• Member Since 11th May, 2013
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"I am not above quoting myself and attributing it anonymous." - Anonymous

Comments ( 771 )

My brain says that a lot of mares are going to be satisfied and Twilight will be spending a few days crying in a cold shower, dood; and it shall be glorious.


"Death by snoo snoo!":trollestia:

I am not that cruel.

:twilightsmile: I've got your heat suppression charm right here.

:ajbemused: In your horn?

:twilightsmile: My lower horn...

RD will be the first. Why? Cause she comes back two weeks later before she hears the news about Twi´s new gender! XD

Nonsense. Rarity will be first and, if she has any thing to say about it (which she won't), the only one because "one of my best friends has been turned into a prince! Now is my chance to become a princess with somepony who has an amiable personality!"

Romance will only be a part of the plot (and will be mostly later); most of the beginning will be Twilight coming to terms with the change and fighting the discrimination that comes with it. However, there will be an adventure plot that will start (relatively) soon.

2819284 To be fair Twilight has a ready made herd of 5 mares. All of whom are going to have a lot of cold shoulders when they picture, ah, the stallion riding up behind them in their fantasies to be Twilight.

It is not a matter of if the girls want it, it is a matter of if Twilight is ready for it (which he is not, not even close).

You keep changing tenses, watch that.

Read a novel (almost any novel) and you will find that the paragraphs are formatted with no spaces between paragraphs and one space between paragraphs to denote a scene change (just how I format it) so if you want to get all formal; I am doing it right.
Also please tell me any paragraphs where I have more than one speaker; those would be mistakes and I would like to fix them

“A cold shower and nothing else”

That line immediately reminded me of this running gag from Moonstuck:
and combining the two makes Twi's response even more hilarious I mean come on twilight it's just a non-existent pumpkin.:trollestia:

Interesting. The difference between your true invisibility and pseudo-invisibility spells sounds similar to the invisible and unseeable spells in my stories.

So, on mares, gems are "regal" or otherwise high class, as we can deduce from Rarity's, and some other ponies', preferences, but they make stallions--even princes!--look like hookers"... hmm, I wonder if Twilight can do anything about the gem-studded form of the Element of Magic, given it will now (apparently) make him look like... well, that?

Rarity turned around and walked around to the furiously blushing stallion while “Twilight, what ...

I think you accidentally your sentence.

“See, Twilight, was it that hard to stand still. Although, you don't need to be that stiff”

I´m telling you, Rare was so set on on getting Twi "hard" and "stiff". Ya can´t tell me otherwise. She totally checked if she can play him like a music instrument and now she knows she can. :rainbowlaugh:

The gems are a little bit of character irony/denial

Surprisingly those puns were not intended.. Although there is a sentence in chapter 3 made entirely out of puns of a similar nature (Ten imaginary cookies for finding and quoting it)

Why do I get the feeling twilight will need the laws celestia probably made when she was "testing" her male capabilities. Laws that are quite in favor of an alicorn that fathered a few foals^^
I´m also happy this isn´t a clopfic. The reason is i´ve read another fic with similar premise but it was mostly clopscene after clopscene and while stilll a good read I was more interested how such a situation would turn out storywise and I definitely see the possibility for that here^^

The story you are talking about is Mr. Twilight Sparkle right. I admit that that story is part of the inspiration for this one, but I wanted to write a story where a character doesn't go from 'oh, my I accidentally turned myself into a stallion' to 'Let's see how many mares I can rut' in all of four hours (or less). And frankly, clop attracts a different audience who I don't really want to cater to.

Yep that was it^^
Good to know you wont jump to "and then he knocked up everyone" but I still get the feeling that it eventually happen after all twilight is handsome, naive, of considerable political power and has urges he can´t really control yet and the mares wont be in their right state of mind for the next weeks^^ (not to mention that they took the easy way the last years and now suddenly get the full package and lets not forget Rainbow Dash who is currently out of town and thus not warned and might decide to crash into the library to get the suppression spell [bonus points if she hits twilight with her crash landing^^])

I won't reveal anything; but this story does have a romance and a sex tag (although granted the events of the previous chapters are well enough for a sex tag)

so... when is next chapter coming? this is funny shit here lol I wanna see more

so... when is next chapter coming? this is funny shit here lol I wanna see more

His name mean depravity......

Depravity. How interesting.

I'm guessing it means crazy! Am i right?

I'm guessing it means crazy! Am i right?

Depravity, corruption, perversity and deformity. I think it describes him perfectly.

Would it happen to mean crookedness, depravity, deformity, or perversity? If so it seems frighteningly good description.

