• Member Since 3rd Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen February 28th


Halla Hey!


Tiger (H) is a very sad tank. Mediocre armor, a low-damage gun, and somewhat prone to fires, he is sick of the endless noobs who think he is an unstoppable killing machine from all of those History Channel episodes of World War II and then blame the tank for not owning everything.

He needs a vacation from the World of Tanks.

Preferably somewhere without a cap circle and spawn locations. Maybe a city not ravaged by war. But when an insane light tank decides to "help" Tiger, he ends up in a world much unlike his own, in a body he is also unfamiliar with.

He has no idea where here is, nor does he know a way to return.

Oh well. At least he doesn't have to worry about gas.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 101 )

This amuses me greatly, even though I haven't read it yet.

Well, it's certainly something...also entertaining, but even knowing this was coming did not prepare me. So, uh...
Please, continue.

Ve demand more of this tale ja, it shall be glorious.


Greetings fellow tanker!


I start laughing just by thinking about this story. It's just too ridiculous.


Will do.

Does Tiger get to be a tank again?

We're both friends here. You can tell me, right?

ISKV, pls.

(Also, you should check out Tanki Online. Think of it as a much more arcade-y version of WoT. Its plenty fun.)

This CAN'T be a coincidence... I literally JUST got off of World of Tanks, got on here to check on my stories, started browsing, and found this. Needless to say: I fucking love WoT.


The feeling is mutual. Tanks are awesome.

This is ridicolous.

Needless to say, I love it!

This is just so stupidly ridiculous. I fucking LOVE IT.

I took a few minutes to look at possible new cover art pictures, and I thought this might work. hdwallpapers.in/wallpapers/world_of_tanks_king_tiger-1440x900.jpg Or this. fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/009/d/7/world_of_tanks__tiger_tank_by_bigboss2012-d5qye1h.png
Don't take this the wrong way, your picture idea is good, I just think you could've found a better one. (Open each link in a new tab, otherwise you won't be able to see the entire thing.)



True it might be better to connect the picture with the game... Will give it a thought.


Thanks much!


Btw are you going to do supid thing like blow up everything for fun! and get away with it


I'm planning for something to be destroyed. It'll probably come around in a chapter or two.

I have to say, I would have preferred if Tiger stayed a tank but, I'm really curious to see where this goes.

Also Chinks all the way! I love my WaZooples!

Nice, I like the new cover art. Relates to the game (and the begining of the story) a little more and actually having color is a nice touch too.

We need moar. And if by any chance more tanks come through, could one be a loltraktor? :D

Am sad. :(

I used to play WoT oh so long ago, but it won't work. Whenever I try to log in, it just shows the "Connecting" screen forever.

Too bad, too. This fic has reignited my desire to play World of Tanks, but I cannot quench it.


Delete all of the files and reinstall is the only thing I can come up with.

Anyways, thanks much!


Tried, and no dice.
The commercials and advertisements that i'm seeing absolutely everywhere aren't helping with my mood.
Oh well. Back to building spaceships in StarMade.

I own a Tiger tank. Its not horrible, its not bad ass, but its a Tiger. My Tiger. I earned it.

Please continue this story. It would make this german tanker very happy.

I wonder what the premium tanks would act like in here

I got a T1E6 Premium tank as a new years present


A very fast but small earth pony. Also talks very fast but has sugar crashes every few minutes.


Do you know of any tank that s similar to fluttershy



Stays out of fights, likes to hide, but when he shoots at you it hurts like nothing else.

Oh yes, that story idea is so awesomely ridiculous :rainbowlaugh:
Schreib mehr !

Will there be more ponified tanks ? I wanna see ELC AMX, the hyperactive pony who can't turn his head around :pinkiehappy:

Saw your profile. Remembered you around because you're everywhere. Clicked on profile. Saw humongous blog. Looked at your stories. Half-surprised I had some in my read later. Half-not surprised. Got to the bottom. Saw this. Flat what, auto-fave, then read it.


Woah. Am I that noticeable?

Especially in the groups. Probably HAB.

And 5k is a bit meager, unless auto-repairs and resupply are on.


The numbers are based off of my own battles, and that game was one of the good ones on a particularly bad day.

Yes, auto resupply and repairs are on.

The idea alone earns you a thumbs up, Ill wait till a bit more is posted before giving it a favored, but it will definitely be in my read later list. good luck.


Thanks anyways for stopping by!

wow a World of Tanks crossover damn

if he is that big compared to regular ponies how big is a Maus or Tiger 2


Heh. I've thought of that.

Really big. That's all I'm going to say.

or his Russian counterparts the KV-4 and KV-5

I find your lack of updates... disturbing

I was just watching Jingle's Centurion I garage review before I saw the chapter update. I was in the zone and was totally not expecting an update from this. :rainbowwild:

Hats are serious business.

Lol wrong game. :rainbowlaugh:

Lol 'Batchat insane'. Took me a second to get that.

And where'd Pz 1C come from?


My personal headcanon is that he was hired by A. Panther. Hell if I know. That A. Panther is a sneaky little bugger. He doesn't even tell me what he's going to do.

Hats are always serious business.

Holy guacamole, I didn't think that story would come back from the dead !

"Ah. Bonne."

If you meant to say "good", it should be "bien" or at least "bon". "Bonne" means you're talking about something feminine. In that case, you're not talking about anything in particular, so it's masculine by default. :twilightsmile:

Also, early tier French tanks are awesome. The D2 is my favorite :pinkiehappy:

And Leopard is like ''wtf''

FUCK YES! This actually updated!


Aaaand done.


Define "Hiatus."

But now there is the 8.8 update, where the Tiger(H) finally got useful! Now with more DPM!

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