In a fever dream I type this for you to consume with your sentience. Drink water. I hope you all are having a wonderful day.
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The comments appear to have vanished. Wack
Looking forward to reading this
Huh. It lives! Or at least it's rewritten.
And we are back
Yeah, I feel like while still comedic it has more of a somber tone compared to previous version? Or I am just misremembering and seeing things.
lmao already loving the rewrite!
luna is his soul pony <3
keep it up!
Be a handy sword to have against the Tantabus?
keep it up :P
Oh dear, next people will be asking Spike to be less the Fool and more the Jester.
What do you mean by that?
It was nice to reread these chapters and to read the new ones.
As if swords could do anything to Moondog.
Wait, she’s the second tantabus… still!
Such a good story and chap gg lad
This story is really good so far but i think the pacing is really fast, also the characters are somewhat hollow for example, i expected for shining to remain silent since hes a captain.
NO! DON'T DO THAT! Wizards don't normally have a high enough Charisma to seduce the evil dangerous beings into not murderizing them!
She only says that because she hasn't received any scritches.
great chapter
Cute ponies.
That last line makes me think he doesnt remember seeing a light blue unicorn in a black hoodie either?
Good chapter!
Looking forward to the next chapter
I wonder if polymorph would help him to take a guise of a pony.
Quick question. How would boons and feats work for the mc? He would have to research, he would spontaneously gain them or...?
Awww, what a beautiful scene!
I wonder what kind of pony Sebastian would Polymorph into, and if things get frisky while he was polymorphed would they have to worry about pregnancy?
Most feats have to be worked on for the mc to gain them. Some feats are easier to gain than others.
I can't wait for their first kiss!
Something thats always missing in DnD mechanics, for the simple reason that science an magic cant mix, is the mage cannot improve their next stage by using their current stage to automate things even with animatio spells or multiple familiars or such, each build has to have the mage personally slave over every single time destroying moment?
No, that’s the difference between your everyday, unimaginative, studious mage and your freaky genius Da Vinci mage that rivals Elminster despite being centuries younger.
This has very quickly become a favorite of mine! I absolutely love the chemistry between Luna and Sebastian, not to mention the characterization. I can't wait for more!!!
There is apparently actually a rulebook out there for this. I don’t own a copy of it, myself, but this question has been answered within the indexes of the Machine God Gō’gol by those who do.
And the long and the short of it is?
Yes, polymorph can result in pregnancy. If the polymorph target is female, the spell’s duration needs to last the entire pregnancy, or the spell’s reversal will also undo the pregnancy when it returns the target to her natural form.
A male polymorph target can impregnate a female of the species he is polymorphed into, but the offspring will be a hybrid of both his original species and the species of the mother.
Whether that means a pony satyr or an elfy centaur, only the gods of chaos could say for sure.
At least until someone and somepony try it for realsies.
The spell that cant be spoken can turn a pile of water to vapour with just a flick of the finger and no magic cost?
Have you seen what happens when that vapour is used to displace the air out of a container, which is then closed? the vapour condenses and Gods Own Hand crushes it.
Congratulations, you just made a Savoury water pump for mines?
Or a more effiicnt distilation method for brewing high strength alcohols?
FINALLY SOMEBODY WHO GETS IT! There's nothing more sobering, more grounding, more peace-inducing than a good soak in pouring rain. Especially if it's real stormy. Windy, too.
I was elated to find somebody who transcribed the feeling so eloquently!
Honestly, Prestidigitation is one of the most powerful spells in D&D in sheer utility - and it's a friggin' cantrip. If your DM is cool you're going to be able to get away with a lot of creative shenanigans with that spell.
If Prestigitation can make air displacing water vapur from drying cloth, does that mean that non magical vapour might be able to displace the air from the lungs of any monster requiring to breathe, like a Tarrasque?
Short answer:
Long answer:
Fortunately (or unfortunately), Prestidigitation can't duplicate any other spell effects. So no displacing the air from the lungs of living creatures because there are spells like Steal Breath and Suffocation that exist. That being said, I am of the belief that Prestidigitation is the core pillar for most wizard spells since it is in the universal school of spells and is generally describes as 'a spell that novices use for practice'. So those Steal Breath and Suffocation spells, in my opinion, most likely lean on Prestidigitation as a starting point in their creation.
Also getting Suffocation to work on a Tarrasque would be fuckin' hilarious. If you manage to beat its spell resistance and it fails its fortitude saves then it kinda just dies. Hell, the Tarrasque would be effectively dead if it fails two of its fortitude saves.
What Prestidigitation can do:
What Prestidigitation can't do:
That does suggest that if you could enchant something to automatically and repeatedly cast prestidigitation, you could do some pretty crazy stuff like use it to run a factory off of a gravity fed generator, just by lifting enough 1 pound stone blocks to the top of its storage reservoir stacks. Need more energy than a single item can fuel? Just make more until you’re moving enough weights up high to run the generators.
Magic is cheating. Anyone who tells you it isn’t is insufficiently creative.
To me prestidigitation sounds like someone tried to make novice level wish spell and got this spell instead.
Listen, do you hear how the wind sings? Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Don't wait for the storm to pass. Instead listen to the rhythm of rain, let it sign you it's hidden lullaby. Listen and learn how to dance with the timeless wind. Dance, and let it lift you up on invisible wings above the clouds, only if for one eternal moment.
Boy's going to get himself leashed up pretty soon, too, I bet.
Also, rational way that explains why Shining forgot to tell Twilight about marrying Cadance, thus setting up the in-canon fuckup situation when Chrysalis strikes.
Question is, does Sabastian know that much of the show, or did he only know the first few episodes?
Is that the tazlwurm from "Three's a Crowd"?
And spits acid.... Hmmm. if there was a way to convert a significant portion of the desert to lye (sodium hydroxide), that could fuck the beast's day a bit to give him more time to finish it off once hostilities begin.
Not sure about the "door of ice and crystal"--sounds almost like the portal Sunset Shimmer escaped through, although could simply be some other portal. Potentially a nasty piece of work that thing might be if it happens to be hidden beneath a rug or invisibility was cast upon it as it's standing or lying across his path in a hallway or entrance to a chamber.
Looking forward to the next chapters.
"Deal damage or affect the concentration of spellcasters"
I would think that if the enemy caster were soiled in sh*t it would break their concentration... or at least force a save check of some kind.
What if the air around them started tasting like it?
I think any spellcaster that you’re resorting to casting goddamn prestidigitation on is going to know what the spell is and know they can just fix it with the same spell
That being said, I think a good dm would allow you to use it to break concentration in very rare cases, like if you learned an enemy has a severe fear of snakes and used it to pop up a fake snake in his face
DnD magic is super cheating, wind wall is always my go to for it.
3rd level spell, cast anywhere within 120 feet (don’t need to see it either), the wall is 50 feet long shaped however you want, 15 feet high, 1 foot thick, and it makes all arrows and bolts miss. Not too bad unless you consider that a good crossbow can send bolts at 400 feet per second, meaning it has enough force to carry that bolt 6 feet upwards in 1/400 of a second assuming a medium size target, with the crossbow on the ground and directly across from the target giving it about 2400 fps upwards with some bad armchair math.
Why didn’t you respond to my comment?
Oh you poor fool
BTFO'd Is an acronym used to emphasize an extraordinary or embarrassing defeat. Nightmare Moon got one shot by a rainbow beam. TBH I forgot to respond to you. My bad fam.
Wrapped up neatly in a nice little bow! Wonderful work from Sebastian.