I came up with the character a while ago but I didn't have a name, so I used Google translate to translate corruption into Latin and picked the word that best described him. So now he is Pravitas

Aw, I wanted to see Fluttershy... :fluttercry:

Next chapter, be patient. (it will also take significantly less time than the last chapter; chapter five was extremely difficult for me to write)

You've got the same headcanon that Shy's a novel writer/fanfic writer. Nice one. :pinkiehappy:

Very adorable, short but adorable. But that's Shy's trademark and Twily's too as in adorkable, though now as Dusk Shine there's something new to it, like I dunno, still adorkable but also a bit akward yet very enthralling too. Hard to say.
Well, looks like we got our first pony deep in love, let's see where this will go on.^^

I guess Pinkie will be much more open to Twi bout her new possibilities as a stallion. XD

:pinkiegasp:<( Hey, Fluttershy! Rarity told me about a whole new kind of party we can throw now that Twilight's a stallion! )

:fluttercry: <( Oh, that's . . . nice. What kind of party is it? )

:pinkiecrazy: <( Well, Rarity said... *whisper whisper whisper*)


:fluttershysad: <( ... )


It's a "Congratulations on becoming a stallion party" obviously

Joke? I am unsure what joke you are talking about.
As for your prediction, neither Spike nor Discord are stallions (and spike has no mentionable skill in magic) Shining only has a fraction of the sheer power that Twilight does (regardless of gender or ascendancy status) and Sombra uses black corruption magic which allows one to mass power very quickly (and (spoiler alert) Trixie will have much more power than Sombra ever had).

3196309 touche touche. I was joking hence why I put the word joke in there.:trollestia:

If I was being serious I would guess her parents had changed her into a mare at birth.

Luna will be haunting his dreams... :pinkiecrazy:
Ah but pinkie, if Dusk Shine (Twilight) is still mentally a mare, so you need to convince Twilight, she'll Dusk Shine FOREVER. :pinkiecrazy:

Jesus, mate. Full stops at the end of sentences. There are huge chunks in the middle where there just aren't any, mainly in and around speech.
And... is that meant to be Applejack's accent. Because you just absolutely fucking mangled it. Completely.

The only thing left to toss Twi/Dusk into complete despair is that Umbra and Shadow gets the hots for him in his new form and peek into the bathroom when he takes a shower. :rainbowlaugh:
Also can't wait to see RD's reaction when she returns.^^

I think it's supposed to be drunk AJ's speech, which may or may not be mangled completely, depending on her ability to hold her liquor.

I often forego the punctuation at the end of the line because the starting of a new line insinuates a full stop (in prose at least) however everything Pinkie says is just one big run on sentence (and therefor has no stops).
And Applejack is very, very drunk so of course her speech is mangled (She is introduce as "a very inebriated Applejack" and it later says "Applejack's drawl combined with the slurring from the drink made her words almost incomprehensible")
Even once Twilight is a stallion mentally he won't change his name (The reason Twilight got angry about being called is not because it's a 'stallion name' but because he viewed it as a mockery of his real name)
First of all neither Shadow nor Umbra will become romantically interested in Twilight or vice versa (I will not write incest (even between cousins)).
And second, I have something planned for Rainbow over the next several chapters


Then Twi is at least spared from the deepest despair. I can't imagine how much he would freaks out when one of his cousins suddenly go all "wanna hop into the hay?" on him. :rainbowlaugh:
Though I could see it happening as joke but so good acted that Twi runs away screaming while the sister/sisters laughs. :rainbowlaugh:
Not sure about calling sex with cousins = incest as not in all countries does being cousins equals incest if having sex with each other, for example in quite some it's allowed to marry your cousin. If you make it that Twi sees it as incest but Umbra/Shadow tell him that there's no law which forbidds sex/marriage between cousins and act totally real on it with snuggles and pecks on him I can see Twi freaking out in the most wonderful way. :pinkiecrazy: :rainbowlaugh:

While legally first cousins do not constitute incest in all counties, biologically you share (on average) about one quarter of your genetics with a cousin and it is still considered incest by most people (in fact most people are very iffy about second cousins marrying each other)

Mate, you can't ignore the most basic of grammar rules because you feel like it. That's like running every single red light.

There is not a single author of literature that obeys all the rules of grammar in the world, sentences are often fragment, punctuation altered to fit the circumstances, words invented and slang utilized, words capitalized to add emphasis ... the list goes on and on and on. And while there are some rules that shouldn't be broken in most circumstances, missing a few periods (especially at the ends of lines) is hardly among them. As to the run on sentences in Pinkie's dialogue, many authors willjustwriteentiresentenceswithoutputtinganyspacesin ('will just write entire sentences without putting any spaces in') and as you can see that is very difficult to read, so I think I made the lesser of two evils

Only there are a few that just aren't broken. Ever. Like full stops at the end of sentences.

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