the character's personalities (even if you kinda made another half of Fluttershy). And to top it off, I think that it's one of the best fics I've read. Well done!

I really loved the way the characters interacted. Your dialogue is very well written and paced. It was pretty refreshing seeing the premise played so straight, too. Most authors try to throw curveballs and red herrings at their readers, but this story was crisp, clean, and to the point. In that way, it really reminded me of how the episodes of the show go. Great work, mate.

Very nice. Although now i am a bit concerned for Rainbow Dash and her excitement about two bit Tuesday's.

Not bad. While initially the story just go through the motion, once the conversation on spying on Fluttershy starts, it is fun. So thumbs up.

...Mama Tomcat was my idea first! *Grumpily points at Dance Of The Rainbow*

Seriously though, this was a great short.


:twilightblush::twilightblush: Those are a lot of nice words. Thank you.

I was pretty much trying to write an episode and I'm flattered to be compared so kindly. Especially on the dialogue. If you wanna see me going really wild, read my story, More Than a Dream (12 characters! 6 who are practically doubles of each other! I was mad I tell you! Mad!). And I can't take all the credit. My editor and partner, Jess, really brought me back from the depths of burnout and writer fatigue to really make this fic shine.

Thank you again for your kind words.


Yep, I read it. It was a good fic. Very... inspiring one might say. :ajsmug:

Rock-star Fluttershy is awesome!

Horse code: :rainbowkiss::rainbowlaugh:
Horning in: :pinkiegasp: ... that's racist.

Still, I was expecting her to be some sort of groupie sex slave or something, but this worked out okay too.

I was totally expecting something, *cough cough* DIFFERENT. But this was great too!:pinkiehappy:

This should be made into an actual episode.... seriously. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

3446632 If only the show's writers were allowed to read fanfiction. I feel you, VS. I feel you.

Twilight almost mucking things up because she's read too many spy novels.

Seems legit. :twilightblush:


Yeah, that sounds like Twilight. Crazy and overreactionary as always. :twilightblush:

And Fluttershy is best Tarja. :yay:

Take my Fav and my green hand, that was AWESOME!

Not to be confused with the secret life of another pony. :raritywink:

Reminds me of mine that I wrote a while back ago. I love reading about Rock n' Roll Metal Shy so I give this a: :pinkiehappy: for effort. Great Job!

Wow. Twilight for being the smart one you are pretty dumb sometimes. :twilightangry2: Well dumb in an adorkable way, you silly unicorn... :twilightblush:

It seems Twilight hasn't learned from the train ride to Appleloosa: Pinkie does not get sarcasm. :facehoof:

Fluttershy as a rocker, now that is awesome. When you gave the description of Twilight's and the others clothes after Rainbow modified them all I could imagine what they looked like was this:

Classic MLP! Faved!:twilightsmile:

... Did Fluttershy just join Nightwish?

It is such a pity that I cannot upvote a fanfic twice.

Great story, very episode-like. Fluttershy actually seems like the best choice for a rock vocalist of the whole Mane 6 :yay:

Can we have a sequel? Pretty please? :pinkiehappy:

Last time I read a simple, short story like this was waaaaaay too long ago. And damn did I enjoy this :D Liked and faved for sure!

Also, Night in Gale is supposed to be like... what? Nightwish? Because if so, then....

“And that’s Octavia Philharmonic!” Rarity gasped. “I saw her in Canterlot last season with Hoity! What’s she doing playing bass in… this place?”

I always loved to imagine Octavia with a bass, wearing star-shaped sunglasses, a stripped top hat, maybe some classical Victorian Clothing but more colourful and rainbow-like, while playing "Canon Rock".

Wow, This felt like an actual episode, i can see why it made the most popular listing!:pinkiehappy:

That in itself makes me a little disappointed though. I fully understand the direction you were taking with this but it would have been a good idea to stray from the "cannon" feel at some points in the story in my opinion. The characters felt entirely cannon and while that's a good thing, it also means you avoided any possible character development, save for Fluttershy.

My suggestion is to branch out in your next story, keep their cannon personalities but expand upon them, push their limits and sometimes, it's good to even break those limits if you think you can do so and keep the character's personalty intact in the process. :twilightsmile:

\m/:flutterrage:\m/ more my friend please:fluttercry:

Cute and aptly done, defiantly made it to my favourites list. :twilightsmile:

Flutteryshy, Renaissance Mare:
* Animal Caretaker & Veterinarian
* Ancient Evils Defeated
* Fashion Model
* Expert Seamstress
* Extreme Knitting Artist
* Certified Fog Specialist
* Rock Music Vocalist

Is there anything she can't do? :pinkiegasp:

i've actually had the idea of a similar story like this for a long time in my mind.
I thought i would never see it come true, but now...
My life is complete! I loved this story! i never thought i would run into this themed story with Fluttershy, but you my friend proved me wrong! in the good way!:pinkiehappy:
thank you for showing me that dreams do come true! I mean serious, actual dreams at night... I'm not joking...:twilightblush:


I understand. Glad I could make you smile! :pinkiesmile:

Magnificent work! :pinkiehappy:

3454881 Hm. Well, in that case, I suppose we can only hope for the best.

I did not see that coming... WOOT! Have a star! What the heck, have a LIKE! :raritywink::rainbowlaugh: You earned it! :yay::raritystarry:

3452293 mineturtle! fancy seeing you here!:twilightsmile:


Hey how you been have not seen ya in a long time:pinkiehappy:

3457932 I've been good! I'm working on the next chapter for you to update. Also I've uploaded the third chapter of part two if you haven't already read it.

Added it to The Fluttershy Fan Club as well.:yay:

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